Directory by RPMs build date. 2005-10-03.


3ddesktop0.2.9-3mdkOpenGL virtual desktop switcher
3ddesktop0.2.9-3mdkOpenGL virtual desktop switcher
3ddesktop0.2.9-3mdkOpenGL virtual desktop switcher
3dfb0.5.6-3mdk3dFB is a 3d File Manager
3dfb0.5.6-3mdk3dFB is a 3d File Manager
3dfb0.5.6-3mdk3dFB is a 3d File Manager
aspell-cy0.50.3-11mdkWelsh files for aspell
aspell-de20030222.1-2mdkGerman files for aspell
aspell-nl0.50.2-9mdkDutch files for aspell
booty0.53-1trsimple python bootloader config lib
dclib0.3.7-3.fc3Direct Connect file sharing library
dclib0.3.7-3.fc3Direct Connect file sharing library
dclib-devel0.3.7-3.fc3Development libraries for Direct Connect
dclib-devel0.3.7-3.fc3Development libraries for Direct Connect
devilspie0.10-2.1.fc3.rfWindow matching tool inspired by the Matched Window options
devilspie0.10-2.1.fc3.rfWindow matching tool inspired by the Matched Window options
devilspie0.10-2.1.fc3.rfWindow matching tool inspired by the Matched Window options
devilspie0.10-2.1.fc3.rfWindow matching tool inspired by the Matched Window options
devilspie-debuginfo0.10-2.1.fc3.rfDebug information for package devilspie
fmirror0.8.4-1trFTP mirroring package
gaim-encryption2.38-1.1.fc3.rfRSA encryption support for Gaim
gaim-encryption2.38-1.1.fc3.rfRSA encryption support for Gaim
gaim-encryption2.38-1.1.fc3.rfRSA encryption support for Gaim
gaim-encryption2.38-1.1.fc3.rfRSA encryption support for Gaim
gaim-encryption-debuginfo2.38-1.1.fc3.rfDebug information for package gaim-encryption
gfontview0.5.0-4.fc3A font viewer for Type 1 and TrueType fonts
gfontview0.5.0-4.fc4A font viewer for Type 1 and TrueType fonts
gfontview0.5.0-4.fc3A font viewer for Type 1 and TrueType fonts
gfontview0.5.0-4.fc4A font viewer for Type 1 and TrueType fonts
gpgme1.0.3-1.1.fc3.rfGnuPG Made Easy
gpgme1.0.3-1.1.fc3.rfGnuPG Made Easy
gpgme1.0.3-1.1.fc3.rfGnuPG Made Easy
gpgme1.0.3-1.1.fc3.rfGnuPG Made Easy
gpgme-debuginfo1.0.3-1.1.fc3.rfDebug information for package gpgme
gpgme-devel1.0.3-1.1.fc3.rfStatic libraries and header files from GPGME, GnuPG Made Eas
gpgme-devel1.0.3-1.1.fc3.rfStatic libraries and header files from GPGME, GnuPG Made Eas
gpgme-devel1.0.3-1.1.fc3.rfStatic libraries and header files from GPGME, GnuPG Made Eas
gpgme-devel1.0.3-1.1.fc3.rfStatic libraries and header files from GPGME, GnuPG Made Eas
gramps2.0.8-0.suse1000.rb0Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming Sy
ical2.2-30An X Window System-based calendar program.
ical2.3.1-1An X Window System-based calendar program.
ical2.3.1-1An X Window System-based calendar program.
ical2.2-30An X Window System-based calendar program.
ical2.2-30An X Window System-based calendar program.
ical2.3.1-1An X Window System-based calendar program.
ical2.3.1-1An X Window System-based calendar program.
ical2.2-30An X Window System-based calendar program.
ical2.3.1-1An X Window System-based calendar program.
ical2.3.1-1An X Window System-based calendar program.
ical2.3.1-1An X Window System-based calendar program.
ical2.2-30An X Window System-based calendar program.
ical2.2-30An X Window System-based calendar program.
ical2.2-30An X Window System-based calendar program.
intltool0.33-2trUtility for internationalizing various kinds of data files.
