Changelog for openstack-ceilometer-test-2013.1.4.a1.g8b6fb09-1.1.noarch.rpm :
Sat Aug 10 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.4.a1.g8b6fb09:
+ Bump stable/grizzly next version to 2013.1.4

Thu Aug 1 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.3.a18.g378f903:
+ Allow use of local conductor
+ add metadata to nova_client results
+ fix resource_metadata failure missing image data
+ Lose weight for Ceilometer log in verbose mode
+ Add index for db.meter by descending timestamp
+ Fix the argument of UnknownArgument exception
+ Use correct hostname to get instances.
+ doc: be more explicit about network counters
+ Allow to specify the endpoint type to use
+ Fix return error when resource can\'t be found

Wed Jun 12 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.3.a1.g315daa7:
+ Bump stable/grizzly next version to 2013.1.3

Fri May 31 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.2.a20.g2341a51:
+ fix the broken ceilometer.conf.sample link
+ Document keystone_authtoken section
+ Restore default interval
+ Document HBase configuration
+ fix compute units in measurement doc
+ vnics: don\'t presume existence of filterref/filter
+ ImagePollster record duplicate counter during one poll
+ Don\'t use pecan to configure logging
+ sql: fix 003 downgrade

Wed May 29 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.2.a4.gcd9a30e:
+ doc: fix hyphens instead of underscores for \'os
*\' conf options

Wed May 29 14:00:00 2013
- remove setBadness from rpmlintrc

Tue May 28 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.2.a3.g6459085:
+ Pin SQLAlchemy to 0.7.x

Tue May 28 14:00:00 2013
- remove sqlalchemy-update.diff:

* merged upstream

Mon May 27 14:00:00 2013
- add missing requires to sqlalchemy-migrate/requests

Mon May 27 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.2.a2.g11d8518:
+ Modify limitation on request version

Mon May 27 14:00:00 2013
- remove ceilometer-requests.patch:

* solved differently upstream, not needed anymore

Sat May 18 14:00:00 2013
- update requires based on pip-requires

Thu May 16 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.2.a1.gaedc965:
+ Bump stable/grizzly next version to 2013.1.2

Mon May 13 14:00:00 2013
- add /var/cache directory

Fri May 3 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.1.a16.g93ea469:
+ Lock down test dependencies on nova & glance tarballs
+ update the ceilometer.conf.sample
+ Measurements documentation update
+ instances: fix counter unit
+ Set hbase table_prefix default to None
+ Adds examples of CLI and API queries to the V2 documentation.
+ Ceilometer configuration.rst file not using right param names for logging

Thu Apr 4 14:00:00 2013
- update to grizzly branch

Thu Apr 4 14:00:00 2013
- moved ceilometer-dbsync from subpackage test to mainpackage

Thu Apr 4 14:00:00 2013
- fixed openstack-ceilometer.init

Tue Apr 2 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.rc1:
+ api: run list_resources test against SQL
+ api: run list_sources tests on SQL and Mongo backend
+ api: run max_volume tests on SQL backend too
+ api: handle case where metadata is None
+ Change the column counter_volume to Float
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ tests: disable Ming test if Ming unavailable

Mon Mar 25 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.a93.g57024e3:
+ Switch to python-keystoneclient 0.2.3.
+ Set the default_log_levels to include keystoneclient
+ remove unused dependencies
+ enable xml error message response
+ Swift pollster silently return no counter if keystone endpoint is not present
+ Updated the description of get_counters routine.
+ Try to get rid of the \"events\" & \"raw events\" naming in the code.
+ Allow publishing arbitrary headers via the \"storage.objects.
*.bytes\" counter
+ Fix statistics period computing with start/end time

Thu Mar 21 13:00:00 2013
- require python-python-spidermonkey for tests

Mon Mar 18 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.a77.gf2ba3ef:
+ include a copy of the ASL 2.0
+ add keystone configuration instructions to manual install docs
- Drop +git.$TIMESTAMP.$COMMITHASH version suffix

Sun Mar 17 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.a74.g9c33366+git.1363478991.9c33366:
+ Raise stevedore requirement to 0.7
+ Use a non-standard port for the test server
+ Add deprecation warnings for V1 API
+ Ensure the statistics are sorted
+ Add a tox target for building documentation
+ Switch to final 1.1.0 oslo.config release
+ Add sample configuration files for mod_wsgi
+ Update openstack.common

