Changelog for
tine20-base-2013.03.7-1.4.noarch.rpm :
Mon Aug 19 14:00:00 2013
- Upgraded to version 2013.03.7
* ActiveSync: äöüß cause corrupted outgoing E-Mails when sending from iOS 6.1.4 via Active Sync
* ActiveSync: email reply text garbled
* Admin: alias table in user admin dialog truncated
* Admin: Import User via CLI don\'t import all fields
* Admin: user smtp settings: no forward_only forward addresses are not saved
* CalDAV: normalize rrule when converting to Cal_Model_Event
* CalDAV: recurids of exceptions (non-fallout) are not converted to UTC
* Calendar: copy of recurring events fails
* Calendar: do not allow both rrule and recurId in event
* Calendar: Event invitation email is not rendered as expected
* Calendar: Import von .ics-Dateien in Kalender schlägt fehl
* Calendar: moving a recur exception twice creates concurrency exception
* Calendar: state save/restore no longer works in attendee filter grid
* Felamimail: add class \"felamimail-body-blockquote\" to all blockquote tags in mail body
* Felamimail: error when sending mail with note (wrong charset)
* Other: langHelper creates duplicate header in en.po
* SimpleFAQ: Hinzufügen von Tags in der FAQ mit Rechtsklick erzeugt Fehler
* Sipgate: cached callHistory & phoneInfo
* Timetracker: \"undefined\" in translated text when trying to delete a timesheet
* Tinebase: add new tine20org logo
* Tinebase: Cannot login when using a SSL-Proxy
* Tinebase: increase execution time of Tinebase_Frontend_Json::updateMultipleRecords
* Tinebase JavaScript: emptyText gets inserted into ComboBoxes when the Box gets Hidden while focused
* Tinebase JavaScript: quickfilter reset does not work with backspace or del
* Translations: datetime validation text still contains placeholders
Fri Jul 19 14:00:00 2013
- Upgraded to version 2013.03.6
* ActiveSync: Contacts created on Android device do not sync via ActiveSync, syncing breaks
* ActiveSync: email reply text garbled
* ActiveSync: failure in update script 6.0 -> 6.1
* Addressbook: Icedove not detected as supported client
* Addressbook: use round in Addressbook_JsonTest::testUpdateContactWithGeodata
* Admin: wrong paging in admin menu for TAGS
* Calendar: Calendar.import shifts dates upon import from ics files
* Calendar: delete exdate / range this and future fails for firstInstance Exceptions
* Calendar: Fix fatal error in Calendar/Model/Event.php
* Calendar: Invalid datetime format: 1292 Incorrect datetime value: \'\' for column \'alarm_ack_time\'
* Calendar: prevent concurrency exceptions when updating recurring exceptions
* Felamimail: move some helper functions to Tinebase_Mail
* Other: Can\'t select Example Application
* Setup: always update to current version when doing CLI --update
* SimpleFAQ: Hinzufügen von Tags in der FAQ mit Rechtsklick erzeugt Fehler
* Tinebase: Using the same customfield in an or-filter-search returns an exception
* Translations: update transifex strings
Fri Jun 21 14:00:00 2013
- Upgraded to version 2013.03.5
* ActiveSync: fix ActiveSync_Controller_CalendarTests.testGetChangedEntries
* Admin: Import User via CLI don\'t import all fields
* Calendar: alarm is sent for recur series that is already over
* Calendar: Attendee Filter Grid eats checkbox click when \"add attendee combo\" is focused
* Calendar: Fehlerhafte Übersetzung
* Calendar: freebusy check does not work when creating recur exception
* Calendar: \"x more\" tooltip shows wrong numbers
* Courses: allow username schema 0 (just lastname) for new accounts/members
* Courses: course can\'t be saved (user not found)
* Felamimail: BCC does not save the draft message
* Felamimail: child folders parent field is not updated when renaming folder
* Felamimail: Drafts are not working
* Felamimail: email attachment without file extension is not sent properly
* Felamimail: repair/reset parent folder when updating existing folders
* Felamimail: Wrong recipient with read confirmation
* Filemanager: WebDAV File Upload fails \"Tinebase_Exception_Record_Validation\' with message \'some fields session_id have invalid content\"
