Directory by RPMs build date. 2005-01-14.


a52dec0.7.4-9.caosLibrary for decoding ATSC A/52 (aka AC-3) audio streams
a52dec0.7.4-9.caosLibrary for decoding ATSC A/52 (aka AC-3) audio streams
a52dec0.7.4-9.caosLibrary for decoding ATSC A/52 (aka AC-3) audio streams
a52dec0.7.4-9.caosLibrary for decoding ATSC A/52 (aka AC-3) audio streams
a52dec-devel0.7.4-9.caosDevelopment header files and static library for liba52
a52dec-devel0.7.4-9.caosDevelopment header files and static library for liba52
a52dec-devel0.7.4-9.caosDevelopment header files and static library for liba52
a52dec-devel0.7.4-9.caosDevelopment header files and static library for liba52
advancecomp1.13-1mdkThe AdvanceCOMP compression
alsa1.0.8-1Advanced Linux Sound Architecture
alsa-devel1.0.8-1ALSA development package
alsa-docs1.0.8-1ALSA documentation package
alsa-tools1.0.8-1Various ALSA Tools
alsa-tools-gui1.0.8-1Various ALSA Tools with GUI
anonftp3.0-30mdkA program which enables anonymous FTP access.
autoconf2.59-6GNU autoconf - source configuration tools
autoconf2.59-6GNU autoconf - source configuration tools
autoconf2.59-6GNU autoconf - source configuration tools
bluefish1.0-2Bluefish - HTML editor for the experienced web designer
bluefish1.0-2Bluefish - HTML editor for the experienced web designer
cgiwrap3.9-1mdkUser CGI access
cgiwrap3.9-1mdkUser CGI access
cgiwrap3.9-1mdkUser CGI access
cups1.1.23-1Common Unix Printing System
cups1.1.23-1Common Unix Printing System
cups-clients1.1.23-1Common Unix Printing System Clients
cups-clients1.1.23-1Common Unix Printing System Clients
cups-devel1.1.23-1Common Unix Printing System development files
cups-devel1.1.23-1Common Unix Printing System development files
cuyo1.8.5-1mdkA tetris like game
cuyo1.8.5-1mdkA tetris like game
cuyo1.8.5-1mdkA tetris like game
cuyo1.8.5-1mdkA tetris like game
cuyo1.8.5-1mdkA tetris like game
cuyo1.8.5-1mdkA tetris like game
doclifter2.1-1converts man/mdoc/ms/me/mm documents to DocBook
doclifter2.1-2.1converts man/mdoc/ms/me/mm documents to DocBook
doclifter2.1-1converts man/mdoc/ms/me/mm documents to DocBook
doxygen1.4.1-0.gbv.1Automated C/C++/Java Documentation Generator
doxygen1.4.1-0.gbv.1Automated C/C++/Java Documentation Generator
doxywizard1.4.1-0.gbv.1GUI frontend for doxygen
ec-fonts-mftraced1.0.9-1mdkType1 PostScript fonts for TeX with european accents
ec-fonts-mftraced1.0.9-1mdkType1 PostScript fonts for TeX with european accents
ec-fonts-mftraced1.0.9-1mdkType1 PostScript fonts for TeX with european accents
ec-fonts-mftraced1.0.9-1mdkType1 PostScript fonts for TeX with european accents
ec-fonts-mftraced1.0.9-1mdkType1 PostScript fonts for TeX with european accents
gnome-doc-utils0.1.2-1Collection of documentation utilities for the GNOME project
gnome-doc-utils0.1.2-1Collection of documentation utilities for the GNOME project
gnome-doc-utils0.1.2-1Collection of documentation utilities for the GNOME project
gvim-athena6.3-1Vim for X Window System built with Athena
gvim-athena6.3-1Vim for X Window System built with Athena
gvim-gnome6.3-1Vim for X Window System built with gnome
gvim-gnome6.3-1Vim for X Window System built with gnome
gvim-gtk6.3-1Vim for X Window System built with gtk
gvim-gtk6.3-1Vim for X Window System built with gtk
gvim-motif6.3-1Vim for X Window System built with Motif
gvim-motif6.3-1Vim for X Window System built with Motif KDE Disk Archiver - a KDE frontend to DAR KDE Disk Archiver - a KDE frontend to DAR KDE Disk Archiver - a KDE frontend to DAR
kplayer0.5.3-1a KDE frontend for MPlayer
kplayer0.5.3-1KPlayer is a KDE media player based on MPlayer breakout-style arcade game for Linux breakout-style arcade game for Linux breakout-style arcade game for Linux breakout-style arcade game for Linux breakout-style arcade game for Linux breakout-style arcade game for Linux breakout-style arcade game for Linux breakout-style arcade game for Linux
lbreakout22.5.2-1.1.fc3.frBreakout and Arkanoid style arcade game
lbreakout22.5.2-1mdkBreakout-style arcade game
lbreakout22.5.2-1.1.fc3.frBreakout and Arkanoid style arcade game
lbreakout2-debuginfo2.5.2-1.1.fc3.frDebug information for package lbreakout2
