Changelog for vmware-guest-kmp-debug-2010.03.20_2.6.27.19_5-7.1.x86_64.rpm :
Fri May 6 14:00:00 2011
- Fix init script to know the right name of the balloon driver.
The name changes with various kernel versions. (bnc#633274).

Mon Jun 7 14:00:00 2010
- Add vmmemctl.tar.bz2, extracted from open-vm-tools 2010.02.23.

Mon May 31 14:00:00 2010
- Better logic to easily disable modules that got inlcluded in the
Linux Kernel, for bnc#605085.

Thu Apr 22 14:00:00 2010
- Re-introduce vmxnet3 on openSUSE <= 11.2. Up to then we have
kernel 2.26.31, which does not bring the vmxnet3 driver yet.
The driver itself is the last one shipped with open-vm-tools,
version 2009.12.16.

Wed Apr 21 14:00:00 2010
- Send SIGUSR1 to vmware-user process when the services are being
stopped. This possibly solves bnc#544400.

Wed Apr 7 14:00:00 2010
- Add open-vm-tools-libpng14.patch to fix build with libpng 1.4.

Wed Mar 24 13:00:00 2010
- Update to 2010.03.20:
+ New i18n support for Tools; it is based on VMware\'s internal
+ Logging infrastructure has been enhanced and now supports
+ Bug fixes in several areas (DnD, backup support, thread safety)
+ Updates in Linux kernel modules for compatibility with newer
+ New functionality in the Unity support code.

Tue Mar 23 13:00:00 2010
- Disabled vmxnet3 building. this only did not give an error anyhow
as there was a typo, thus having the module already disabled for
quite some time.
- bnc#590329: Re-add lost 50-vmnics.conf file.

Thu Feb 25 13:00:00 2010
- Update to 2010.02.23:
+ Mostly bug fixes, cleanups and code refactoring.

Wed Feb 10 13:00:00 2010
- Update to 2010.01.19:
+ Linux modules have been updated to compile on newer kernels
+ Solaris modules now should compile on OpenSolaris
(tested on 2009.06).
+ Other than those, mostly bug fixes and minor refactoring.

Wed Jan 6 13:00:00 2010
- Update to 2009.12.16:
+ Some improvements to vmtoolsd, base libraries and and the
plugin interface.
+ Some library refactoring: use new lock library, changes to
support compilation of some code on ARM.
+ some fixes in to try to correctly support newer
+ vsock/vmci improvements.
+ bug fixes in the vmxnet / vmxnet3 drivers, and FreeBSD\'s
vmblock driver.
+ vmxnet3 for Linux is now upstream (as of Linux 2.6.32), and
will be removed from later releases of open-vm-tools.
+ pvscsi will be available upstream starting with Linux 2.6.33
and at that time will be removed from open-vm-tools.
- Disable building of vmxnet3 if kernel is 2.6.32 or newer.

Mon Nov 23 13:00:00 2009
- Update to 2009.11.17
+ Lots of refactoring and cleanup in the code, mainly targeting
the definition of a set of public APIs.
+ vmblock-fuse can now replace the vmblock kernel module for DnD
+ Fix some memory leaks in the guestInfo module.

Sun Nov 22 13:00:00 2009
- Update to 2009.10.15
+ The HGFS module got some performance enhancements.
+ Minor enhancements to vmtoolsd and the logging system.
+ Fix for a few issues reported on the sourceforge bug tracker.
+ Lots of code refactoring, and a few bug fixes.

Sat Nov 21 13:00:00 2009
- Update to 2009.09.18
+ Mostly bug fixes and minor enhancements.
+ The pvscsi code was re-factored in preparation for upstreaming.
The driver has been sent to the LKML for inclusion in the main
Linux tree and might be removed from open-vm-tools once it\'s

Mon Aug 10 14:00:00 2009
- Update to 2009.08.24
+ Remove support for Linux kernels < 2.6.9.
+ The vsock now implements a new notification protocol that has
better performance than the previous.
+ New infrastructure for sending more network config-related
information about the virtual machine to the host.
+ Other bug fixes and minor improvements to the code.

