Changelog for perl-DBD-mysql-debuginfo-4.008-4.1.x86_64.rpm :
Tue Feb 17 13:00:00 2009
- backport fix from 4.010 (bnc#475025)

Wed Sep 10 14:00:00 2008
- update to 4.008

* Multi statement patch

* Disabled TAKE_IMP_DATA_VERSION because segfault with DBI < 1.607

* #29528: bind_param(..., SQL_FLOAT) ignores exponents - fixed

* Cleanups to make mysqlEmb work under Cygwin

* Modified and disabled tests for MySQL version < 4.1
for unsupported features

Thu Jun 19 14:00:00 2008
- update to 4.007

* Took out mysql_server_init call where not needed

* Complete re-write of test suit to use Test::More -
tons of cleanups!

* Makefile.PL changes to use current user in \'make test\' if
not defined

Fri Jan 4 13:00:00 2008
- update to 4.006

* Cleanups on OS X compile

* Fixes to syntax errors on AIX

* Removed test code that was leaving trace files around

Mon Jun 11 14:00:00 2007
- update to 4.005

* Replaced all references to dbis to use imp_xxh
per DBI best practices

* Fix to dbd_st_destroy

* Removed all \'FindNewTable\' calls in all tests.

* Better \'skip test\' logic in some tests that were still
running when they shouldn\'t have been.
- fix permissions of various files

Fri Mar 30 14:00:00 2007
- update to 4.004

* Work around a bug in old 3.23 servers by specifying NOT NULL
for fields used as a primary key in tests.

* Add support for mysql_warning_count statement handle attribute.

* Add support for mysql_multi_statements connection option.

* UTF8-Flag not set with flag mysql_enable_utf8 and column
collation utf8_bin patch,

* Fixed do_error definition

* Conversion of test suite to Test::More

* Fix inclusion of non-primary keys in primary_key_info.

Fri Mar 2 13:00:00 2007
- update to 4.002

* Rewrote table_info method to support all arguments

* Add mysql_is_auto_increment to results of column_info().

* Add implementation of foreign_key_info()

* bugfixes

Tue Jan 9 13:00:00 2007
- update to 4.001

* Fix handling of unsigned integer values in result sets when
using server-side prepared statements.

* Do not tell Perl that the contents of binary fields are UTF-8.

* Fix double-free of bound parameters when freeing statements.

* Make sure to handle \"magical\" values in a couple of places.

* Update the hints about what to do when zlib is found missing
while linking.

* Explicitly initialize the MySQL client library to avoid
possible race conditions in a multithreaded application.

* Fix warning when no connection attributes are passed
to the connect method.

* Removed redundant warnings when commit or rollback
is called while AutoCommit is enabled.

* Report correct type for decimal columns from MySQL 5.0 and later

* Fix t/40bindparam.t to work when ANSI_QUOTES SQL_MODE is set.

* Return a statement handle with an error when column_info is
called on a table that does not exist.

* Fix handling of table names with characters that did not
match /\\w/ in the column_info method.

* Fix handling of negative integers bound to a column marked

* Add support for the primary_key_info method.

* Fixed Bundle::DBD::mysql to only include modules required
for using DBD::mysql, not the old Mysql package.

* Updated Makefile.PL to not include files in .svn directories

* Fixed various compile warnings in mysql.xs (ISO C)

* Cleaned up stored procedure examples, made strict

* Fixed bug that blew away subsequent result sets if you
fetched all rows, only in result sets that had more
than one row.

* Added test for bug #14979

* Tested with ALL mysql versions, fixed 40types, 40bind_param
tests to work with 4.0, 4.1

* Fixed dbdimp.c to not test for MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED
unless >= mysql 5.0

Tue Jan 2 13:00:00 2007
- update to 4.00

* fixed varying number of columns in multiple result sets

* reworked patch for sqlstate

* cleaned up much code that failed between versions

* Tested this with 5.1, 5.0, 4.1, 4.0.

* added fbind and bind alloc to dbd_st_describe. This was
causing a crash when using with mod_perl

Thu Oct 19 14:00:00 2006
- update to 3.0008

* Added multiple fixes to dbd_st_prepare which fixed variable
overwrite and unset increment counter. Also improved loop which
checks statements for presence of \"LIMIT\" by using a pointer
as opposed to char array increment variable.

* Fixed declaration of \"row\" in mysql_st_internal_execute
which caused compile errors on some platforms

* Fixed casting of num_params to unsigned int in calls to NewZ
in mysql.xs

Wed Sep 13 14:00:00 2006
- update to 3.0007

* bugfixes

* Cleaned up tests to make sure test table is dropped
at end of test.

Thu Jul 13 14:00:00 2006
- update to 3.0006

* many bugfixes