lbreakout2-debuginfo2.5.2-1.1.fc3.frDebug information for package lbreakout2
lft2.3-1.1.fc3.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.fc3.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.fc1.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.fc2.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.fc1.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.0.rh7.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers Four Traceroute (LFT)
lft2.3-1.0.rh9.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.el3.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.el3.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.fc3.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.el3.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.fc2.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.fc2.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.el3.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.el3.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.fc3.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.el3.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.0.rh7.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.0.el2.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.0.el2.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.el3.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.el3.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.0.el2.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.0.el2.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.0.rh9.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.0.rh7.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.0.el2.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.el3.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.0.rh9.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.el3.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.0.el2.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.0.el2.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.el3.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.0.el2.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
lft2.3-1.1.fc2.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers Four Traceroute (LFT)
lft2.3-1.1.el3.rfAlternative traceroute tool for network (reverse) engineers
libcdaudio0.99.12-1.caosControl operation of a CD-ROM when playing audio CDs.
libcdaudio0.99.12-1.caosControl operation of a CD-ROM when playing audio CDs.
libcdaudio0.99.12-1.caosControl operation of a CD-ROM when playing audio CDs.
libcdaudio0.99.12-1.caosControl operation of a CD-ROM when playing audio CDs.
libcdaudio-devel0.99.12-1.caosStatic libraries and header files for libcdaudio.
libcdaudio-devel0.99.12-1.caosStatic libraries and header files for libcdaudio.
libcdaudio-devel0.99.12-1.caosStatic libraries and header files for libcdaudio.
libcdaudio-devel0.99.12-1.caosStatic libraries and header files for libcdaudio.
libcups1.1.23-1Common Unix Printing System Libraries
libcups1.1.23-1Common Unix Printing System Libraries
libcupsimage1.1.23-1Common Unix Printing System Libraries - images manipulation
libcupsimage1.1.23-1Common Unix Printing System Libraries - images manipulation
libgtk+extra-2_1.11.1.0-0.20041212.1mdkMain library for gtk+extra-2
libgtk+extra-2_1.1-devel1.1.0-0.20041212.1mdkHeaders for developing programs that will use libgtk+extra-2
libxfce4mcs4.2.0-1multi-channel settings management support for xfce
libxfce4mcs-devel4.2.0-1developpment tools for libxfce4mcs library
libxfce4util4.2.0-1Utility library for the XFce4 desktop environment
libxfce4util-devel4.2.0-1developpment tools for libxfce4util library
libxfcegui44.2.0-1various gtk widgets for xfce
libxfcegui4-devel4.2.0-1developpment tools for libxfcegui4 library
liferea0.9.0-1A RSS feed reader
liferea0.9.0-1A RSS feed reader
noffle1.1.5-1mdkUsenet newsserver for small sites
penguin-command1.6.8-2mdkA clone of the classic Missile Command game
penguin-command1.6.8-2mdkA clone of the classic Missile Command game
penguin-command1.6.8-2mdkA clone of the classic Missile Command game
