Changelog for scalaris-0.6.0-10.1.noarch.rpm :
Fri Aug 16 14:00:00 2013
- Scalaris 0.6.0 (codename \"Conus scalaris\")

* Packaging:
- add ArchLinux packages
- add support for new distribution versions

* API:
- no more timeouts in client APIs
- Java-API: re-worked the request and result list handling
- > move result processing to the operation classes
- Java-API: better support for custom operations
- Java-API: support the new partial reads:
ReadRandomFromListOp and ReadSublistOp
- Java-API: compile with \"vars\" debug info
- Java-API: integrate new OtpErlang library (1.5.8 from R16B) with fixed
support for compressed binaries
- Java-API: add back-ports from the Wiki on Scalaris demonstrator:

* list-change operations: ScalarisChangeListOp and

* MultiMap classes are now in

* CircularByteArrayOutputStream
- Java-API: fix hostname issues with Erlang and Java
- Java-API: slightly changed the delete API
- JSON-API: add API for auto-scale requests
- Python-API: add API for auto-scale requests
- Python-API: use default socket timeout
- Ruby-API: use default socket timeout
- all APIs: support lists of composite types

* Demonstrator \"Wiki on Scalaris\" (supported by 4CaaSt
and Contrail
- allow monitoring via JMX in the FourCaastMonitoringPlugin
- support for getting random articles via the new partial read op
- new optimisation scheme \"Buckets with Write Cache\" - uses a single big
list to read from and the rest of the buckets to write to
- improve import and dump-processing (faster, more memory-efficient)
- add on-the-fly conversion to the different optimisation schemes during
import (only one prepared DB dump needed now)
- several UI enhancements and rendering fixes
- update bliki lib (includes code ported to upstream)
- add auto-import ability
- use tomcat 7.0.33

* Business Logic:
- replace common message tags with integers to reduce bandwidth
- more flexible read operations (easier to extend)
- add support for the following partial reads: random_from_list and sublist
- save bandwidth by not returning the full value for write operations
(only the version is required)
- new DB back-end implementation with a smaller and cleaner interface
- faster DB get_chunk processing
- tx: allow overwriting old/outdated DB entries
- tx: allow overwriting old/outdated write-locked entries
- tx: allow setting write lock on old/outdated read-locked entries
- tx: always reply when the majority replied during read
- tx: make sure that if not_found is reported to the user (while reading),
a write cannot go through if it is not also based on not_found
- tx: committing a test_and_set op on a non-existing entry now fails as well
(the op itself already returned the failure)
- tx: add a 2s delay to wait for slow learner_decide answers before cleaning
up (results in a faster state cleanup after the fourth response)
- tx: small performance improvements in several modules
- rm: only add alive, non-leaving nodes
- rm: if a predecessor crashes, start repairing the range (rrepair)
- rrepair: stabilised rrepair (not considered experimental any more)
- rrepair: also update entries with existing but outdated WriteLocks
- rrepair: several performance improvements
(bloom, merkle_tree, art and rrepair processes in general)
- rrepair: re-design of rr_recon
- rrepair: don\'t offload heavy work onto the dht_node (increases
responsiveness of the dht_node process during replica repair)
- rrepair: improve db_generator tool and random_bias binomial distribution
used for tests
- rrepair: support differently configured nodes (use the same reconciliation
structure parameters)
- rrepair: de-activate self-repair (a node with multiple copies of the same
items does not need a reconciliation structure to repair some of
- rrepair: activate rrepair periodically every 10 minutes with a probability
of 33%
- slide v2.0: fewer message to initiate a slide
- slide v2.0: generic (asynchronous) call-backs for different ring
maintenance algorithms
- slide v2.0: re-work handling of planned next operations, e.g. used by
incremental slides
- slide v2.0: don\'t directly work on the DB any more (there may be more
data needed to slide) - let dht_node_state decide
- slide v2.0: activate incremental join and leave operations
- slide v2.0: actively report graceful node shutdown to the local FD of the
leaving node to inform subscribers
- slide v2.0: code clean-up
- slide v2.0: some fixes for incremental slides
- slide v2.0: more robust in general
- more smooth node joins by also reporting when a join is not possible due
to a running slide at the existing node
- passive load balancing: random selection of (equally qualified) nodes
- add new routing algorithms FRT-Chord (flexible routing tables) and
GFRT-Chord (supports proximity routing and data centers) as alternatives
to Chord (see rt_frtchord and rt_gfrtchord modules)
- add auto-scale framework, e.g. for cloud environments (supported by
Contrail which is able to scale the
deployment to maintain a given target latency of executed transactions
- cache config reads in the process dictionary for better performance
- cyclon: if the cache is empty, try one of the nodes in known_hosts
- add support for consistent snapshots (experimental)

