Directory by RPMs build date. 2005-03-21.


aoss1.0.8-2mdkWrapper script to ease ALSA-OSS compatibility library usage
autotrace0.31.1-12mdkA program for converting bitmap to vector graphics native widget set for KDE3 based on Liquid native widget set for KDE3 based on Liquid native widget set for KDE3 based on Liquid native widget set for KDE3 based on Liquid
beep-media-player-imms2.0.3-1mdkIMMS plugin for the Beep Media Player
beep-media-player-imms2.0.3-1mdkIMMS plugin for the Beep Media Player
beep-media-player-imms2.0.3-1mdkIMMS plugin for the Beep Media Player
bse-alsa0.6.4-1mdkALSA plugin for BSE (Bedevilled Sound Engine)
bse-alsa0.6.4-1mdkALSA plugin for BSE (Bedevilled Sound Engine)
bse-alsa0.6.4-1mdkALSA plugin for BSE (Bedevilled Sound Engine)
BTreeFolder21.0.1-1BTreeFolder2 package
BTreeFolder21.0.1-1BTreeFolder2 package
CMFActionIcons1.5.0-1CMFActionIcons package
CMFActionIcons1.5.0-1CMFActionIcons package
CMFCalendar1.5.0-1CMFCalendar package
CMFCalendar1.5.0-1CMFCalendar package
CMFCore1.5.0-1CMFCore package
CMFCore1.5.0-1CMFCore package
CMFDefault1.5.0-1CMFDefault package
CMFDefault1.5.0-1CMFDefault package
CMFQuickInstallerTool1.5.0-1CMFQuickInstallerTool package
CMFSetup1.5.0-1CMFSetup package
CMFSetup1.5.0-1CMFSetup package
CMFTopic1.5.0-1CMFTopic package
CMFTopic1.5.0-1CMFTopic package
CMFUid1.5.0-1CMFUid package
CMFUid1.5.0-1CMFUid package
configure-thinkpad0.9-1mdkUtility to configure IBM Thinkpad behaviour
configure-thinkpad0.9-1mdkUtility to configure IBM Thinkpad behaviour
configure-thinkpad0.9-1mdkUtility to configure IBM Thinkpad behaviour
configure-trackpoint0.2-1mdkTrackPoint configuration tool
configure-trackpoint0.2-1mdkTrackPoint configuration tool
configure-trackpoint0.2-1mdkTrackPoint configuration tool
CriticalMass0.99.10-1mdkArcade Shooter
CriticalMass0.99.10-1mdkArcade Shooter
CriticalMass0.99.10-1mdkArcade Shooter
DCWorkflow1.5.0-1DCWorkflow package
DCWorkflow1.5.0-1DCWorkflow package
DeadlockDebugger1.0-1DeadlockDebugger package
directory_administrator1.6.0-2User/group/access control management tool for LDAP directori
dolly0.57-3mdkClone the installation of one machine to many other machines
dolly0.57-3mdkClone the installation of one machine to many other machines
dolly0.57-3mdkClone the installation of one machine to many other machines
Epoz0.8.5-1Epoz package
Epoz0.8.5-1Epoz package
Epoz0.8.5-1Epoz package
fanout0.6.1-3mdkFanout lets you run commands on multiple remote machines sim
fanout0.6.1-3mdkFanout lets you run commands on multiple remote machines sim
fanout0.6.1-3mdkFanout lets you run commands on multiple remote machines sim
fetchmail6.2.5-10mdkFull-featured POP/IMAP mail retrieval daemon
fetchmail-daemon6.2.5-10mdkSySV init script for demonize fetchmail for retrieving email
fetchmailconf6.2.5-10mdkA utility for graphically configuring your fetchmail prefere
firestarter1.0.3-1.rhfc3.nrThe Firestarter firewall tool for GNOME
fsh1.2-5mdkA tool for ssh remote execution of commands
fsh1.2-5mdkA tool for ssh remote execution of commands
fsh1.2-5mdkA tool for ssh remote execution of commands
gaim1.1.4-3mdkA Gtk+ based multiprotocol instant messaging client
