Changelog for
libsyncml-devel-0.5.4_SVN1363-1.6.x86_64.rpm :
Fri Nov 5 13:00:00 2010
- updated to 0.5.4_SVN1363 (trunk)
Tue Aug 18 14:00:00 2009
- updated to rev 1256 (branches/libsyncml-0.5.x)
Fri Aug 14 14:00:00 2009
- added bluez-devel to BuildRequires
Thu Jun 4 14:00:00 2009
- updated to version 0.5.4
Minor Changes:
- All header files of the high level API are missing
the extern \"C\" declarations for C++ (ticket #240).
The patch was supplied by Sascha Peilicke.
- updated to version 0.5.3
Major Changes:
- Added a first implementation of the function smlDataSyncAbort.
This function can be called if the synchronization must be aborted
(e.g. because of another external error like a full disk).
- HTTP transport is now supported for old Solaris libsoup 2.2 packages
Other Changes:
- see ChangeLog for a full list of changes in this release.
Thu Mar 12 13:00:00 2009
- updated to version 0.5.2
see ChangeLog for a full list of changes in this release.
Tue Jan 13 13:00:00 2009
- updated to version 0.5.1
Major Changes:
- Fixed tons of memory leaks
- All base64 functions are deprecated - ticket #180
(Please use glib base64 functions instead.)
Minor Changes:
- !DoxygenDoc target works
- New !DoxygenDocTools and !DoxygenDocLibrary targets
- The minimum libwbxml version 0.10.0 is checked now
(ticket #123, #131, #158, #192, #194, #203)
- The minimum glib version is checked now (ticket #183)
- syncml-ds-tool man page was integrated into syncml-ds-tool.c via
doxygen (obsoletes ticket #182)
- Added function smlDataSyncGetTarget to obtain the identity of the
remote peer (ticket #187 and #189)
- Bluetooth support for FreeBSD was added (ticket #191)
- Enhanced error messages where possible (ticket #195, #198 and #199)
- LIBDATA_INSTALL_DIR was introduced to specify pkgconfig data
location (ticket #206)
- The connection handling via !SmlLink was redesigned and partly
- The warning \'\'\"libsyncml uses different timestamp anchor modes.\"\'\'
appears no longer (ticket #210)
Wed Oct 29 13:00:00 2008
- updated to version 0.5.0
Major Changes:
- introduction of a new high level data synchronization API
- replaced syncml-obex-client with syncml-ds-tool which supports all
transports and synchronization modes
- introduction of mobile specific test on base of WBXML
- tests are only executed if the necessary environment is available
(a failed test always means that there is a problem)
Minor Changes:
- introduced BLUETOOTH_ADDRESS and BLUETOOTH_CHANNEL configuration
parameters because URL and PORT always cause confusion
- introduced defines for all configuration options to detect typos at
compile time
- OMA DS server now supports full standard compliant authentication
- OMA DS server can now be used without authentication
- more generic OBEX server code (Bluetooth and IRDA are supported now)
- username and password was centralized and so authentication for
OMA DS clients over OBEX server transport is available
- new cmake option ENABLE_OPENOBEX_TCP
- new cmake option BUILD_DOCUMENTATION
- new cmake option RELEASE_CANDIDATE
- http server supports ResponseURI for more security
- CPack support was added
- library version numbers are now in the correct order
Thu Jul 31 14:00:00 2008
- updated to version 0.4.7
- changed sonaming and versioning of the library - SOVERSION was
incremented to 2
- make test works
- added support for cmake 2.6
- fixed several bugs in the DevInf handling and generation
- renamed several function to be more SyncML like (e.g. RecvLimit to
- fixed next message command handling
- no more transport specific structs, only SmlTransportConnectionType
and smlTransportSetConfigOption
- added mobile specific tests
- added support for RespURI (this is highly important for Funambol
- support of direct AT init of OBEX sync (e.g. Samsung)
- added support for MD5 and real authentication
Tue Jul 8 14:00:00 2008
- renamed package to libsyncml and created subpackage libsyncml2
Mon Jan 28 13:00:00 2008
- updated to version 0.4.6
o Build Environment switched to CMake
o Trace file filter: SYNCML_TRACE_FILTER, Example:
o Facilities for DevInf caching by Michael Bell
o XML Parser/Assembler:
* Improved DevInf parsing/assembling focus on SyncML 1.2
(Thanks to Marc Nieper-Wisskirchen)
* Various bugfixes all over the place, mostly by Michael Bell
o HTTP Transport:
* Lots of HTTP Client improvements by Michael Bell
o OBEX Transport:
* Human readable OBEX Errors, instead of plain OBEX Response codes
* Fixed SAN notification for SyncML 1.2 (switching from SAN mimetype
after sending notification package)