Changelog for
libqscintilla-devel-2.6-40.1.x86_64.rpm :
Sun Feb 5 13:00:00 2012
- update to 2.6:
- based on Scintilla v2.29.
- improved support for rebinding keys to commands
- native key bindings under OS/X.
- remove Qt3 support (it does not compile with current Qt3 packages)
Wed Nov 23 13:00:00 2011
- build QScintilla plugin for QT4 Designer
Mon Aug 15 14:00:00 2011
- update to 2.5.1:
- based on Scintilla v2.25
Wed Sep 1 14:00:00 2010
- update to 2.4.5:
- A bug fix release.
- Added the canInsertFromMimeData(), fromMimeData() and toMimeData() methods
to QsciScintillaBase.
- QsciScintilla::markerDefine() now allows existing markers to be redefined.
Tue Apr 20 14:00:00 2010
- fix build
Sun Apr 11 14:00:00 2010
- update to 2.4.3 release:
* Added clearFolds() to QsciScintilla.
* Updated Spanish translations from Jaime Seuma.
* Fixed compilation problems with Qt v3 and Qt v4 prior to v4.5.
* Added the QsciLexerSpice and QsciLexerVerilog classes.
* Significant performance improvements when handling long lines.
* The Python bindings include automatically generated docstrings
by default.
* Added an API file for Python v3.
Tue Nov 3 13:00:00 2009
- updated patches to apply with fuzz=0
Fri Jul 10 14:00:00 2009
- update build requires after python-sip package split
Mon Jun 8 14:00:00 2009
- update to 2.4 release:
* support for annotations, margin text
* ability to write new language lexers
Tue May 26 14:00:00 2009
- update to 2.4-snapshot-20090525:
- Based on Scintilla v1.78.
- Added the QsciLexerCustom, QsciStyle and QsciStyledText classes.
- Added annotate(), annotation(), clearAnnotations(), setAnnotationDisplay()
and annotationDisplay() to QsciScintilla.
- Added setMarginText(), clearMarginText(), setMarginType() and marginType()
to QsciScintilla.
- Added QsciLexer::lexerId() so that container lexers can be implemented.
- Added editor() and styleBitsNeeded() to QsciLexer.
- Added setDollarsAllowed() and dollarsAllowed() to QsciLexerCPP.
- Added setFoldScriptComments(), foldScriptComments(),
setFoldScriptHeredocs() and foldScriptHeredocs() to QsciLexerHTML.
- Added setSmartHighlighting() and smartHighlighting() to QsciLexerPascal.
(Note that the Scintilla Pascal lexer has changed so that any saved colour
and font settings will not be properly restored.)
- Added setFoldPackages(), foldPackages(), setFoldPODBlocks() and
foldPODBlocks() to QsciLexerPerl.
- Added setV2UnicodeAllowed(), v2UnicodeAllowed(), setV3BinaryOctalAllowed(),
v3BinaryOctalAllowed(), setV3BytesAllowed and v3BytesAllowed() to
- Added setScriptsStyled() and scriptsStyled() to QsciLexerXML.
- Added Spanish translations from Jaime Seuma.
Sat Dec 6 13:00:00 2008
- update to 2.3.2:
Added the read() and write() methods to QsciScintilla in anticipation of PyQt
dropping support for QStrings. This will allow file to be read and written
while keeping the number of conversions to the minimum.
Wed Oct 22 14:00:00 2008
- debug_package_requires depend also on %release
Fri Oct 10 14:00:00 2008
- update to 2.3 (bnc#432385):
* Licensing update: Dual licensed GPLv2/v3
* The new QsciAbstractAPIs class allows applications to replace the default
implementation of the language APIs used for auto-completion lists and call
* Added QsciScintilla::apiContext() to allow applications to determine the
context used for auto-completion and call tips.
* Added the QsciLexerFortran, QsciLexerFortran77, QsciLexerPascal,
QsciLexerPostScript, QsciLexerTCL, QsciLexerXML and QsciLexerYAML classes.
* QsciScintilla::setFolding() will now accept an optional margin number.
* A lexer\'s default colour, paper and font are now written to and read from
the settings.
* Windows64 is now supported.
* The signature of the QsciScintillaBase::SCN_MACRORECORD() signal has
changed slightly.
Mon Sep 3 14:00:00 2007
- break buildcycle
Sat Aug 11 14:00:00 2007
- install Qt4 version of libraries
- build python bindings
- rename package to comply to Shared Library Policy
Mon Aug 6 14:00:00 2007
- update to 1.73 (scintilla 2.1) (#297650)
* A revised API, incompatible with QScintilla v1.
* Hugely improved autocompletion and call tips support.
* Supports both Qt v3 and Qt v4.
* Includes Python bindings.