Changelog for kpartx-0.4.9-31.SEL6.i686.rpm :
* Fri Dec 10 2010 Eddy Nigg - Rebuild for StartCom Linux 6.0.x * Tue Sep 07 2010 Benjamin Marzinski - Modify 0063-RHBZ-595719-udev_link_priority.patch * make link_priority only work on multipath devices and partitions.- Resolves: bz #595719 * Thu Sep 02 2010 Benjamin Marzinski - Modify 0063-RHBZ-595719-udev_link_priority.patch * move link_priority line up in the udev rules. Hopefully this is the actual fix.- Resolves: bz #595719 * Thu Sep 02 2010 Benjamin Marzinski - Modify 0063-RHBZ-595719-udev_link_priority.patch * Change link priority from 5 to 10- Resolves: bz #595719 * Wed Aug 18 2010 Benjamin Marzinski - Add 0064-RHBZ-612173-fix-reverse-lookup.patch * Fix multipath\'s wwid bindings file reverse lookup- Resolves: bz #612173 * Tue Aug 17 2010 Benjamin Marzinski - Add 0063-RHBZ-595719-udev_link_priority.patch * Increase the priority of multipath symlinks- Resolves: bz #595719 * Tue Aug 17 2010 Benjamin Marzinski - Add 0062-RHBZ-592998-hpsc-config.patch- Resolves: bz #592998 * Tue Aug 03 2010 Benjamin Marzinski - Add 0061-RHBZ-620479-find-rport.patch * multipath now will correctly set the dev_loss_tmo and fast_io_fail_tmo for setups where a devices rport id doesn\'t match its target id.- Resolves: bz #620479 * Tue Jul 20 2010 Benjamin Marzinski - Modify 0055-RHBZ-602257-update-on-show-topology.patch * fix patch so that multipath only syncs with the kernel, and doesn\'t update other features- Add 0060-RHBZ-606420-fix-remove-map.patch * multipathd will now only report a success for remove map when it actually succeeds.- Resolves: bz #602257, #606420 * Mon Jun 28 2010 Benjamin Marzinski - Add 0055-RHBZ-602257-update-on-show-topology.patch * make multipathd updated state with the kernel before showing topology- Add 0056-RHBZ-603812-better-type-check.patch * only count files a path devices, if they are block devices, and are not device-mapper devices.- Add 0057-RHBZ-607869-fix-resize.patch * use the resize calls that don\'t set noflush, when you reload for size changes.- Add 0058-RHBZ-601665-assemble-features.patch * When multipathd reloads paths, add queue_if_no_path to the features based on the no_path_retry value.- Add 0059-RHBZ-607874-handle-offlined-paths.patch * get the sysfs pathinfo in multipath if necessary, and only retry failed ev_add_path reloads 3 times.- Resolves: bz #602257, #603812, #607869, #601665, #607874 * Fri Jun 18 2010 Benjamin Marzinski - Modify 0034-RHBZ-579575-add-q-multipath-option.patch * close a pidfile file descriptor- Add 0051-RHBZ-596156-mpathconf-man-page.patch * add the mpathconf man page- Add 0052-RHBZ-601247-fix-path-adoption.patch * only verify existing paths during adoption when specified- Add 0053-RHBZ-596323-remember_more_wwids.patch * make sure that all wwids are in /etc/multipath/wwids when you run multipath- 0054-RHBZ-596319-rules-cleanup.patch- Resolves: bz #596156, #601247, #596323- Related: bz #579575 * Fri May 21 2010 Benjamin Marzinski - Add 0044-RHBZ-591940-dont-clear-daemon.patch * multipathd was clearing the daemon config setting on reconfigure- Add 0045-RHBZ-593379-dont-add-unknown-paths.patch * multipathd no longer pulls paths from map loads- Add 0046-RHBZ-593426-move-adopt-path.patch * The patch 0037-RH-adopt-paths.patch was causing problems, so I moved the adopt paths call to where it would effect fewer codepaths.- Add 0047-RHBZ-591608-only-switch-pgs-once.patch * multipathd was telling the kernel to switch pathgroups twice when restoring a path.- Add 0048-RHBZ-592494-fix-user-configs.patch * User hardware configs were getting matched after default configs. Also configs were getting merged that weren\'t complete matches.