Changelog for
evolution-data-server-lang-2.28.2-1.2.x86_64.rpm :
Thu Apr 22 14:00:00 2010
- Patches added
+ bnc#471079 - Unable To Exclude Names From Email Groups.
+ bnc#507290 - Messages in thread are out of order.
+ bnc#507423 - Message list in Inbox doesn\'t get refreshed.
+ bnc#507878 - Evolution cannot reliably read mail from
Groupwise server.
+ bnc#599138 - Contacts are not displayed in Novell GroupWise
Thu Apr 8 14:00:00 2010
- Patches added:
+ bnc#583791 - GroupWise Groups Selected From [ To ] Button Fail
+ bnc#549221 - Deleted E-Mails re-appear in Evolution client.
+ bnc#549225 - Evolution client does not update status of
messages in the GroupWise Post Office.
+ bnc#568613 - crasher viewing panel calendar ...
Mon Apr 5 14:00:00 2010
- Patches added:
+ bnc#585441 - Fix crash from assert.
Fri Mar 5 13:00:00 2010
- Patches addded
+ bnc#580818 - Messages are not shown in folders.
Wed Feb 17 13:00:00 2010
- Patches added
+ bgo#607588 - Fix leak in camel_folder_info_build()
+ bnc#516860 - can\'t move mails off-line
Wed Jan 20 13:00:00 2010
- Patches added
+ bgo#604236 - GPG Signed message with 1mb and over attachment
takes over a minute to send.
+ bgo#590762 - Recurring google calendar items are not
changeable in evolution.
Mon Jan 18 13:00:00 2010
- Patches added
+ bnc#568822 - bnc-568822-pop3-err-handling.diff: VUL-0:
crash caused overly large window due to malicious POP3 server
Sun Jan 3 13:00:00 2010
- Fate #308121. Update to version 2.28.2
- Patches added
+ bug-534727_eds-expunge-on-move.patch: Moving a message shouldn\'t create
a copy in trash
+ bug-549221_deleted-emails-reappear.patch: Deleted E-Mails re-appear in
Evolution client
+ bgo-260407_advsearch-eex-addressbook.patch: Advance search is not
working for some options in Exchange address book
Sun Dec 6 13:00:00 2009
- Fate #308121. Update to version 2.28.1
Last Changelog entry from new version
Thu Oct 15 14:31:57 IST 2009 -
- Removed all patches committed with SWAMP-ID:27415
All patches part of the 2.28.1 release
Wed Oct 14 14:00:00 2009
- bnc-184554-groupwise-open-notices.diff: Do not popup notices when its not
- bnc-474948-remove-control-chars.diff: remove control chars while expanding
email ids inline.
- bnc-494490-crash-move-mail-twice.diff: fixes a crash.
- bnc-498712-eds-delete-event.diff: Make sure events are deleted properly.
- bnc-498745-unread-count.diff: sync read/unread counts properly.
- bnc-499105-show-option-fast-eds.diff: do not update the utc sync time always.
- bnc-499179-user-focus-change.diff: Fixes the alignment of email ids.
- bnc-500133-bugzilla-sub-thread.diff: Show bugzilla mails in thread.
- handle-mail-invalid-conn.diff: Handles invalid connections.
- bgo-583528-missing-mails-sle11.diff: Fixes issues with missing mails and syncronizes
deleted mails.
- bnc-506265-meeting-date-get-mail.diff: Sets the sent date to meeting in all cases.
- bnc-488632-recur-count-1.diff: return a proper timezone.
- over_quota_error.diff: return proper error while over quota
Wed Apr 8 14:00:00 2009
- bnc-241604-recur-monthly.diff: Create monthly recurring instances
on correct dates.
- bnc-477697-display-names.diff: Display the sender name.
- bnc-488632-fix-recur-counts.diff: Fix recurring instance counts.
- bnc-471083-remove-system-folder-eds.diff: Do not allow deleting system folders
- bnc-480091-gw_mailer_cleanup.diff: Fixes crash using filters and folder refresh.
- bug-479908_free_busy_time.diff: Dsiplay free-busy in right time.
- bnc-484213-thread-leaks.patch: Fixes thread leaks.