gaim-devel1.1.4-3mdkDevelopment files for gaim
gaim-gevolution1.1.4-3mdkGaim extension, for Evolution integration
gaim-perl1.1.4-3mdkGaim extension, to use perl scripting
gaim-silc1.1.4-3mdkGaim extension, to use SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferenci
gaim-tcl1.1.4-3mdkGaim extension, to use tcl scripting
gcc3.4.3-7mdkGNU Compiler Collection
gcc-c++3.4.3-7mdkC++ support for GCC
gcc-colorgcc3.4.3-7mdkGCC output colorizer
gcc-cpp3.4.3-7mdkThe C Preprocessor
gcc-doc3.4.3-7mdkGCC documentation
gcc-doc-pdf3.4.3-7mdkGCC documentation
gcc-g773.4.3-7mdkFortran 77 support for gcc
gcc-gnat3.4.3-7mdkAda 95 support for GCC
gcc-java3.4.3-7mdkJava support for gcc
gcc-objc3.4.3-7mdkObjective C support for gcc
gcj-tools3.4.3-7mdkJava related tools from gcc 3.4.3
gnome-system-monitor2.10.0-2Simple process monitor
gnome-system-monitor2.10.0-2Simple process monitor
gnubik2.2-2mdkGraphics puzzle similar to Rubik\'s cube
gnubik2.2-2mdkGraphics puzzle similar to Rubik\'s cube
gnubik2.2-2mdkGraphics puzzle similar to Rubik\'s cube
gnubik2.2-2mdkGraphics puzzle similar to Rubik\'s cube
gnubik2.2-2mdkGraphics puzzle similar to Rubik\'s cube
gnubik2.2-2mdkGraphics puzzle similar to Rubik\'s cube
gpgme030.3.16-8GnuPG Made Easy interface library
gpgme030.3.16-8GnuPG Made Easy interface library
gpgme03-devel0.3.16-8Software development files for GnuPG Made Easy
gpgme03-devel0.3.16-8Software development files for GnuPG Made Easy
gpgp0.4-10mdkGUI shell for GnuPG
gpgp0.4-10mdkGUI shell for GnuPG
gpgp0.4-10mdkGUI shell for GnuPG
gpgp0.4-10mdkGUI shell for GnuPG
gpgp0.4-10mdkGUI shell for GnuPG
gpgp0.4-10mdkGUI shell for GnuPG
gramps1.0.11-0.suse092.rb1Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming Sy
gtk-sharp1.0.8-0.novell.1.1.Net language bindings for Gtk+ and GNOME
gtk-sharp1.0.8-0.novell.8.1.Net language bindings for Gtk+ and GNOME
gtk-sharp1.0.8-0.ximian.0.1.Net language bindings for Gtk+ and GNOME
gtk-sharp1.0.8-0.novell.9.1.Net language bindings for Gtk+ and GNOME
gtk-sharp1.0.8-0.ximian.9.1.Net language bindings for Gtk+ and GNOME
gtk-sharp1.0.8-0.ximian.10.1.Net language bindings for Gtk+ and GNOME
gtk-sharp1.0.8-0.novell.6.1.Net language bindings for Gtk+ and GNOME
gtk-sharp-gapi1.0.8-0.ximian.9.1C source parser and C generator
gtk-sharp-gapi1.0.8-0.novell.8.1C source parser and C generator
gtk-sharp-gapi1.0.8-0.ximian.10.1C source parser and C generator
gtk-sharp-gapi1.0.8-0.novell.1.1C source parser and C generator
gtk-sharp-gapi1.0.8-0.novell.6.1C source parser and C generator
gtk-sharp-gapi1.0.8-0.ximian.0.1C source parser and C generator
gtk-sharp-gapi1.0.8-0.novell.9.1C source parser and C generator
gtk-theme-clearlooks0.5-1mdkClearlooks Gtk Engine
gwget0.93-1Graphical download manager that uses wget
gwget0.93-1Graphical download manager that uses wget
gwget-epiphany-extension0.93-1This Package contains extensions gwget2 extensions for epiph
gwget-epiphany-extension0.93-1This Package contains extensions gwget2 extensions for epiph
ImageMagick-debuginfo6.0.7.1-10Debug information for package ImageMagick
ImageMagick-debuginfo6.0.7.1-10Debug information for package ImageMagick
ImageMagick-debuginfo6.0.7.1-10Debug information for package ImageMagick