Fri Mar 15 13:00:00 2013
- add requires for python-spidermonkey to test package

Wed Mar 13 13:00:00 2013
- add missing dependency to python-happybase

Wed Mar 13 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.a59.g8a1fd0a+git.1363133555.8a1fd0a:
+ Fixed the blocking unittest issues.
+ Fix a pep/hacking error in a swift import

Mon Mar 11 13:00:00 2013
- update requires to python-oslo.config
- Add sqlalchemy-update.diff:

* Fix SQLAlchemy dependency

Mon Mar 11 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.a56.ge7fc028+git.1363004859.e7fc028:
+ Exclude tests directory from installation.
+ api: run list meters tests against SQL backend too
+ api: run list users test against SQL backend too
+ api: run list_projects tests against SQL backend too
+ api: run compute duration by resource on SQL backend
+ Fix an invalid test in the storage test suite
+ Fix oslo.config and unittest.
+ Add the etc directory to the sdist manifest
+ Make HACKING compliant
+ Return something sane from the log impl.
+ Update manual installation instructions
+ Handle missing units values in mongodb data.
+ Start both v1 and v2 api from one daemon.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex

Tue Mar 5 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.a30.gfba1ae0+git.1362502505.fba1ae0:
+ compute: fix unknown flavor handling
+ Decouple the nova notifier from ceilometer code
+ send-counter: fix & test
+ Set where=tests
+ Remove old configuration metering_storage_engine
+ Exclude tests when installing ceilometer
+ Run some APIv1 tests on different backends
+ Ensure missing period is treated consistently
+ HBase storage driver, initial version.
+ Kwapi pollster silently return no probre if keystone endpoint is not present

Wed Feb 27 13:00:00 2013
- Set correct path to policy.json in /etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf

Wed Feb 27 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.a13.g1d44a18+git.1361980858.1d44a18:
+ Make sure that the period is returned as an int as the api expects an int.
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Remove compat cfg wrapper
+ Fix count type in MongoDB
+ Allow empty dict as metaquery param for sqlalchemy.
+ Add glossary definitions for additional terms
+ Remove nose wrapper script

Tue Feb 26 13:00:00 2013
- Update dependencies (including oslo-config)

Mon Feb 25 13:00:00 2013
- There\'s no ceilometerclient to require ;-)

Mon Feb 25 13:00:00 2013
- Init script cleanup:
+ Drop useless shell variables
+ Don\'t depend on $network facility, we already have $remote_fs
(comes after $network)
+ Use one init script template for all daemons
- Default configuration cleanup:
+ Use openstack-utils to set as much default values in the package
as possible (instead of patch/sed/...). Some may be overwritting
later on by, .e.g., crowbar
- More useful lograte configuration:
+ Compress
+ Make sure to keep log files for at least 90 days (i.e. rotate 15
+ weekly = 15 weeks).
+ Add size=1M to avoid getting DoS\'ed by wild daemons
+ Use copytruncate instead of create+postrotate+sharedscripts to
avoid a daemon restart
- Recommend mongodb and require it for testing

Sun Feb 24 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1.a336.g9335d81+git.1361729465.9335d81:
+ Update to latest oslo-version
+ storage: fix mongo live tests
+ transformer: add acculumator transformer
+ tests: allow to run API tests on live db
+ mongodb: make count an integer explicitely
+ Use join_consumer_pool() for notifications
+ Use oslo-config-2013.1b3
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Disable notifier tests
+ pipeline: manager publish multiple counters
+ Imported Translations from Transifex
+ Support list/tuple as meter message value.
+ plugin: don\'t use AATTstaticmethod with abc
+ Document the rules for units
+ Fix a bug in compute manager test case
+ Update common to get new kombu serialization code
+ Revert recent rpc wire format changes
+ Fix message envelope keys.
+ Support different publisher interval

Fri Feb 22 13:00:00 2013
- Add ceilometer-requests.patch: Relax version constraints on requests

Fri Feb 22 13:00:00 2013
- BuildRequire openstack-suse-macros instead of openstack-macros

Mon Feb 18 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1+git.1361180062.c61bd41:
+ Allow to publish several counters in a row
+ Use Mongo finalize to compute avg and duration
+ api: fix a test
+ Code cleanup, remove useless import
+ compute: fix notifications test
+ Move counter_source definition
+ Fixed resource api in v2-api.
+ Update openstack/common tree
+ swift: configure RPC service correctly
+ pipeline: flush after publishing call
+ plugin: format docstring as rst
+ Import service when cfg.CONF.os_
* is used
+ api: use delta_seconds()
+ Add period support in storage drivers and API
+ Fix tox python version for Folsom
+ Add directive to to include all the html files
+ Update openstack.common
+ Imported Translations from Transifex