Fri Mar 13 13:00:00 2009
- Patches added
+ bnc#475541 - bnc-475541_camel-sasl-ntlm.patch - VUL-0: EDS:
camel NTLM SASL authentication memory disclosure flaw
Fri Feb 20 13:00:00 2009
- Patches added
+ bnc#473785 - bnc-473785_sqlite-summary-changes.patch - sqlite
summary changes.
+ bnc#473785 - bnc-473785_sqlite-handle-dirty-column.patch -
sqlite summary changes regression fixed.
+ bnc#475108 - bnc-475108-VUL-smime-validation-flaw.patch -
VUL-0: evolution S/MIME validation flaw.
+ bnc#478029 - bnc-478029_flat-file-migrate.patch - Migration
(SLED10-SP2 -> SLED11) fixed.
Thu Feb 19 13:00:00 2009
- bnc-477535-sync-with-server.patch
- Mails (un)read status changing, not synchronized with server
- Fixes the bugs bnc#476997 bnc#477535
Thu Feb 5 13:00:00 2009
- Translations update.
Thu Feb 5 13:00:00 2009
- Patches added
+ bnc#472719 - bnc-472719-eds-disk-summary-patches.patch - DB summary
stability fixes.
+ bnc#390198 - bnc-390198-exception-leak.patch - Evolution Memory
+ bnc#464758 - bnc-464758-add-dummy-string.patch - Fixes a crash
in Evolution.
+ bnc#464878 - bnc-464878-camel-http-stream.patch -
\"HTTP/302 Moved Temporarily\" images not displayed.
+ bnc#465364 - bnc-465364-msg-list-time.patch - Evolution showing
incorrect time for message.
+ bnc#467270 - bnc-467270-cal-busy-eds.patch - Events of local
calendars are not shown though they are active.
+ bnc#467638 - bnc-467638-current-folder.patch - Fix the broken
current_folder handling code.
+ bnc#470143 - bnc-470143-container-crash.patch - GroupWise
Container Crash.
+ bnc#471562 - bnc-471562-reminder-note-hang.patch - Evolution
hangs after clicking on reminder note.
+ bnc#446290 - bnc-446290-unread-counts-id-fix.patch - GW (un)read
counts issues.
+ persistent-error-dialog.patch - Fixes a regression caused by one
of the backports
- Patches removed
+ bnc#463653 - bnc-463653-msg-list-meeting-time.patch - Obsoleted
with bnc465364 fixes.
Thu Feb 5 13:00:00 2009
- Added support for gnome-patch-translation (bnc#464770).
Wed Jan 21 13:00:00 2009
- bnc-467075-url-scanner.patch: Escape ) after end of url
Fri Jan 16 13:00:00 2009
Patches backported from upstream to improve stability
bgo-518920-exchange-authentication.patch - Handle form url in exchagne authentication
bgo-554182-gssapi.patch - Fix issues with GSSAPI
bgo-555230-vcf-parse.patch - Fix a crash in vcf card parsing
bnc-443296-memory-corruption.patch - Fix calendar memory corruption
bnc-448349-sourcelist-callback.patch - null calendar handling
bnc-466331-contacts-fields.patch - Fix missing fields in addressbook
gw-broken-flags-handling.patch - Handle the message flags correctly for GroupWise
Thu Jan 8 13:00:00 2009
- Translations update.
Wed Jan 7 13:00:00 2009
- Patches added
+ bgo#559153 - bgo-559153-eds-migration.patch - Migration patches
in EDS.
+ bnc#440265 - bnc-440265-gw-contacts.patch - Groupwise Address
Book Contact Lists Are Not Saved.
+ bnc#442507 - bnc-442507-imap-parts-sync.patch - Folder index
creation after crash takes ages.
+ bnc#455939 - bnc-455939-eds-deadlock.patch - Disconnecting from
the network caused e-d-s deadlock ...
+ bnc#443544 - bnc-443544-eds-free-busy.patch - Evolution busy
search on GW resource object does not display
unavailable times.
+ bnc#209514 - bnc-209514-gw-missing-mails.patch - Evolution
Groupwise missing mails.
+ bnc#446290 - bnc-446290-gw-counts-issues.patch - GW Parallel
clients & (un)read counts problems.
+ bnc#458127 - bnc-458127-keyboard-shortcut-port.patch - No
keyboard short cut for SOAP port in Evolution.
+ bnc#462575 - bnc-462575-gw-refresh-folders.patch - \"Check for
new messages in all folders\" setting for GW SOAP.