* HumanResources: Out of range value adjusted for column \'vacation_days\'
* Inventory: Inventory_Import_CsvTest::testImportOfCSVWithHook fails sometimes
* Other: passwords stored in trace log
* Phone: write a test for saveMyPhone as unprivileged user
* Sales: add history/modlog to sales contracts
* Setup: Update table with PostgreSQL fails
* Tinebase: apps should be sorted the other way round in menu
* Translations: update transifex strings
Thu May 23 14:00:00 2013
- Upgraded to version 2013.03.4
* ActiveSync: CalDav - Tine - Thunderbird - Palm Pre
* ActiveSync: Emails do not sync when I disable and then I enable sync email on my smartphone
* ActiveSync: Email search not working
* Calendar: add attendee changes to modlog
* Calendar: calendar whole day rendering bug after background refresh
* Calendar: concurrent attendee change should be merged
* Calendar: \"rrule until must not be before dtstart\" when updating recur exception (THISANDFUTURE)
* Calendar: use vcalendar converter for ics import
* Felamimail: allow email pw suffix
* Felamimail: Credential-Dialog show up multiple times
* Felamimail: js error when selecting a row in contact search grid
* Felamimail: signature disappeared after changing it in account settings
* HumanResources: duplicate check for employee
* Packaging: Packages: /etc/tine20/config.php should be http-server modifiable
* Setup: error during install with redis cache backend
* Setup: No login possible with active IMAP and DBmail MySQL-Backend
* Tasks: Tasks should be assignable to leads after creation
* Timetracker: state error when losing timeaccount rights
* Tinebase: add clear accesslog to scheduler
* Tinebase: allow record_id and overwrite param in undo cli function
* Tinebase: can not overwrite existing favorite without manage-right
* Tinebase JavaScript: multiedit. checkboxes can\'t be changed
* Tinebase JavaScript: quickfilter reset does not reset filter toolbar
* Tinebase JavaScript: Within Combo box in Date Filter is editable
* Tinebase: php warning during html5 file upload
* Tinebase: prevent \"Method not found\" exceptions
* Tinebase: \'search for groups\' is not working in manage permissions dialog
* Tinebase: Upgrade HTML Purifier to version 4.5.0
* Unittests: fix Calendar_Frontend_WebDAV_EventTests
* Voipmanager: create voipmanager demodata
Thu Apr 25 14:00:00 2013
- Upgraded to version 2013.03.3
* ActiveSync: Dates created on Pixi multiplied by each sync
* ActiveSync: event with lots of exceptions breaks calendar sync
* ActiveSync: HTMLPurifier/TokenFactory.php : Allowed memory size exhausted
* ActiveSync: Outlook 2013 Sync does not work
* Addressbook: removed unused columns from contact grid
* Admin: paging in group grid acts strange
* Admin: user edit dialog: primary group field is cleared when TABBING out of it
* Calendar: displaycontainer_id not set when recur exception is created
* Calendar: loading / refresh animation does not stop in list view when cancelling recur event (exdate)
* Calendar: New element in calendar: only calender, nothing else
* Calendar: opening the calendar with user that is hidden from adb throws errors
* Felamimail: allow email pw suffix
* Felamimail: email grid: set flag does not work sometimes
* Felamimail: Email Update Interval = 0 (never)
* Felamimail: exception dialog when sending email to unknown recipient
* Felamimail: files with umlauts in filename cannot be attached with safari
* Felamimail: German translation in Felamimail \"Compose\" -> Search Recipients
* Felamimail: RE: FWD: tags not recognized properly
* Felamimail: Show embedded Images in Mails
* Felamimail: Sieve - Vacation notify frequency not being set (Cyrus)
* Felamimail: Unable to view multiple mails in different windows
* Filemanager: Drag and drop a folder inside a folder
* Filemanager: error when trying to copy sub folder to current folder
* Filemanager: Unable to upload files
* Phone: deactivate phone app if phone backend not available
* Projects: Projekt ist nicht zu sehen, sobald ein \'tags\' dazu gewählt wird.
