Changelog for argyllcms-1.3.5-7.el6.nux.i686.rpm :

* Tue Feb 07 2012 Richard Hughes - 1.3.5-7- Ship a shared library to reduce the installed package size from 27.7Mb to 3.2Mb by removing 46 instances of static linking.
* Thu Jan 26 2012 Richard Hughes - 1.3.5-6- Fix the ColorHug patch to not time out with firmware >= 1.1.1 and to correctly report negative numbers.- Re-libtoolize to fix compile failure on rawhide.
* Thu Jan 12 2012 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.3.5-5- Rebuilt for
* Sun Dec 11 2011 Richard Hughes - 1.3.5-4- Build and install ccxxmake, iccdump and icclu.
* Fri Dec 02 2011 Richard Hughes - 1.3.5-3- Add an experimental ColorHug sensor driver.
* Thu Dec 01 2011 Richard Hughes - 1.3.5-2- Upstream bundles yajl 1.0.0 and it\'s impossible to easily switch to the system version now Fedora has switched to Disable the ucmm functionality as it\'s not even used in Fedora.
* Thu Dec 01 2011 Richard Hughes - 1.3.5-1- Update to 1.3.5
* Mon Feb 07 2011 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.1.0-0.2.20100201git- Rebuilt for
* Mon Feb 01 2010 Richard Hughes - 1.1.0-0.1-20100201git- Update to 1.1.0- Switch to using the hargyllcms friendly fork sources as upstream refuses to switch away from jam, or stop bundling other projects (yajl) and libraries (libusb, libtiff).- Switch primarily motivated by the fragility of the automake patch, and that the original patch will not cleanly apply to the new sources without essentially rewriting it. The old patch also compiles a few of the source object files 3 or 4 times and links different versions internally with different binaries.
* Mon Feb 01 2010 Richard Hughes - 1.0.4-5- Backport the 55-Argyll.rules files from hargyllcms as the upstream Argyll file is insecure.- Resolves #560050
* Mon Nov 09 2009 Adam Jackson 1.0.4-4- argyllcms-1.0.4-dispwin-randr-fix.patch: Fix dispwin to not look at outputs with no CRTC (which is not the same thing as outputs with no connection) (#498931)
* Fri Oct 30 2009 Richard Hughes - 1.0.4-3- Install the udev rules file so users can get the correct device permissions on F12 and above which does not use HAL policy files.
* Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.4-2- Rebuilt for
* Tue Jun 30 2009 Jon Ciesla - 1.0.4-1- New upstream, incorporating ICC fixes.
* Thu Apr 16 2009 Jon Ciesla - 1.0.3-5- Actually
* previous patch.- Autotools patch from debian to allow for make check.
* Wed Apr 08 2009 Jon Ciesla - 1.0.3-4- Patch for ICC library CVE-2009-0792.
* Mon Mar 23 2009 Jon Ciesla - 1.0.3-3- Patch for ICC library CVE-2009-{0583, 0584} by Tim Waugh.
* Mon Feb 23 2009 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.3-2- Rebuilt for
* Wed Sep 03 2008 Nicolas Mailhot - 1.0.3-1- Bugfix release
* Mon Sep 01 2008 Nicolas Mailhot - 1.0.2-1- Bugfix release
* Sun Jul 27 2008 Nicolas Mailhot - 1.0.1-1- Lots of workarounds dropped — Argyll continues progressing towards “normal package” state- No more jam hell, autotooling patch by Alastair M. Robinson- New workaround added for private libusb check ⚔ We build againt system libusb, and will fix any problem people care to report- Re-applied some patches still not merged upstream, including the legal - one- It builds, what can go wrong- Changed Huey policy file. Huey users, please test
* Wed Mar 26 2008 Tom \"spot\" Callaway - patch applied for legal reasons
* Fri Feb 08 2008 Nicolas Mailhot - 0.70-0.8.Beta9- Another code fix (Stefan Brüns)- 0.70-0.8.Beta8- update to Stefan Brüns\' latest safe-printf patch (bz421921#c18)
* Thu Feb 07 2008 Nicolas Mailhot - 0.70-0.7.Beta8 Finally got around packaging beta8, I suck- Fedora patches merged upstream, dropped from rpm- Huey handling seems sanitized (needs testing by Huey users)- Upstream relicensed icc and cgats library to plain MIT license (Thanks!)
* Fri Dec 14 2007 Nicolas Mailhot - 0.70-0.6.Beta7- fix udev typo- 0.70-0.5.Beta7- Remove files that may be GPLv2-only according to upstream
* Thu Dec 13 2007 Nicolas Mailhot - 0.70-0.4.Beta7- move to modern PolicyKit world (David Zeuthen, Frédéric Crozat, me)
* Wed Dec 12 2007 Nicolas Mailhot - 0.70-0.3.Beta7- integrate review feedback- 0.70-0.2.Beta7- fix buffer overflows in dispread and iccdump (credits Daniel Berrangé)- 0.70-0.1.Beta7- 0.70 beta7- initial laborious packaging- Build system from hell untangling by Frédéric Crozat (Mandriva), and me- device permission magic by me- Massively under-tested package, please report problems