Changelog for
gnome15-gtk-0.9.2-54.1.noarch.rpm :
Wed Nov 21 13:00:00 2012
- Feature: Allow g15-desktop-service to be restarted by sending it SIGUSR1
- Bug: G13 joystick was sending spurious events (that sometimes get
interpreted as a macro)
- Bug: g15-indicator and g15-systemtray both import python GNOME when there
is no need.
- Bug: Fixed a number of icons that would show as missing in a default KDE
(Kubuntu) installation.
Thu Nov 15 13:00:00 2012
- Bug: Email authentication dialog sometimes pops up on logout.
Thu May 24 14:00:00 2012
- Bug: Profile locking. Was partially implemented.
- Feature: Experimental G930/G35 support (supports 6 macro keys)
- Bug: G13 D-Pad broken again. Mapping WASD to joystick was impossible.
- Feature: \"Display\" plugin for setting resolution
- Bug: G13 Joystick - Digital mode less senstive by default
- Feature: G13 Joystick - \"Offset\" can now be tuned. There are separate
offsets for digital and analogue mode.
- Feature: Gnome Keyring replaced with python-keyring which should work
Wed May 16 14:00:00 2012
- Bug: g15-config. Creating new profiles fails
- Bug: g15-config. Initial enabled state of \"Activate this profile\"
is not correct until checkbox is clicked.
- Bug: g15-config crashes on Ubuntu 12.04 (when bamf is installed).
Sun Jan 15 13:00:00 2012
- Bug: g19direct compatibility with pyusb 1.0 (i.e. openSUSE 12.1 default)
- Bug: hid-gfb removed on lg4l service shutdown
- Bug: Macro recording was broken.
- Bug: Parent profiles were broken.
- Bug: hide script editor and activate on launch (for 0.9.0)
- Bug: Unwanted log output \"keystate of xxx ..\"
- Bug: Unwanted log output \"removed func\" - make debug
Thu Jan 12 13:00:00 2012
- Bug: Only M1 macros work.
- Feature: Allow macro profiles to be copied.
- Feature: Improved layout of profile list. Now as context actions.
- Feature: Checkbox to run macro commands in background.
- Bug: New installation wouldn\'t allow profiles to be created.
- Bug: Badly named .macros files created.
Mon Jan 9 13:00:00 2012
- Bug: Removed problematic debug output
Sun Jan 8 13:00:00 2012
- Bug: Profile creation and import broken.
Sat Oct 22 14:00:00 2011
* Sun Jan 8 2012
- Bug: g15-desktop-service would not start.
Sat Oct 22 14:00:00 2011
- Bug: Uinput macros could get stuck repeating under some circumstances
Sun Oct 16 14:00:00 2011
- Feature: Gnome15 is now ready to be translatated. See website
for details.
- Feature: Tidier macro editor dialog.
- Feature: Fully configurable auto-repeat for all macro types.
This includes a toggle mode and customisable repeat rate.
- Feature: Macro profiles can have backgroud images attached to
them. The \"Wallpaper\" plugin will use these images when
that profile is active.
- Feature: Macro profiles can be imported and exported. Exported
macro profiles are zip files that contain the profile
itself and any images it needs (for background or icon).
- Feature: \"Sensors\" plugin now available. Show temperature for
all detected sensors.
- Feature: \"Tails\" plugin can be used to monitor log files.
- Feature: Experimental G510 kernel driver.
Sat Oct 15 14:00:00 2011
- Bug: Allow further macros to be activated while another is being held.
- Bug: Further attempts at working G15v2 driver.
- Bug: G13 g15direct driver. G21,G22 and joystick keys could not be
the same time as other keys.
- Bug: DEBUG logging not working properly.
- Bug: Profiles with missing icon would cause exception in g15-config
- Bug: Several fixes for G510 audio mode.
- Bug: Backlight fade on shutdown starts at wrong colour
- Bug: g15-config, creating new profile did not accept default action
Wed Oct 12 14:00:00 2011
- Bug: Hide exceptions in g15driver async loop
- Bug: Experimental multimedia key support for G510 / g15-direct driver
- Bug: g15-desktop-service process would not shut down completely on request.
- Bug: Corrected input device pattern in kernel driver for G15v2
- Bug: Virtual uinput devices lose permissions,
- Bug: Fixed problem with kernel driver on G13 where analogue / digital
joystick is enabled, all G/L/M keys would fail.