* Tasks: Linking a task to a lead is not displayed in the CRM
* Tinebase: add cleanup script for deleted files
* Tinebase: broken State after update to Kristina
* Tinebase: catch Integrity constraint violations in state update script
* Tinebase: Change in user preference alters admin preferences
* Tinebase: Change password is disabled
* Tinebase: client state too long for DB
* Tinebase: import breaks with malformated datetimes
* Tinebase JavaScript: change pw button active even if it is not allowed
* Tinebase JavaScript: Ext.ux.log does not work in build
* Tinebase JavaScript: filtertoolbar breaks when using subfilters in favorite
* Tinebase JavaScript: Filter toolbar IE9 problem
* Tinebase JavaScript: IE10: drag and drop of files does not work
* Tinebase JavaScript: javascript error after copy record
* Tinebase JavaScript: multiedit field: allow to edit with one click
* Tinebase JavaScript: when setting \"last used filter\" as default favorite fb breaks sometimes
* Tinebase: Preferences values contains translated value
* Tinebase: Re-Syncing users and groups from LDAP throws an exception.
* Translations: show translation status in language combo
* Translations: Turkish does not work / throws an error
* Translations: update transifex strings
Tue Apr 2 14:00:00 2013
- Upgraded to version 2013.03.2
* ActiveSync: ActiveSync doesn\'t transmit Alarm in Event
* ActiveSync: Activesync emails show up twice.
* ActiveSync: Add support for preview of emails
* ActiveSync: doppelte termine im handy kalender
* ActiveSync: iOS: attachments missing in some emails
* ActiveSync: Keep ActivsSync options element between requests
* ActiveSync: Mails werden dreimal gesynct
* ActiveSync: Mails werden nicht gelöscht
* ActiveSync: Recurring event exceptions are not syncronized
* ActiveSync: reset device pingfolder in update script
* ActiveSync: Syncroton Synct sich Tot
* Addressbook: can not add contact of type user
* Addressbook: DD image upload broken after token mode
* Addressbook: improved default for internet field
* Addressbook: Multiple addresses edit - OK button grayed out
* Addressbook: Tag list without colored icons
* Addressbook: token mode removes contact image
* Admin: pw policy: do not allow pws that contain username
* Calendar: attendee filter grid stops editing mode on server data
* Calendar: Clicking on \"today\" on the mini-calender changes viewmode
* Calendar: concurrent update of dtstart of event fails
* Calendar: Internal Server Error on calendar search
* Felamimail: can\'t delete sieve filter rule
* Felamimail: Can\'t send big files (> 60 MB)
* Felamimail: dd file upload not working in compose area
* Felamimail: dd file upload not working in file-upload-grid
* Felamimail: email read flag is removed sometimes
* Felamimail: external links in emails are removed
* Felamimail: find a better icon for reading confirmation
* Felamimail: fix email grid reload
* Felamimail: js client shows wrong attachment icon in grid
* Felamimail: link did not get an anchor in html mail
* Felamimail: Scrolling is broken in Felamimal folder tree
* Felamimail: System returns after exclusion recipient
* Filemanager: could not create a personal folder with the name of a folder of another user
* Filemanager: prevent sql error when user tries to save long node description
* Filemanager: Rename personal folder to personal folder of another user
* Filemanager: shared folders are not selectable
* HumanResources: HR Modul - Description text to short
* Projects: not able to choose participants
* Timetracker: error when searching for single timeaccount
* Tinebase: fatal error in redis action queue backend
* Tinebase JavaScript: Blob.webkitSlice() is deprecated. Use Blob.slice() instead
* Tinebase JavaScript: clicking on checkbox of OR filter does not update view
* Tinebase JavaScript: grid state should check the available cols in grid on restore
* Tinebase: monitoringCheckCron -> check if cron did run in the last hour
* Tinebase: WindowNameConnection does not work in IE10
* Translations: translations in felamimail contact search dialog missing
* Voipmanager: Voipmanager/Fritz/Monitor.php contains shebangs
- Added script to prepare change-logs
- Added php5-fileinfo to requires section
- For CalDAV Connectors: Sync the last 6 month always
Thu Feb 28 13:00:00 2013
- Upgraded to Version 2013.03.1 (Kristina)
- Major Changes:
* E-Mail
- You can request a reading confirmation now
* Calendar
