Changelog for guitarix-debugsource-0.19.0-29.2.i586.rpm :
Mon Feb 13 13:00:00 2012
- patch license to follow standard

Wed Oct 12 14:00:00 2011
- added guitarix2-missing_libdl.diff to fix build
- update to guitarix2-0.19.0

* make convolver a rack module

* add favourite list menu to the convolver

* add zita-rev1 module (from faust distribution)

* add stereo verb module

* add some cabinet`s

* fix bug in Ladspa plugins

* add factory settigs by JP

* made logger window resizeable

* tuned switching of configurations without loud bang

* plugged some memory leaks in rack order code (GList\'s not freed)

* bug fix: GxScrollBox passed an uninitialized group to RadioButtons

* introduce a plug-in based engine

* a couple of invisible internal source changes and a couple of new development
tools added

* switch to use faust version 0.9.43

* other small / big clean-ups

Wed Aug 10 14:00:00 2011
- updated to guitarix2, it is a full replacement for
guitarix and/or gx_head in any sense,
changes in guitarix (0.18.0):

* add tube model 12AT7

* fix runtime isuess when build with g++ > 4.5

* add presence level controller

* add bass booster level controller

* switch to function pointer based engine

* fix isuess with GtkBuilder > 2.14

* fix correct use of included zita-resampler source

* add factory settings by a5Rutoandimat
changes in guitarix2 (0.17.0) unstable

* fix jack session support

* add 2 new amp models

* fix some speeling errors (patch by merlinthegreen)

* sorce code formating and cleanup (Google C++ Style Guide)
changes in gx-head (0.14.0)

* add tube 6DJ8

* add clean tube modes

* reworked drive controller (bypass <-> wet)

* add clipper

* add mono level controller

* add French translation by jy

* add TACTILE skin by Pete Shorthose

* add knob animation support by Pete Shorthose

* add new knob images by Pete Shorthose

* add new switch images by Pete Shorthose

* fix 64bit bug in libgxw by Pete Shorthose

* add factory settings by Dave Phillips

* add 3bad EQ + sharper

* add tremolo by transmogrifox (Rakarrack)
changes in gx-head (0.13.0)

* add post amp

* add noise gate

* add italian translation by Ivan Tarozzi

* add desert skin by zettberlin

* add factory settigs by zettberlin

Fri Aug 27 14:00:00 2010
- updated to 0.11.1

* fix Bug Echo/Chorus/Delay/Slooper dont work

* add pre/post processing switch to all mono Effects

Wed Aug 4 14:00:00 2010
- updated to 0.11.0

* new version of the impulse response parameter editor. You can
now graphically define a gain line to be applied to the IR data,

* the multi-line distortion effect now has 4 frequency bands and
is better optimized

* fix regression from version 0.10.0: now the default preset file is
created again if it doesn\'t exist (e.g. in new installations).

* changes that might be interesting for Developers:
Guitarix team put the Guitarix widgets into a library, with the goal of
making them usable independently from Guitarix. You can build
it as shared library and there\'s a c++ (gtkmm) wrapper, a python
wrapper and glade support.

Sun Jul 11 14:00:00 2010
- updated 0.10.0

* add tonestack models

* add 2. amp model

* add cabinet impulse response modul

* add Patch Info widget

* add Preset File Load/Export option

* add simple looper

* add Oscilloscope and tuner state to main settings

* selectable distortion model (multi/single line)

* selectable EQ model (fixed/scalable freq)

* free mem when not used (delay lines)

* reworked Gui

* fix varios bugs

Thu Jul 8 14:00:00 2010
- updated to 0.09.0

* make distortion a multiband distortion

* fix bug in resample IR-files

* resample IR-files now on-the-fly

* add insert point ports to the effect chain

* add --optimization flag for configure the build

* switch to double precision instead of single precision

* fix bug in reconfigure convolver when preset change

* add patch from Peder Hedlund, build against gtk-2.12.9 and gcc-4.3.1

* add faust 0.9.24 to the \"good_faust_versions\"