ImageMagick-debuginfo6.0.7.1-10Debug information for package ImageMagick
ImageMagick-debuginfo6.0.7.1-10Debug information for package ImageMagick
ImageMagick-debuginfo6.0.7.1-10Debug information for package ImageMagick
ImageMagick-debuginfo6.0.7.1-10Debug information for package ImageMagick
ImageMagick-debuginfo6.0.7.1-10Debug information for package ImageMagick
imms2.0.3-1mdkIntelligent Multimedia Management System
imms2.0.3-1mdkIntelligent Multimedia Management System
imms2.0.3-1mdkIntelligent Multimedia Management System
kaffeine0.6-1andyrtrA Xine-based Media Player for KDE3
kaffeine0.6-1mdkA Xine-based Media Player for KDE3
kdemultimedia-common3.3.2-22mdkCommon files for kdemultimedia
kdemultimedia-juk3.3.2-22mdkJuK is a jukebox and music manager for the KDE desktop.
kdemultimedia-kaboodle3.3.2-22mdkkaboodle program
kdemultimedia-kaudiocreator3.3.2-22mdkkaudiocreator program
kdemultimedia-kmid3.3.2-22mdkkmid program
kdemultimedia-kmidi3.3.2-22mdkmidi player, can use sound patch files and create a WAV file
kdemultimedia-kmix3.3.2-22mdkkmix, kmixctrl program
kdemultimedia-krec3.3.2-22mdkkrec program
kdemultimedia-kscd3.3.2-22mdkkscd program
kdemultimedia-noatun3.3.2-22mdknoatun program
kismet3.1.041001-4mdkKismet is an 802.11b network sniffer and network dissector
klibido0.2.2.2-1plfA KDE nntp file grabber application that allows you to control your mobile phone application that allows you to control your mobile phone application that allows you to control your mobile phone application that allows you to control your mobile phone
krb51.4-4.ppThe server programs for Kerberos 5
krb5-client1.4-4.ppKerberos 5 programs for use on workstations
krb5-devel1.4-4.ppDevelopment tools for Kerberos 5
krb5-libs1.4-4.ppThe shared libraries used by Kerberos 5
ldirectord0.1-1mdkMonitor and administer real servers in a LVS cluster of load
ldirectord0.1-1mdkMonitor and administer real servers in a LVS cluster of load
ldirectord0.1-1mdkMonitor and administer real servers in a LVS cluster of load
libalsa-data1.0.8-10andyrtrConfig files for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
libalsa-oss01.0.8-2mdkAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) library
libalsa-oss0-devel1.0.8-2mdkDevelopment files for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALS
libalsa21.0.8-10andyrtrAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) library
libalsa2-devel1.0.8-10andyrtrDevelopment files for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALS
libalsa2-docs1.0.8-10andyrtrDocumentation for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
libalsa2-static-devel1.0.8-10andyrtrStatic libraries for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA
libautotrace30.31.1-12mdkAutotrace libraries
libautotrace3-devel0.31.1-12mdkStatic libraries and header files for autotrace development
libexo-0.3_00.3.0-2andyrtrLibAST is the Library of Assorted Spiffy Things
libexo-0.3_0-devel0.3.0-2andyrtrExo headers, static libraries and documentation
libf2c03.4.3-7mdkFortran 77 runtime libraries
libffi2-devel3.4.3-7mdkDevelopment headers and static library for FFI