ipw2100-firmware1.3-3plfFirmware for the Intel� PRO/Wireless 2100 Driver
ipw2100-firmware1.3-3plfFirmware for the Intel� PRO/Wireless 2100 Driver
ipw2100-firmware1.3-3plfFirmware for the Intel� PRO/Wireless 2100 Driver
ipw2100-firmware1.3-3plfFirmware for the Intel� PRO/Wireless 2100 Driver
ipw2100-firmware1.3-3plfFirmware for the Intel� PRO/Wireless 2100 Driver
ipw2100-firmware1.3-3plfFirmware for the Intel� PRO/Wireless 2100 Driver
ipw2200-firmware2.4-1.1.102plfFirmware for the Intel� PRO/Wireless 2200 Driver
ipw2200-firmware2.4-1.1.102plfFirmware for the Intel� PRO/Wireless 2200 Driver
kkeyled0.8.11-1.1.fc3.rfDisplays the LED states of the keyboard
kkeyled0.8.11-1.1.fc3.rfDisplays the LED states of the keyboard
kkeyled0.8.11-1.1.fc3.rfDisplays the LED states of the keyboard
kkeyled0.8.11-1.1.fc3.rfDisplays the LED states of the keyboard
kkeyled-debuginfo0.8.11-1.1.fc3.rfDebug information for package kkeyled
libsndfile1.0.12-1.1.fc3.rfLibrary for reading and writing files containing sampled sou
libsndfile1.0.12-1.1.fc3.rfLibrary for reading and writing files containing sampled sou
libsndfile1.0.12-1.1.fc3.rfLibrary for reading and writing files containing sampled sou
libsndfile1.0.12-1.1.fc3.rfLibrary for reading and writing files containing sampled sou
libsndfile-debuginfo1.0.12-1.1.fc3.rfDebug information for package libsndfile
libsndfile-devel1.0.12-1.1.fc3.rfHeader files and development documentation for libsndfile
libsndfile-devel1.0.12-1.1.fc3.rfHeader files and development documentation for libsndfile
libsndfile-devel1.0.12-1.1.fc3.rfHeader files and development documentation for libsndfile
libsndfile-devel1.0.12-1.1.fc3.rfHeader files and development documentation for libsndfile
naim0.11.8-1.fc3An ncurses-based console AIM, ICQ, IRC, and Lily client
naim0.11.8-1.fc3An ncurses-based console AIM, ICQ, IRC, and Lily client
net61.1.0-2.fc3A TCP protocol abstraction for library C++
net61.1.0-2.fc3A TCP protocol abstraction for library C++
net6-devel1.1.0-2.fc3Development libraries for net6
net6-devel1.1.0-2.fc3Development libraries for net6
perl-Authen-PAM0.16-1mdkPerl interface to the PAM library
perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig1.07-2mdkPerl module for further extending extensions
perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig1.07-2mdkPerl module for further extending extensions
perl-File-Tail0.99.3-1mdkFile::Tail module for Perl
perl-Gtk2-NotificationBubble0.01-4mdkPerl module interface to the EggNotificationBubble library
perl-Gtk2-NotificationBubble0.01-4mdkPerl module interface to the EggNotificationBubble library
perl-Pod-Tests0.18-2.fc4Extract embedded tests and code examples from POD
perl-Pod-Tests0.18-2.fc3Extract embedded tests and code examples from POD
perl-Pod-Tests0.18-2.fc4Extract embedded tests and code examples from POD
perl-Pod-Tests0.18-2.fc3Extract embedded tests and code examples from POD Translation Catalog Editor Translation Catalog Editor information for package poedit
python-urlgrabber2.9.6-1trA high-level cross-protocol url-grabber
rhpl0.167-1trLibrary of python code used by programs in Red Hat Linux
sed4.1.4-4trA GNU stream text editor.
sed4.1.4-4trA GNU stream text editor.
smbldap-tools0.9.1-1.1.fc3.rfUser and group administration tools for Samba-OpenLDAP
smbldap-tools0.9.1-1.1.fc3.rfUser and group administration tools for Samba-OpenLDAP
smbldap-tools0.9.1-1.1.fc3.rfUser and group administration tools for Samba-OpenLDAP
smbldap-tools0.9.1-1.1.fc3.rfUser and group administration tools for Samba-OpenLDAP
tidy20050921-1A tool to cleanup HTML/XHTML/XML
tidy20050921-1A tool to cleanup HTML/XHTML/XML
tidy20050921-1A tool to cleanup HTML/XHTML/XML
tidy-devel20050921-1Libraries and Headers for building tools against tidy
tidy-devel20050921-1Libraries and Headers for building tools against tidy
tidy-devel20050921-1Libraries and Headers for building tools against tidy