penguin-command1.6.8-2mdkA clone of the classic Missile Command game
penguin-command1.6.8-2mdkA clone of the classic Missile Command game
perl-Crypt-Tea2.09-1Crypt::Tea - Tiny Encryption Algorithm in pure Perl
perl-Crypt-Tea2.09-1Crypt::Tea - Tiny Encryption Algorithm in pure Perl
perl-Crypt-Tea2.09-1Crypt::Tea - Tiny Encryption Algorithm in pure Perl
perl-Net-RawIP0.1-ft.1Perl extension for manipulating raw IP packets with interfac
perl-SVN-Log0.01-1.1.fc1.driesExtract change logs from a Subversion server
perl-SVN-Log0.01-1.1.fc1.driesExtract change logs from a Subversion server
perl-SVN-Log0.01-1.1.fc1.driesExtract change logs from a Subversion server
perl-SVN-Log0.01-1.1.fc1.driesExtract change logs from a Subversion server
perl-SVN-Log-Index0.30-1.1.fc1.driesIndex and search over Subversion commit logs
perl-SVN-Log-Index0.30-1.1.fc1.driesIndex and search over Subversion commit logs
perl-SVN-Log-Index0.30-1.1.fc1.driesIndex and search over Subversion commit logs
perl-SVN-Log-Index0.30-1.1.fc1.driesIndex and search over Subversion commit logs
perl-SVN-Push0.02-1.1.fc1.driesPush Repository to Remote Subversion Repository
perl-SVN-Push0.02-1.1.fc1.driesPush Repository to Remote Subversion Repository
perl-SVN-Push0.02-1.1.fc1.driesPush Repository to Remote Subversion Repository
perl-SVN-Push0.02-1.1.fc1.driesPush Repository to Remote Subversion Repository
procmail3.22-16procmail mail delivery agent
procmail3.22-16procmail mail delivery agent
proj4.4.8-4Cartographic Projection Software (PROJ.4)
proj4.4.8-4Cartographic Projection Software (PROJ.4)
proj-devel4.4.8-4Development files for PROJ.4
proj-devel4.4.8-4Development files for PROJ.4
proj-nad4.4.8-4US and Canadian datum shift grids for PROJ.4
proj-nad4.4.8-4US and Canadian datum shift grids for PROJ.4
psutils1.17-24PostScript Utilities
psutils1.17-24PostScript Utilities
regexx0.98.1-5Regexx - a complete Regular Expressions C++ solution
regexx0.98.1-5Regexx - a complete Regular Expressions C++ solution
regexx-devel0.98.1-5Regexx - development files
regexx-devel0.98.1-5Regexx - development files
screem0.13.1-1Web Site CReating and Editing EnvironMent
screem0.13.1-1Web Site CReating and Editing EnvironMent
screen4.0.2-6Screen - Manages multiple sessions on one tty
screen4.0.2-6Screen - Manages multiple sessions on one tty
sgml-common0.6.3-16Common SGML catalog and DTD files
sgml-common0.6.3-16Common SGML catalog and DTD files
sgml-common0.6.3-16Common SGML catalog and DTD files
shapelib1.2.10-5API in \"C\" for Shapefile handling
shapelib1.2.10-5API in \"C\" for Shapefile handling
shapelib-devel1.2.10-5Development files for shapelib
shapelib-devel1.2.10-5Development files for shapelib
shared-mime-info0.15-2Shared MIME-Info Specification
shared-mime-info0.15-2Shared MIME-Info Specification
sysklogd1.4.1-26_FC3System logging and kernel message trapping daemons.
sysklogd1.4.1-26_FC3System logging and kernel message trapping daemons.
tellico0.13.1-1.1.fc1.driescollection manager
tellico0.13.1-1.1.fc1.driescollection manager
tellico0.13.1-1.1.fc1.driescollection manager
tellico0.13.1-1.1.fc1.driescollection manager
tellico-debuginfo0.13.1-1.1.fc1.driesDebug information for package tellico
totem0.100-3Movie player for GNOME 2
totem0.100-3Movie player for GNOME 2
vim6.3-1Vi IMproved - a Vi clone
vim6.3-1Vi IMproved - a Vi clone
vim-ispell6.3-1Vim with ispell support
vim-ispell6.3-1Vim with ispell support
vim-rt6.3-1Vim runtime files
vim-rt6.3-1Vim runtime files
vixie-cron4.1-21The Vixie cron daemon for executing specified programs at se
vixie-cron4.1-21The Vixie cron daemon for executing specified programs at se
vlan1.8-3Linux 802.1q VLAN configuration utility
vlan1.8-3Linux 802.1q VLAN configuration utility
webalizer2.01_10-27The Webalizer - A web server log file analysis thingie
webalizer2.01_10-27The Webalizer - A web server log file analysis thingie
wget1.9.1-18A utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protoco
wget1.9.1-18A utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protoco
wine20050111-1rh9winehqA Windows 16/32 bit emulator.
wine20050111-1rh8winehqA Windows 16/32 bit emulator.
