Directory by RPMs build date. 2009-05-24.


armagetron0. Advanced, another 3d lightcycle game using OpenGL
armagetron-debug0. information for package armagetron
chmlib0.40-1.rh7.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el5.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el5.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el3.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el4.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el5.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el4.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el4.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el5.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el3.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el4.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el3.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el2.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el2.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el2.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el5.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el4.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el2.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el3.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el4.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el3.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el5.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el4.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el5.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el4.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el5.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.rh9.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el3.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el2.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el2.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el3.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib0.40-1.el3.rfLibrary for dealing with Microsoft ITSS/CHM format files
chmlib-devel0.40-1.rh7.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el5.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el2.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el4.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el3.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el3.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el4.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el2.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el2.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el3.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el3.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el5.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el4.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el4.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el5.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el5.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el4.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el4.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el3.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el3.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el2.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el5.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el3.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el4.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el2.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el3.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el2.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el5.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el5.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.rh9.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el5.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
chmlib-devel0.40-1.el4.rfHeader files, libraries and development documentation for ch
deluge1.1.8-1mdv2009.1Full-featured GTK+ Bittorrent client
djl1.2.13-1mdv2009.0A game manager inspired by Steam from Valve software
djl1.2.13-1mdv2009.1A game manager inspired by Steam from Valve software
djl1.2.11-3mdv2009.1A game manager inspired by Steam from Valve software
djl1.2.11-3mdv2009.0A game manager inspired by Steam from Valve software
drbdlinks1.18-1.fc11A program for managing links into a DRBD shared partition
drbdlinks1.18-1.fc10A program for managing links into a DRBD shared partition
drbdlinks1.18-1.fc11A program for managing links into a DRBD shared partition
drbdlinks1.18-1.fc10A program for managing links into a DRBD shared partition
drbdlinks1.18-1.fc10A program for managing links into a DRBD shared partition
drbdlinks1.18-1.fc11A program for managing links into a DRBD shared partition
duplicity0.5.18-1.fc9Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup using rsync algorithm
duplicity0.5.18-1.fc9Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup using rsync algorithm
freeciv-client2.1.9-1mdv2010.0FREE CIVilization clone - client
freeciv-data2.1.9-1mdv2010.0FREE CIVilization clone - data files
freeciv-debug2.1.9-1mdv2010.0Debug information for package freeciv
freeciv-server2.1.9-1mdv2010.0FREE CIVilization clone - server
frescobaldi0.7.9-1.fc9Edit LilyPond sheet music with ease!
frescobaldi0.7.9-1.fc9Edit LilyPond sheet music with ease!
frescobaldi0.7.9-1mdv2009.1A LilyPond sheet music editor for KDE4
frescobaldi0.7.9-1.fc9Edit LilyPond sheet music with ease!
frescobaldi0.7.9-1.fc9Edit LilyPond sheet music with ease!
gprolog1.3.1-4.fc11GNU Prolog is a free Prolog compiler
gprolog1.3.1-4.fc11GNU Prolog is a free Prolog compiler
gprolog-docs1.3.1-4.fc11Documentation for GNU Prolog
gprolog-docs1.3.1-4.fc11Documentation for GNU Prolog
gprolog-examples1.3.1-4.fc11Examples for GNU Prolog
gprolog-examples1.3.1-4.fc11Examples for GNU Prolog
hinedo0.4-2mdv2010.0Tray applet to listen Hinet radio
hinedo0.4-2mdv2010.0Tray applet to listen Hinet radio
hinedo0.4-2mdv2009.1Tray applet to listen Hinet radio
hinedo0.4-2mdv2009.0Tray applet to listen Hinet radio
httrack3.43.5-1mdv2010.0A free (libre/open source) and easy-to-use offline browser u
httrack-debug3.43.5-1mdv2010.0Debug information for package httrack
httrack-devel3.43.5-1mdv2010.0Headers and static libraries for httrack
iniparser3.0-0.1.b.fc11C library for parsing \"INI-style\" files
iniparser3.0-0.1.b.fc11C library for parsing \"INI-style\" files
iniparser3.0-0.1.b.fc11C library for parsing \"INI-style\" files
iniparser-devel3.0-0.1.b.fc11Header files, libraries and development documentation for in
iniparser-devel3.0-0.1.b.fc11Header files, libraries and development documentation for in
iniparser-devel3.0-0.1.b.fc11Header files, libraries and development documentation for in
kdelibs3-apidocs3.5.10-11.fc11KDE 3 API documentation.