- Add 0049-RHBZ-591644-enhance-mpathconf.patch * multipath now loads the config before checking if the kenel_module is installed, and mpathconf now can load the module and chkconfig multipathd- Add 0050-RHBZ-595400-fix-checker-tmo.patch * Multipath wasn\'t opening the right sysfs file to set the checker timeout.Resolves: bz #591940, #593379, #593426, #592494, #591644, #595400 * Tue May 11 2010 Benjamin Marzinski - Add 0038-RHBZ-587201-IBM-SGI.patch- Add 0039-RHBZ-589153-manpage-update.patch- Add 0040-RHBZ-587695-add-checker-msg-alias.patch * The checker now prints the mutipathd device name with its message.- Add 0041-RHBZ-587695-add-rdac-message.patch * The rdac checker now always prints a message, and the code is cleaner.- Add 0042-RHBZ-590038-fix-fast-io-fail-tmo.patch * mutipath was trying using the wrong name to set fast_io_fail_tmo- Add 0043-RHBZ-590028-close-sysfs_attr_fd.patch * mutipathd wasn\'t closing the fds for sysfs attribute files that it wrote to.Resolves: bz #587201, #587695, #589153, #590028, #590038 * Wed May 05 2010 Benjamin Marzinski - Add 0035-RHBZ-467709-add-followover.patch * Multipath now supports the failback option \"followover\". With this multipathd only fails back when a pathgroup first comes back online.- Add 0036-RH-clear-messages.patch * keeps the checker from printing an old message if a new one isn\'t set.- Add 0037-RH-adopt-paths.patch * Makes multipathd adopt paths when it updates the map.- Resolves: bz #467709 * Thu Apr 15 2010 Benjamin Marzinski - Refresh 0030-RHBZ-558636-check-if-multipath-owns-path.patch- Modify 0021-RHBZ-558636-add-find-multipaths.patch * /etc/multipath/wwids now places the wwids inside of slashes to make sure that all valid wwids are supported.- Add 0031-RHBZ-570546-display-avg-pg-prio.patch- Add 0032-RHBZ-575767-ontap_prio.patc * change prio_netapp to prio_ontap- Add 0033-RHBZ-573715-eurologic-config.patch- Add 0034-RHBZ-579575-add-q-multipath-option.patch * multipath now will not set queue_if_no_path on a created or reloaded device unless multipathd is running. This can be overridden by the -q option- Resolves: bz #570546, #575767, #573715, #579575 * Mon Mar 22 2010 Benjamin Marzinski - Replace 0021-RHBZ-548874-add-find-multipaths.patch with 0021-RHBZ-558636-add-find-multipaths.patch * Wrong bugzilla id.- Modify 0012-RH-udev-sync-support.patch- Modify 0022-RHBZ-557845-RHEL5-style-partitions.patch * patch 0012 didn\'t compiled without 0022 also applied. It now works correctly by itself.- Add 0027-RHBZ-509443-enhance-show-config.patch * \"multipathd show config\" now show all default vaules, and all defined device and multipath values.- Add 0028-RHBZ-452617-add-revision-parameter.patch * Adds a \"revision\" parameter to the devices section of multipath.conf, so configurations can be set by revision.- Add 0029-RHBZ-567219-recalculate-pgs-in-checkerloop.patch * When the priority changes for a device that has groups it\'s pathgroups by priority, the pathgroups are recalculated.- Add 0030-RHBZ-558636-check-if-multipath-owns-path.patch * multipath -c will check if a device has previously been assembled as a multipath path. the multipath udev rules now set ENV{DM_MULTIPATH_DEVICE_PATH} if it has been.- Resolves: bz #509443, #452617, #567219, #558636 * Fri Mar 12 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -0.4.9-16- Add 0025-RHBZ-508827-update-multipathd-manpage.patch- Add 0026-RHBZ-549636-default-path-selector.patch * The default path selector paramter for multipath.conf is now named \"path_selector\" like it is for the device and multipath sections.- Resolves: bz #508827, #549636 * Fri Feb 19 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -0.4.9-15- Replace 0012-RH-explicitly-disable-dm-udev-sync-support-in-kpartx.patch with 0012-RH-udev-sync-support.patch * Make kpartx and multipathd work with the udev sync cookies.- Refresh 0013-RH-add-weighted_prio-prioritizer.patch- Modify 0021-RHBZ-548874-add-find-multipaths.patch * fix a bug where mpathconf couldn\'t create a new multipath.conf file if one didn\'t already exist.