wwwoffle2.8d-1mdkWWW Offline Explorer - Caching Web Proxy Server
wwwoffle2.8d-1mdkWWW Offline Explorer - Caching Web Proxy Server
wwwoffle2.8d-1mdkWWW Offline Explorer - Caching Web Proxy Server
xautolock2.1-2.1.fc1.driesLaunches a program when your X session has been idle for som
xautolock2.1-2.1.fc1.driesLaunches a program when your X session has been idle for som
xautolock2.1-2.1.fc1.driesLaunches a program when your X session has been idle for som
xautolock2.1-2.1.fc1.driesLaunches a program when your X session has been idle for som
xemacs21.4.16-1The XEmacs -- Emacs: The Next Generation
xemacs21.4.16-1The XEmacs -- Emacs: The Next Generation
xemacs-ada-pkg1.14-4Ada language support
xemacs-ada-pkg1.14-4Ada language support
xemacs-ada-pkg1.14-4Ada language support
xemacs-apel-pkg1.27-4A Portable Emacs Library - used by XEmacs MIME support
xemacs-apel-pkg1.27-4A Portable Emacs Library - used by XEmacs MIME support
xemacs-apel-pkg1.27-4A Portable Emacs Library - used by XEmacs MIME support
xemacs-auctex-pkg11.54-1Basic TeX/LaTeX support
xemacs-auctex-pkg11.54-1Basic TeX/LaTeX support
xemacs-auctex-pkg11.54-1Basic TeX/LaTeX support
xemacs-autoconf-mode-pkg2.59-6xemacs autoconf-mode
xemacs-autoconf-mode-pkg2.59-6xemacs autoconf-mode
xemacs-autoconf-mode-pkg2.59-6xemacs autoconf-mode
xemacs-bbdb-pkg1.24-4The Big Brother Data Base
xemacs-bbdb-pkg1.24-4The Big Brother Data Base
xemacs-bbdb-pkg1.24-4The Big Brother Data Base
xemacs-c-support-pkg1.20-4Basic single-file add-ons for editing C code
xemacs-c-support-pkg1.20-4Basic single-file add-ons for editing C code
xemacs-c-support-pkg1.20-4Basic single-file add-ons for editing C code
xemacs-calc-pkg1.25-2[X]Emacs calculator
xemacs-calc-pkg1.25-2[X]Emacs calculator
xemacs-calc-pkg1.25-2[X]Emacs calculator
xemacs-calendar-pkg1.23-4Calendar and diary support
xemacs-calendar-pkg1.23-4Calendar and diary support
xemacs-calendar-pkg1.23-4Calendar and diary support
xemacs-cc-mode-pkg1.43-2C, C++ and Java language support
xemacs-cc-mode-pkg1.43-2C, C++ and Java language support
xemacs-cc-mode-pkg1.43-2C, C++ and Java language support
xemacs-common21.4.16-1Common part of XEmacs distribution
xemacs-common21.4.16-1Common part of XEmacs distribution
xemacs-cookie-pkg1.15-4Spook and Yow (Zippy quotes)
xemacs-cookie-pkg1.15-4Spook and Yow (Zippy quotes)
xemacs-cookie-pkg1.15-4Spook and Yow (Zippy quotes)
xemacs-crisp-pkg1.14-4Crisp/Brief emulation
xemacs-crisp-pkg1.14-4Crisp/Brief emulation
xemacs-crisp-pkg1.14-4Crisp/Brief emulation
xemacs-debug-pkg1.17-4GUD, gdb, dbx debugging support macros
xemacs-debug-pkg1.17-4GUD, gdb, dbx debugging support macros
xemacs-debug-pkg1.17-4GUD, gdb, dbx debugging support macros
xemacs-devel-pkg1.64-2Emacs Lisp developer support
xemacs-devel-pkg1.64-2Emacs Lisp developer support
xemacs-devel-pkg1.64-2Emacs Lisp developer support
xemacs-dictionary-pkg1.12-4Emacs package for talking to a dictionary server
xemacs-dictionary-pkg1.12-4Emacs package for talking to a dictionary server
xemacs-dictionary-pkg1.12-4Emacs package for talking to a dictionary server
xemacs-dired-pkg1.15-4Manage file systems
xemacs-dired-pkg1.15-4Manage file systems
xemacs-dired-pkg1.15-4Manage file systems
xemacs-edebug-pkg1.21-2An Emacs Lisp debugger
xemacs-edebug-pkg1.21-2An Emacs Lisp debugger
xemacs-edebug-pkg1.21-2An Emacs Lisp debugger
xemacs-edict-pkg1.16-4Lisp Interface to EDICT, Kanji Dictionary
