Directory by RPMs build date. 2005-07-31.


aget0.4-5.1.fc2.rfConsole download accelerator
aget0.4-5.1.fc2.rfConsole download accelerator
aget0.4-5.1.fc2.rfConsole download accelerator
aget0.4-5.1.fc2.rfConsole download accelerator
aget-debuginfo0.4-5.1.fc2.rfDebug information for package aget
Asunder0.1.0-0.oc2pus.3Asunder is a graphical CD ripper and encoder
autogen5.7.2-1mdkSimplify the creation and maintenance of programs
autogen5.7.2-1mdkSimplify the creation and maintenance of programs
ccrtp1.3.4-0.suse093.rb1a Common C++ class framework for RTP/RTCP
ccrtp-devel1.3.4-0.suse093.rb1headers and link libraries for ccrtp
commoncpp21.3.16-0.suse093.rb1A GNU package for creating portable C++ programs
commoncpp2-devel1.3.16-0.suse093.rb1Headers and static link library for commoncpp2
csmash0.6.6-5mdkCannonSmash, a 3D tabletennis game
csmash0.6.6-5mdkCannonSmash, a 3D tabletennis game
fbtv3.94-3mdkA console program for watching TV
fbtv3.94-3mdkA console program for watching TV
gftp2.0.18-4mdkMultithreaded FTP client for X Windows
gftp2.0.18-4mdkMultithreaded FTP client for X Windows
gftp-debug2.0.18-4mdkDebug information for package gftp
gftp-debug2.0.18-4mdkDebug information for package gftp
gnomeradio1.6-1mdkA FM-Tuner program for Gnome
gnomeradio1.6-1mdkA FM-Tuner program for Gnome
kbfx0.4.7.2-0.1.205bliA nice looking Startmenu for Kde Kicker . Clear KDE3 window decoration Clear KDE3 window decoration Clear KDE3 window decoration
libautogen05.7.2-1mdkSimplify the creation and maintenance of programs
libautogen05.7.2-1mdkSimplify the creation and maintenance of programs
libautogen0-devel5.7.2-1mdkSimplify the creation and maintenance of programs
libautogen0-devel5.7.2-1mdkSimplify the creation and maintenance of programs
libgmp34.1.4-1mdkA GNU arbitrary precision library
libgmp34.1.4-1mdkA GNU arbitrary precision library
libgmp3-devel4.1.4-1mdkDevelopment tools for the GNU MP arbitrary precision library
libgmp3-devel4.1.4-1mdkDevelopment tools for the GNU MP arbitrary precision library
libgmpmp34.1.4-1mdkBerkley MP compatibility library for GMP
libgmpmp34.1.4-1mdkBerkley MP compatibility library for GMP
libgmpmp3-devel4.1.4-1mdkDevelopment tools for Berkley MP compatibility library for G
libgmpmp3-devel4.1.4-1mdkDevelopment tools for Berkley MP compatibility library for G
libgmpxx34.1.4-1mdkC++ support for GMP
libgmpxx34.1.4-1mdkC++ support for GMP
libgmpxx3-devel4.1.4-1mdkC++ Development tools for the GMP
libgmpxx3-devel4.1.4-1mdkC++ Development tools for the GMP
libxfsm-4.2_04.2.2-2mdkLibraries for the Xfce Session Manager
libxfsm-4.2_0-devel4.2.2-2mdkLibraries and header files for the Xfce Session Manager
motv3.94-3mdkA Motif program for watching TV
motv3.94-3mdkA Motif program for watching TV
mozilla-firefox-br1.0.6-1mdkBreton interface for Firefox
nail11.25-1mdkA MIME capable implementation of the mailx command
nail11.25-1mdkA MIME capable implementation of the mailx command
ngrep1.44-1.1.fc3.rfRealtime network grep tool
ngrep1.44-1.1.fc3.rfRealtime network grep tool
ngrep1.44-1.2.fc4.rfRealtime network grep tool
ngrep1.44-1.2.fc4.rfRealtime network grep tool
ngrep1.44-1.2.fc4.rfRealtime network grep tool
ngrep1.44-1.2.fc4.rfRealtime network grep tool
ngrep1.44-1.1.fc3.rfRealtime network grep tool
ngrep1.44-1.1.fc3.rfRealtime network grep tool
perl-Audio-File0.10-3.n0i.1Audio file abstraction library
perl-Audio-Mixer0.7-1.n0i.1Sound mixer control using ioctl
perl-Audio-Musepack0.02-1.n0i.1An OOP interface to Musepack file information and APE tag fi
perl-Audio-Play-MPG1230.63-1.n0i.1A frontend to mpg123
perl-Audio-SID3.10-1.n0i.1Perl module to handle SID files (Commodore-64 music files)
perl-Audio-WMA0.7-1.n0i.1Perl extension for reading WMA/ASF Metadata
perl-AudioFile-Info1.08-1.n0i.1Perl extension to get info from audio files
perl-Benchmark-Timer0.7.1-1.n0i.1.0.7100Perl code benchmarking tool
perl-Class-Inner0.1-1.n0i.1A perlish implementation of Java like inner classes
perl-Crypt-PasswdMD51.3-2.n0i.1Interoperable MD5-based crypt() function
perl-File-Find-Rule-MP3Info0.01-1.n0i.1Rule to match on id3 tags, length, bitrate, etc
perl-I18N-Charset1.375-2mdkI18N::Charset - IANA Character Set Registry names and Unicod
perl-I18N-Charset1.375-2mdkI18N::Charset - IANA Character Set Registry names and Unicod
perl-MP3-Album0.14-1.n0i.1Perl extension to manage a music album built of mp3 files
perl-MP3-Daemon0.63-1.n0i.1A daemon that possesses mpg123
perl-MP3-ID3v1Tag1.11-1.n0i.1ID3v1 MP3 Tag Reader/Writer
perl-MPEG-Audio-Frame0.09-1.n0i.1A module that parses MPEG frames from FHs
perl-MPEG-ID3v2Tag0.36-1.n0i.1OO, extensible ID3 v2.3 tagging module
perl-Net-Jabber2.0-2.n0i.1Access to the Jabber protocol
perl-Net-MovableType1.74-2.n0i.1Light-weight MovableType client
perl-Net-Netmask1.9012-1.n0i.1Parse, manipulate and lookup IP network blocks