- Modify 0022-RHBZ-557845-RHEL5-style-partitions.patch * kpartx now creates 2 sector large devices for dos extended partitions, just like the partitions the kernel creates.- Add 0023-RHBZ-557810-emc-invista-config.patch- Add 0024-RHBZ-565933-checker-timeout.patch * All the checker functions that have explicit timeouts will now use /sys/block/sd/device/timeout unless checker_timeout is set in multipath.conf If so, they will use that value instead.- Resolves: bz #557810, #565933- Related: bz #558636 * Fri Jan 22 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -0.4.9-14- Add 0022-RHBZ-557845-RHEL5-style-partitions.patch * Make kpartx deal with logical partitions like it did in RHEL5. Don\'t create a dm-device for the extended partition itself. Create the logical partitions on top of the dm-device for the whole disk.- Modify 0010-RH-multipath-rules-udev-changes.patch * Fix udev rules to use DM_SBIN_PATH when calling kpartx * install udev rules to /lib/udev/rules.d instead of /etc/udev/rules.d- Refresh 0021-RHBZ-548874-add-find-multipaths.patch- Resolves: bz #557845 * Fri Jan 15 2010 Benjamin Marzinski -0.4.9-13- Refresh 0001-RH-queue-without-daemon.patch- Refresh 0002-RH-path-checker.patch- Modify 0010-RH-multipath-rules-udev-changes.patch * Modify udev rules as per Peter Jones\' request.- Modify 0014-RH-add-hp_tur-checker.patch- Add 0003-for-upstream-default-configs.patch- Add 0016-RHBZ-554561-fix-init-error-msg.patch- Add 0017-RHBZ-554592-man-page-note.patch- Add 0018-RHBZ-554596-SUN-6540-config.patch- Add 0019-RHBZ-554598-fix-multipath-locking.patch- Add 0020-RHBZ-554605-fix-manual-failover.patch- Add 0021-RHBZ-548874-add-find-multipaths.patch * Added find_multipaths multipath.conf option * Added /sbin/mpathconf for simple editting of multipath.conf- Resolves: bz #548874, #554561, #554592, #554596, #554598, #554605 * Tue Dec 15 2009 Benjamin Marzinski -0.4.9-12- Remove requirement on device-mapper with udev sync support, since the multipath udev rules can still work without it.- Resolves: bz #548106 * Mon Nov 16 2009 Benjamin Marzinski -0.4.9-11- Add 0002-for-upstream-add-tmo-config-options.patch * Add fail_io_fail_tmo and dev_loss_tmo multipath.conf options- Add 0013-RH-add-weighted_prio-prioritizer.patch- Add 0014-RH-add-hp_tur-checker.patch- Add 0015-RH-add-multipathd-count-paths-cmd.patch- rename multipath.conf.redhat to multipath.conf, and remove the default blacklist. * Tue Oct 27 2009 Fabio M. Di Nitto - 0.4.9-10- Updated to latest upstream 0.4.9 code : multipath-tools-091027.tar.gz (git commit id: a946bd4e2a529e5fba9c9547d03d3f91806618a3)- Drop unrequired for-upstream patches.- BuildRequires and Requires new device-mapper version for udev sync support. * Tue Oct 20 2009 Fabio M. Di Nitto - 0.4.9-9- 0012-RH-explicitly-disable-dm-udev-sync-support-in-kpartx.patch * Mon Oct 19 2009 Fabio M. Di Nitto - 0.4.9-8- Split patches in \"for-upstream\" and \"RH\" series.- Replace 0011-RH-multipathd-blacklist-all-by-default.patch with version from Benjamin Marzinski.- Update udev rules 0010-RH-multipath-rules-udev-changes.patch.- rpmlint cleanup: * Drop useless-provides kpartx. * Cleanup tab vs spaces usage. * Summary not capitalized. * Missing docs in libs package. * Fix init script LSB headers.- Drop README * files from doc sections (they are empty). * Thu Oct 15 2009 Fabio M. Di Nitto - 0.4.9-7- Add patch 0010-RH-Set-friendly-defaults.patch: * set rcdir to fedora default. * do not install kpartx udev bits. * install redhat init script. * Cleanup spec file install target.- Add patch 0011-RH-multipathd-blacklist-all-by-default.patch: * Fix BZ#528059 * Stop installing default config in /etc and move it to the doc dir. * Tue Oct 13 2009 Fabio M. Di Nitto - 0.4.9-6- Updated to latest upstream 0.4.9 code : multipath-tools-091013.tar.gz (git commit id: aa0a885e1f19359c41b63151bfcface38ccca176)- Drop, now upstream, patches: * fix_missed_uevs.patch. * log_all_messages.patch. * uninstall.patch. * select_lib.patch. * directio_message_cleanup.patch. * stop_warnings.patch.