+ bnc#448079 - bnc-448079-gw-memory-issues.patch - evolution is very unstable
+ bnc#463095 - bnc-463095-content-info-from-db.patch - Evolution
hangs on \"Generating message list...\"
+ bnc#439986 - bnc-439986-show-time-free.patch - Show Time As Free
Option Doesn\'t Immediately Refresh Calendar.
+ bnc#463653 - bnc-463653-msg-list-meeting-time.patch - Evolution
displays the wrong time for an appointment in the
message list.
Thu Dec 4 13:00:00 2008
- Patches added
+ bnc#440265 - bnc-440265-list-not-saved.patch - Groupwise
Address Book Contact Lists Are Not Saved.
+ bnc#447121 - bnc-447121-gw-memory-crasher.patch - gwise:
memory corruption crasher.
+ bnc#449916 - bnc-449916-task-memo-description.patch - Loss of
data in Messages related to shared memos and
Assigned tasks.
+ bgo#562228 - bgo-562228-eds-mailbox-field.patch - Login to
exchange fails if \"mailbox\" is filled manually in
the config wizard.
+ bnc#435632 - bnc-435632-moving-contacts-crash.patch - Evo
crashed moving contacts to a different addressbook
Fri Nov 21 13:00:00 2008
- eds-comp-percent.diff : Adds wrapper function to get percentage
complete for tasks. Required for sharepoint connector.
Thu Nov 20 13:00:00 2008
- Patches added
+ bnc#431133 - bnc-431133-unread-mail-empty.patch - Mail opened
from the \"Unread mails\" displays empty.
+ bnc#435599 - bnc-435599-junk-contacts-created.patch - Junk
contacts getting created.
+ bnc#441347 - bnc-441347-imap-performance-fix.patch - Evolution
2.24 is terribly slow with large IMAP folders.
+ bnc#441542 - bnc-441542-fix-translock.patch - Evolution Hang.
+ bnc#446269 - bnc-446269-moving-emails-broken.patch - moving
emails is broken.
+ bnc#446371 - bnc-446371-fix-completed-on.patch - Follow-Ups
doesn\'t work.
+ bnc#446372 - bnc-446372-fix-empty-trash.patch - Evolution
crashed while expunging junk messages.
+ bnc#446373 - bnc-446373-fix-refresh-vfolderquery.patch - Search
folder \"Include threads\" setting is unreliable.
+ bnc#210959 - bnc-210959-eds-accept_ics.patch - Receving meeting
request from the Personal source should work in
groupwise connector.
+ bnc#438730 - bnc-438730-loosing-more-state.patch - mailer:
loosing more state
Mon Nov 17 13:00:00 2008
- obsolete old -XXbit packages (bnc#437293)
Fri Nov 7 13:00:00 2008
- Push tarball
+ Bugs fixed:
bgo#532136, bgo#555979, bgo#556119, bgo#558727, bgo#558737, bgo#558883,
bnc#209514, bnc#372382, bnc#434946, bnc#434950, bnc#434958,
bnc#435725, bnc#435727, bnc#435964, bnc#440502
+ Updated Translations
- bnc-441763-show-meeting-icon.patch (Sankar) - Show different
icons for meetings in message list
- dice-eds-changes.patch (Chenthill) - EDS changes for DICE integration
Thu Oct 30 13:00:00 2008
- Invoke the binaries from a script which sets the library path
for picking the LDAP libraries.
Wed Oct 29 13:00:00 2008
- Make the -devel subpackage require nss-shared-helper-devel.
Tue Oct 28 13:00:00 2008
- Reorder the list of build requirements
- Tag eds-core-mapi-changes.diff
- Run autotools before running configure.
Mon Oct 27 13:00:00 2008
- The package is called libevoldap-2_4-2.
Mon Oct 27 13:00:00 2008
- Requires to evoldap2-devel should be libevoldap2 for main package
Mon Oct 27 13:00:00 2008
- Add evolution-data-server-shared-nss-db.patch, which lets us
migrate to new, shared NSS database and location.
Fri Oct 24 14:00:00 2008
- Use evoldap2-client only for SUSE versions above 11.0, fallback to
openldap2-client for the older versions.
- Use proper RPM macros in the spec file, clean up spec file to reduce the
number of warnings generated by rpmlint.
- Dropped the following patches:
+ evolution-data-server-configure.patch - not required anymore.
