Directory by RPMs build date. 2002-08-17.


dejagnu1.4.2-4mdkA front end for testing other programs.
enigma0.50-1Oxyd clone
enigma0.50-1Oxyd clone
gtk-engines0.12-5Default GTK+ theme engines
gtk-engines0.12-5Default GTK+ theme engines
gtkballs2.2.0-1Simple logic game
gtkballs2.2.0-1Simple logic game
ipchains1.3.10-17IP firewall and accounting administration tool
ipchains1.3.10-17IP firewall and accounting administration tool
libIDL0.8.0-4Library for parsing IDL (Interface Definition Language)
libIDL0.8.0-4Library for parsing IDL (Interface Definition Language)
libIDL-devel0.8.0-4Header files for libIDL
libIDL-devel0.8.0-4Header files for libIDL
libIDL-static0.8.0-4Static libIDL libraries
libIDL-static0.8.0-4Static libIDL libraries
libipfwc0.2-17Library which manipulates firewall rules
libipfwc0.2-17Library which manipulates firewall rules
libmp4v2_00.9.2.8-3plfShared library of the mp4v2 MPEG 4 library
libmp4v2_0-devel0.9.2.8-3plfDevelopment files for mp4v2
libPropList0.10.1-11library for reading/writing GNUstep-style defaults databases
libPropList0.10.1-11library for reading/writing GNUstep-style defaults databases
libPropList-devel0.10.1-11libPropList libraries
libPropList-devel0.10.1-11libPropList libraries
libPropList-static0.10.1-11libPropList static libraries
libPropList-static0.10.1-11libPropList static libraries
lisa0.2.1-1The LAN Information Server
lisa0.2.1-1The LAN Information Server
netsaint0.0.7-2Host/service/network monitoring program
netsaint0.0.7-2Host/service/network monitoring program
netsaint-devel0.0.7-2Include files that Netsaint-related applications may compile
netsaint-devel0.0.7-2Include files that Netsaint-related applications may compile
perl-Apache-DBI0.88-5Apache::DBI - Initiate a persistent database connection
perl-Apache-DBI0.88-5Apache::DBI - Initiate a persistent database connection
perl-Carp-Assert0.17-8Carp::Assert - executable comments
perl-Carp-Assert0.17-8Carp::Assert - executable comments
perl-Carp-Assert0.17-8Carp::Assert - executable comments - imagemap behavior for CGI programs - imagemap behavior for CGI programs - imagemap behavior for CGI programs
perl-Config-IniFiles2.29-1Config::IniFiles perl module
perl-Config-IniFiles2.29-1Config::IniFiles perl module
perl-Config-IniFiles2.29-1Config::IniFiles perl module
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA0.16-3Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA - RSA encoding and decoding, using the O
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA0.16-3Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA - RSA encoding and decoding, using the O
perl-Crypt-PasswdMD51.2-8Crypt::PasswdMD5 -- an interoperable MD5-based crypt() funct
perl-Crypt-PasswdMD51.2-8Crypt::PasswdMD5 -- an interoperable MD5-based crypt() funct
perl-Crypt-PasswdMD51.2-8Crypt::PasswdMD5 -- an interoperable MD5-based crypt() funct
perl-HTML-Latex1.0-2HTML::Latex - Creates a Latex file from an HTML file
perl-HTML-Latex1.0-2HTML::Latex - Creates a Latex file from an HTML file
perl-HTML-Latex1.0-2HTML::Latex - Creates a Latex file from an HTML file
perl-HTML-Stream1.54-7HTML::Stream - HTML output stream class, and some markup uti
perl-HTML-Stream1.54-7HTML::Stream - HTML output stream class, and some markup uti
perl-HTML-Stream1.54-7HTML::Stream - HTML output stream class, and some markup uti
perl-HTML-Subtext1.03-10HTML::Subtext module - performs text substitutions on an HTM
perl-HTML-Subtext1.03-10HTML::Subtext module - performs text substitutions on an HTM
perl-HTML-Subtext1.03-10HTML::Subtext module - performs text substitutions on an HTM
perl-IO-Zlib1.01-7IO::Zlib Perl module - IO:: style interface to Compress::Zli
perl-IO-Zlib1.01-7IO::Zlib Perl module - IO:: style interface to Compress::Zli
perl-IO-Zlib1.01-7IO::Zlib Perl module - IO:: style interface to Compress::Zli
perl-Math-Amoeba0.01-9Math::Amoeba perl module
perl-Math-Amoeba0.01-9Math::Amoeba perl module