Sat Aug 8 14:00:00 2009
- move to the devel pakage, which we have since
version 2009.07.22 and remove the rpmlint check for it.
- Remove the autoreconf call. We do not patch any Makefiles anymore.
- Require libvmtools0 from the -devel package.
- Drop the rpmlintrc file. Permissions are correctyl set, devel
package split out.

Thu Aug 6 14:00:00 2009
- Adjust specfile permission handling to match SUSE standard, snippet
moved to permissions package. bnc#474285

Thu Jul 23 14:00:00 2009
- Update to 2009.07.22

* Better support for dkms by means of a script to help create a
dkms tree.

* \"make install\" now also installs header files for public
libraries, plus a few fixes to incorrect install behavior.

* Lots of improvements to the new DnD code.

* This will be the last release with support for Linux
kernels < 2.6.9.
- fix compatibiliy update script to redirect stderr to /dev/null
(in case the script is not found, do not scare the user)

Tue Jul 21 14:00:00 2009
- added || : to modprobe -r and umount calls in vmtoolsd [bnc#523342]

Fri Jun 19 14:00:00 2009
- Updated to 2009.06.18

* Mostly a bug fix release.

* vmhgfs now is able to use vsock as a transport (although
backend support for HGFS over vsock is not yet released in
VMware products).
- Removed patch open-vm-tools-wiperPosix.patch. An alternative
solution was integrated upstream
- Dropped patch open-vm-tools-rpath.patch: merged upstream

Sat May 23 14:00:00 2009
- Updated to 2009.05.22

* Mostly a cleanup and bug fix release.

* Fix a build issue where a symlink attack could cause the
open-vm-tools build to overwrite data (by placing a symlink in

* Second (and last?) batch of changes to clean up duplicate files
in the source tree, including Solaris and FreeBSD kernel
modules andother module-specific shared files.

* Plugins now are properly built using plugins_LTLIBRARIES so
that \"-rpath\" doesn\'t need to be used (this would cause an
RPATH entry to be added to the final binary, which some tools
didn\'t like).

* open-vm-tools now properly detects PAM and enables PAM support
in the code.
- Removed -rpath.patch. Variation of it integrated upstream
- Added patch to consume (-wiperPosix.patch) the result of fgets
- BuildRequires pam-devel
- The pam miss-naming on x86_64 has been fixed upstream
- Add a new -rpath patch. Not everything is solved upstream.
- Delete arch dependent files from /usr/share (not yet needed)

Sat Apr 25 14:00:00 2009
- Upgrade to snapshot 2009.04.23

* Implemented copy & paste support for RTF data and file contents.

* guestd has been removed from open-vm-tools; vmtoolsd is now the only
option for the main tools service.

* Added vmblock and vmmemctl modules for Solaris (under the CDDL).

* vmware-user can now work with both vmblock-fuse and vmblock.

* Linux HGFS now has a stream-based (TCP, vsock) transport, still under

* First batch of changes to cleanup duplicated files in the source tree.
Most duplicated files in the Linux kernel modules have been cleaned up.
- Extensive rewrite of the spec file:

* make use of the now upstream provided make install

* configure --no-root-privileges, to not install mount.vmhgfs as suid
- Add patch open-vm-tools-2009.04.23-rpath.diff: removes the rpath logic
which was introduced for the vmusr and vmsvc plugins. libtools is broken
in this respect. (patch submitted upstream for review)
- Extend preun section with service rename (vmware-guest -> vmtoolsd)
(patch provided by prusnak)
- forcibly activate vmtoolsd service also on update.
- fix up the KMP rename: for this to work we need to provide / obsolete
vmware-kmp and vmware-kmp-; otherwise, zypper starts pulling
in other kernels.

Fri Mar 20 13:00:00 2009
- rename vmware-KMP to vmware-guest-KMP for easier identification
of the use and to avoid confusion (users installing the KMP on the
vmware hosts) (bnc#481137)
- create subpackage libvmtools0

Thu Mar 19 13:00:00 2009
- Upgrade to snapshot 2009.03.18

* Mostly a bug fix release.

* The new DnD V3 protocol is now available in open-vm-tools.

* vmtoolsd is now preferred instead of vmware-guestd
- vmware-guestd will most probably be completely removed in the next release.
- > vmtoolsd is not yet standard enabled in openSUSE packages.
- Obsolete merged patches vmxnet and vmxnet3.patch.