lib64myth-devel0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Development files for libmyth
lib64myth0.210.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Library providing mythtv support
libmyth-devel0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Development files for libmyth
libmyth0.210.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Library providing mythtv support
libtorrent-rasterbar-devel0.14.3-2mud2009.1The Rasterbar BitTorrent library\'s development headers
libtorrent-rasterbar30.14.3-2mud2009.1The Rasterbar BitTorrent library
libvncserver0.9.7-2.fc11Library to make writing a vnc server easy
libvncserver0.9.7-2.fc11Library to make writing a vnc server easy
libvncserver0.9.7-2.fc11Library to make writing a vnc server easy
libvncserver-devel0.9.7-2.fc11Development files for libvncserver
libvncserver-devel0.9.7-2.fc11Development files for libvncserver
libvncserver-devel0.9.7-2.fc11Development files for libvncserver
metapost-metauml0.2.5-5.fc9UML in LaTeX/MetaPost
metapost-metauml0.2.5-5.fc10UML in LaTeX/MetaPost
metapost-metauml0.2.5-5.fc10UML in LaTeX/MetaPost
metapost-metauml0.2.5-5.fc11UML in LaTeX/MetaPost
metapost-metauml0.2.5-5.fc9UML in LaTeX/MetaPost
metapost-metauml0.2.5-5.fc9UML in LaTeX/MetaPost
metapost-metauml0.2.5-5.fc10UML in LaTeX/MetaPost
metapost-metauml0.2.5-5.fc11UML in LaTeX/MetaPost
metapost-metauml0.2.5-5.fc11UML in LaTeX/MetaPost
metapost-metauml0.2.5-5.fc9UML in LaTeX/MetaPost
mingw32-libidn1.14-2.fc11MinGW Windows Internationalized Domain Name support library
mingw32-libidn1.14-2.fc10MinGW Windows Internationalized Domain Name support library
mingw32-libidn1.14-2.fc11MinGW Windows Internationalized Domain Name support library
mingw32-libidn1.14-2.fc11MinGW Windows Internationalized Domain Name support library
mingw32-libidn1.14-2.fc10MinGW Windows Internationalized Domain Name support library
mingw32-libidn1.14-2.fc10MinGW Windows Internationalized Domain Name support library
mingw32-libidn-static1.14-2.fc10Static version of the MinGW Windows IDN library
mingw32-libidn-static1.14-2.fc10Static version of the MinGW Windows IDN library
mingw32-libidn-static1.14-2.fc10Static version of the MinGW Windows IDN library
mingw32-libidn-static1.14-2.fc11Static version of the MinGW Windows IDN library
mingw32-libidn-static1.14-2.fc11Static version of the MinGW Windows IDN library
mingw32-libidn-static1.14-2.fc11Static version of the MinGW Windows IDN library
mingw32-libssh21.1-2.fc10MinGW Windows library implementation of the SSH2 protocol
mingw32-libssh21.1-2.fc11MinGW Windows library implementation of the SSH2 protocol
mingw32-libssh21.1-2.fc11MinGW Windows library implementation of the SSH2 protocol
mingw32-libssh21.1-2.fc11MinGW Windows library implementation of the SSH2 protocol
mingw32-libssh21.1-2.fc10MinGW Windows library implementation of the SSH2 protocol
mingw32-libssh21.1-2.fc10MinGW Windows library implementation of the SSH2 protocol
mingw32-libssh2-static1.1-2.fc10Static version of the MinGW Windows SSH2 library
mingw32-libssh2-static1.1-2.fc11Static version of the MinGW Windows SSH2 library
mingw32-libssh2-static1.1-2.fc10Static version of the MinGW Windows SSH2 library
mingw32-libssh2-static1.1-2.fc11Static version of the MinGW Windows SSH2 library
mingw32-libssh2-static1.1-2.fc10Static version of the MinGW Windows SSH2 library
mingw32-libssh2-static1.1-2.fc11Static version of the MinGW Windows SSH2 library
mingw32-libxslt1.1.24-7.fc10MinGW Windows Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine
mingw32-libxslt1.1.24-7.fc10MinGW Windows Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine
mingw32-libxslt1.1.24-7.fc11MinGW Windows Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine
mingw32-libxslt1.1.24-7.fc11MinGW Windows Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine
mingw32-libxslt1.1.24-7.fc10MinGW Windows Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine
mingw32-libxslt1.1.24-7.fc11MinGW Windows Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine
mingw32-libxslt-static1.1.24-7.fc11Static version of the MinGW Windows LibXSLT library
mingw32-libxslt-static1.1.24-7.fc10Static version of the MinGW Windows LibXSLT library
mingw32-libxslt-static1.1.24-7.fc11Static version of the MinGW Windows LibXSLT library
mingw32-libxslt-static1.1.24-7.fc10Static version of the MinGW Windows LibXSLT library
mingw32-libxslt-static1.1.24-7.fc10Static version of the MinGW Windows LibXSLT library
mingw32-libxslt-static1.1.24-7.fc11Static version of the MinGW Windows LibXSLT library
mkvtoolnix2.9.0-1.el5.rfSet of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mkvtoolnix2.9.0-1.el4.rfSet of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mkvtoolnix2.9.0-1.el4.rfSet of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mkvtoolnix2.9.0-1.el5.rfSet of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mkvtoolnix2.9.0-1.el4.rfSet of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mkvtoolnix2.9.0-1.el5.rfSet of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mkvtoolnix2.9.0-1.el4.rfSet of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mkvtoolnix2.9.0-1.el5.rfSet of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mkvtoolnix2.9.0-1.el5.rfSet of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mkvtoolnix2.9.0-1.el4.rfSet of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mkvtoolnix2.9.0-1.el4.rfSet of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mkvtoolnix2.9.0-1.el5.rfSet of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mkvtoolnix2.9.0-1.el4.rfSet of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mkvtoolnix2.9.0-1.el5.rfSet of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mkvtoolnix2.9.0-1.el4.rfSet of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mkvtoolnix2.9.0-1.el5.rfSet of tools to create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mkvtoolnix-gui2.9.0-1.el4.rfGraphical User Interface to the mkvtoolnix set of tools
mkvtoolnix-gui2.9.0-1.el5.rfGraphical User Interface to the mkvtoolnix set of tools
mkvtoolnix-gui2.9.0-1.el4.rfGraphical User Interface to the mkvtoolnix set of tools
mkvtoolnix-gui2.9.0-1.el5.rfGraphical User Interface to the mkvtoolnix set of tools
mkvtoolnix-gui2.9.0-1.el5.rfGraphical User Interface to the mkvtoolnix set of tools
mkvtoolnix-gui2.9.0-1.el4.rfGraphical User Interface to the mkvtoolnix set of tools
mkvtoolnix-gui2.9.0-1.el4.rfGraphical User Interface to the mkvtoolnix set of tools
mkvtoolnix-gui2.9.0-1.el5.rfGraphical User Interface to the mkvtoolnix set of tools
mkvtoolnix-gui2.9.0-1.el5.rfGraphical User Interface to the mkvtoolnix set of tools
mkvtoolnix-gui2.9.0-1.el5.rfGraphical User Interface to the mkvtoolnix set of tools
mkvtoolnix-gui2.9.0-1.el4.rfGraphical User Interface to the mkvtoolnix set of tools
mkvtoolnix-gui2.9.0-1.el5.rfGraphical User Interface to the mkvtoolnix set of tools
mkvtoolnix-gui2.9.0-1.el4.rfGraphical User Interface to the mkvtoolnix set of tools
mkvtoolnix-gui2.9.0-1.el5.rfGraphical User Interface to the mkvtoolnix set of tools
mkvtoolnix-gui2.9.0-1.el4.rfGraphical User Interface to the mkvtoolnix set of tools
mkvtoolnix-gui2.9.0-1.el4.rfGraphical User Interface to the mkvtoolnix set of tools
mythtv-backend0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Server component of mythtv (a PVR)
mythtv-backend0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Server component of mythtv (a PVR)
mythtv-debug0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Debug information for package mythtv