libgaim-remote01.1.4-3mdkLibrary for providing remote control ability for gaim
libgaim-remote0-devel1.1.4-3mdkDevelopment files for gaim-remote
libgcc13.4.3-7mdkGNU C library
libgcj53.4.3-7mdkGNU Java runtime libraries
libgcj5-devel3.4.3-7mdkHeader files and libraries for Java development
libgcj5-static-devel3.4.3-7mdkStatic libraries for Java development
libgnat13.4.3-7mdkAda 95 runtime libraries
libkaffeine00.6-1andyrtrKaffeine kpart library
libkaffeine00.6-1mdkKaffeine kpart library
libkaffeine0-devel0.6-1mdkKaffeine kpart library headers
libkaffeine0-devel0.6-1andyrtrKaffeine kpart library headers
libkdemultimedia1-common3.3.2-22mdkLibrairies files for kdemultimedia
libkdemultimedia1-common-devel3.3.2-22mdkHeader files for kdemultimedia
libkdemultimedia1-kmix3.3.2-22mdkLibrairies kmix, kmixctrl
libkdemultimedia1-krec3.3.2-22mdkLibrairies krec
libkdemultimedia1-kscd-devel3.3.2-22mdkDevel files for kscd program
libkdemultimedia1-noatun3.3.2-22mdkLibrarie for Noatun program
libkdemultimedia1-noatun-devel3.3.2-22mdkDevel files for Noatun program
libmetacity-private02.8.13-2mdkLibraries for Metacity
libmetacity-private0-devel2.8.13-2mdkLibraries and include files with Metacity
libmpich211.0.1-2mdkShared Librairies for MPICH
libmpich21-devel1.0.1-2mdkHeaders for developing programs that will use MPICH
libobjc13.4.3-7mdkObjective C runtime libraries
libphp_common4324.3.10-7mdkShared library for php
libpwlib11.8.4-3mdkPortable Windows Libary
libpwlib1-devel1.8.4-3mdkPortable Windows Libary development files
libpwlib1-plugins1.8.4-3mdkMain plugins for pwlib
libpwlib1-plugins-avc1.8.4-3mdkAVC plugin for pwlib
libpwlib1-plugins-dc1.8.4-3mdkDc plugin for pwlib
libpwlib1-plugins-v4l21.8.4-3mdkV4L2 plugin for pwlib
libRosegarden01.0-2mdkLibrary for Rosegarden-4
libRosegarden0-devel1.0-2mdkDevel files for Rosegarden-4
libsgutils11.13-1mdkShared library for sg3_utils
libsgutils1-devel1.13-1mdkStatic library and header files for the sgutils library
libstdc++63.4.3-7mdkGNU c++ library
libstdc++6-devel3.4.3-7mdkHeader files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++6-static-devel3.4.3-7mdkStatic libraries for C++ development
libxklavier2.0-1library providing high-level API for X Keyboard Extension
libxklavier2.0-1library providing high-level API for X Keyboard Extension
libxklavier2.0-1library providing high-level API for X Keyboard Extension
libxklavier-devel2.0-1Libraries, includes, etc to develop libxklavier applications
libxklavier-devel2.0-1Libraries, includes, etc to develop libxklavier applications
mailman2.1.5-10.fc2Mailing list manager with built in web access.
mailman2.1.5-10.fc2Mailing list manager with built in web access.
mailman2.1.5-32.fc3Mailing list manager with built in web access.
mailman2.1.5-32.fc3Mailing list manager with built in web access.
metacity2.8.13-2mdkMetacity window manager
mftrace1.1.6-1mdkGenerates scalable fonts for TeX
mkinitrd-net1.10-22mdkNetwork-booting initrd builder
mpi2cc1.0.1-2mdkThe MPICH wrapper over the C compiler
mpi2cxx1.0.1-2mdkThe MPICH wrapper over the C++ compiler
mpi2f771.0.1-2mdkThe MPICH wrapper over the Fortran 77 compiler
mpich21.0.1-2mdkMPICH2 is a portable implementation of MPI.