- Drop redhatification.patch in favour of spec file hacks.- Drop mpath_wait.patch: no longer required.- Merge multipath_rules.patch and udev_change.patch.- Rename all patches based on source.- Add patch 0009-RH-fix-hp-sw-hardware-table-entries.patch to fix default entry for hp_sw and match current kernel.- Add multipath.conf.redhat as source instead of patch.- spec file: * divide runtime and build/setup bits. * update BuildRoot. * update install section to apply all the little hacks here and there, in favour of patches against upstream. * move ldconfig invokation to libs package where it belong. * fix libs package directory ownership and files. * Thu Aug 20 2009 Benjamin Marzinski - 0.4.9-5- Fixed problem where maps were being added and then removed.- Changed the udev rules to fix some issues. * Thu Jul 30 2009 Benjamin Marzinski - 0.4.9-4- Fixed build issue on i686 machines. * Wed Jul 29 2009 Benjamin Marzinski - 0.4.9-3- Updated to latest upstream 0.4.9 code : multipath-tools-090729.tgz (git commit id: d678c139719d5631194b50e49f16ca97162ecd0f)- moved multipath bindings file from /var/lib/multipath to /etc/multipath- Fixed 354961, 432520 * Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.4.9-2- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild * Wed May 06 2009 Mike Snitzer - 0.4.9-1- Updated to latest upstream 0.4.9 code: multipath-tools-090429.tgz (git commit id: 7395bcda3a218df2eab1617df54628af0dc3456e)- split the multipath libs out to a device-mapper-multipath-libs package- if appropriate, install multipath libs in /lib64 and /lib64/multipath * Tue Apr 07 2009 Milan Broz - 0.4.8-10- Fix insecure permissions on multipathd.sock (CVE-2009-0115) * Fri Mar 06 2009 Milan Broz - 0.4.8-9- Fix kpartx extended partition handling (475283) * Tue Feb 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.4.8-8- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild * Fri Sep 26 2008 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.8-7- Since libaio is now in /lib, not /usr/lib, multipath no longer needs to statically link against it. Fixed an error with binding file and WWIDs that include spaces. Cleaned up the messages from the directio checker function. Fixed the udev rules. Fixed a regression in multipath.conf parsing- Fixed 457530, 457589 * Wed Aug 20 2008 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.8-6- Updated to latest upstream 0.4.8 code: multipath-tools-080804.tgz (git commit id: eb87cbd0df8adf61d1c74c025f7326d833350f78)- fixed 451817, 456397 (scsi_id_change.patch), 457530 (config_space_fix.patch) 457589 (static_libaio.patch) * Fri Jun 13 2008 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.8-5- Rebuild (rogue vendor tag). (451292) * Mon May 19 2008 Benjamin Marzinksi 0.4.8-4- Fixed Makefile issues. * Mon May 19 2008 Benjamin Marzinksi 0.4.8-3- Fixed ownership build error. * Mon May 19 2008 Benjamin Marzinksi 0.4.8-2- Forgot to commit some patches. * Mon May 19 2008 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.8-1- Updated to latest Upstream 0.4.8 code: multipath-tools-080519.tgz (git commit id: 42704728855376d2f7da2de1967d7bc71bc54a2f) * Tue May 06 2008 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.7-15- Remove unnecessary multipath & kpartx static binaries. (bz 234928) * Fri Feb 29 2008 Tom \"spot\" Callaway - 0.4.7-14- fix sparc64- fix license tag * Tue Feb 19 2008 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.4.7-13- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3 * Wed Nov 14 2007 Benjamin Marzinski - 0.4.7-12- Fixed the dist tag so building will work properly. * Mon Feb 05 2007 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.7-11.fc7- Add build dependency on new device-mapper-devel package.