Mon Feb 11 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1+git.1360595060.3340461:
+ Multiple publisher pipeline framework
+ Fix formatting issue with v1 API parameters
+ setup: fix typo in package data
+ Mock more conductor API methods to unblock tests
+ Update V2 API documentation
+ Update pollsters to return counter list
+ More robust mocking of nova conductor
+ Use the same Keystone client instance for pollster
+ Added support to pep8 portion of tox
+ pipeline: fix format error in logging
+ Update meter publish with pipeline framework

Mon Feb 4 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1+git.1359978708.f85bbce:
+ Remove setuptools_git from setup_requires.
+ Removed unused param for get_counters().
+ Use WSME 0.5b1
+ Factorize agent code
+ Fixed the TemplateNotFound error in v1 api.
+ Ceilometer-api is crashing due to pecan module missing
+ Clean class variable in compute manager test case
+ Update nova notifier test after nova change
+ Fix documentation formatting issues
+ Simplify ceilometer-api and checks Keystone middleware parsing

Sun Feb 3 13:00:00 2013
- Require openstack-nova-test in the test sub-package, ceilometer
imports \"nova.tests\"

Mon Jan 28 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1+git.1359375670.c6b09bb:
+ Fix nova conf compute_manager unavailable
+ Corrected get_raw_event() in sqlalchemy.
+ Higher level test for db backends.
+ Remove useless imports
+ Flatten the v2 API

Wed Jan 23 13:00:00 2013
- Clean up %config(noreplace), only logrotate config and
files should be noreplace

Mon Jan 21 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1+git.1358761094.25405d2:
+ Update v2 API for WSME code reorg
+ Update WebOb version specification
+ Remove the ImageSizePollster
+ Add Kwapi pollster (energy monitoring).
+ Fixes a minor documentation typo
+ Peg the version of Ming used in tests
+ Update pep8 to 1.3.3
+ Remove leftover useless import