Mon Mar 9 13:00:00 2009
- renamed modprobe config to /etc/modprobe.d/50-vmnics.conf
(required by new module-init-tools).

Thu Feb 19 13:00:00 2009
- Upgrade to snapshot 2009.02.18

* open-vm-tools now depend on glib 2.6.0 as a minimum requirement.

* Added vmxnet module for Solaris, and reworked the HGFS module so it
works without help from vmware-guestd.

* Added implementation of new DnD protocol, which adds a dependency on
a C++ compiler and the gtkmm library to vmware-user.

* The code from the \"core services\" has been added to open-vm-tools,
including a few tests. vmtoolsd + plugins are now capable of replacing
vmware-guestd (vmware-user still needs to have some features ported
over), but this code is still not to be considered as stable as the
legacy services, so vmware-guestd is still included.

* A few fixes for compatibility with non-GNU toolchains, newer Linux
kernels and old gcc compilers.
- Added patch open-vm-tools-2009.02.18-vmxnet.patch
Allows to compile kernelmodule vmxnet with kernels 2.6.29
And open-vm-tools02009.02.18-vmxnet3.patch

Mon Feb 16 13:00:00 2009
- Remove noDisplay=true from vmware-user.desktop, as KDE4
does not autostart the app in this case. Fixes BNC #475627

Thu Feb 12 13:00:00 2009
- Added vmware-user-autostart-wrapper to solve bnc #474076
Using simple autostart technique, it can happen that the device
at /proc/fs/vmblock/dev is not ready when vmware-user is started
the autostart-wrapper takes this into account and tries for
several times.
- Fix RPMLint warning with regarding wrong encoding of README file

Wed Feb 11 13:00:00 2009
- Revert suid install of vmware-user-suid-wrapper, as rpmlint does
not like it
Instead we package /etc/permissions.d/open-vm-tools which sets
the permission usig SuSEconfig.permissions
- Adjust the vmware-user.desktop file to actually launch
vmware-user-suid-wrapper. Access to the vmblock requires su right.
the suid-wrapper get\'s the file handle, drops the suid rights
and launches vmware-user (with user privileges)

Tue Feb 10 13:00:00 2009
- install vmware-user-suid-wrapper with suid bit

Mon Jan 26 13:00:00 2009
- reviewed changes by Dominique

Thu Jan 22 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2009.01.21

* First open source release of the HGFS module for Solaris,
under the CDDL. Other modules are expected to be added in
the upcoming releases.

* Added an implementation of vmblock on top of FUSE;
vmware-user still doesn\'t use this module even if it is
available, though.

* Linux modules now add the \"supported\" tag used by Novell in
their SLES 10 SP2 release when loading modules.

* Fix compilation of modules in newer Linux kernels which
don\'t include $(LINUXINCLUDE) in the compiler flags anymore.
- Added Requires: kernel-%1 to preamble, as rpmlint said it would
be policy to require kenrel-$favour from the kmp
- marked config files in /etc as %config (rpmlint)

Fri Jan 16 13:00:00 2009
- reviewed changes by Dominique

Thu Dec 25 13:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2008.12.23

* Lots of makefile cleanup with the switch to using libtool archives.

* Automatically disable Unity if multimon support is disabled.

* Actually build the pvscsi modules.

* First bits of the \"Core Service\" project are starting to show up; the
base \"vmtools\" library was added to the package. It currently is mostly
a collection of the existing libraries already shipped with open-vm-tools,
plus some extra functionality build on top of glib. Currently no other
code in open-vm-tools uses it, so it\'s optional.

* The HGFS driver was fixed for the Linux 2.6.28 kernel.

Wed Nov 19 13:00:00 2008
- Updated to version 2008.11.19

* The pvscsi Linux kernel module has been added (for kernels >= 2.6.8).
It provides access to VMware\'s new paravirtualized SCSI device.

* The HGFS driver and user-level code has seen a lot of refactoring to
enable more consistent name escaping. The FreeBSD driver now supports

* The Linux module makefiles now support exporting symbol version files,
allowing modules with dependencies (such as vsock, which depends on vmci)
to correctly build and load on Linux >= 2.6.26 with CONFIG_MODVERSIONS.

* Rudimentary support for dkms.

* Assortment of bug fixes.