mpich2-doc1.0.1-2mdkDocumentation for developing programs that will use MPICH
msec0.45.1-1mdkSecurity Level management for the Mandrakelinux distribution
mtools3.9.9-13Programs for accessing MS-DOS disks without mounting the dis
mtools3.9.9-13Programs for accessing MS-DOS disks without mounting the dis
mussh0.5-3mdkMUltihost SSH
mussh0.5-3mdkMUltihost SSH
mussh0.5-3mdkMUltihost SSH
mysql-debuginfo4.1.10a-1.RHEL4.1Debug information for package MySQL
mysql-debuginfo4.1.10a-1.RHEL4.1Debug information for package MySQL
mysql-debuginfo4.1.10a-1.RHEL4.1Debug information for package MySQL
mysql-debuginfo4.1.10a-1.RHEL4.1Debug information for package MySQL
mysql-debuginfo4.1.10a-1.RHEL4.1Debug information for package MySQL
mysql-debuginfo4.1.10a-1.RHEL4.1Debug information for package MySQL
mysql-debuginfo4.1.10a-1.RHEL4.1Debug information for package MySQL
mysql-debuginfo4.1.10a-1.RHEL4.1Debug information for package MySQL
mysql-debuginfo4.1.10a-1.RHEL4.1Debug information for package MySQL
mysql-debuginfo4.1.10a-1.RHEL4.1Debug information for package MySQL
mysql-debuginfo4.1.10a-1.RHEL4.1Debug information for package MySQL
mysql-debuginfo4.1.10a-1.RHEL4.1Debug information for package MySQL
nethogs0.6.1-0.cvs20050321.1mdkTop-like monitor for network traffic
ntp4.2.0-18mdkSynchronizes system time using the Network Time Protocol (NT
ntp-client4.2.0-18mdkThe ntpdate client for setting system time from NTP servers
OpenPTi18n0.5.0-1OpenPTi18n package
p-run0.1-2mdkRuns program, script or commands on large number of hosts in
pam_krb51.3-2003.08.03.ppA Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) for Kerberos 5
pconsole1.0-12mdkPconsole is a administrative tool for working with clusters
pconsole1.0-12mdkPconsole is a administrative tool for working with clusters
pconsole1.0-12mdkPconsole is a administrative tool for working with clusters
pconsole1.0-12mdkPconsole is a administrative tool for working with clusters
pconsole1.0-12mdkPconsole is a administrative tool for working with clusters
pconsole1.0-12mdkPconsole is a administrative tool for working with clusters
php-adodb4.3.10_3.3.2-5mdkADOdb extension for PHP
php-apc4.3.10_2.0.4-4mdkThe apc (Alternative PHP Cache) module for PHP
php-auth_nds4.3.10_2.2.6-2mdkThe Auth NDS module for PHP
php-bz24.3.10-4mdkThe bzip2 module for PHP
php-calendar4.3.10-4mdkThe Calendar module for PHP
php-cgi4.3.10-7mdkCGI interface to PHP
php-cli4.3.10-7mdkCommand-line interface to PHP
php-cups4.3.10_1.1.22-4mdkThe CUPS module for PHP
php-curl4.3.10-4mdkThe Curl module for PHP
php-cyrus4.3.10_1.0-6mdkAn extension which eases the manipulation of Cyrus IMAP serv
php-dbase4.3.10-4mdkThe dbase module for PHP
php-dba_bundle4.3.10-5mdkThe DBA module for PHP
php-dbg4.3.10_2.11.32-2mdkThe Debug module for PHP
php-dbx4.3.10-4mdkThe DBX module for PHP
php-dio4.3.10-4mdkThe DIO module for PHP
php-domxml4.3.10-5mdkThe DOMXML module for PHP
php-eaccelerator4.3.10_0.9.2a-6mdkPHP accelerator, optimizer, encoder and dynamic content cach
php-eaccelerator-admin4.3.10_0.9.2a-6mdkWeb interface for controlling eaccelerator and encode php fi