+ bnc-164367-gw-attachments-appts-throw-error.patch. Fixed upstream.
+ bgo-530514-check-to-handle-specific-server-response.diff. Fixed upstream.
+ libgnomeui-dep.patch - not required anymore, SUSE has moved away from
Thu Oct 23 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.24.1
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#337479, bgo#364542, bgo#497928, bgo#511947,
bgo#514670, bgo#537718, bgo#544141, bgo#546406, bgo#546637,
bgo#547243, bgo#550466, bgo#550998, bgo#552261, bgo#552631,
bgo#553266, bgo#553298, bgo#553301, bgo#553944, bgo#554455,
bgo#554540, bgo#556372, bgo#556495, bgo#556688
+ Updated translations.
- Fix the prefix for NTLM patched OpenLDAP, also specify explicit
dependency on evoldap2-devel.
- Remove evolution-data-server-gw-no-network.patch. Fixed upstream.
- Remove evolution-data-server-thread-search.patch. Fixed upstream.
- Add eds-core-mapi-changes.diff: This contains changes in the core
code base for the MAPI provider.
Wed Oct 8 14:00:00 2008
- Fixed broken Advanced search->Include threads (bgo#554455).
Fri Oct 3 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.24.0:
+ Google Contacts Backend
+ WebDAV Contacts Backend
+ Sqlite based on-disk summary for Camel
+ Quota support for IMAP
+ bnc#418080: Match contains using %like%
+ bgo#551805: Honour return data type
+ bgo#552724: Remove a while space following trailing backslash.
+ bgo#552729: Adds support for x-camel-mlist & Answered flag to
+ Translation updates
- Remove evolution-data-server-updates.patch. Fixed upstream
- Remove evolution-data-server-db-fixes.patch. Fixed upstream
Fri Oct 3 14:00:00 2008
- Make sure that Evolution/friends use evoldap2-client
Wed Sep 24 14:00:00 2008
- Fixed GroupWise crash if network is down (bgo#337479).
Wed Sep 17 14:00:00 2008
- Add evolution-data-server-db-fixes.patch.
Tue Sep 16 14:00:00 2008
- Add evolution-data-server-updates.patch, which comprises the
diff between r9505 and r9557 in GNOME SVN
- Drop evolution-data-server-show-sexp.patch and
Tue Sep 9 14:00:00 2008
- Add evolution-data-server-sql-percents.patch (even more work on
Tue Sep 9 14:00:00 2008
- Build with evolution-data-server-show-sexp.patch.
Mon Sep 8 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.23.92:
+ More work on bnc#418080, improvements in the sexp/sql machinery
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#547884, bgo#548343, and bgo#550412
+ Updated translations
- Drop evolution-data-server-sexp-to-sql-fixes.patch, which has
been upstreamed.
Wed Sep 3 14:00:00 2008
- Add evolution-data-server-sexp-to-sql-fixes.patch (more work
on bnc#418080).
Tue Sep 2 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.23.91:
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#213072, bnc#391936, bnc#418080 (more work),
bgo#466754, bgo#518728, bgo#546926, bgo#548331, bgo#548565,
bgo#548865, and bgo#550072
+ Updated translations.
Thu Aug 21 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#548331 and possibly bnc#418080.
Mon Aug 18 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.23.90:
+ Bugs fixed, bgo#207728, bgo#324203, bgo#327851, bgo#337503,
bgo#510949, bgo#510949, bgo#523103, bgo#531930, bgo#535745,
bgo#538074, bgo#545021, bgo#545877, bgo#546397, bgo#546444,
bgo#546544, bgo#546613, bgo#547256, bgo#547308, bgo#547389,
bgo#547469, bgo#547786, bgo#547952, and bgo#548059
+ Updated translations.
Tue Aug 5 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.23.6:
+ Camel DB Summary support; rewrite camel search by converting
sexp to sql (Srinivasa Ragavan)
+ Google Contacts support
+ WebDAV Contacts backend
+ Improvements in the Camel reference manual
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#236010, bgo#543066, bgo#200147, bgo#213072,
bgo#253509, bgo#329571, bgo#330838, bgo#334160, bgo#340838,
bgo#476640, bgo#503922, bgo#515998, bgo#528902, bgo#531712,
bgo#532472, bgo#534080, bgo#537415, bgo#539758, bgo#540127,
bgo#540152, bgo#541347, bgo#543656, bgo#336074, bgo#349870,
bnc#388966, bgo#468671, bgo#500389, bgo#538620, bgo#540295,
bgo#543569, bgo#543943, bgo#544031, bgo#544049, bgo#544114,
bgo#544284, bgo#544491, bgo#544501, bgo#544528, bgo#544651,
bgo#544825, bgo#544963, bgo#545022, bgo#545081, bgo#545082,
bgo#545099, bgo#545103, and bgo#545558
+ Updated translations.