Wed Oct 15 14:00:00 2008
- Updated to version 2008.10.10

* The vmxnet3 Linux kernel module has been added. This module provides
better network performance for the guest. The corresponding virtual
hardware is available beginning with Workstation 6.5, though
performance benefits are unlikely to be realized until a later VMware
product release. The module should work for all kernels beginning with

* The open-vm-tools no longer depend on libproc-dev. Several people
reported this issue (Sourceforge bug 1960947).

* Added a command line argument to skip privileged operations during
make install (--without-root-privileges).

* Guestd now supports backwards time synchronization, though the
corresponding hypervisor-side changes are not yet part of any shipping
VMware products.

* Assortment of bug fixes.

Wed Sep 17 14:00:00 2008
- fixed license problem with region.c by applying patch from upstream

Mon Sep 8 14:00:00 2008
- Removed patch kver.patch, refactored it\'s function in the
make call, overriding the HEADER_DIR variable inside the
Makefile (Tip sponsored by Adar from VMware Inc.)

Thu Sep 4 14:00:00 2008
- reviewed changes by Dominique

Wed Sep 3 14:00:00 2008
- Activated compilation of modules vmci and vsock after fixing the
- dropped obsoleted patch:

* str_c.patch (included in update)

Wed Sep 3 14:00:00 2008
- updated to 2008-09-03

* Fixed an issue where open-vm-tools fails to configure when using
- -without-icu. Thanks to Timo Gurr for reporting the issue
(Sourceforge bug 2046262).

* Fixed failed build on Ubuntu Intrepid and Fedora 9.
Thanks to Nathan Charles for reporting the issue
(Sourceforge bug 2048423).

* Fixed kernel module build issues on 2.6.27 pre-release kernels.
Thanks to Dominique Leuenberger for reporting the issue
(Sourceforge bug 2071170).

* ...and other bug fixes.
- dropped obsoleted patches:

* 2.6.27-kernel.patch (included in update)

* fix-Werror.patch (included in update)

Sun Aug 24 14:00:00 2008
- Added open-vm-tools-2008-08-08-2.6.27-kernel.patch to compile on
more recent kernels (patch should be merged in next release)

Fri Aug 22 14:00:00 2008
- added packageand(open-vm-tools:xorg-x11) to Supplements
of open-vm-tools-gui sub package

Fri Aug 22 14:00:00 2008
- Re-arranged comments for the configure line. Apparently, comments
that appear in a line continuing on the next line, split using \'\\\'
break the flow

Wed Aug 20 14:00:00 2008
- Added --without-kernel-modules to configure, as we take
care of it on ourself using the loop, for the different
kernel variants

Tue Aug 12 14:00:00 2008
- updated to 2008.08.08

* Unity for X11 guests has been added. Unity is implemented within
vmware-user and requires no additional setup beyond setting up the
vmware-user application itself. Unity should work with Fusion 1.x
releases as well as with the upcoming Workstation 6.5 release. Our
in-house testing was with Linux guests, and they should mostly work.
There is very little standing in the way of FreeBSD/Solaris support,
though we\'ve never built or tested Unity for those platforms.

* The VMCI Linux kernel module has been added. This module provides
high-speed datagram and socket interfaces for guest<->guest and
host<->guest communication. It should work for all kernels beginning
with 2.4, and for VMware products beginning with Workstation 6.5.

* The VMCI sockets Linux kernel module has been added. It provides
both datagram and stream socket interfaces to userlevel for use with
VMCI. As with VMCI, it should work for kernels 2.4 or later, and for
VMware products beginning with Workstation 6.5.

* The command-line Toolbox has been added. This application provides
the same functionality as the GTK Toolbox, but with a scriptable
command-line interface. It also has some statistic retrieval commands
that aren\'t found in the GTK Toolbox.

* Fixed compilation of vmsync and vmmemctl Linux kernel modules on
2.6.26. Thanks to Pavol Rusnak for the report (Sourceforge bug 2032683).

* Fixed an issue with guestd\'s nicInfo updating mechanism. Thanks to
Jason Lunz for the patch (not tracked on Sourceforge).

* Fixed handling of $(DESTDIR) in automake. Thanks to Mike Auty for
the patch (Sourceforge bug 2018802).