xemacs-edict-pkg1.16-4Lisp Interface to EDICT, Kanji Dictionary
xemacs-edict-pkg1.16-4Lisp Interface to EDICT, Kanji Dictionary
xemacs-ediff-pkg1.50-4Interface over GNU patch
xemacs-ediff-pkg1.50-4Interface over GNU patch
xemacs-ediff-pkg1.50-4Interface over GNU patch
xemacs-edit-utils-pkg2.14-2Miscellaneous editor extensions
xemacs-edit-utils-pkg2.14-2Miscellaneous editor extensions
xemacs-edit-utils-pkg2.14-2Miscellaneous editor extensions
xemacs-efs-pkg1.32-4Treat files on remote systems the same as local files
xemacs-efs-pkg1.32-4Treat files on remote systems the same as local files
xemacs-efs-pkg1.32-4Treat files on remote systems the same as local files
xemacs-eieio-pkg1.05-4Framework for writing object oriented applications in emacs
xemacs-eieio-pkg1.05-4Framework for writing object oriented applications in emacs
xemacs-eieio-pkg1.05-4Framework for writing object oriented applications in emacs
xemacs-elib-pkg1.11-4Portable Emacs Lisp utilities library
xemacs-elib-pkg1.11-4Portable Emacs Lisp utilities library
xemacs-elib-pkg1.11-4Portable Emacs Lisp utilities library
xemacs-emerge-pkg1.11-4Another interface over GNU patch
xemacs-emerge-pkg1.11-4Another interface over GNU patch
xemacs-emerge-pkg1.11-4Another interface over GNU patch
xemacs-eterm-pkg1.15-4ANSI compatible terminal emulator
xemacs-eterm-pkg1.15-4ANSI compatible terminal emulator
xemacs-eterm-pkg1.15-4ANSI compatible terminal emulator
xemacs-eudc-pkg1.39-4Emacs Unified Directory Client (LDAP, PH)
xemacs-eudc-pkg1.39-4Emacs Unified Directory Client (LDAP, PH)
xemacs-eudc-pkg1.39-4Emacs Unified Directory Client (LDAP, PH)
xemacs-extras21.4.16-1files which conflict with GNU Emacs
xemacs-extras21.4.16-1files which conflict with GNU Emacs
xemacs-forms-pkg1.15-4Forms editing support (obsolete, use Widget instead)
xemacs-forms-pkg1.15-4Forms editing support (obsolete, use Widget instead)
xemacs-forms-pkg1.15-4Forms editing support (obsolete, use Widget instead)
xemacs-frame-icon-pkg1.11-4Set up mode-specific icons for each frame under XEmacs
xemacs-frame-icon-pkg1.11-4Set up mode-specific icons for each frame under XEmacs
xemacs-frame-icon-pkg1.11-4Set up mode-specific icons for each frame under XEmacs
xemacs-fsf-compat-pkg1.14-4FSF Emacs compatibility files
xemacs-fsf-compat-pkg1.14-4FSF Emacs compatibility files
xemacs-fsf-compat-pkg1.14-4FSF Emacs compatibility files
xemacs-games-pkg1.15-4Tetris, Sokoban and Snake
xemacs-games-pkg1.15-4Tetris, Sokoban and Snake
xemacs-games-pkg1.15-4Tetris, Sokoban and Snake
xemacs-idlwave-pkg1.31-4Editing and Shell mode for the Interactive Data Language
xemacs-idlwave-pkg1.31-4Editing and Shell mode for the Interactive Data Language
xemacs-idlwave-pkg1.31-4Editing and Shell mode for the Interactive Data Language
xemacs-igrep-pkg1.13-2Enhanced front-end for Grep
xemacs-igrep-pkg1.13-2Enhanced front-end for Grep
xemacs-igrep-pkg1.13-2Enhanced front-end for Grep
xemacs-ilisp-pkg1.33-4Front-end for Inferior Lisp
xemacs-ilisp-pkg1.33-4Front-end for Inferior Lisp
xemacs-ilisp-pkg1.33-4Front-end for Inferior Lisp
xemacs-ispell-pkg1.29-2Interactive spelling corrector with GNU ispell
xemacs-ispell-pkg1.29-2Interactive spelling corrector with GNU ispell
xemacs-ispell-pkg1.29-2Interactive spelling corrector with GNU ispell
xemacs-jde-pkg1.46-4Java language and development support
xemacs-jde-pkg1.46-4Java language and development support
