Changelog for libjack0- :
Tue Jun 11 14:00:00 2013
- add aarch64.patch

Thu Jun 6 14:00:00 2013
- license update: GPL-2.0+ and LGPL-2.1+
jack server is licensed under GPL-2.0+

Thu Mar 28 13:00:00 2013
- Added url as source.
Please see

Mon Feb 4 13:00:00 2013
- Update to release for bnc#801442
- Removed patches: jack-uc_regs.patch, jack-segfault.patch they are
- Doxygen build doesn\'t work created jack-wafdocbuild.patch.
- Upstream changes :

* Adrian Knoth fix in midiseq.c.

* Fix library symbols export issue.

* Cleanup drivers and internals loading code.

* jackctl_driver_params_parse API moved in public control.h.

* Factorize code the server/client request in JackRequestDecoder class.

* More robust server/client protocol.

* Better time-out management in NetJack2.

* Improve ShutDown in NetManager.

* Correct ShutDown in JackInternalClient and JackLibClient.

* Fix NetJack2 initialisation bug. Add EndTime function.

* Rename JackProcessSync in JackPosixProcessSync.

* A bit more robust JackMessageBuffer implementation.

* Check server API callback from notification thread.

* Use a time-out in notification channel write function.

* Fix lock management in JackEngine.

* In control API, UNIX like sigset_t replaced by more abstract jackctl_sigmask_t
* opaque struct.

* Improve libjacknet master mode.

* Remove JACK_32_64 flag, so POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE now always used. POST_PACKED_STRUCTURE used for jack_latency_range_t type.

* Rework JackMessageBuffer.

* [firewire] Introduce UpdateLatencies() in FFADO backend.

* [firewire] Allow FFADO backend to change the buffer size.

* Update waf.

* New jack_get_cycle_times() implementation from Fons Adriennsen.

* Align buffers to 32 byte boundaries to allow AVX processing.

* Extend jack_control to have parameter reset commands.

* Fix alsa driver parameter order.

* Control API: Enforce driver/internal parameter order.

* Fix in ALSA adapter.

* Devin Anderson patch for Jack/CoreMIDI duplicated messages.

* Change framework installation hierarchy for OSX Mountain Lion.

* Update JackCoreAudioDriver and JackCoreAudioAdapter with more recent API.

* jack_control: fix epr command.

* Add opus support to NetJack2.

* More robust channel mapping handling in JackCoreAudioDriver.

* netjack1/netone opus support. controlapi: fix double free on master switch.

* Use string ids in the alsa device list. netjack/opus: don\'t re-init en/decoders.

* Correct JackPortAudioDriver::Open : special case for ASIO drivers.

* waf: configure option for enforcing autostart method

* ALSA devices reservation fixes.

Wed Jun 27 14:00:00 2012
- fix R_PPC64_ADDR32 fff85e94858 for symbol `\' out of range
- fix jack_connect segfault

Tue Apr 10 14:00:00 2012
- Disable parallel build to limit resource usage and prevent hung
build hosts.

Sun Feb 26 13:00:00 2012
- Update to version 1.9.8
- Remade jack-celt-build-fix.diff
- Upstream changes :
- Merge newer-midi branch (Devin Anderson redesign of the
MIDI drivers: alsarawmidi, ffado, coremidi and winmme).
- Correction in jackdmp.cpp: notify_server_stop should be done
after server destruction.
- Correct driver lifetime management.
- Add XRun detection in PortAudio driver.
- CELT code for NetJack2.
- Merge branch switch-master-port-registration-notifications:
correct driver port registration.
- Libjacknet in progress.
- Correct MIDI in NetJack2.
- Correct OSX real-time thread setup.
- Correct rd_acquire in dbus code.
- Correct NetJack2 connection handling.
- SaveConnections/RestoreConnections in NetDriver and JackAudioDriver.
- Special version of jack_attach_shm/jack_release_shm on client
side for POSIX shared memory, to solve a memory leak issue.
- Another round of code improvements to handle completely
buggy Digidesign CoreAudio user-land driver.
- Special CATCH_CLOSE_EXCEPTION_RETURN to handle Close API calls.
variables for NetJack2.
- NetJack2 now only send data on network only is ports are connected
both sides.
- Fix for \"starting two instances of same app in parallel does not
work\" bug.
- Enable explicit channel mapping in CoreAudio driver.
- New JackTimedDriver class to be used by JackDummyDriver,
JackNetDriver and JackNetOneDriver classes.
- More robust code in synchronization primitives and JackMessageBuffer.
- More robust Control API implementation.
- Add jackctl_driver_get_type in Control API.
- Singleton behaviour for JackCoreMidiDriver and JackWinMMEDriver.
- John Emmas patch for DSP CPU computation.
- John Emmas Windows server launching patch.
- Fix jack_set_port_name API.
- Enable local access in NetJack2 code.
- Dynamic port management in JACK/CoreMidi bridge.

Mon Feb 13 13:00:00 2012
- ppc64 doesn\'t have uc_regs

Tue Oct 18 14:00:00 2011
- drop jack-CAS.diff patch to fix non ia32/x86_64/ppc build,
seems to be fixed upstream similar

Wed Sep 7 14:00:00 2011
- Enabled dbus support requested on multimedia list
- Disabled engine profiling

Tue Sep 6 14:00:00 2011
- Removed malfunctioning services

Thu May 19 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 1.9.7
- Upstream changes :

* Sync JackAlsaDriver::alsa_driver_check_card_type with JACK1 backend.