Thu May 27 14:00:00 2010
- updated to 0.08.0

* new portmap window

* add Quad Filter

* add Moog Filter

* add Flanger

* add new post processing tube3

* add two 10 band parametric EQ\'s

* add oversample mode selector

* fix some bugs in midi out

* reworked tuner interface (show frequency(hz))

* add new configure options (see ./waf --help form more info)
- changes in guitarix 0.07.1

* version check of ~/.guitarix was commented out
- changes in guitarix 0.07.0

* nearly complete reworked source by Andreas Degert

* amp and effect units based direct on faust expressions

* all faust sources included

* new accumulated tuner unit with new interface (analogue Style needle meter)

* Midi controller connections could saved with in presets and/or general

* a editable Midi controller map is available

* new human readable preset style

* knobs could be used like sliders (press ctrl + mouse-button
and move the mouse horizontal, leave the ctrl and hold mouse-button
for fine tune), or like real knobs (turn them around)

* convolution unit based on zita-convolver is now integrated in the engine

* presets could change with Midi Program Messages

Wed Mar 10 13:00:00 2010
- updated to guitarix 0.06.0

* bug fix for multi core build
- changes in version 0.05.9-1

* add Midi learn support

* add amp chooser

* fix and posible add some Bugs

Fri Jan 8 13:00:00 2010
- updated to guitarix 0.05.8-1

* fix memory leak

* add multi band filter
- changes in version 0.05.7-1

* fix name mixmatch for jconvolver
- changes in version 0.05.6-1

* optimize Gui thread

* add delay unit

* put effects in a scrollbox

* varius bug fixes

* set dependency finaly down to Gtk+2.12

Thu Dec 17 13:00:00 2009
- updated to 0.05.5-1

* make effects moveable

* set dependency down to Gtk+2.12
- changes in version 0.05.4-1

* performace boost by remove float to int casts from engine

* reorder GUI
- changes in version 0.05.3-1

* quick update to cover renaming of jconv to jconvolver
- deprecated static_instance.diff patch

Mon Nov 30 13:00:00 2009
- updated to 0.05.2-1

* remove dependency of the boost library
(Many thanks to \"thrasher13b\" for the patch)

* fix missing \"./\" in ./debian/rules reported
by GMag (AV Linux)

* add 2 Channel gain and delay chooser to the
Jconv settings widget.

* add scroll/zoom mode to the wave view

* reworked Jconv settings widget UI

* various GUI and feature clean-up\'s

Sun Nov 29 13:00:00 2009
- added static_instance.diff : fix build issues with undefined
static member functions \"instance\"

Thu Nov 5 13:00:00 2009
- updated to 0.05.1-1

* new jack/port/server connect/monitor/control features

* new level meters

* new noise gate, noise sharper, chorus, bass booster

* new gain control for the jconv input

* reworked jconv settings widget

* a bit polish the GUI

* new skins and reworked skin menu

* various bug fixes

Wed Aug 26 14:00:00 2009
- fixed version of GPL license

Sat Aug 8 14:00:00 2009
- initital openSUSE buildservice, used spec from Toni Graffy - updated to 0.05.0-1

* add keyboard shortcuts

* new code structure by James

* impruved skin handling

* add middle tone control

* reworked audio engine

* add bypass mode

* add logging window

* add engine state widget
- spec rewritten for waf build system
- added patch for gtk 2.14.4 in openSUSE_11.1 (doesn\'t contain gtk_menu_item_get/set_label)

Tue May 26 14:00:00 2009 Toni Graffy -
- update to

* fix wrong porthandling in dsp

* add latency menu by James Warden

* impruve midi out

Thu May 21 14:00:00 2009 Toni Graffy -
- update to
- Some new effect\'s in the amp section, overworked tuner and midi out.

Wed May 6 14:00:00 2009 Toni Graffy -
- update to

Tue May 5 14:00:00 2009 Toni Graffy -
- update to

Tue Apr 28 14:00:00 2009 Toni Graffy -
- update to

Thu Apr 23 14:00:00 2009 Toni Graffy -
- update to

Thu Mar 26 13:00:00 2009 Toni Graffy -
- update to

Wed Mar 18 13:00:00 2009 Toni Graffy -
- update to
- added sub-package ladspa-guitarix