Changelog for
xscreensaver-debuginfo-5.07-6.2.x86_64.rpm :
Tue Mar 16 13:00:00 2010
- Updated hack blacklist to meet SLED requirements (bnc#574192).
Fri Aug 7 14:00:00 2009
- Add xscreensaver-pass-on-pointer-motion.patch, which makes
pointer motion events available to gnome-screensaver (bnc#512308).
Tue Sep 30 14:00:00 2008
- fixed [bnc#368582]
* fireworkx-man.patch
Wed Sep 3 14:00:00 2008
- Updated to version 5.07:
* Xinerama/RANDR fixes: this time for sure. It should now work
to add/remove monitors or resize screens at any time. Tweaks
for old-style multi-screen.
* Fixed the bouncing ball in `stairs\'.
* `flipflop\' can load images onto the tiles.
* Improved layout of the preferences dialogs: they should all now
be usable even on ridiculously tiny laptop screens.
* MacOS preferences text fields now prevent you from entering
numbers that are out of range.
* Added \"Reset to Defaults\" button on X11.
* Added relevant Wikipedia links to many of the screen saver
* All hacks support the `-fps\' option, not just GL ones.
* The `-fps\' option now shows CPU load.
* Added bumpy skin and cel shading to `skytentacles\'.
* Added the missing Utah Teapotahedron to `polyhedra\'.
* `blitspin\' works with color images on OSX now.
* Added transparency to `stonerview\'.
* New hack, `skytentacles\'.
* New version of `gleidescope\'.
* Added the `-log\' option to the xscreensaver daemon, since a
truly shocking number of Linux users seem to have no idea how
to redirect output to a file.
* Added `-duration\' arg to most image-loading hacks, so that they
pick a new image every few minutes.
* Added an ATM crash to BSOD.
Wed Apr 2 14:00:00 2008
- Updated to version 5.05:
* New hacks, `cubicgrid\', `hypnowheel\', and `lcdscrub\' (which
isn\'t really a screen saver).
* Updates to `m6502\' and `gears\'.
* Fixed double-buffering problems in `cubestorm\' and `noof\'.
* Better handling of horizontal scroll wheels.
* Attempt to work around latest Xinerama braindamage: if the
server reports overlapping screens, use the largest
non-overlapping rectangles available.
* Don\'t warning about receipt of bogus ClientMessages, since
Gnome\'s just never going to stop sending those.
* The recent PAM changes broke the \"Caps Lock\" warning in the
password dialog, the failed login warnings, and syslogging.
Fixed all that.
Fri Mar 7 13:00:00 2008
- update of override_redirect patch (bnc#235715,bnc#365549)
Mon Mar 3 13:00:00 2008
- Require /sbin/unix2_chkpwd from pam-modules (bnc#326304#c12).
Tue Feb 19 13:00:00 2008
- patch for detection of override_redirect windows (#235715)
Fri Feb 1 13:00:00 2008
- Fix compile.
Thu Jan 17 13:00:00 2008
- Disabled direct PAM use and shadow (both needs suid) (#326304).
- Enabled login manager.
Mon Nov 19 13:00:00 2007
- Updated to version 5.04:
* Fixed a possible crash in the unlock dialog
* New hacks: moebiusgears, abstractile, and lockward.
* Rewrote gears to use better (involute) gear models, and to be
more random.
* Minor updates: cwaves, voronoi, deco, glcells, rd-bomb,
fireworkx and webcollage.
* pong can now display the current time as the score.
* xmatrix -mode pipe works better.
Mon Sep 10 14:00:00 2007
- Set Categories properly and not show in KDE (#293688).
Tue Aug 7 14:00:00 2007
- Updated to version 5.03:
* New hacks, cwaves, glcells, m6502, and voronoi.
* Minor fixes to bsod.
* Fixed possible crash with PAM USB-dongle auth.
* Updated webcollage to track recent Google Images and Flickr
* Reworked PAM code to support fingerprint readers, etc.
* Fixed a Xinerama crash when changing the screen count.
* New blobbier mirrorblob.
* Minor updates to lisa, bsod, ifs, hypertorus, polytopes,
circuit, endgame, crackberg, flipflop, flipscreen3d, fliptext,
and carousel.
Mon Apr 23 14:00:00 2007
- enabled glslideshow - zombie DoS (#145173) is fixed in 5.01
Mon Feb 5 13:00:00 2007
- Removed obsolete desktop files and fixed Categories (#242053).
Wed Jan 17 13:00:00 2007
- GNOME prefix changed to /usr.
Mon Oct 23 14:00:00 2006
- Updated to version 5.01:
* Backed out recent locale-related changes, since they broke far
more things than they fixed.
* Fail gracefully with ridiculously small window sizes.
* Better explosions in `boxed\'.
* More dynamic motion in `sproingies\'.
* More options in `flipflop\'.
* Minor updates to `topblock\'.
* Various other minor fixes.
Wed Aug 30 14:00:00 2006
- updated to 5.00
* All image-loading happens asynchronously.
* xscreensaver-getimage-file caches the contents of the
image directory for a few hours, so consecutive runs
won\'t have to re-list the whole directory tree.
* New hacks, `topblock\' and `glschool\'.
* Removed `xteevee\' (superceded by `xanalogtv\').
* Added variable-sized puzzle pieces to `jigsaw\'.
* Changes to the defaults and command-line options of
many hacks to make the .xml files more consistent.
* Reap zombies in `glslideshow\' and `carousel\'.
* `xmatrix -mode pipe\' displays the text of a subprocess.
* `endgame\' has higher resolution chess-piece models.
* `webcollage\' takes a -directory option to get images
from a local directory.
* New versions of `cube21\', `glsnake\', `celtic\'.
* Backed out a DPMS-related patch that cause desktop
flickering with some X servers.
* Fixed startup crash in getgroups() when running setuid.
* Default to not displaying stderr on the saver window.
* Fixed bad free() in \"Documentation\" button.
* Don\'t try to run hacks that aren\'t installed.
* Minor fixes to various XML config files and man pages.
- dropped obsolete patches (fix-configs, root-overflow,
Mon Aug 7 14:00:00 2006
- Worked around build problems with latest gettext.
- Changed paths for X.Org 7.