- Improved user selection
- Copy events
- Exception handling for recurring events
- Permissions for resources
- Improved history
* Queue Management
- Supports Redis as queue backend
* Import
- Scripting interface to simplify import from different sources
- Egroupware: Accounts/Groups/Permissions/Calendar events/Addressbook/Categories
* Revert changes made by specific user
- This is now possible via command-line
* HumanResources:
- Freetime management (vacation and sickness time)
* Performance improvements
- Espesially but not only in the ActiveSync section
- A detailed description is available at:
- A list of all changes can be found at:
Fri Feb 22 13:00:00 2013
- Upgraded to Version 2012.10.4
* ActiveSync - ActiveSync doesn\'t show all folder tree until it\'s fully viewed in web-interface
* ActiveSync - ActiveSync not working properly
* ActiveSync - Can\'t send mail without subject
* ActiveSync - changed folder names do not sync to device
* ActiveSync - Emails get only synched, if the user is logged on with an browser
* ActiveSync - iOS 6 (iPad) does not show provisioning dialog
* ActiveSync - Kein ActiveSync von freiggebenen Daten
* ActiveSync - shared calendars of other users (iOS)
* ActiveSync - SmartReply with HTML message fails
* Admin - Adding user fails when using read only sync backend
* Admin - Group Event Migration from Egroupware 1.6 not working due to negative Group ID
* Admin - pw policy: do not allow pws that contain username
* Admin - save user fails if primary group no longer exists
* Admin - saving of group fails because ldap group memberships out of sync
* CalDAV - support repeat button in iCal
* Calendar - cannot create recur exceptions with edit grant only
* Calendar - cannot update event \'permission denied\' with inherited grants
* Calendar - handle iMIP messages from outlook
* Felamimail - check signature linebreaks in vacation message from template
* Felamimail - confirmation of empty subject does not clear load mask
* Felamimail - convert plain text quoting (\"> \") to html blockquotes
* Felamimail - could not parse structure of multipart/related msg
* Felamimail - date is missing in email detail popup view
* Felamimail - do not allow to remove all recipient grid rows
* Felamimail - email compose: moving with tab to subject does not add recipient
* Felamimail - improve handling of newsletters
* Felamimail - order of sieve rules changes when vacation message is saved
* Felamimail - problem with encoding in plain/text emails
* Felamimail - Quota being removed when using Cyrus in Tine Setup
* Felamimail - Some mails are not display, neither in Felamimail or Activesync
* Felamimail - System returns after exclusion recipient
* Felamimail - Two clicks in mail subject
* HumanResources - new employee dialog shows vacation requests of all employee
* Other - O\'Tine migration errors (failed to parse time string)
* Phone - fix Phone_ControllerTest::testDisconnected
* Phone - phone westpanel should not show \"save favorite\" button or allow favorites
* Setup - allow to configure session backends/options in setup gui
* Setup - do not show passwords from setup in the log
* Setup - sync_accounts_from_ldap will hide groups when run multiple times
* Setup - Unblock admin user (if blocked) when calling CLI --create_admin
* Tasks - Neu laden nach jeder Aktion behindert schnelles Arbeiten
* Tinebase - JavaScriptLast changed field gets not submitted
* Tinebase - JavaScriptno file upload progress bar visible
* Tinebase - JavaScriptRecordPicker doesn\'t load value if it is on another tab than the first one
* Tinebase - Customfield read access to all users
* Tinebase - implement egw user import sql -> sql
* Tinebase - state contains sort info of a column that has been renamed/deleted
* Tinebase - translation \"last modified by\" field
* Tinebase - Update PHPExcel to 1.7.8
Wed Jan 16 13:00:00 2013
- Upgraded to Version 2012.10.3
* ActiveSync - do not send iMIP-messages via ActiveSync
* ActiveSync - Mails can\'t be forwarded or replied
* ActiveSync - Nokia Mail for Exchange 3.0 crashes because of Addressbook_Exception_AccessDenied
* ActiveSync - SendMail dies without any response
* Addressbook - Create new appointment with selected contacts out of the addressbook module
* Admin - add new smtp forward/alias without domain part -> strange error message
* Admin - Configurable maxLoginFailures
* Admin - Deleting a group belonging to a role => can not use the role anymore !