Fri Jun 20 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.23.4:
+ Configurable proxy settings
+ Quota support for IMAP
+ Google contact API support in libgdata-google
+ A lot of IMAP4 improvements
+ Use new paths for header files that have been moved to
+ Use \"dialog-password\" icon instead of \"dialog-question\" in the
password dialog (HIG compliance)
+ Bugs fixed: bnc#394654, bgo#304029, bgo#509721, bgo#521921,
bgo#527544, bgo#530241, bgo#534080, bgo#534111, bgo#536154,
bgo#536636, bgo#318803, bgo#326149, bgo#354923, bgo#374616,
bnc#388579, bgo#473658, bgo#518312, bgo#530514, bgo#530543,
bgo#530763, bgo#531009, bgo#531439, bgo#531591, bgo#531713,
bgo#532286, bgo#533058, bgo#533780, bgo#534077, bgo#534294,
bgo#534312, bnc#182380, bgo#274316, bgo#301980, bgo#316390,
bgo#325882, bgo#330990, bnc#338330, bgo#347061, bnc#350143,
bnc#358584, bnc#358644, bnc#358650, bnc#381307, bnc#382736,
bgo#424744, bgo#502899, bgo#517244, bgo#520532, bgo#530139,
bgo#530323, bgo#530688, bgo#532284, bgo#235681, bgo#257361,
bgo#270406, bgo#271863, bgo#274316, bgo#303067, bgo#341004,
bgo#369512, bnc#372383, bgo#417000, bgo#453109, bgo#473880,
bgo#475616, bgo#494311, bgo#500389, bgo#514300, bgo#514827,
bgo#516608, bgo#518710, bgo#518886, bgo#520526, bgo#521015,
bgo#522389, bgo#522433, bgo#523023, bgo#523126, bgo#523528,
bgo#523533, bgo#523541, bgo#523630, bgo#518656, bgo#524324,
bgo#524704, bgo#525242, bgo#525485, bgo#526138, and bgo#526741
+ Updated translations
- Drop obsolete patches: bnc-188523-eds-fix-authenticated-proxy-support.diff,
bnc-388579-ical-fix-for-exch.patch, bgo-532284-gw-double-free.patch,
bgo-533058-gw-debug-logs.patch, bgo-530543-leak-while-syncing-mails-for-offline.diff,
and bnc-394654-eds-crasher.patch
- Respin following patch:
Mon Jun 2 14:00:00 2008
- Added
+ bnc#394654 - bnc-394654-eds-crasher.patch: EDS crasher (Chenthill)
Tue May 20 14:00:00 2008
- Added
+ bgo-530514-check-to-handle-specific-server-response.diff (Sankar P)
+ bgo-530543-leak-while-syncing-mails-for-offline.diff (Sankar P)
+ bgo-531009-right-iterator-to-prevent-crash-in-offline-mail.diff (Sankar P)
Tue May 13 14:00:00 2008
- Removed: bnc-152070-eds-crash.patch
- Removed: eds-compiler-warning.patch
- Removed: evolution-data-server-abuild.patch
- Removed: bnc-163982-system-hang-with-126-error-popups.patch
- Removed: ical-fix-for-exchange-crasher.diff
- The above patches are no longer needed
as the tarball has these patches within.