Wed Oct 5 14:00:00 2011
- Bug: Experimental G15v2 support in kernel driver.
- Bug: Correctly distinguish G13/G15 when auto-detecting framebuffer
with kernel driver.
- Bug: G13 Joystick fixes. Also added new \"digital joystick\".
- Bug: Fixes occasional kernel oops in the uinput subsystem. Instead of
dynamically opening and closing the virtual mouse,joystick and devices
(i.e. those used by the \"Mapped to ..\" macros), single devices are now
opened once on startup. A side effect of this is the devices are
created with a fixed list of possible buttons or keys. For example,
the virtual joystick now only initially supports 3 buttons (BTN_X,
BTN_Y and BT_Z). You can edit the list of supported keys for
each device by changing the files mouse.keys, joystick.keys,
keyboard.keys and digital-joystick.keys in /usr/share/gnome15/ukeys.
- Bug: Can now remove profile that is active in g15-config.
Sun Oct 2 14:00:00 2011
- Bug: G110 macro keys should work with kernel driver now.
- Bug: Fixed problem on disconnecting the kernel driver on G110
- Bug: Fixed profile change notifications (caused a number of
areas to require a restart of the service before changes were applied)
- Bug: Fixed missing LCD brightness control on G19 with kernel driver
- Bug: Control components in g15-config were not being set to the
correct value on load
- Bug: G110 backlight colour with kernel driver should be reliable now
- Bug: Color picker for G110 now only shows red / blue (i.e what the
model is capable of)
Sat Sep 24 14:00:00 2011
- Bug: Some icons were showing \"missing image\" icon incorrectly.
- Bug: \"Mapped to key\" macros would get stuck when more than one
activated at a time.
- Bug: Weather. Fallback to day icon when night icon is not
- Bug: Default control values do not get activated on fresh install.
- Bug: GNOME session handling still not correct. Shutdown now starts
as soon as logout is confirmed, and will cancel if logout
is cancelled.
- Bug: Changed startup phase of g15-desktop-service to see
WindowManager if the notification applet error goes away
- Bug: Macros now work properly with shifted KEYS. The
python-virtkey library was used to fix this, and will soon
become the default method. This of course introduces a new
- Bug: In g15-config, macros with commands would not displayed the saved
command on next edit.
- Bug: In g15-config, macros with mapped keys would sometimes not select
the saved key on next edit.
Sun Sep 18 14:00:00 2011
- Bug: Corrected USB ID in udev rules for G110 and the kernel
- Bug: Fixed problem on Maverick where all Gnome15 components just
crash on start up.
Sat Sep 17 14:00:00 2011
- New: Multi-device setup. All devices now start and stop
simultaneously instead of sequentially.
- New: Non default profiles may now choose a parent profile. If the
profile doesn\'t contain a key, the parent will then be
checked, and so on.
- Bug: Some GTK 2.20+ components crept into the glade files,
breaking g15-config on Ubuntu 10.04.
- Bug: Various fixed for the G110 kernel driver
- Bug: Processes plugin was using lots of CPU
- Bug: IM plugin would thrown exceptions (harmless) under certain
- Bug: Display \"Missing Image\" icon when required icon cannot be
Wed Sep 14 14:00:00 2011
- Bug: g15-config would re-enable devices as soon as disabled
(multi device setup).
- Bug: Changing keyboard backlight colour was not visible when a
profile with a backlight colour is set. Now, the colour
is shown for 3 seconds, before reverting to the profile
- Bug: M2, M3 colours were not working.
- Bug: Macro change saves are now deferred by 2 seconds. If
another change occurs withing this time, the timer is reset.
- Bug: Last screen visible is now correctly set on startup.
- Bug: Added G510 to g15direct udev rules to fix permissions
- Bug: Configuration upgrade would fail on Python < 2.7.
- New: Joystick now works on G13 with G15direct and kernel
drivers. May emulate mouse, joystick, or send macros.
- New: Macro keys may now emit uinput events. For example, map
a G-Key to KEY_EMAIL to lanch your desktop\'s email client.
- Bug: Fixed G keys on G13 and G15 when using kernel driver.
- Bug: Controls now displayed correctly when changing driver
in g15-config.
- Bug: Sorting of macros now correct in g15-config.