Thu Jan 17 13:00:00 2013
- Update requirements

Mon Jan 14 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 2013.1+git.1358162276.edd9332:
+ Enhance policy test for init()
+ Provide the meters unit\'s in /meters
+ Fix keystoneclient auth_token middleware changes
+ policy: fix policy_file finding
+ Remove the _initialize_config_options
+ Add pyflakes
+ Make the v2 API date query parameters consistent
+ Fix test blocking issue and pin docutils version.
+ Apply the official OpenStack stylesheets and templates to the Doc build.
+ Fixed erroneous source filter in SQLAlchemy.
+ Fix warnings in the documentation build
+ Handle finish and revert resize notifications.
+ Add support for Folsom version of Swift
+ Implement user-api
+ Add support for Swift incoming/outgoing trafic metering
+ Pass a dict configuration file to auth_keystone
+ Import only once in nova_notifier
+ Fix MySQL charset error.
+ Use default configuration file to make test data.
+ Fix Glance control exchange
+ Move back api-v1 to the main api
+ Fix WSME arguments handling change
+ Remove useless gettext call in sql engine
+ Ground work for transifex-ify ceilometer.
+ Add instance_type information to NetPollster
+ Fix dbsync API change
+ Fix image_id in instance resource metadata
+ Instantiate inspector in compute manager
+ remove direct nova db access from ceilometer.
+ Make debugging the wsme app a bit easier.
+ Implements database upgrade as storage engine independent
+ Fix the v1 api importing of acl
+ Add the ability to filter on metadata.
+ Virt inspector directly layered over hypervisor API
+ Move into collector directory
+ Change mysql schema from latin1 to utf8 .
+ Change default os-username to \'ceilometer\'
+ Restore some metadata to the events and resources
+ Update documentation URL
+ Add sql db option to devstack for ceilometer
+ Remove debug print in V2 API
+ Start updating documentation for V2 API
+ Implement V2 API with Pecan and WSME
+ Move v1 API files into a subdirectory
+ Add test storage driver
+ Implement /meters to make discovery \"nicer\" from the client
+ Fix sqlalchemy for show_data and v1 web api
+ Implement object store metering
+ Make Impl of mongodb and sqlalchemy consistent
+ add migration migrate.cfg file to the python package
+ Fixes to enable the jenkins doc job to work
+ Lower the minimum required version of anyjson
+ Fix blocking test for nova notifier
+ network: remove left-over useless nova import
+ tools: set novaclient minimum version
+ libvirt: fix Folsom compatibility
+ Lower pymongo dependency
+ Remove rickshaw subproject
+ Remove unused rpc import
+ Adapted to nova\'s compute_driver moving.
+ doc: fix cpu counter unit
+ tools: use tarballs rather than git for Folsom tests
+ Used auth_token middleware from keystoneclient.
+ Remove cinderclient dependency
+ Fix latest nova changes
+ api: replace minified files by complete version
+ Add Folsom tests to tox
+ Handle nova.flags removal
+ Provide default configuration file
+ Fix mysql_engine option type
+ Remove nova.flags usage
+ api: add support for timestamp in _list_resources()
+ api: add timestamp interval support in _list_events()
+ tests: simplify api list_resources
+ Update openstack.common(except policy).
+ Adopted the oslo\'s rpc.Service change.
+ Use libvirt num_cpu for CPU utilization calculation.
+ Remove obsolete reference to instance.vcpus
+ Change references of /etc/ceilometer-{agent,collector}.conf to /etc/ceilometer/ceilometer.conf
+ Determine instance cores from public flavors API
+ Determine flavor type from the public nova API.
+ Add comment about folsom compatibility change
+ Add keystone requirement for doc build
+ Avoid TypeError when loading libvirt.LibvirtDriver
+ Don\'t re-import flags and do parse_args instead of flags.FLAGS()
+ doc: rename stackforge to openstack
+ Fix pymongo requirements
+ Update .gitreview for openstack.
+ Update use of nova config to work with folsom
+ compute: remove get_disks work-around
+ Use openstack versioning
+ Fix documentation build
+ document utc naive timestamp
+ Remove database access from agent pollsters
+ Fix merge error in central/
+ Fix nova config parsing
+ pollster trap error due to zero floating ip
+ Use the in openstack-common
+ Allow no configured sources, provide a default file
+ Add from openstack-common
+ Update common (except policy)
+ nova fake libvirt library breaking tests
+ Move db access out into a seperate file.
+ Remove invalid fixme comments
+ Add new cpu_util meter recording CPU utilization %.
+ Fix TypeError from old-style publish_counter calls
+ Fix auth middleware configuration
+ pin sqlalchemy to 0.7.x but not specifically 0.7.8
+ add mongo index names
+ set tox to ignore global packages
+ Provide a way to disable some plugins
+ Use stevedore to load all plugins
+ implement get_volume_max for sqlalchemy
+ Add basic text/html renderer
+ network: floating IP account in Quantum
+ add unit test for CPUPollster
+ Clean up context usage
+ Add dependencies on clients used by pollsters
+ add ceilometer-send-counter
+ Update openstack.common.cfg
+ Fix tests broken by API change with Counter class
+ api: add source detail retrieval
+ Set source at publish time
+ Instance pollster emits instance. meter
+ timestamp columns in sqlalchemy not timezone aware
+ Remove obsolete/incorrect install instructions
+ network: emit router meter
+ Fix sqlalchemy performance problem
+ Added a working script to tools/.
+ Change default API port
+ sqlalchemy record_meter merge objs not string
+ Use glance public API as opposed to registry API.
+ Add OpenStack trove classifier for PyPI
+ bump version number to 0.2
- sqlalchemy-migrate-config.patch: Dropped, not needed anymore

Thu Jan 10 13:00:00 2013
- Add logrotate configuration

Fri Jan 4 13:00:00 2013
- add python-FormEncode requires for testsuite

Fri Jan 4 13:00:00 2013
- add python-Ming requires for testsuite

Wed Dec 19 13:00:00 2012
- Move to obs-service-git_tarballs
+ Drop BuildRequires: python-setuptools-git

Wed Dec 5 13:00:00 2012
- Use AATTPARENT_TAGAATT in _service file to automate versioning

Thu Nov 29 13:00:00 2012
- Package sqlalchemy migrate.cfg

Wed Nov 21 13:00:00 2012
- Add init scripts

Fri Nov 16 13:00:00 2012
- Split of doc package into seperate spec file

Thu Nov 15 13:00:00 2012
- Initial version