- Added: bgo-533058-gw-debug-logs.patch - Enable Debug logs for GroupWise (Sankar)
- Added: bnc-388579-ical-fix-for-exch.patch - ical fixes for exchange (Chenthill)
- Enabled Kerberos 4: FATE id: 301476
Thu May 8 14:00:00 2008
- Push tarball
- No crypto changes
- ical-fix-for-exchange-crasher.diff: Contains fixes for a crasher in ical (Chen)
- bgo-532284-gw-double-free.patch: Fixes a double free in GroupWise
- Tarball contains fixes for the bgo bugs as follows:
[#274316]: Also copy user tags when copying messages between folders (Milan Crha)
[#338330]: (Novell Bugzilla) Internet Based Calendar Events Are Declined By Evolution/GroupWise (Chenthill Palanisamy)
[#350143]: (Novell Bugzilla) Fix a severe memory leak in evolution-data-server (Chenthill Palanisamy)
[#358584]: (Novell Bugzilla) Display of web calendars ignores timezones (Chenthill Palanisamy)
[#358644]: (Novell Bugzilla) Retracted groupwise appointments should disappear as soon as they are retracted. (Chenthill Palanisamy)
[#358650]: (Novell Bugzilla) International clock applet is crashing (Chenthill Palanisamy)
[#381307]: Run a single delta-thread to fetch changes from the server, instead of spawning multiple threads (Ashish Shrivastava)
[#473880]: Fixed a few compiler warnings (Suman Manjunath)
[#475616]: Use recursive mutex (Milan Crha)
[#502899]: Fix a crash (Milan Crha)
[#514300]: Make sure we do the Inbox -> INBOX translation at the right place (Christian Kellner)
[#520532]: Support migration from password file to keyring (Matthew Barnes)
[#529339]: Fixed a crash when searching with an expression (Milan Crha)
[#530139]: Do not ship .svn files (Matthew Barnes)
[#530323]: Don\'t free the same variable twice (Sebastien Bacher)
Load addressbook conditionally (Srinivasa Ragavan)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Wed May 7 14:00:00 2008
- Use autoreconf.
Thu Apr 10 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.22.1:
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#524704, bgo#521015, bgo#520526, bgo#522433,
bgo#525485, bgo#523528, bgo#372383, bgo#522389, bgo#500389,
bgo#523023, bgo#494311, bgo#523126, and bgo#303067
+ Updated translations
- Drop bgo-522389-e-gw-connection-get-attachment-corruption.patch
- Annotate bnc-188523-eds-fix-authenticated-proxy-support.diff,
and fix other annotations\' formatting.
Thu Apr 10 14:00:00 2008
- added baselibs.conf file to build xxbit packages
for multilib support
Wed Apr 9 14:00:00 2008
- Configurable proxy settings for Evolution (Varadhan)
+ Added patch bnc-188523-eds-fix-authenticated-proxy-support.diff (bnc#188523)
+ Removed patch bnc-174255-honour-system-proxy-settings.patch since
added patch includes those changes as well.
Wed Mar 26 13:00:00 2008
- Fixed GroupWise attachment crash on x86_64 (bgo#522389).
Fri Mar 14 13:00:00 2008
- Update to versoin 2.22.0:
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#327851, bgo#518728, and bgo#520362
+ Minor API doc updates
+ Updated translations.
Wed Mar 12 13:00:00 2008
- Updated the tags in the spec file.
Tue Mar 4 13:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.21.92:
+ Bugs fixed: bnc#163982, bnc#164140, bgo#167638, bnc#183819,
bgo#445489, bgo#459468, bgo#469119, bgo#489043, bgo#489810,
bgo#510949, bgo#514836, bgo#516074, bgo#516408, bgo#516474,
bgo#517190, and bgo#517885
+ Fix some compilation warnings
+ Updated translations
- Drop evolution-data-server-decl.patch, eds-warnings.patch,
bnc-164140-eds-crash-evolution--offline.patch, bnc-167638.patch,
and bnc-183819-evo-crashed-closing-offline.patch.
Tue Feb 19 13:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.21.91:
+ Bugs fixed: bnc#211353, bnc#324804, bnc#395939, bnc#505806,
bnc#509776, bnc#510949, bnc#511208, bnc#513389, bnc#513646,
bnc#514407, bnc#514487, bnc#514555, bnc#514682, and bnc#515054
+ Updated translations.
Thu Jan 31 13:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.21.90:
+ Speed up spam filtering and spam whitelist implementation
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#213072, bgo#213072, bgo#300098, bgo#324168,
bgo#335217, bgo#386157, bgo#445309, bgo#450840, bgo#456019,
bgo#475781, bgo#481699, bgo#482940, bgo#496081, bgo#498977,
bgo#506250, bgo#509124, bgo#509644, bgo#509985, bgo#510168,
bgo#510303, bgo#510409, bgo#511235, bgo#511301, and
+ Camel mime fixes
+ Implement byte order for win32
+ Changed error message to a better string
+ Remove unused libsoup includes and update for libsoup 2.4
+ Adapt to newer libsoup
- Remove libtool archives and static libraries
- Remove evolution-password-dialogs.patch which is no longer
Wed Jan 16 13:00:00 2008
- Add evolution-password-dialogs.patch (bgo #509644).
