Changelog for
smokeping-perl-2.4.2-4.1.i586.rpm :
Mon Sep 3 14:00:00 2007
- fixed typo in the init script
- package cropper
Fri Aug 31 14:00:00 2007
- update to 2.2.2
* fixed links to slave graphs from chart mode -- tobi
* minor cosmetic fixes -- tobi
- additional changes from 2.2.1
* minor cosmetic fixes -- tobi
- additional changes from 2.2.0
* all the new features in this release has been done under
contract with DynDNS
* Added multi-host function (show data from several links in one
graph) -- tobi
* Added stddev caclulation -- tobi
* Added slave support into detail graphs -- tobi
* Made interactive Graph zoomer somewhat work on ie6 and ie7
- - tobi
* Integrated interactive Graph zoomer
- - Roman Plessl rplessl
* first drop of the master/slave code added. now the debugging
beginns. -- tobi
* fix uses of uninitialized value in the loss_background code
- - niko, reported by yilmaz.atag
* added description of the master/slave mode I am implementing
for dyndns -- tobi
* fixed smoke when there is a lot of \'loss\' -- tobi
* do not use when testing echoping and curl
functionality. There may be someone behind this address.
- - Michael Hanselmann public hansmi ch
* show all smoke in the detail graphs, even if it\'s out of the
scale. -- niko, reported by
Oskar Liljeblad
*> as Debian bug #412826
- additional changes from 2.1.1
* fixed scaling of detail graphs. They were all scaled to max_rtt
if it was defined --tobi
- additional changes from 2.1.0
* add new echoping 6 plugin probes: EchoPingDNS, EchoPingLDAP,
EchoPingWhois -- niko
* don\'t test echoping or curl usage if running as a CGI --niko
* bail out at startup with an error message if LC_ALL is set
- - niko
* New Presentation option Charts. Charts are based on the new
\'sorter\' plugins. There are sample plugins for Loss, Max,
Median, StdDev based Charts -- tobi
* new matcher Medratio (compare two medians) -- tobi
* fixes for Median matcher -- tobi
* make the CGI not croak if a password file is not readable.
- - niko
* don\'t die if syslogd is dead -- niko, reported by
Christoph Biedl *> as Debian bug #395056
* add sourceaddress configurability to FPing probe (requires -S flag)
- - Norman Rasmussen norman
* allow . in section names ...
* in FTPtransfer probe set destfilename to srcfilename if it is
* in FTPtransfer probe strip path elements from srcfile when
building destfile
* alerts can now have a priority. if multiple prioritized alerts
match, only the one with the highest priority will cause any
action. Alerts without priority setting are not affected
eitherway. --tobi
* make the LDAP probe \'scope\' option actually work. -- niko
* new probe WebProxyFilter exercies a filtering web proxy
firewall by requesting banned pages. It tests if the data
returned from the proxy looks like the page telling users that
they came upon a banned page. When ever a real page can be
retreived, a loss is logged. --tobi
* some touchups to the graph comments to be a bit less \'ping\'
focussed -- tobi
* configuration option mailtemplate lets you configure the alert
message content -- tobi
* added new method ProbeUnit to in support of -- tobi
* new probe added. It measures available bandwidth
by actually sending data over the wire to test (don\'t try this
at home) -- tobi
* make sure logo images get writen in binary mode or they will
not be usable on windows -- tobi
* make PERL binary configurable in Makefile -- tobi
* fixed echoping test call to be compatible with echoping 6
- - tobi
* create a log entry when there are zero replies from a device.
- - tobi
* maintaining trunk and branch is not realy sensible the way
smokeping evolves. I have merged everything back to trunk
- - tobi
* Allow several Mailservers to be specified in Mailhost -- tobi
* Reduce timeout for Net::SMTP to 5 seconds. -- tobi
* new feature to color the graph background in sync with the loss
- -
* new probe JunOS Telnet ping
- - Shan Ali Khan shanali
- updated patches smokeping-2.0.8_no_speedy.patch
new names:
Sun Mar 4 13:00:00 2007
- updated urls in the spec