Changelog for
banshee-extension-folder-sync-2.4.0-4.4.x86_64.rpm :
Sat Apr 7 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 2.4.0:
+ New extension:
- FolderSync: Copy and synchronize tracks from playlists into
specified folders
+ Enhancements:
- AlbumArtWriter:
. Allow forcing a copy of the album art into the album
. Add configuration of the name and the type of the image
- DuplicateSongDetector: Use a more aggressive algorithm for
detecting duplicates
+ Bug fixes, including:
- DuplicateSongDetector: Fix bug causing the window to be blank
- Karaoke:
. Don\'t change the visual style of the lyrics
. Disable keybindings in the context pane
- LiveRadio:
. Fix crash when updating the genre list
. Disable non-functional plugins: shoutcast, magnatune,
. Fix crash when live365 session stream cannot be retrieved
. Fix crash when clicking multiple genres quickly
- Lyrics: Use HTTP proxy management provided by Banshee
- Telepathy: Fix dllmap for cross-architecture support
- Change versioned Obsoletes from <= to < now that we have a new
- Create banshee-extension-folder-sync subpackage for new
Wed Oct 12 14:00:00 2011
- Build lirc extension:
+ Add lirc-devel BuildRequires.
+ Create banshee-extension-lirc subpackage.
- Rename banshee-extension-alarm to banshee-extension-alarmclock,
with appropriate Provides/Obsoletes.
- Create a common subpackage that contains common files, and rename
lang subpackage to common-lang so that translations are
installable for all packages.
- Remove Requires for banshee and Recommends for lang subpackage
from all extensions subpackages, and instead have a Requires on
the common subpackage.
- Rework all summaries and descriptions again.
Fri Sep 23 14:00:00 2011
- Rename banshee-extension-dsd to
banshee-extention-duplicate-song-detector and
banshee-extention-album-art to
banshee-extention-album-art-writer, with appropriate
- Remove main subpackage.
- Improve summaries and descriptions.
- Remove all <= 1130 syntax: banshee 2.2.0 doesn\'t work there
Mon Sep 19 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 2.2.0:
+ Karaoke, Lyrics: Fix crash when switching to Now Playing
+ Updated translations.
- Remove unneeded %clean section.
Tue Sep 13 14:00:00 2011
- change the requires from banshee-1 to banshee
Fri Sep 9 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 2.1.4:
+ DuplicateSongDetector: Add toggling by activating row
+ DuplicateSongDetector: Add a refresh and close button to the
+ OpenVP: Add new \"Spectrum Scan\" and \"Spectrum Rain\"
+ OpenVP: Make \"Scaled Voiceprint\" visualization look nicer
+ ClutterFlow: Fix crash when searching (bgo#658334)
+ StreamRecorder: Fix files not being split by metadata
Mon Aug 29 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 2.1.3:
+ AlbumArtWriter: Write album art to the folder containing the
music files (banshee-extension-album-art)
+ DuplicateSongDetector: Detect and remove duplicate songs in
your library (banshee-extension-dsd)
+ Mirage: Re-enable rescan and reset methods (bgo#653826)
+ OpenVP: Add a new \"Scaled Voiceprint\" visualization
+ RandomByLastfm: Do not query when offline
+ LastfmFingerprint: Build only if enabled in the build
Thu Jul 14 14:00:00 2011
- Banshee requires updated to >= 2.1.0.
Wed Jul 6 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 2.1.1:
+ Moved to pkgconfig() calls for >= 1130;
+ Moved requirements from \'banshee-1\' to \'banshee\', required
by banshee package name change.
+ Use dbus-sharp/dbus-sharp-glib instead of ndesk-dbus and
+ ClutterFlow: Major refactoring and code cleanup, for better
Fri May 6 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 2.0.1:
+ Minor spec changes to remove some rpmlint warnings.
+ Notable bugs fixed since 2.0.0:
- ClutterFlow: Fix NRE crash (bgo#647134);
- Karaoke: add an gst_init() call to make sure gstreamer is
- Karaoke: fix NRE on dispose if audiokaraoke was not found;
- LastfmFingerprint: Don\'t strdup strings;
- LastfmFingerprint: Fix empty name exception (bgo#648168);
- Lirc: Drop moduleref (lp#773686);
- LiveRadio: Re-enable ShoutCast with request structure from
- Lyrics: Always update pane title when track changes
- RadioStationFetcher: Updated the shoutcast plugin to fix the
IP address;
- ZeitgeistDataprovider: Register dataprovider in DataSource
Registry (lp#691842);
- ZeitgeistDataprovider: Differenciate between
ScheduledActivity and UserActivity (lp#748120).