Mon Jan 14 13:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.21.5:
+ Improved MIME header decoding
+ Bugs ( fixed: #224026, #327965, #329692,
[#339813], #341579, #348149, #361972, #379896, #405497, #474118,
[#500233], #503400, #504837, #506457, and #508438.
+ Updated translations.
Tue Dec 18 13:00:00 2007
- Update to version 2.21.4:
+ The large version bump is due to evolution and related packages
synchronizing their version numbers with those of GNOME
+ Bugs (, except where otherwise indicated)
fixed: #322917, #336074, #339510, #462593, #466499, #486126,
[#487687], #501548, #501622, #501969, #502866, #308815, #376425,
[#415817], #461979, #492426, #494314, #318842, #345135, #359267,
[#430420], #460649, #487229, #488156, #492130, #494304,
bnc#203480, #231178, #271777, #417999, #420167, #469657,
[#474000], #475487, #475493, #475494, #478404, #483301, #487270,
[#488173], and #488351
+ Support for Google Calendar
+ Updated translations
+ Protect against a NULL subject string
- Remove old patches, and refresh and renumber the remaining ones.
Wed Dec 5 13:00:00 2007
- Don\'t require openldap2 to build.
Thu Oct 11 14:00:00 2007
- Removed bogus dependency on mDNSResponder.
Mon Sep 17 14:00:00 2007
- Update to version 1.12.0:
+ Bugs ( fixed: #348149, #402506, #426421,
[#469007], and #473880
+ Bug ( fixed: #275990
+ Updated timezone info
+ Updated translations.
Fri Sep 14 14:00:00 2007
- Fix bnc-307861-calendar-auth.diff.
Fri Sep 14 14:00:00 2007
- evolution-data-server-1.11.5-cert-auth-complete.patch: Updated the
patch to fix bug 307861.
- bnc-307861-calendar-auth.diff: Prompt for password for all providers
excluding the providers which support smart card.
Mon Sep 10 14:00:00 2007
- Update to version 1.11.92:
+ Bugs ( fixedL #271841, #290330, #298095,
[#298788], #301263, #302038, #330185, #378759, and #470445
+ Updated translations.
Mon Sep 3 14:00:00 2007
- Fixes (BNC)
[#304835] - Exchange crashes when restart
(Fix introduces a bug when user is running in smart-card
environment that will popup a password dialog for accessing GAL.
Without this fix, exchange is un-usable for all users (including
smart-card and non-smart-card users). Fix is being worked out
for this regression.
Wed Aug 29 14:00:00 2007
- Update to version 1.11.91:
+ New debugging framework which can be controlled during runtime
with the CALDAV_DEBUG environment variable
+ Bugs ( fixed: #261084, #256878, #332979,
[#337454], #350539, #356176, #365213, #367760, #381548, #394571,
[#437331], #458715, #464569, #464636, #466309, #466987, #467883,
[#469870], #261084, #313221, #314709, #327977, #352346, #355640,
[#387806], #415891, #420462, #427469, #439147, #451003, #455799,
[#458670], #460999, #461989, #464252, and #465419
+ Updated translations
- Remove upstreamed abuild.patch.
Fri Aug 17 14:00:00 2007
- add auth support for smartcards (bug #273869)
Mon Aug 6 14:00:00 2007
- Split out a -lang subpackage
- Don\'t package INSTALL.
Wed Aug 1 14:00:00 2007
- Use %fdupes.
Wed Aug 1 14:00:00 2007
- Update to version
- bugs #380534, #457523.
Fri Jul 20 14:00:00 2007
- Update to version 1.11.5
- bugs:
[#307410], #311098, #352284, #364731, #394572, #410823, #412735, #434356,
[#448947], #449531, #452996, #454570, #312854, #331099, #344728, #352284,
[#437751], #443705, #443958, #447414, #447753, #447749, #448589, #360114,
[#409542], #425129, #438577, #438577, #438727, #438928, #440524, #442187,
[#438928], #420496, #339160, #414191, #433782, #336574, #431135, #274035,
[#361138], #383686, #322105, #418971, #360240, #360619, #405495, #360807,
[#400970], #413173, #420933, #426893, #422883, #424837, #422932, #428183,
[#425512], #426564, #385078, #425464, #422652, #421445, #421683, #359806,
[#73117], #425535, #423382, #415891, #388789, #388788
- Updated translations
- Remove evolution-data-server-retval.patch (redundant),
evolution-camel-imap-CVE-2007-3257.patch (upstreamed)
- Add abuild.patch.