php-eaccelerator-eloader4.3.10_0.9.2a-6mdkLoad encoded php files without eAccelerator
php-ecasound4.3.10_0.2-4mdkEcasound provides audio recording and processing functions f
php-enchant4.3.10_1.0-4mdkLibenchant binder, support near all spelling tools
php-esmtp4.3.10_0.3.1-4mdkESMTP client extenion for PHP
php-event4.3.10_0.9.1-4mdkEvent Scheduling Engine for PHP
php-exif4.3.10-4mdkThe EXIF module for PHP
php-ffmpeg4.3.10_0.4.2-4mdkThe FFMPEG module for PHP
php-filepro4.3.10-4mdkThe filepro module for PHP
php-gd4.3.10-5mdkThe GD module for PHP
php-gmp4.3.10-4mdkThe GMP module for PHP
php-gtk4.3.10_1.0.1-4mdkGTK+ toolkit for php
php-iconv4.3.10-4mdkThe Iconv module for PHP
php-id34.3.10_0.2-4mdkProvides functions to read and write ID3 tags in MP3 files f
php-idn4.3.10_1.1-4mdkProvides a interface to GNU Libidn for PHP4
php-imagick4.3.10_0.9.11-4mdkProvides a wrapper to the Image Magick Library for PHP4
php-imap4.3.10-6mdkThe IMAP module for PHP
php-imlib24.3.10_0.1.00-4mdkProvides an image manipulation interface using libimlib2 for
php-ini4.3.10-3mdkINI files for PHP
php-kadm54.3.10_0.2.3-4mdkRemote access to Kerberos Administration Servers for PHP4
php-ldap4.3.10-6mdkThe LDAP module for PHP
php-mailparse4.3.10_2.1-4mdkEmail message manipulation for PHP4
php-mbstring4.3.10-5mdkThe MBString (multibyte string support) module for PHP
php-mcache4.3.10_1.1.4-2mdkA PHP extension providing access to memcached caching server
php-mcal4.3.10-4mdkThe MCAL module for PHP
php-mcrypt4.3.10-4mdkThe MCRYPT module for PHP
php-mhash4.3.10-5mdkThe Mhash module for PHP
php-mime_magic4.3.10-4mdkThe MIME Magic module for PHP
php-ming4.3.10-4mdkThe Ming module for PHP
php-mnogosearch4.3.10_1.95-5mdkThe MnoGoSearch module for PHP
php-mysql4.3.10-7mdkThe MySQL module for PHP
php-ncurses4.3.10-4mdkThe ncurses module for PHP
php-netools4.3.10_0.2-4mdkNetworking tools for PHP4
php-newt4.3.10_0.3-4mdkNewt provides window library functions for PHP4
php-odbc4.3.10-4mdkThe unixODBC module for PHP
php-oggvorbis4.3.10_0.2-4mdkPHP OGG wrapper for OGG/Vorbis files
php-overload4.3.10-4mdkThe OVERLOAD module for PHP
php-pam_auth4.3.10_0.4-4mdkThe PAM auth module for PHP
php-pcntl4.3.10-4mdkThe pcntl module for PHP
php-pear4.3.10-3mdkThe PHP PEAR files
php-pgsql4.3.10-5mdkThe PostgreSQL module for PHP
php-pspell4.3.10-4mdkThe Pspell module for PHP
php-python4.3.10_0.7.0-4mdkEmbedded Python for PHP4
php-radius4.3.10_1.2.4-4mdkRadius client library for PHP4
php-readline4.3.10-6mdkThe readline module for PHP
php-recode4.3.10-4mdkThe Recode module for PHP
php-rrdtool4.3.10_1.0.49-5mdkThe RRDtool module for PHP
php-ruli4.3.10_0.29-4mdkThe RULI module for PHP
php-sasl4.3.10_0.1.0-2mdkCyrus SASL Extension
php-shmop4.3.10-4mdkThe Shmop module for PHP
php-snmp4.3.10-5mdkThe NET-SNMP module for PHP
php-sockets4.3.10-4mdkThe Sockets module for PHP
php-sqlite4.3.10_1.0.3-5mdkSQLite database bindings for PHP4
php-ssh24.3.10_0.6-2mdkPHP bindings for the libssh2 library
php-sysvmsg4.3.10-4mdkThe sysvmsg module for PHP
php-tclink4.3.10_3.4.0-6mdkTCLink enables credit card processing via the TrustCommerce