* CalDAV - CalDAV Access to other Users personal shared Calendar not possible
* Felamimail - \"At least one mail header line is too long\"
* Felamimail - cannot save sieve vacation with localpart aliases
* Felamimail - losing non-contact recipient
* Felamimail - losing umlauts in attached filenames
* Felamimail - no email reply or forward
* Felamimail - Preferences > Email - get stuck
* Felamimail - recipient vanishes when To/CC/BCC combo is clicked
* Felamimail - Two clicks in mail subject
* Filemanager - Newly created directories disappear
* Filemanager - Problem with TopToolbar
* HumanResources - can\'t delete user that is linked to an employee
* Inventory - customfields for new records are not saved
* Phone - fix Phone_ControllerTest::testDisconnected
* Setup - sync users/groups does not work when switching to LDAP
* Sipgate - cached callHistory & phoneInfo
* Tinebase - Error \" No base path
* Tinebase - Make contact search case INsensitive
* Tinebase - postfix configuration
* Tinebase - SQL Foreign Key Error on save of Contact
* Tinebase - timeout when opening multiedit dlg and assigning records to events/projects/email
* Tinebase - Unable to login when running Tine 2.0 under nginx
* Tinebase - Undefined index: mimeSupport
* Tinebase JavaScript - js error when attaching tags to
* Translations - add new translators to credits
* Translations - merge transifex
* Translations - push to transifex
Fri Nov 23 13:00:00 2012
- Upgraded to Version 2012.10.2
* HumanResources - add primary key to humanresources_contract
* HumanResources - validate \"duration\" input fields in freetime edit dialog
* HumanResources - validate \"number\" input field in employee edit dialog
* Courses - check existence of group/list before user import
* Calendar - Calendar sends too many alarms for recurring events
* HumanResources - HumanResources dependency
* Tinebase JavaScript - export grant is not included in admin grant
* Tinebase - add \"server info\" section to admin
* Translations - merge transifex
* ActiveSync - add mail body on Forward via ActiveSync
* Felamimail - Unable to delete Mails - Integrity constraint violation
* Felamimail - Kein Mail Forward oder Reply per ActiveSync
* Calendar - Calendar Display Day-1 in current week/month
* Felamimail - Unable to download email attachments from subfolders under INBOX
* ActiveSync - activesync mit Windows Phone 7.5 causes Zend_Db_Statement_Exception
* Calendar - handle iMIP messages from outlook
* Translations - \"All INBOXES\" favorite not translated
* Calendar - Wrong container id\'s in calendar
* Felamimail - E-Mail signature missing
* HumanResources - duplicate merge does not work
* Tinebase JavaScript - add link to transifex to login page
* Calendar - sheet zero-length events
* Tinebase - Index customfield table
* Timetracker - profile and improve timesheet performance for non-privileged users
* Tinebase JavaScript - add details & summarypanel to example application
* Tinebase - add example .htaccess file with rewrite rules
* ActiveSync - Index missing for id column in acsync_synckey
* Tinebase - add index for \'li\' in access_log table
* ActiveSync - Answered flags were not synced by activesync
* Felamimail - BCC does not save the draft message
* Tinebase - Editable locale combobox in login panel
* ActiveSync - Syncroton - gal_data_class
* Translations - remove release.php texts from langHelper.php
* Setup - fix setup session problems
* Admin - make groups / group memberships cache cleaning more efficient
* Tinebase - increase tag name size to 256 chars
* ActiveSync - events with tags are not synced
* Setup - user can change pw even if setup shows \"no\"
* Tinebase - function for merging duplicate tags
* Tinebase - sometimes expanding containers in tree view doesn\'t work
* Tinebase - Treatment of GROUP_CONCAT
* Tinebase - Last insert id is not recovered when backend uses sequences
* Calendar - Use of alias in having clause doesn\'t works for PostgreSQL
* Tinebase - Method getAllRelations
* ActiveSync - support ActiveSync-Version 14.0
* Tinebase JavaScript - Treepanel breaks in IE on expanding
* ActiveSync - Sync failed: simplexml_import_dom
* Tinebase - customfield
* Calendar - show tags in recurring events + all day events
* Tinebase - Required methods for Tine 2.0 works with PostgreSQL
* Tinebase JavaScript - time combo does not work with locale en
* ActiveSync - itemdId or itemId ... which one is correct?