Fri Jun 22 14:00:00 2007
- Fixed IMAP UID format string vulnerability (#284828,
GNOME#447414, CVE-2007-3257).
Wed May 23 14:00:00 2007
- added ldconfig to post scripts
Wed Apr 11 14:00:00 2007
- Update to version 1.10.1
- Correct the URL listed in Source:
- Fixes for #425512, #388788, and #362726
- Updated translations for the eu and gl locales.
Fri Mar 30 14:00:00 2007
- Add bison to BuildRequires.
Thu Mar 22 13:00:00 2007
- Update to version 1.10.0
- Bug fixes, including 413173, 400169,
and 356177
- Remove evolution-fix-function-declarations.patch and
- Fix bnc-183819-evo-crashed-closing-offline.patch.
Mon Mar 12 13:00:00 2007
- Update to version 1.9.91
- Refresh serveral patches
- Bug fixes, including #359979, #384183,
[#362638], #351930, #356828, #336453, #340039.
Fri Dec 29 13:00:00 2006
- Use better libexecdir path.
- File list cleanup.
- Splitted evolution-data-server-doc from
Fri Dec 29 13:00:00 2006
- Re-enable custom configure options.
Wed Dec 13 13:00:00 2006
- Move to /usr
- Do some specfile cleanup.
Tue Nov 21 13:00:00 2006
- Do not explicitly require mDNSResponder-lib blocking avahi compat
Mon Nov 20 13:00:00 2006
- update to version 1.8.2
- translation updates
- Bug fixes: (bgo)
330157, 369259, 369168, 350576,350885, 358010, 350880, 347811,
312348, 328836, 365000, 353924
- Bug fixes: (bnc)
268412, 208395, 208318, 207960
- Removed upstreamed bgo-369168-buffer-overrun.patch
Mon Nov 6 13:00:00 2006
- Fix for (bnc) Bug 217142. Patch submitted by Hans Petter Jansson.
Fri Oct 27 14:00:00 2006
- Fixes (bnc)
Bug 208519 - evolution groupwise crashes on start
- Commented \"bnc-164323-random-mark-unread.patch\" (patch46)
as it is a \"to-be\" reverted patch.
Wed Oct 18 14:00:00 2006
- Fix missing declaration.
Mon Oct 2 14:00:00 2006
- update to version 1.8.1
- translation updates
- Bug fixes:
350907, 350617, 347811, 357666, 351330, 352596, 352872, 356051
Sat Sep 30 14:00:00 2006
- Do not require libgnomeui-devel for building.
Tue Sep 12 14:00:00 2006
- fix two cases of missing return values (retval.patch)
Mon Sep 4 14:00:00 2006
- update to 1.8.0:
* updated translation
* bugfixes
Fri Aug 18 14:00:00 2006
- update to version 1.7.91
- Add filters to Groupwise SOAP calls so that each component
fetches items of its own type and none other
- Memory fixes in Addressbook
- Updated Translations
- Support for GW Reminder Notes
- Split cache for less memory, better performance
- Support for security-classifications in GW send options
- Support for default alarms in GW
- Support for Gadu Gadu IM in Contact Entries
- Memory reduction and Performance improvements in Contacts
- Removed patches that were incorporated upstream.
Thu Jul 20 14:00:00 2006
- Patch to add alarms to GW meetings by default based on customer
preference. Fixes bnc 167330.
Wed Jul 19 14:00:00 2006
- Patch to correctly handle calendar attachment filenames that do
not require special characters handling. They were being parsed
incorrectly and ignored by clients.
Wed Jul 5 14:00:00 2006
- Handle datarootdir in pkgconfig files.
Wed Jul 5 14:00:00 2006
- Enables forwarding of mails
Fixes bnc 167517
Tue Jul 4 14:00:00 2006
- Fixes a build break - Added e-d-s-configure-break-fix.patch