Changelog for gimp24-lang-2.4.7-12.1.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Oct 6 14:00:00 2008
- Conflict with other gimp and branding providers (FATE#304881).

Fri Oct 3 14:00:00 2008
- Old stable branch renamed to gimp24.

Thu Sep 4 14:00:00 2008
- Recommend gimp-2.0-scanner-plugin (bnc#422558).

Fri Aug 22 14:00:00 2008
- Updated to version 2.4.7:

* python binding fixes

* fixed memory leak

* bug fixes

* translation updates

* See NEWS for details.

Wed Jul 16 14:00:00 2008
- Updated to version 2.4.6:

* many fixes

* translation updates

* See NEWS for details.

Tue Apr 15 14:00:00 2008
- Fixed dependencies of the branding package.

Mon Apr 14 14:00:00 2008
- Use packageand form of branding supplement.

Thu Mar 27 13:00:00 2008
- Added support for vendor branding (bnc#372091).

Mon Mar 3 13:00:00 2008
- Updated to version 2.4.5:

* many fixes

* many corrections

* translation updates

* See NEWS for details.

Wed Jan 30 13:00:00 2008
- Split plugins requiring python-gtk into a separate package

Fri Dec 7 13:00:00 2007
- Removed gutenprint from BuildRequires (#245683#c23).
- Require python-gtk (#339862).

Wed Oct 24 14:00:00 2007
- Updated to version 2.4.0:

* further improved the rectangle select and crop tools

* allow to mark out-of-gamut colors when doing a soft proof

* bug fixes
- Package renamed from gimp-unstable to gimp.

Thu Oct 11 14:00:00 2007
- poppler devel package names prepended by \"lib\".

Mon Oct 8 14:00:00 2007
- Use binding specific poppler devel package.

Mon Sep 24 14:00:00 2007
- update to GIMP 2.3 Release Candidate 3 (#327516)

* Changes in GIMP 2.4.0-rc3:
- use the new format for storing recently used files
- added conversion options to the color profile conversion plug-in
- allow to disable the toolbox menu on all platforms
- further improved handling of the JPEG settings
- switch tabs when hovering over them
- added a PDB function to remove the alpha channel from a layer
- plug-in previews remember the state of the Preview checkbox
- allow to grow the image/layer using the Crop tool

* Changes in GIMP 2.4.0-rc2:
- more improvements and bug fixes in the rectangle tools
- antialias the display for zoom levels between 100% and 200%
- fix zoomed-out display problems
- improve handling of JPEG settings
- fix script-fu error reporting
- on OS X, get rid of menubars in windows and use the global menubar
- fix plug-ins using GimpZoomPreview
- throw properly catchable exceptions from foreign script-fu function
(like PDB wrappers)

* Changes in GIMP 2.4.0-rc1:
- further improvement to the Print plug-in
- completed the color management functionality for 2.4
- store JPEG setting with the image and use them when saving as JPEG
- further improved the rectangle tools, in particular handling of the
fixed aspect ratio
- added color profile selector widget
- further improved the display quality for zoomed-out views

Tue Sep 11 14:00:00 2007
- add Conflict with gimp-lang (#307289)

Mon Jul 30 14:00:00 2007
- Update to version 2.3.19:
+ support long layer names in PSD files
+ improved EXIF handling in the JPEG file plug-in
+ added control for the playback speed in the Animation Playback plug-in
+ avoid needless image preview invalidation
+ allow to edit the image comment in the Image Properties dialog
+ further improved rectangle tools
+ made JPEG save parameters user-configurable
+ avoid color conversions between identical ICC color profiles
+ improved Print plug-in
+ improved loading and saving of indexed TGA images
+ temporarily show the hidden image statusbar while the progress is active
+ added support for loading .abr v6 Photoshop brushes
+ improved usability of color scales
+ improved display quality of zoomed-out image view
+ improved import of multi-page TIFF files
+ reduced rounding errors in Blur routines (core and plug-ins)
+ further improved parameter checks in the PDB
+ added support for loading .abr v2 Photoshop brushes
+ improved border behavior of the Blur tool
+ show the brush outline at the Clone tool\'s source position
+ added libgimpbase API to retrieve the user\'s Pictures folder
+ add a shortcut to the user\'s Pictures folder to the file-chooser dialog
+ improved the quality of the Motion Blur filter
+ save paths in TIFF files
+ let the Screenshot plug-in name the new layer after the window
+ use memory slices to reduce memory fragmentation
+ some code cleanup
+ lots of bug fixes
- Remove upstreamed gimp-psd-overflow.patch and gimp-sunras-overflow.patch.

Thu Jul 19 14:00:00 2007
- Respin gimp-psd-overflow.patch (

Wed Jul 4 14:00:00 2007
- Add gimp-psd-overflow.patch (#284288 and CVE-2007-2949), fixing
a buffer overflow.

Fri May 11 14:00:00 2007
- removed gnome-icon-theme from BuildRequires and Requires

Mon May 7 14:00:00 2007

* Updated to version gimp-2.3.16:

* XOR color configurable as a workaround for broken drivers

* keyboard shortcuts can assign to procedures without menu entry

* configurable height of the preview area in data editors

* improved file detection in TGA plug-in

* improved brush scaling code, now also scales up

* converted standard pixmap brushes to parametric ones

* improved zoom tool behavior

* D-Bus methods have a return value indicating success or failure

* added more menu tooltips

* procedures can request the display ID they are called from

* depend on GTK+ >= 2.10.6

* filename passed on the command-line can open new image

* various optimizations, bug fixes and code cleanup

Fri May 4 14:00:00 2007
- Fixed buffer overflow in sunras plugin (#270506, GNOME#433902,

Wed Apr 4 14:00:00 2007
- Updated to version gimp-2.3.15:

* Fixes, improvements, UI and API changes. See NEWS for more.

Thu Mar 8 13:00:00 2007
- Removed obsolete hicolor icon symlink (#248676).

Wed Mar 7 13:00:00 2007
- fixed \'warning: subscript out of range\' (#231161)
- subscript-outrng.patch

Tue Feb 27 13:00:00 2007
- adjust buildrequires: libexif -> libexif-devel

Wed Jan 3 13:00:00 2007
- Prefix changed to /usr.
- Spec file cleanup.

Thu Sep 14 14:00:00 2006
- Updated to version 2.3.11:

* Many new features, see
/usr/share/doc/packages/gimp-unstable/NEWS for more.

* Many bug fixes and code cleanup.
- Removed dcraw hack.

Wed Aug 16 14:00:00 2006
- buildrequire python-gtk-devel instead of python-gtk

Fri Jul 28 14:00:00 2006
- Fixed buffer overflow in xcf_load_vector (CVE-2006-3404,
[#190901], GNOME#346742).