* Fixed build of vmware-user using gtk 1.2. Thanks to Stephen Duncan
for the report (Sourceforge bug 2014338).

* Fixed compilation of lib/guestApp when using --without-x. Thanks to
Martin Preishuber for the report (Sourceforge bug 2013568).

* As usual, other bug fixes.

Mon Jul 21 14:00:00 2008
- updated to 2008.07.01:

* fixed a backwards time synchronization issue

* fixed an issue where open-vm-tools configured via --without-x didn\'t
compile (not tracked on Sourceforge)

* one can now pass --without-kernel-modules, --with-kernel-release, and
- -with-linuxdir to the ./configure script

* other bug fixes.
- branched open-vm-tools-gui subpackage with tools that need X

Thu Jun 12 14:00:00 2008
- open-vm-tools now requires vmware-kmp [bnc#397972]
- exclude AMD PCnet32 LANCE from Supplements list [bnc#397554]

Mon Jun 9 14:00:00 2008
- Updated to version 2008.06.03
adopted spec file to new build structure layout (the binaries
are now named correctly just after build and do not need to
be renamed anymore)
- Replaced -werror patch with -fix-Werror-patch (submitted to
VMware for inclusion)

Mon Jun 2 14:00:00 2008
- updated vmware init-script [bnc#394431]:

* check whether /tmp/VMwareDnD exists and create it if necessary

* use modules vmblock, vmmemctl, vmsync for better performance

* mount the virtual system for Drag\'n\'Drop

Wed May 28 14:00:00 2008
- Excluded the building of KMPs for XEN, probably nobody installs
a vmware host in xen.

Thu May 22 14:00:00 2008
- added Recommends: open-vm-tools to KMP preamble [bnc#391434]
- added -y to %fillup_and_insserv macro, so the service starts
automatically [bnc#391434]

Tue May 20 14:00:00 2008
- replaced %build section with the one from openSUSE internal
stable build, for building properly against all buildtargets

Tue May 20 14:00:00 2008
- Added preamble for %suse_kernel_module_package in order to have
a Recommends: open-vm-tools on the kmp.
The KMP is installed by Supplements: the hardware ID, and the KMP
then pulls in the open-vm-tools package by Recommends (if available)

Wed May 7 14:00:00 2008
- Updated to 2008.05.15:

* Removed \"blessed app\" code for starting vmware-user

* lib/file/filePosix.c: Use new Posix_RealPath implementation.

* Cleanup UTF-8 handling.

Wed May 7 14:00:00 2008
- Added patch open-vm-tools-2008.05.02-str.c that should solve
compilation with FORTIFY_SOURCE enabled

Tue May 6 14:00:00 2008
- updated to 2008.05.02:

* continued Unicode support

* open-vm-tools now depends on libicu for codeset conversions

* a few more bug fixes

Mon Apr 28 14:00:00 2008
- tweak build section long enough to really build modules
matching to kernel flavour (and not just build all for -default)

Wed Apr 23 14:00:00 2008
- added vmware-KMP package and description tags to specfile
- added preable file for kmp packages

Wed Apr 23 14:00:00 2008
- fixed %verifyscript

Tue Apr 22 14:00:00 2008
- updated to 2008.04.14

* continued Unicode support

* more bug fixes, including a security fix in guestd
- added permissions scripts to %post section

Tue Mar 25 13:00:00 2008
- updated to 2008.03.19

Thu Mar 20 13:00:00 2008
- add Supplements to automatically install in VMware

Tue Mar 18 13:00:00 2008
- first autobuild checkin
- turn off -Werror (werror.patch)
- reworked spec file

Fri Mar 14 13:00:00 2008
- updated to 2008.03.11
(developer snapshot to support all modules on 2.6.25 kernels)

Tue Mar 11 13:00:00 2008
- updated to 2008.03.10
(developer snapshot to support kernel version 2.6.25-rc1)

Sun Mar 9 13:00:00 2008
- refactored open-vm-tools-kver.patch to detect the kernel source

Sat Mar 8 13:00:00 2008
- create link from /sbin/rcvmware to /etc/init.d/vmware-guest
- autostart the service after installation

Sat Mar 8 13:00:00 2008
- initial build of open-vm-tools
- builds kmps and open-vm-tools