Mon Apr 4 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 2.0.0
* New extensions since 1.8.0 :
- Ampache: Browse and play your remote music with Ampache
- Jamendo: Browse the Jamendo catalog, stream and download free music
- Karaoke: Filter out the singers voice
- LastfmFingerprint: Identify your music automatically, using the
online service
- RandomByLastfm: Shuffle your library using information from the
online service
- ZeitgeistDataprovider: Publish your Banshee activities into Zeitgeist
* Enhancements since 1.8.0:
- AlarmClock: Improve the sleep timer configuration
- LiveRadio: Add a module to fetch radio stations from
- Lyrics: Improve performance
* Notable bugs fixed since 1.8.0:
- Fix missing unique IDs in several extension sources
- AlarmClock: Fix sleep timer fade out duration (bgo#634200)
- AlarmClock: Don\'t start playing if the alarm is disabled (bgo#637481)
- ClutterFlow: Handle horizontal scrolling properly (bgo#644609)
- Lirc: Fix potential memory issues
- Lirc: Add a dllmap for lirc_client (bgo#635848)
- LiveRadio: Fix crash when retrieving source icon (bgo#640152)
- LiveRadio: Fix display of the source icon
- Lyrics: Fix NullPointerException when artist is unknown
- Lyrics: Properly trim artist name and track title and fix NRE (bgo#635616)
- Lyrics: Change regex on LyricWiki to show only original
language (bgo#635434)
- Lyrics: Throw a NetworkUnavailableException when there is no
network (bgo#634787)
- Lyrics: Don\'t use anymore (bgo#640570)
- Magnatune: Fix display of the source icon
- Streamrecorder: Fix recording of some streams (bgo#642933)
- StreamRecorder: Fix write error by creating output directory if needed
Sat Oct 9 14:00:00 2010
- Fix Requires: for telepathy extension.
Use telepathy-mission-control NOT telepathy-mission-control-5
Thu Sep 30 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 1.8.0
* Bugs Fixed:
- [AlarmClock] Rework synchronization to avoid an infinite loop
- [AlarmClock] Fix a crash on exit
- [SoundMenu] Add dependency on the MPRIS extension
Wed Sep 22 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 1.7.6
* Enhancements:
- [Lyrics] Add a Copy button to the lyrics window
- [Lyrics] Fix up the label in LyricsPane
- [Lyrics] Use Banshee.WebBrowser instead of webkit-sharp
* Bugs Fixed:
- [build] Bring gnome-doc-utils autofoo into the tree
- [Lyrics] Detect a false positive from
- [Lyrics] Fixed LyricsWiki source
- [U1MS] Set a TypeUniqueId for the source (bgo#626965)
Thu Sep 2 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 1.7.4
* New:
- [OpenVP] Add various visualizations to the Now Playing source
- [SoundMenu] Control Banshee from the sound menu available in Ubuntu
* Enhancements:
- User help is now available, automatically integrated into the Banshee help pages.
To contribute to it, get in touch with the GNOME Documentation Project at
- [AppIndicator] Avoid conflicts with NotificationArea by not being enabled at the same time
* Bugs Fixed:
- [AppIndicator] Fix toggle state issue when the window was launched from its starter
- [AppIndicator] Stop the notifications from lagging and stacking up (bgo#616652)
- [AppIndicator] Use banshee-panel icon if it exists
- [ClutterFlow] Fix crash when checking GL extensions
- [ClutterFlow] Copy the clutter-sharp assemblies during installation
- [LiveRadio] Fix ShoutCAST streams (lp#572819)
- [LiveRadio] Fix crash when disabling last enabled plugin (bgo#623983)
- [Lyrics] Follow the WriteMetadata preference
- [Mirage] Remove the ineffective \"Duplicate Search\" menu entry
- [Mirage] Explicitly link mirageaudiotest to GStreamer libs (bgo#624084)
- [Mirage] Delay initialization to avoid slowing down Banshee\'s startup
- [StreamRecorder] Use a filesink in the gstreamer pipeline (bgo#616167)
- [Telepathy] Update Now Playing information when gapless is on
- [UbuntuOneMusicStore] Delay initialization until actually needed
- Updates in version 1.6.0
* New:
- [AppIndicator] use the new application indicator area available in Ubuntu.
* Enhancements:
- [ClutterFlow] Added an alphabet bar to the scrollbar for fast browsing
- [Lyrics] Add support
* Bugs Fixed:
- [ClutterFlow] Fix shade bug when there\'s no shader support
- [ClutterFlow] Fix party-mode transition, fixed wrong slider label
- [ClutterFlow] Fix small bug, now stores user sorting setting
- [ClutterFlow] Fix asynchronous clone creation when user clicks album currently not centered
- [ClutterFlow] Fix fullscreen bug, fixing internationalisation strings (again)
- [I18N] Replace all Catalog calls with calls to the Mono.Addins localizer
- [Magnatune] Replace unicode char with \\u expansion
- [Mirage] Only load RandomBySimilar if Mirage working
- [StreamRecorder] Added \"unchanged\" encoder to record streams as they are
- [StreamRecorder] fixed encoder choose to not include plugins that are not found
- [StreamRecorder] updated deprecated lame gstreamer plugin to lamemp3enc
Thu Mar 11 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 1.5.5
* New:
- [CoverWallpaper] new, migrated from Google Code
- [LiveRadio] new, another way to discover internet radio stations
- [Magnatune] new, browse and stream tracks from Magnatune
- [Telepathy] new, browse your IM friends\' music library, download or stream their tracks
- [UbuntuOneMusicStore] new, browse and preview songs from the Ubuntu One Music Store
* Enhancements:
- [ClutterFlow] Added a slide out animation when user right-clicks album so he/she can see the cover better
- [ClutterFlow] Dragging sensitivity is now adjustable
- [Mirage] Much more sophisticated shuffle/fill-by similar
* Bug fixes:
- [Lyrics] Handle proxy config errors (bgo#611446)
- [Mirage] Fix crash in RandomBySimilar (bgo#611066)
Wed Feb 24 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 1.5.4
* Contains nine extensions:
- AlarmClock
- Awn
- ClutterFlow (disabled in this build)
- Lirc (disabled in this build)
- Lyrics
- Mirage
- RadioStationFetcher
- StreamRecorder
Thu Feb 11 13:00:00 2010
- Initial packaging; git snapshot