Changelog for bftpd-debuginfo-3.6-1.52.i586.rpm :
Thu Jul 28 14:00:00 2011
- update to 3.6:

* includes a fix for dealing with named pipes: previously performing a
directory listing on a directory that included a named pipe would cause
Bftpd\'s connect to stall; this release provides a work-around so that
directory listings complete cleanly

Sat Jul 23 14:00:00 2011
- update to 3.5:

* added explicit setting of sin_family to AF_INET to avoid ambiguity and
possible bind errors
- changes from 3.4:

* added configuration file option TIMEZONE_FIX: by default Bftpd tries to
guess the time zone, working around the C library; when running on a system
where the C library can correctly guess the time zone in a chroot
environment, set TIMEZONE_FIX=\"no\" in the bftpd.conf file

* added -v command line option which will cause Bftpd to display the current
version and exit
- changes from 3.3:

* time stamps in the log file were not correct after chrooting; added time
zone code to make sure we can calculate the correct time without access to
system time zone info

Thu Apr 28 14:00:00 2011
- update to bftpd 3.2

* Added new value for SHOW_HIDDEN_FILES option in the
config file. The option can now be set to \"yes\",
\"no\" or \"always\". This allows admins to determine whether
clients can see hidden files if it is requested, never
or all the time, repectively. Please see the config file
comments for details.

* Made sure HIDE_GROUP variable will cause files belonging
to a given group to not be shown to the client.
- changes in bftpd 3.1

* Make sure default config disables anonymous login
by default.
- changes in bftpd 3.0

* Updated documentation to fix links. Thanks to Xiang for
pointing out the error.

* Added Slovak documentation, provided by Dusan.

Fri Jun 4 14:00:00 2010
- update to 2.9:

* bftpd will attempt to create it\'s utmp directory if that
directory does not exist

* the ROOTDIR option now works properly for anonymous users

Wed Apr 21 14:00:00 2010
- update to 2.8:

* fixes anonymous logins, which were broken a few releases back:
anonymous logins are now blocked by default, but can be easily
enabled in the configuration file

* support has been added for the \"-a\" flag in the LIST command,
allowing users to see hidden files

* the search function has been fixed so that symbolic links are
displayed properly, even if the link is broken

* some fixes were applied, making sure the server can always read
user-specific settings from the config file

* when several connections are dropped at once, the server now
cleans up all child processes, avoiding zombies
- changes from 2.7:

* fixes an issue where the same error code was returned
regardless of whether the client was trying to delete a write-
protected directory or a non-empty directory; the proper codes
are now returned, making sure the FTP client will be able to
take the proper action
- changes from 2.6:

* fixes a minor security bug which could be used to cause a
denial of service attack

Fri Oct 9 14:00:00 2009
- update to 2.5:

* improves UTF-8 support with programs such as Filezilla

* now provides the option to log bandwidth usage on a per user basis

Thu Sep 3 14:00:00 2009
- update to 2.4:

* a minor security bug which could be used to cause a denial of
service attack has been fixed

Mon Oct 6 14:00:00 2008
- update to version 2.3
- added xinetd config

Mon Nov 5 13:00:00 2007
- update to version 2.1

Fri Oct 5 14:00:00 2007
- initial package