* Infrastructure:
- add a daemon to monitor Scalaris via JMX
- disable message compression (only client values are compressed - the rest
is too expensive, at least on GbE)
- support for distributions with python3 available as \"python\" and
python2 as \"python2\"
- support for Ruby 1.9
- yaws 1.96 (with patch to compile on otp master and a patch to fix a
performance regression)
- support for Erlang R13B01 up to R16B01 and current otp master

* Tests:
- add test suite to find memory leaks
- let \"make test\" run the major test suites and \"make test-skipped\" for
some more (time-consuming) tests
- clean-up ring after timetrap timeout failures via common test hook
- new ?compare macro for custom comparison functions
- higher test coverage with more random-testing via the \"tester\"

* Documentation:
- user-dev-guide: add user tutorial on using scalaris
- user-dev-guide: add a section about the slide protocol
- user-dev-guide: extended description of scientific background
- add replica repair sequence diagrams
- better code descriptions

* Tools:
- gen_component: synchronous breakpoint set and delete for more
deterministic usage
- trace_mpath: allow selective tracing via filter fun
- trace_mpath: fix several triggers becoming infected by trace_mpath
resulting in infinite tracing
- trace_mpath: improve latex output of traces
- tester: copy dictionary to worker threads
- tester: add support for more types, e.g. neg_integer(), gb_rees
- tester: better type check error reporting
- tester: print tester last calls when aborting unit tests
(timeout or exception)
- tester: add support for constraints in type specs (\"when is_subtype(A,B)\")
- web debug interface: add cluster graph visualisation
- web debug interface: display vivaldi distance
- web debug interface: add IP addresses and ports to the ring charts and
- web debug interface: allow navigating to the web interfaces of shown nodes
- top: support for showing messages in message queue of an inspected PID
- top: support for showing larger dictionary values
- allow recursive reply_as envelopes
- experimental protocol scheduler to check protocols with random message
interleavings (see proto_sched module)

* Bugs:
- fix RM handling of (out-dated) nodes with the same ID as newly added nodes
- fix ganglia integration not working any more
- restore the ability to start nodes at a specific key via
\"scalarisctl -k ...\"
- fix some memory leaks in the tx system
- fix statistics of comm_connection (not send in some cases, not
- use /bin/bash instead of /bin/sh which may not result in a bash session
- fix init.d scripts not checking for existing processes correctly
- fix dc_clustering
- fix numerous other bugs

Thu Oct 11 14:00:00 2012
- Scalaris 0.5.0 (codename \"Saperda scalaris\")

* Packaging:
- new init.d script to start Scalaris
- added chef scripts to deploy Scalaris nodes
- improved Windows start scripts (support for R15B01 and R15B02, don\'t
close command prompt window immediately after shutdown if
- more flexible scalarisctl (arbitrary parameter order, allow setting
cookie, ports and number of nodes in VM via parameters, allow using
screen for daemonised sessions, allow graceful leave via \"gstop\"
command, new \"status\" command)
- support for new linux distributions (Fedora 17, Ubuntu 12.04,
openSUSE 12.2)
- let scalarisctl checkinstallation also perform runtime tests for the

* API:
- allow Scalaris monitoring via JMX through the Java API
- added an executor-service to the Java-API (de.zib.scalaris.executor.
- added a node discovery daemon to the Java-API
- allow compressed communication between the Java-API and Erlang for
increased performance, especially if the two are on separate nodes
- added VM management support to the JSON- and Python-API
- added transaction log filtering to the Java-API, i.e. only sent the
needed parts of the tlog back to Erlang and re-combine the result
- fixed api_tx:req_list_commit_each/1 not running requests in parallel
- > do not assure any order of requests, even if on same key!

* Demonstrator \"Wiki on Scalaris\"
(supported by 4CaaSt
- allow different partitioned data models for better performance and
- allow logging of user requests
- added support for checking whether another article exists (approximate)
- > show link colours based on this check
- added check for bad page titles
- allow SERVERNAME and SERVERPATH in config for setups with load
- reduced memory footprint of Wiki data in Scalaris
- support for newer wiki xml dumps
- added support for using a MediaWiki-like SQLite-DB backend for e.g.
- improved overall performance
- several rendering fixes

* Business Logic:
- added (experimental) support for replica repair (disabled by default)
(thanks to Maik Lange)
- added monitoring of memory statistics (also available via web
- better error reporting in the failure detector
- reduced message overhead by UIDs and message/tuple tags
- reduced overall message size of transactions:

* do not include the (uncompressed) value in messages of the read phase
of write operations

* do not include the value in init_TP messages
- allow VM-flag \"first\" to be set via config file
- gather overall connection statistics in comm_stats (also available via
web interface)
- reduced erroneous failure messages on node shutdown
- integrated comm_layer into comm_server
- better scalability in pid_groups (find processes round-robin in
- several changes to improve overall performance and/or CPU time at the

* Tests:
- support for more types in the runtime type-checker
- verify several API functions via runtime type-checker (also test
private functions if possible!)