xemacs-jde-pkg1.46-4Java language and development support
xemacs-leim-pkg1.22-4Quail - all non-English and non-Japanese language support
xemacs-leim-pkg1.22-4Quail - all non-English and non-Japanese language support
xemacs-leim-pkg1.22-4Quail - all non-English and non-Japanese language support
xemacs-lookup-pkg1.14-4Dictionary support
xemacs-lookup-pkg1.14-4Dictionary support
xemacs-lookup-pkg1.14-4Dictionary support
xemacs-mail-lib-pkg1.67-2Base lisp files for providing email support
xemacs-mail-lib-pkg1.67-2Base lisp files for providing email support
xemacs-mail-lib-pkg1.67-2Base lisp files for providing email support
xemacs-mh-e-pkg1.28-4Front end support for MH
xemacs-mh-e-pkg1.28-4Front end support for MH
xemacs-mh-e-pkg1.28-4Front end support for MH
xemacs-mine-pkg1.16-4Minehunt Game
xemacs-mine-pkg1.16-4Minehunt Game
xemacs-mine-pkg1.16-4Minehunt Game
xemacs-misc-games-pkg1.18-4Other amusements and diversions
xemacs-misc-games-pkg1.18-4Other amusements and diversions
xemacs-misc-games-pkg1.18-4Other amusements and diversions
xemacs-mule-base-pkg1.46-4Basic Mule support, required for building with Mule
xemacs-mule-base-pkg1.46-4Basic Mule support, required for building with Mule
xemacs-mule-base-pkg1.46-4Basic Mule support, required for building with Mule
xemacs-net-utils-pkg1.44-2Miscellaneous Networking Utilities
xemacs-net-utils-pkg1.44-2Miscellaneous Networking Utilities
xemacs-net-utils-pkg1.44-2Miscellaneous Networking Utilities
xemacs-nox21.4.16-1XEmacs binary compiled without X11 support
xemacs-nox21.4.16-1XEmacs binary compiled without X11 support
xemacs-os-utils-pkg1.35-4Miscellaneous O/S utilities
xemacs-os-utils-pkg1.35-4Miscellaneous O/S utilities
xemacs-os-utils-pkg1.35-4Miscellaneous O/S utilities
xemacs-pc-pkg1.26-4PC style interface emulation
xemacs-pc-pkg1.26-4PC style interface emulation
xemacs-pc-pkg1.26-4PC style interface emulation
xemacs-pcl-cvs-pkg1.65-4CVS frontend
xemacs-pcl-cvs-pkg1.65-4CVS frontend
xemacs-pcl-cvs-pkg1.65-4CVS frontend
xemacs-prog-modes-pkg2.01-2XEmacs modes for various programming languages
xemacs-prog-modes-pkg2.01-2XEmacs modes for various programming languages
xemacs-prog-modes-pkg2.01-2XEmacs modes for various programming languages
xemacs-psgml-pkg1.43-2Validated HTML/SGML editing
xemacs-psgml-pkg1.43-2Validated HTML/SGML editing
xemacs-psgml-pkg1.43-2Validated HTML/SGML editing
xemacs-reftex-pkg1.34-4Emacs support for LaTeX cross-references, citations
xemacs-reftex-pkg1.34-4Emacs support for LaTeX cross-references, citations
xemacs-reftex-pkg1.34-4Emacs support for LaTeX cross-references, citations
xemacs-rmail-pkg1.14-4An obsolete Emacs mailer
xemacs-rmail-pkg1.14-4An obsolete Emacs mailer
xemacs-rmail-pkg1.14-4An obsolete Emacs mailer
xemacs-scheme-pkg1.14-4Front-end support for Inferior Scheme
xemacs-scheme-pkg1.14-4Front-end support for Inferior Scheme
xemacs-scheme-pkg1.14-4Front-end support for Inferior Scheme
xemacs-semantic-pkg1.18-4Parser generation for Emacs
xemacs-semantic-pkg1.18-4Parser generation for Emacs
xemacs-semantic-pkg1.18-4Parser generation for Emacs
xemacs-sgml-pkg1.11-1SGML/Linuxdoc-SGML editing mode macros
xemacs-sgml-pkg1.11-1SGML/Linuxdoc-SGML editing mode macros
xemacs-sgml-pkg1.11-1SGML/Linuxdoc-SGML editing mode macros
xemacs-sh-script-pkg1.18-4Support for editing shell scripts
xemacs-sh-script-pkg1.18-4Support for editing shell scripts
