Changelog for
gimp-help-da-2.8.0-1.2.4.noarch.rpm :
Mon Jun 11 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 2.8.0:
+ Bugfixes: bgo#642729, bgo#634992, bgo#634995, bgo#636149
+ Updated translations.
Wed Aug 17 14:00:00 2011
- Disable parallel build. The build system seems to be very
fragile and unreliable in this case.
Sun Jan 9 13:00:00 2011
- Update to version 2.6.1:
+ Bugfixes: bgo#599700, bgo#618143, bgo#611265, bgo#563659,
+ Spelling fixes and new translations for: Italian, English,
German, French, Japnese, Norwegian, Swedish, Russian, Korean
+ XSLT Stylesheet improvements
+ Build system improviements
- Changes from version 2.6.0:
+ Bugfixes: bgo#591510, bgo#562448, bgo#568420, bgo#569729,
bgo#569731, bgo#569733, bgo#569739, bgo#574040, bgo#572673,
bgo#557443, bgo#576230, bgo#577710, bgo#556314, bgo#573828,
bgo#583840, bgo#573257, bgo#580532, bgo#585823, bgo#588318,
bgo#588316, bgo#544965, bgo#569739, bgo#591510, bgo#591510
+ Spelling fixes and new translations for: English, German,
Italian, French, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Norwegian, Swedish
+ Website typo fixes
- Add Makefile.GNU and gimp-help-2.doap from git, since the default
Makefile provided in the tarball doesn\'t work (see bgo#639057).
This means we also have to manually install the files in
- Change gimp-2.0 Requires and Enhances to gimp, since it\'s the
right name of the package now.
- Update descriptions.
- Remove old hacks to remove executable permission and rename the
no locale to nb: they are not needed anymore.
- Change the use of fdupes to only create links between files of
the same language (since all languages are packaged separately).
- Add subpackage for new locales (da, ja, nn, zh) and remove nb
Fri Jan 7 13:00:00 2011
- Use xml2po BuildRequires instead of gnome-doc-utils.
- Improve summaries and descriptions.
- Drop gimp-help-no.patch: it\'s not used, and we accomplish what we
want to fix the issue in %install. Also drop call to autoreconf
that we were still using because of this unapplied patch.
- Drop it\'s really too complex for
nothing, and the update to 2.6 version of the help will break it.
- Remove ownership of %{_datadir}/gimp and %{_datadir}/gimp/2.0
since it\'s not needed anymore.
Thu Dec 30 13:00:00 2010
- Own some more directories.
- Remove, it\'s not used anymore.
Sun Nov 2 13:00:00 2008
- package dirs correctly; fix build
Fri Oct 24 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.4.2:
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#515535, bgo#529924, bgo#546324, bgo#550551,
+ Updated translations.
Tue Jul 22 14:00:00 2008
- Updated to version 2.4.1 (bnc#406692):
* documentation for GIMP 2.4
* new translations
* bug fixes
- Split translations per locale.
Fri Feb 16 13:00:00 2007
- Do not run parallel make since the package build might break.
Thu Jan 11 13:00:00 2007
- Prefix changed to /usr.
- Spec file cleanup.