* Tools:
- distributed protocol visualisation via trace_mpath (text-based or
latex-file for graphical presentation)
- better profiling via top for Erlang processes
- better debugging, e.g. via ASCII supervisor-tree rendering in verbose

* Bugs:
- fixed memory leaks in read and write operations
- fixed memory leaks in tx_tm_rtm
- prevent potential endless loops in tx_tm_rtm
- fixed inform RTMs sometimes informing the wrong RTMs
- fixed numerous other bugs

Thu Mar 22 13:00:00 2012
- Scalaris 0.4.1

* Packaging:
- new official ConPaaS packages (
- install rubygem dependencies in Debian postinstall scripts for Ruby API
- improved Windows start scripts (if set, uses the ERLANG_HOME
environment variable to find Erlang, otherwise searches for Erlang in
common paths)

* Bugs:
- better tx cleanup (should fix rare occurance of duplicate client
- forward additional parameters of the start scripts to new syntax of

Tue Jan 24 13:00:00 2012
- Scalaris 0.4.0 (codename \"Pomacea scalaris\")

* API:
- new functions for incremental data change:
test_and_set: check for a provided old value before setting a new one
add_on_nr: increment a numeric value
add_del_on_list: append or delete entries from a list value
- added VM API to manage Scalaris nodes inside an Erlang virtual machine
- added monitoring API to retrieve some live metrics
- added a connection pool convenience class (Java, Python)

* Demonstrator \"Wiki on Scalaris\"
(supported by 4CaaSt
- improved performance of page edits
- improved performance of Wikipedia dump loading
- several rendering fixes

* Business Logic:
- improved handling of large values by reducing overhead of transaction
log handling (empty TLog after commit), no copy of value in TLog
returned to user after read requests)
- eliminated timeouts in data hand-over protocol (relies on fd now)
- added a DB subscribe mechanism, e.g. to become informed when locks
are freed
- fixed a strong consistency issue in the tx protocol
- gather some run-time statistics and expose them via the APIs and the
web debug interface

* Infrastructure:
- support for Erlang 15B
- fd now also uses feedback from TCP layer
- made message sending more flexible (gets an option list)
- added and corrected several Erlang type specifications
- added scripts to create Scalaris images for OpenNebula
- added tools for using Scalaris as the Database as a Service
component in ConPaaS ( which is part of the
EU project Contrail (
- added a separate communication channel for priority messages, e.g. fd
(reduces falsely reported node crashes under heavy load)

* Tests:
- added runtime type-checker for random testing extended unittests

* Documentation:
- updated documentation to extended APIs

* Bugs:
- fixed numerous bugs

Fri Jul 15 14:00:00 2011
- Scalaris 0.3.0 (codename \"Rhinechis Scalaris\")

- new API with interoperable bindings to Java, Python, Ruby, and JSON
- support for several data types, including strings, integers, JSON
objects, binary objects.
- new transaction interface with support for bundled requests for better
- separate APIs to access the raw DHT, a DHT with replication, and the
transactional DHT

* Demonstrator
- added Wikipedia-hosting using Scalaris as demonstrator application

* Business Logic
- fault-tolerant startup: start Scalaris when a quorum of the known_hosts
becomes available (option -q in bin/scalarisctl)
- perform data hand-over when nodes join/gracefully leave (also works when
transactions are executed concurrently)
- added passive load balancing (when a node joins a ring, it samples
several other nodes and joins at the node that balances the number of
stored items the most)
- completely rewritten transaction layer (more modular, more extendible,
less latency)
- modularized / reimplemented Paxos algorithm, so the algorithm can also
be used outside transactions (e.g. used for quorum-startup)
- switched almost all components to our component framework
- added gossiping for estimating e.g. the number of nodes or the average
load in a ring
- more reliable unreliable look-up
- better ring start-up on slow networks

* Infrastructure
- Vivaldi and topology inference
- support for Erlang 13B01 and newer
- faster TCP/IP communication between Scalaris nodes
- completely rewritten failure detector framework for more accurate
detection of node failures
- added numerous Erlang type specifications
- extended unittests

* Tests
- added own random testing framework that reads type specifications and
scans the source code for constants to generate proper random test-data
- extended gen_component with breakpoint-support for debugging and testing
(perform deterministic pseudo-random message interleaving tests)
- added numerous unittests
- added language-binding interoperability tests

* Documentation
- extended, but - as always - by far not enough...

* Bugs
- fixed countless bugs