mythtv-debug0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Debug information for package mythtv
mythtv-doc0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1MythTV documentation
mythtv-doc0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1MythTV documentation
mythtv-frontend0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Client component of mythtv (a PVR)
mythtv-frontend0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Client component of mythtv (a PVR)
mythtv-setup0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Setup the mythtv backend
mythtv-setup0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Setup the mythtv backend
mythtv-themes-base0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Base themes for mythtv\'s frontend
mythtv-themes-base0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Base themes for mythtv\'s frontend
ncmpc0.14-1mdv2010.0Ncurses client for MPD
ncmpc-debug0.14-1mdv2010.0Debug information for package ncmpc
ogo-gnustep_make1.13.0-25.1GNUstep Makefile package
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N0.09-2.fc11I18N for Catalyst
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N0.09-2.fc10I18N for Catalyst
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N0.09-2.fc10I18N for Catalyst
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N0.09-2.fc11I18N for Catalyst
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N0.09-2.fc11I18N for Catalyst
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N0.09-2.fc10I18N for Catalyst
perl-local-lib1.003002-1.fc11Create and use a local lib/ for perl modules
perl-MythTV0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Perl bindings for MythTV
perl-MythTV0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Perl bindings for MythTV
preload0.6.4-1mdv2010.0Adaptive readahead daemon
preload-debug0.6.4-1mdv2010.0Debug information for package preload
pyftpdlib0.5.1-4.fc11Python FTP server library
python-libtorrent-rasterbar0.14.3-2mud2009.1The Rasterbar BitTorrent library\'s Python bindings
python-mythtv0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Python bindings for MythTV
python-mythtv0.21-20320.1.1plf2009.1Python bindings for MythTV
python-polib0.4.0-1.fc11.20080217svnr60A library to parse and manage gettext catalogs
qbittorrent1.3.3-1mud2009.1A C++/QT4 Bittorrent Client
rhnlib2.5.10-1.fc11Python libraries for the RHN project
rpmdevtools7.3-1.fc10RPM Development Tools
rpmdevtools7.3-1.fc10RPM Development Tools
rpmdevtools7.3-1.fc10RPM Development Tools
terminal0.2.12-2mdv2009.0X terminal emulator for Xfce desktop environment
terminal-debug0.2.12-2mdv2009.0Debug information for package terminal
tklib0.5-3.fc11Collection of widgets and other packages for Tk
ucview0.23-2.fc10Image and video capture application using unicap toolkit
ucview0.23-2.fc9Image and video capture application using unicap toolkit
ucview0.23-2.fc10Image and video capture application using unicap toolkit
ucview0.23-2.fc9Image and video capture application using unicap toolkit
xfce4-notifyd0.1.0-5mdv2009.0Notification daemon for Xfce desktop environment
xfce4-notifyd-debug0.1.0-5mdv2009.0Debug information for package xfce4-notifyd
yacas1.2.2-5mdv2010.0Yacas, a computer algebra language
yacas1.2.2-5mdv2010.0Yacas, a computer algebra language
yacas1.2.2-5mdv2010.0Yacas, a computer algebra language
yacas-debug1.2.2-5mdv2010.0Debug information for package yacas
yacas-debug1.2.2-5mdv2010.0Debug information for package yacas
yacas-debug1.2.2-5mdv2010.0Debug information for package yacas
youtube-dl0-0.2009.05.23.el4.rfDownload videos from
youtube-dl0-0.2009.05.23.el5.rfDownload videos from
youtube-dl0-0.2009.05.23.el4.rfDownload videos from
youtube-dl0-0.2009.05.23.el5.rfDownload videos from