* Unittests - ActiveSync_Command_PingTests::testPingForEmails breaks on PGSQL
* Tinebase - multipleUpdate - record not found
* Calendar - add copy button for calendar
* Tinebase - customfield type record: error when trying to add self
* Tinebase - DirectoryIterator - hourly error
* Felamimail - vacation dialog should reload text each time an input field is changed
* Tinebase - import re-creates tags that have names with more than 40 chars
* Tinebase - customfield type record are not shown anymore
* Tinebase JavaScript - Checkboxes multiple edit IE
* Timetracker - remove show closed -> ftb
* Timetracker - add tag to multiple timeaccounts - closed tas. are not updated
* ActiveSync - No ActiveSync after Upgrade of Windows 8 Mail,Contacts,Calendar-App
* Timetracker - Timetracker should work even if Sales is not installed
* Filemanager - Drag & Drop and filesizerenderer problems
* HumanResources - Dialog \"Default Feast Calendar\" without translation, OK button is labeled with KO
Wed Oct 24 14:00:00 2012
- Module HumanResources depends on sales module
Wed Oct 24 14:00:00 2012
- Upgraded to version 2012.10.1
* New module Human Resources Management
- privat address
- bank and health insurance data
- weekly working hours
- holiday entitlements
* Safety guidelines for ActiveSync
- make the use of passwords on mobile devices compulsory
- extinguish data on lost smartphones
* PostgreSQL support
* Visual Calendar enhancements
- New colored tags
- Standard alarms for new appointments
* Linkable data
* Supports for Outlook 2013
Fri Aug 31 14:00:00 2012
- Upgraded to version 2012.03.6
* 0006376: [CardDAV] Moving a contact from one addressbook to an other fails
* 0006988: [Tinebase] improve notification error message if no mail/contact exists
* 0006250: [Felamimail] missing Umlauts in some mails
* 0007028: [Filemanager] moving a folder to another folder with a folder with the same name
* 0006748: [Felamimail] Filter für \'Empfangen -> ist gleich -> Datum\' liefert keine Ergebnis.
* 0006996: [Translations] missing translations in container properties dialog
* 0007002: [Tinebase JavaScript] send bugreports automatically if user cancels generic exception
* 0007004: [Setup] \"dead lock detected\" when trying to uninstall ActiveSync
* 0006912: [Felamimail] Not needed ext js element in the sieve window
* 0006506: [Addressbook] Addressbook Entry GUID created by Thunderbird/Lightning not accepted as valid sync with CardDAV / Sogo Connector
* 0006796: [Addressbook] When detecting contact already in Addressbook, wrong addressbook selected
* 0006986: [Tinebase JavaScript] add config option to send bugreports automatically
* 0006652: [Packaging] debian package should require php5-cli
* 0006952: [Tinebase JavaScript] Settings dialog html encoding failed in tooltipps
* 0006974: [Tinebase] Zend causes fatal error on PHP 5.4.6
* 0006504: [CalDAV] VTIMEZONE component calculated incorrecty
* 0006586: [Tinebase JavaScript] multiple OK btn press tirggers multiple saves
* 0006714: [Calendar] update attendee on group update for recurring events
* 0006680: [Filemanager] folder permissions dialog is broken
* 0006938: [Felamimail] do not show timeout errors for updateMessageCache
* 0006700: [Felamimail] E-Mails encoded in ISO-8859-1 or -15 not showed correctly (synology NAS)
* 0006928: [Setup] added/activated admin should belong to admin role
* 0006474: [Setup] improve ldap user sync
- 0006472: [Setup] add cli function for password sync with ldap
- 0006476: [Setup] allow ldap plugins in user sync
* 0006902: [Setup] email user sync is missing mail aliases + forwards
* 0006908: [Tinebase] do not change enctype if pw is unchanged (dbmail imap plugin)
* 0006946: [Felamimail] only show error on timeout/connection loss on manual cache update
* 0006914: [Timetracker] timeaccounts should be sorted by number/title in selection combo
* 0006936: [Tinebase] detect import file encoding
* 0006852: [Tinebase] always add iconv filter on import
* 0006882: [Felamimail] can\'t send mail after wrong recipient error
* 0006524: [Filemanager] Access Problems via Webdav
* 0003008: [Tinebase] add password policies
* 0006868: [Tinebase] deactivate session locking for multi update
* 0006820: [Filemanager] Filemanager Container GrantsDialog corrupted
* 0006520: [Setup] \"edit profile\" button should be removed / disabled
* 0006522: [Filemanager] Changing the ACL of a subfolder of a container is not possible
* 0006802: [Felamimail] Error on setting a Flags message filter.