php-tcpwrap4.3.10_1.0-4mdkTcpwrappers bindings for PHP
php-tidy4.3.10_1.1-4mdkTidy HTML Repairing and Parsing for PHP
php-tk4.3.10_0.1.1-4mdkProvides TK functions for PHP4
php-translit4.3.10_0.5-2mdkTransliterates non-latin character sets to latin
php-wddx4.3.10-4mdkThe wddx module for PHP
php-xdebug4.3.10_1.3.2-3mdkProvides functions for function traces and profiling for PHP
php-xml4.3.10-5mdkThe XML module for PHP
php-xmlrpc4.3.10-5mdkThe XMLRPC module for PHP
php-xmms4.3.10_0.2-5mdkProvides functions to interact with xmms for PHP4
php-xslt4.3.10-5mdkThe XSLT module for PHP
php-yaz4.3.10_1.0.2-4mdkA Z39.50 client for PHP4
php-zip4.3.10-4mdkThe Zip module for PHP
php432-devel4.3.10-7mdkDevelopment package for PHP4
pysol4.82-4mdkPySol provides several solitaire card games
qsynaptics0.22.0-1mdkA QT application to configure Synaptic TouchPad
qsynaptics0.22.0-1mdkA QT application to configure Synaptic TouchPad
qsynaptics0.22.0-1mdkA QT application to configure Synaptic TouchPad
quiteinsane0.10-3mdkKDE Scanning application
quiteinsane0.10-3mdkKDE Scanning application
quiteinsane0.10-3mdkKDE Scanning application
rosegarden41.0-2mdkMidi, audio and notation editor
ruby-imlib20.5.0-1mdkImlib2 bindings for Ruby
sg3_utils1.13-1mdkUtils for Linux\'s SCSI generic driver devices + raw devices
silky0.5.4-1Easy-to-use graphical SILC client
silky0.5.4-0.FC3Easy-to-use graphical SILC client
silky0.5.4-0.FC3Easy-to-use graphical SILC client
silky0.5.4-1Easy-to-use graphical SILC client
synergy1.2.2-1mdkMouse and keyboard sharing utility
synergy1.2.2-1mdkMouse and keyboard sharing utility
synergy1.2.2-1mdkMouse and keyboard sharing utility
system-config-printer0. printer configuration backend/frontend combination.
system-config-printer0. printer configuration backend/frontend combination.
system-config-printer-gui0. GUI frontend for printconf.
system-config-printer-gui0. GUI frontend for printconf.
system-switch-im0.1.2-4The Input Method System Switcher
system-switch-im0.1.2-4The Input Method System Switcher
system-switch-im0.1.2-4The Input Method System Switcher
system-switch-im0.1.2-4The Input Method System Switcher
system-switch-im0.1.2-4The Input Method System Switcher
system-switch-im0.1.2-4The Input Method System Switcher UML Modeller UML Modeller UML Modeller
VerboseSecurity0.6-1VerboseSecurity package
wmbattery2.20-1mdkBattery info docklet for WindowMaker
wmbattery2.20-1mdkBattery info docklet for WindowMaker
wmbattery2.20-1mdkBattery info docklet for WindowMaker
wmcpuload1.1.0pre4-1mdkWindowMaker dock application that displays CPU usage
wmcpuload1.1.0pre4-1mdkWindowMaker dock application that displays CPU usage
wmcpuload1.1.0pre4-1mdkWindowMaker dock application that displays CPU usage
wmcpuload1.1.0pre4-1mdkWindowMaker dock application that displays CPU usage
wmcpuload1.1.0pre4-1mdkWindowMaker dock application that displays CPU usage
ximian-connector2. Connector
ximian-connector2. Connector
xmms-imms2.0.3-1mdkIMMS plugin for XMMS
xmms-imms2.0.3-1mdkIMMS plugin for XMMS
xmms-imms2.0.3-1mdkIMMS plugin for XMMS