xemacs-sh-script-pkg1.18-4Support for editing shell scripts
xemacs-slider-pkg1.15-4User interface tool
xemacs-slider-pkg1.15-4User interface tool
xemacs-slider-pkg1.15-4User interface tool
xemacs-sounds-au-pkg1.12-4XEmacs Sun sound files
xemacs-sounds-au-pkg1.12-4XEmacs Sun sound files
xemacs-sounds-au-pkg1.12-4XEmacs Sun sound files
xemacs-sounds-wav-pkg1.12-4XEmacs Microsoft sound files
xemacs-sounds-wav-pkg1.12-4XEmacs Microsoft sound files
xemacs-sounds-wav-pkg1.12-4XEmacs Microsoft sound files
xemacs-speedbar-pkg1.27-4Provides a seperate frame with convenient references
xemacs-speedbar-pkg1.27-4Provides a seperate frame with convenient references
xemacs-speedbar-pkg1.27-4Provides a seperate frame with convenient references
xemacs-strokes-pkg1.10-4Mouse enhancement utility
xemacs-strokes-pkg1.10-4Mouse enhancement utility
xemacs-strokes-pkg1.10-4Mouse enhancement utility
xemacs-Sun-pkg1.15-4Support for Sparcworks
xemacs-Sun-pkg1.15-4Support for Sparcworks
xemacs-Sun-pkg1.15-4Support for Sparcworks
xemacs-supercite-pkg1.20-4An Emacs citation tool for News & Mail messages
xemacs-supercite-pkg1.20-4An Emacs citation tool for News & Mail messages
xemacs-supercite-pkg1.20-4An Emacs citation tool for News & Mail messages
xemacs-texinfo-pkg1.25-4XEmacs TeXinfo support
xemacs-texinfo-pkg1.25-4XEmacs TeXinfo support
xemacs-texinfo-pkg1.25-4XEmacs TeXinfo support
xemacs-text-modes-pkg1.78-2Miscellaneous support for editing text files
xemacs-text-modes-pkg1.78-2Miscellaneous support for editing text files
xemacs-text-modes-pkg1.78-2Miscellaneous support for editing text files
xemacs-textools-pkg1.15-4Miscellaneous TeX support
xemacs-textools-pkg1.15-4Miscellaneous TeX support
xemacs-textools-pkg1.15-4Miscellaneous TeX support
xemacs-time-pkg1.14-4Display time & date on the modeline
xemacs-time-pkg1.14-4Display time & date on the modeline
xemacs-time-pkg1.14-4Display time & date on the modeline
xemacs-tm-pkg1.37-4[X]Emacs MIME support
xemacs-tm-pkg1.37-4[X]Emacs MIME support
xemacs-tm-pkg1.37-4[X]Emacs MIME support
xemacs-tooltalk-pkg1.15-4Support for building with Tooltalk
xemacs-tooltalk-pkg1.15-4Support for building with Tooltalk
xemacs-tooltalk-pkg1.15-4Support for building with Tooltalk
xemacs-tpu-pkg1.14-4DEC EDIT/TPU support
xemacs-tpu-pkg1.14-4DEC EDIT/TPU support
xemacs-tpu-pkg1.14-4DEC EDIT/TPU support
xemacs-vc-cc-pkg1.22-4Version Control for ClearCase (UnFree) systems
xemacs-vc-cc-pkg1.22-4Version Control for ClearCase (UnFree) systems
xemacs-vc-cc-pkg1.22-4Version Control for ClearCase (UnFree) systems
xemacs-vc-pkg1.38-4Version Control for Free systems
xemacs-vc-pkg1.38-4Version Control for Free systems
xemacs-vc-pkg1.38-4Version Control for Free systems
xemacs-vhdl-pkg1.19-4Support for VHDL
xemacs-vhdl-pkg1.19-4Support for VHDL
xemacs-vhdl-pkg1.19-4Support for VHDL
xemacs-view-process-pkg1.13-4A Unix process browsing tool
xemacs-view-process-pkg1.13-4A Unix process browsing tool
xemacs-view-process-pkg1.13-4A Unix process browsing tool
xemacs-viper-pkg1.37-4VI emulation support
xemacs-viper-pkg1.37-4VI emulation support
xemacs-vm-pkg7.18-4An Emacs mailer
xemacs-vm-pkg7.18-4An Emacs mailer
xemacs-vm-pkg7.18-4An Emacs mailer
xemacs-w3-pkg1.30-2[X]Emacs/W3 World Wide Web browser
xemacs-w3-pkg1.30-2[X]Emacs/W3 World Wide Web browser
xemacs-w3-pkg1.30-2[X]Emacs/W3 World Wide Web browser
xfcalendar4.2.0-1Time-managing application for xfce4.