perl-Net-SNMP5.1.0-1.n0i.1Object oriented interface to SNMP
perl-Net-SSH0.08-1.n0i.1Perl extension for secure shell
perl-Net-YahooMessenger0.16-1.n0i.1Interface to the Yahoo!Messenger IM protocol
perl-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-PurePerl0.07-2.n0i.1An OOP interface to Ogg Vorbis information and comment field
perl-POE-Component-JobQueue0.54-1.n0i.1.0.5402A component to manage queues and worker pools
perl-POE-Component-LaDBI1.2.1-1.n0i.1POE Component offering non-blocking access to the DBI API
perl-POE-Component-Pool-Thread0.013-1.n0i.1Boss session for managing Worker threads
perl-POE-Component-RRDTool0.18-1.n0i.1POE interface to Tobias Oetiker\'s RRDtool
perl-POE-Component-XUL0.02-1.n0i.1Easier use of XUL::Node when using POE
perl-POE-Component-YahooMessenger0.05-1.n0i.1POE component for Yahoo! Messenger
perl-POE-Loop-Glib0.0022-1.n0i.1POE interface to the Glib mainloop
perl-POE-Session-GladeXML20.3.1-1.n0i.1Emit POE events for Gtk2 callbacks
perl-POE-Session-MessageBased0.01-1.n0i.1A message-based (not @_ based) POE::Session
perl-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfPerl RRDtool bindings
perl-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfPerl RRDtool bindings
perl-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfPerl RRDtool bindings
perl-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfPerl RRDtool bindings
perl-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfPerl RRDtool bindings
perl-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfPerl RRDtool bindings
perl-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfPerl RRDtool bindings
perl-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfPerl RRDtool bindings
perl-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfPerl RRDtool bindings
perl-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfPerl RRDtool bindings
perl-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfPerl RRDtool bindings
perl-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfPerl RRDtool bindings
perl-Statistics-TTest1.1.0-1.n0i.1Module to compute the confidence interval
perl-Template-Plugin-MP31.02-1.n0i.1Interface to the MP3::Info Module
perl-Test-Cmd1.05-2.n0i.1Portable test infrastructure for commands
perl-Test-Debugger0.14-2.n0i.1Create Test Scripts which Generate Log Files
perl-Test-Easy1.01-2.n0i.1Testing made absolute easy
perl-Test-FIT0.11-1.n0i.1FIT graphical test framework for Perl
perl-Test-HTML-Content0.07-1.n0i.1Perl extension for testing HTML output
perl-Test-Mail0.03-1.n0i.1Test framework for email applications
perl-Test-Signature1.06-1.n0i.1Convenience automated testing of SIGNATUREs
perl-Test-SimpleUnit1.21-1.n0i.1Simplified Perl unit-testing framework
perl-Test-Unit0.24-1.n0i.1Framework for XP style unit testing
perl-Test-Version0.02-1.n0i.1Check for VERSION information in modules
perl-Test-Without-Module0.06-1.n0i.1Test fallback behaviour in absence of modules
perl-Test-XML0.07-1.n0i.1Compare XML in perl tests
perl-Text-Quoted1.8-1.n0i.1Extract the structure of a quoted mail message
perl-Tk804.027-7.fc4Perl Graphical User Interface ToolKit
perl-Tk804.027-7.fc4Perl Graphical User Interface ToolKit
perl-Tk804.027-7.fc3Perl Graphical User Interface ToolKit
perl-Tk804.027-7.fc3Perl Graphical User Interface ToolKit
perl-XML-SemanticDiff0.95-1.n0i.1Perl extension for comparing XML documents
perl-XUL-Node0.05-1.n0i.1Server-side XUL for Perl
php-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfRRDtool module for PHP
php-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfRRDtool module for PHP
php-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfRRDtool module for PHP
php-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfRRDtool module for PHP
php-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfRRDtool module for PHP
php-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfRRDtool module for PHP
php-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfRRDtool module for PHP
php-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfRRDtool module for PHP
php-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfRRDtool module for PHP
php-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfRRDtool module for PHP
php-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfRRDtool module for PHP
php-rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfRRDtool module for PHP
radio3.94-3mdkConsole radio application
radio3.94-3mdkConsole radio application
rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfRound Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series d
rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfRound Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series d
rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfRound Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series d
rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfRound Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series d
rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfRound Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series d
rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfRound Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series d
rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfRound Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series d
rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfRound Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series d
rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfRound Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series d
rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfRound Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series d
rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfRound Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series d
rrdtool1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfRound Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series d
rrdtool-debuginfo1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfDebug information for package rrdtool
rrdtool-debuginfo1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfDebug information for package rrdtool
rrdtool-debuginfo1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfDebug information for package rrdtool
rrdtool-devel1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfRRDtool static libraries and header files
rrdtool-devel1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfRRDtool static libraries and header files
rrdtool-devel1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfRRDtool static libraries and header files
rrdtool-devel1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfRRDtool static libraries and header files
rrdtool-devel1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfRRDtool static libraries and header files
rrdtool-devel1.0.50-1.1.fc1.rfRRDtool static libraries and header files
rrdtool-devel1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfRRDtool static libraries and header files
rrdtool-devel1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfRRDtool static libraries and header files
rrdtool-devel1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfRRDtool static libraries and header files
rrdtool-devel1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfRRDtool static libraries and header files
rrdtool-devel1.0.50-1.1.fc2.rfRRDtool static libraries and header files
rrdtool-devel1.0.50-1.1.fc3.rfRRDtool static libraries and header files
spectool1.0.3-1.1.fc1.rfDisplay expanded Source/Patch macros from SPEC files
spectool1.0.3-1.1.fc1.rfDisplay expanded Source/Patch macros from SPEC files
spectool1.0.3-1.1.fc1.rfDisplay expanded Source/Patch macros from SPEC files
spectool1.0.3-1.1.fc1.rfDisplay expanded Source/Patch macros from SPEC files
sprog0.14-1mdkA graphical tool to build programs by plugging parts togethe
sprog0.14-1mdkA graphical tool to build programs by plugging parts togethe
sprog0.14-1mdkA graphical tool to build programs by plugging parts togethe
sprog0.14-1mdkA graphical tool to build programs by plugging parts togethe
sprog0.14-1mdkA graphical tool to build programs by plugging parts togethe
streamer3.94-3mdkRecord audio and/or video streams
streamer3.94-3mdkRecord audio and/or video streams
ttv3.94-3mdkDisplay TV/video on a tty
ttv3.94-3mdkDisplay TV/video on a tty
twinkle0.2.1-0.suse093.rb1A SIP Soft Phone
ulogd1.23-2mdkUlogd - The userspace logging daemon for netfilter
ulogd1.23-2mdkUlogd - The userspace logging daemon for netfilter
ulogd-mysql1.23-2mdkMySQL output plugin for ulogd
ulogd-mysql1.23-2mdkMySQL output plugin for ulogd
ulogd-pcap1.23-2mdkPCAP output plugin for ulogd
ulogd-pcap1.23-2mdkPCAP output plugin for ulogd
ulogd-pgsql1.23-2mdkPostgreSQL output plugin for ulogd
ulogd-pgsql1.23-2mdkPostgreSQL output plugin for ulogd
ulogd-sqlite1.23-2mdkSQLite output plugin for ulogd
ulogd-sqlite1.23-2mdkSQLite output plugin for ulogd utility to display local user information utility to display local user information utility to display local user information utility to display local user information
xawtv3.94-3mdkA X11 program for watching TV
xawtv3.94-3mdkA X11 program for watching TV
xawtv-common3.94-3mdkCommon files for fbtv/motv/ttv/xawtv
xawtv-common3.94-3mdkCommon files for fbtv/motv/ttv/xawtv
xawtv-control3.94-3mdkControl video4linux devices
xawtv-control3.94-3mdkControl video4linux devices
xawtv-misc3.94-3mdkXawtv miscellous stuff
xawtv-misc3.94-3mdkXawtv miscellous stuff
xawtv-web3.94-3mdkVideotext pages webserver & images capture/upload to a webse
xawtv-web3.94-3mdkVideotext pages webserver & images capture/upload to a webse
xfce-session4.2.2-2mdkXfce Session manager