Changelog for
libquvi-debugsource-0.4.1-15.1.x86_64.rpm :
Sat Dec 29 13:00:00 2012
- Update to 0.4.1 version:
* Add examples/parse.c [a26f5f6]
* Add examples/supported.c [179d997]
* DOC: Replace buzzhumor with gaskrank [3d2e015]
* FIX: Lua 5.2: Use luaL_newstate instead (#89) [6de7322]
* FIX: Make verify c/b check against correct option [0c4ff3b]
* FIX: Use dirname(3) properly [b2f1621]
- Remove conditionnal BuildRequires macros; now work fine with lua 5.2
Mon Jan 23 13:00:00 2012
- Revert my previous change: libquvi doesn\'t work with lua 5.2, see
Tue Jan 17 13:00:00 2012
- Always build against lua-devel: lua 5.2 on 12.2/Factory doesn\'t
seem to be an issue.
Tue Jan 10 13:00:00 2012
- New package (version 0.4.0).
- This is based on the quvi 0.2.19 package: quvi got split in three
modules upstream for 0.4.x.