xfce-mcs-manager4.2.0-1Multi channel settings manager
xfce-mcs-manager-devel4.2.0-1header file to build xfce-mcs-manager plugins
xfce-mcs-plugins4.2.0-2Plugins for multi channel settings manager
xfce-utils4.2.0-1Utilities for the XFce Desktop Environment
xfce4-appfinder4.2.0-1Appfinder for the XFce4 Desktop Environment
xfce4-icon-theme4.2.0-1Icons for Xfce
xfce4-iconbox4.2.0-1Icon box for the XFce4 Desktop Environment
xfce4-mixer4.2.0-1Volume control plugin for the XFce 4 panel
xfce4-session4.2.0-1Xfce Session manager
xfce4-session-devel4.2.0-1Development files for xfce4-session
xfce4-session-engines4.2.0-1Additional engines for xfce4-session
xfce4-systray4.2.0-1Systray for the XFce4 Desktop Environment
xfce4-toys4.2.0-1Various tools for xfce4.
xfce4-trigger-launcher4.2.0-1A panel plugin acting as a launcher with two states.
xfdesktop4.2.0-1Desktop manager for the XFce Desktop Environment
xffm4.2.0-1Next generation filemanager and SMB network navigator for XF
xfprint4.2.0-1Print dialog and printer manager for XFce 4
xfwm44.2.0-1Next generation window manager for xfce
xfwm4-themes4.2.0-1Additionnal themes for xfwm4
xlockmore5.14.1-1.1.fc1.driesScreen lock and screen saver.
xlockmore5.14.1-1.1.fc1.driesScreen lock and screen saver.
xlockmore5.14.1-1.1.fc1.driesScreen lock and screen saver.
xlockmore5.14.1-1.1.fc1.driesScreen lock and screen saver.
xlockmore-debuginfo5.14.1-1.1.fc1.driesDebug information for package xlockmore
xmms-cueinfo0.2.0-2mdkPlugin for XMMS that adds support for reading cue files
xmms-cueinfo0.2.0-2mdkPlugin for XMMS that adds support for reading cue files
xmms-cueinfo0.2.0-2mdkPlugin for XMMS that adds support for reading cue files
xmms-mp3cue0.94-1mdkSupport for cue files to XMMS
xmms-mp3cue0.94-1mdkSupport for cue files to XMMS
xmms-mp3cue0.94-1mdkSupport for cue files to XMMS
xxd6.3-1Utility to convert files to hexdump or do the reverse
xxd6.3-1Utility to convert files to hexdump or do the reverse
yelp2.9.3-1A system documentation reader from the GNOME project
yelp2.9.3-1A system documentation reader from the GNOME project
yp-tools2.9-7NIS (or YP) client programs.
yp-tools2.9-7NIS (or YP) client programs.
ypbind1.18-3The NIS daemon which binds NIS clients to an NIS domain.
ypbind1.18-3The NIS daemon which binds NIS clients to an NIS domain.
ypserv2.14-5The NIS (Network Information Service) server.
ypserv2.14-5The NIS (Network Information Service) server.
yum202.0.8-4.caosRPM installer/updater
yum202.0.8-4.caosRPM installer/updater
zsh4.2.3-1Enhanced bourne shell
zsh4.2.3-1Enhanced bourne shell
zsh-completions4.2.3-1Files needed for advanced TAB-completion
zsh-completions4.2.3-1Files needed for advanced TAB-completion
zsh-guide4.2.3-1A User\'s Guide to the Z-Shell
zsh-guide4.2.3-1A User\'s Guide to the Z-Shell