perl-Math-Amoeba0.01-9Math::Amoeba perl module
perl-Math-Derivative0.01-9Math::Derivative perl module
perl-Math-Derivative0.01-9Math::Derivative perl module
perl-Math-Derivative0.01-9Math::Derivative perl module
perl-Net-Netmask1.9002-7Net::Netmask - parse, manipulate and lookup IP network block
perl-Net-Netmask1.9002-7Net::Netmask - parse, manipulate and lookup IP network block
perl-Net-Netmask1.9002-7Net::Netmask - parse, manipulate and lookup IP network block
perl-Set-Bag1.007-10Set::Bag - bag (multiset) class
perl-Set-Bag1.007-10Set::Bag - bag (multiset) class
perl-Set-Bag1.007-10Set::Bag - bag (multiset) class
perl-Set-IntSpan1.07-10Set::IntSpan Perl module - Manages sets of integers
perl-Set-IntSpan1.07-10Set::IntSpan Perl module - Manages sets of integers
perl-Set-IntSpan1.07-10Set::IntSpan Perl module - Manages sets of integers
perl-Set-NestedGroups0.01-10Set::NestedGroups - grouped data eg ACLs, city/state/country
perl-Set-NestedGroups0.01-10Set::NestedGroups - grouped data eg ACLs, city/state/country
perl-Set-NestedGroups0.01-10Set::NestedGroups - grouped data eg ACLs, city/state/country
perl-Statistics-OLS0.07-8Statistics::OLS - perform ordinary least squares and associa
perl-Statistics-OLS0.07-8Statistics::OLS - perform ordinary least squares and associa
perl-Statistics-OLS0.07-8Statistics::OLS - perform ordinary least squares and associa
perl-Statistics-ROC0.02-10Receiver-operator-characteristic (ROC) curves with nonparame
perl-Statistics-ROC0.02-10Receiver-operator-characteristic (ROC) curves with nonparame
perl-Statistics-ROC0.02-10Receiver-operator-characteristic (ROC) curves with nonparame
perl-Tree-DAG_Node1.04-7Tree::DAG_Node - (super)class for representing nodes in a tr
perl-Tree-DAG_Node1.04-7Tree::DAG_Node - (super)class for representing nodes in a tr
perl-Tree-DAG_Node1.04-7Tree::DAG_Node - (super)class for representing nodes in a tr
perl-Tree-RedBlack0.3-8Tree::RedBlack - Perl implementation of Red/Black tree, a ty
perl-Tree-RedBlack0.3-8Tree::RedBlack - Perl implementation of Red/Black tree, a ty
perl-Tree-RedBlack0.3-8Tree::RedBlack - Perl implementation of Red/Black tree, a ty
perl-Tree-Trie0.4-3Tree::Trie - An implementation of the Trie data structure in
perl-Tree-Trie0.4-3Tree::Trie - An implementation of the Trie data structure in
perl-Tree-Trie0.4-3Tree::Trie - An implementation of the Trie data structure in
php-pear-Net_CheckIP1.1-1Net_CheckIP - Check the syntax of IPv4 adresses
php-pear-Net_CheckIP1.1-1Net_CheckIP - Check the syntax of IPv4 adresses
php-pear-Net_CheckIP1.1-1Net_CheckIP - Check the syntax of IPv4 adresses
snare0.9-4rphAn intrusion detection tool for GNOME
snare-core0.9-4rphKernel module for SNARE intrusion detection tool
sound-monitor1.9.0-3Sound Monitor panel applet
sound-monitor1.9.0-3Sound Monitor panel applet
ToutDoux1.2.6-7Project manager
ToutDoux1.2.6-7Project manager
ToutDoux-devel1.2.6-7ToutDoux libraries, includes, etc
ToutDoux-devel1.2.6-7ToutDoux libraries, includes, etc
ToutDoux-static1.2.6-7ToutDoux static libraries
ToutDoux-static1.2.6-7ToutDoux static libraries
usbutils0.11-1Linux USB utilities
usbutils0.11-1Linux USB utilities
xemacs-cc-mode-pkg1.29-1C, C++ and Java language support
xemacs-cc-mode-pkg1.29-1C, C++ and Java language support
xemacs-cc-mode-pkg1.29-1C, C++ and Java language support
xemacs-leim-pkg1.19-1Quail - all non-English and non-Japanese language support
xemacs-leim-pkg1.19-1Quail - all non-English and non-Japanese language support
xemacs-leim-pkg1.19-1Quail - all non-English and non-Japanese language support
xemacs-text-modes-pkg1.51-1Miscellaneous support for editing text files
xemacs-text-modes-pkg1.51-1Miscellaneous support for editing text files
xemacs-text-modes-pkg1.51-1Miscellaneous support for editing text files
xosview1.8.0-5mdkAn X Window System utility for monitoring system resources
xosview1.8.0-5mdkAn X Window System utility for monitoring system resources