- Add dependency on device-mapper. * Wed Jan 31 2007 Benjamin Marzinksi - 0.4.7-10.fc7- Update BuildRoot and PreReq lines. * Mon Jan 15 2007 Benjamin Marzinksi - 0.4.7-9.fc7- Fixed spec file. * Mon Jan 15 2007 Benjamin Marzinski - 0.4.7-8.fc7- Update to latest code (t0_4_7_head2) * Wed Dec 13 2006 Benjamin Marzinski - 0.4.7-7.fc7- Update to latest code (t0_4_7_head1) * Thu Sep 07 2006 Peter Jones - 0.4.7-5- Fix kpartx to handle with drives >2TB correctly. * Thu Aug 31 2006 Peter Jones - 0.4.7-4.1- Split kpartx out into its own package so dmraid can use it without installing multipathd- Fix a segfault in kpartx * Mon Jul 17 2006 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.7-4.0- Updated to latest source. Fixes bug in default multipath.conf * Wed Jul 12 2006 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.7-3.1- Added ncurses-devel to BuildRequires * Wed Jul 12 2006 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.7-3.0- Updated to latest source. deals with change in libsysfs API * Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating - 0.4.7-2.2.1- rebuild * Mon Jul 10 2006 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.7-2.2- fix tagging issue. * Mon Jul 10 2006 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.7-2.1- changed BuildRequires from sysfsutils-devel to libsysfs-devel * Wed Jun 28 2006 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.7-2.0- Updated to latest upstream source, fixes kpartx udev rule issue * Tue Jun 06 2006 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.7-1.0- Updated to Christophe\'s latest source * Mon May 22 2006 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.5-16.0- Newer upstream source (t0_4_5_post59). * Mon May 22 2006 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.5-12.3- BuildRequires: libsepol-devel, readline-devel * Mon Feb 27 2006 Benjamin Marzinski 0.4.5-12.2- Prereq: chkconfig * Mon Feb 20 2006 Karsten Hopp 0.4.5-12.1- BuildRequires: libselinux-devel * Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating - 0.4.5-12.0.1- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64) * Tue Feb 07 2006 Benjamin Marzinski -0.4.5-12.0- Updated to latest upstream source (t0_4_5_post56) * Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating - 0.4.5-9.1.1- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes * Mon Dec 19 2005 Benjamin Marzinski - 0.4.5-9.1- added patch for fedora changes * Fri Dec 16 2005 Benjamin Marzinski - 0.4.5-9.0- Updated to latest upstream source (t)_4_5_post52) * Fri Dec 09 2005 Jesse Keating - rebuilt * Sun Dec 04 2005 Peter Jones - 0.4.4-2.6- rebuild for newer libs * Tue Nov 15 2005 Peter Jones - 0.4.4-2.5- unsplit kpartx. parted knows how to do this now, so we don\'t need this in a separate package. * Tue Nov 15 2005 Peter Jones - 0.4.4-2.4- split kpartx out into its own package * Fri May 06 2005 Bill Nottingham - 0.4.4-2.3- Fix last fix. * Thu May 05 2005 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.4-2.2- Fix last fix. * Wed May 04 2005 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.4-2.1- By default, disable the multipathd service. * Tue Apr 19 2005 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.4-2.0- Fix core dump from last build. * Tue Apr 19 2005 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.4-1.0- Move cache file into /var/cache/multipath. * Fri Apr 08 2005 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.4-0.pre8.1- Remove pp_balance_units. * Mon Apr 04 2005 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.4-0.pre8.0- Incorporate numerous upstream fixes.- Update init script to distribution standards. * Tue Mar 01 2005 Alasdair Kergon - 0.4.2-1.0- Initial import based on Christophe Varoqui\'s spec file.