* Improve backend error handling: fatal error returned by Read/Write
now cause a Process failure (so a thread exit for blocking backends).

* Recoverable ones (XRuns..) are now treated internally in ALSA and
FFADO backends.

* In jackdmp.cpp, jackctl_setup_signals moved before jackctl_server_start.

* Correct dummy driver.

* Adrian Knoth jack_lsp patch.

* Remove JackPortIsActive flag.

* New latency API implementation.

* ComputeTotalLatencies now a client/server call.

* Add latent test client for latency API.

* Also print playback and capture latency in jack_lsp.

* jack_client_has_session_callback implementation.

* Check requested buffer size and limit to 1..8192 avoids weird
behaviour caused by jack_bufsize foobar.

* jack_port_type_get_buffer_size implementation.

* Stop using alloca and allocate buffer on the heap for alsa_io.

* Rename jdelay to jack_iodelay as per Fons\' request.

* Call buffer size callback in activate (actually this is done on
client side in the RT thread Init method).

* Add jack_midi_dump client. Synchronize net JACK1 with JACK1 version.

* Synchronize jack_connect/jack_disconnect with JACK1 version.

* Correct JackNetMaster::SetBufferSize.

* Use jack_default_audio_sample_t instead of float consistently,
fix ticket #201. -X now allows to add several slave backends, add -I
to load several internal clients.

* Rework internal slave driver management, JackServerGlobals now
handle same parameters as jackdmp.

* Correct JackEngine::NotifyGraphReorder, update JackDebugClient
with latest API.

* Devin Anderson server-ctl-proposal branch merged on trunk: improved
control API, slave backend reworked.

* Implement renaming in JackDriver::Open to avoid name collision.

* Correct alsa_driver_restart (thanks Devin Anderson).

* Correction of jack_connect/jack_disconnect: use of jack_activate
and volatile keyword for thread shared variable.

* Correction of JackNetOneDriver for latest CELT API.

* Synchronize JackWeakAPI.cpp with new APIs.

Fri Dec 10 13:00:00 2010
- Added jack-celt-build-fix.diff to fix jack build with celt-0.9.1

Tue Nov 9 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 1.9.6
- Upstream changes :

* Improve JackCoreAudioDriver and JackCoreAudioAdapter : when no
devices are described, takes default input and output and
aggregate them.

* Correct JackGraphManager::DeactivatePort.

* Correct JackMachServerChannel::Execute : keep running even in
error cases.

* Raise JACK_PROTOCOL_VERSION number. Arnold Krille firewire patch.

* Fix some file header to have library side code use LGPL.

* ffado-portname-sync.patch from ticket #163 applied.

* Remove call to exit in library code.

* Make jack_connect/jack_disconnect wait for effective port

* Add tests to validate intclient.h API.

* On Linux, inter-process synchronization primitive switched to
POSIX semaphore.

* In JackCoreAudioDriver, move code called in MeasureCallback to be
called once in IO thread.

* David Garcia Garzon netone patch.

* Fix from Fernando Lopez-Lezcano for compilation on fc13.

* Fix JackPosixSemaphore::TimedWait : same behavior as
JackPosixSemaphore::Wait regarding EINTR.

* David Garcia Garzon unused_pkt_buf_field_jack2 netone patch.

* Arnold Krille firewire snooping patch.

* Jan Engelhardt patch for get_cycles on SPARC.

* Adrian Knoth hurd.patch, kfreebsd-fix.patch and
alpha_ia64-sigsegv.patch from ticket 177.

* Adrian Knoth fix for linux cycle.h (ticket 188).

* In JackCoreAudioDriver, fix an issue when no value is given for

Wed Jul 7 14:00:00 2010
- Enable ffado firewire support

Wed Jul 7 14:00:00 2010
- Provide missing functions to enable SPARC compilation

Tue Jul 6 14:00:00 2010
- Build fix: make sure $RPM_OPT_FLAGS is in CFLAGS (SPARC _needs_
its -march=ultrasparc from prjconf to make atomic ops available)
- Strip remaining CFLAGS since they are the same as in prjconf

Thu Apr 29 14:00:00 2010
- use _smp_mflags instead of -j\'percent\'{jobs}

Tue Apr 6 14:00:00 2010
- Update to jack-1.9.5 which now has support for distributing audio
processing across a network.
- Removed jack-shmat-check-fix.diff.

Fri Feb 19 13:00:00 2010
- remove libfreebob dependency

Wed Feb 17 13:00:00 2010
- minor spec file clean-ups

Tue Feb 9 13:00:00 2010
- update to 0.118.0
- don\'t use gcc4 patch and all that autotool stuff before ./configure
- fixed dependencies (missing versions)

Fri Dec 18 13:00:00 2009
- add baselibs.conf as a source

Tue Sep 22 14:00:00 2009
- fix minor strdup memory leaks (bnc#539096)

Sun Jun 21 14:00:00 2009
- fix requires of devel package (libjack requires libsamplerate now)

Fri Jun 19 14:00:00 2009
- add libsndfile and libsamplerate to buildrequires to support
netjack driver

Fri Jun 19 14:00:00 2009
- fix mismatching pclose() (bnc#514072)

Mon Apr 20 14:00:00 2009
- updated to version 0.116.2:

* Stable version update since 0.109.2: quite lots of fixes and
updates. See