* 0006792: [Projects] attendee list in project edit dialog should be sortable by name
* 0006800: [Tinebase] add message-id to notification mails
* 0006654: [Felamimail] date in mail header (display panel) should be from date header
* 0006620: [Tinebase] Update HTML purifier
* 0006644: [Felamimail] \"At least one mail header line is too long\"
* 0006774: [Admin] fix empty password handling
* 0006770: [Admin] check if username already exists when creating new user / changing username
* 0006762: [Admin] user still in admin role when admin group is removed
* 0006254: [Admin] edit/create user is not possible
* 0006684: [Tasks] update script can\'t drop index in old tine installation
* 0006716: [Tinebase] default favorite \"me\" is not resolved properly
* 0006446: [Tinebase] Remove jsb2tk/JSBuilder2 and jsb2tk/tests from packaged releases
* 0005368: [Setup] Bad request for getJsTranslations
* 0006722: [Tinebase] dbmail user exists: just update tine20_userid
* 0006750: [Admin] Assign the new group to user is partially correct
Tue Jul 3 14:00:00 2012
- Removed jsb2tk/JSBuilder2 and jsb2tk/tests
- Removed unused patches
Thu Jun 28 14:00:00 2012
- Removed obsolete patches
- Upgraded to version 2012.03.5
* 0006514: [Tinebase] & quot; in Displaypanel
* 0006660: [Tinebase JavaScript] tag combo fills with duplicates in filtertoolbar
* 0006612: [ActiveSync] rrule COUNT is not send through activeSync
* 0006606: [Tinebase] deleting container fails when no default addressbook is set or not accessible
* 0006600: [Tinebase] generic foreign record resolving method
* 0006598: [Tinebase JavaScript] modlog filters should have the same label as the grid columns
* 0006596: [Calendar] ActiveSync/CalDAV adds attendee if user w.o. email is in attendee set
* 0006590: [Tinebase JavaScript] allow fixing fields in record edit dialog
* 0006566: [Admin] change email user password when saveUser is called
* 0006614: [Tinebase] don\'t log history for unix/windows line ends
* 0006616: [CalDAV] group events have duplicate member and status loss
* 0006622: [Tinebase JavaScript] Opening Window again in Firefox
* 0006656: [Felamimail] check account owner when saving vacation message
* 0006650: [Packaging] deb: fix some apache php_admin_values
* 0006646: [Addressbook] Sending email from context menu is broken
* 0006634: [Addressbook] custom fields missing in XLS export
* 0006632: [Tinebase JavaScript] import / export definitions are not sorted
* 0006630: [Tinebase] import wizzard doesn\'t show errors for final import
* 0006628: [Addressbook] tag handling on duplicate resolve actions in import fails
* 0006624: [Calendar] calendar sends alarms for past events
* 0006560: [Sipgate] Remove file: Sipgate/translations/tine20.php
* 0006558: [Calendar] don\'t send alarms to declined attendee
* 0006556: [CalDAV] calendar sends reschedule notifications for tend seconds move from 59 seconds
* 0006338: [Filemanager] folder with the same name can\'t be selected
* 0006276: [CRM] Lead relations disappear
* 0006440: [Felamimail] delete by filter does not delete all messages
* 0006644: [Felamimail] \"At least one mail header line is too long\"
* 0006202: [Calendar] Do not show details of free-busy events
* 0006044: [CalDAV] contact instead of user is taken
* 0006544: [Admin] fix paging in admin/users grid
* 0005294: [ActiveSync] sync seems to delete contact image sometimes
* 0006204: [Tinebase JavaScript] tag filter breaks filter toolbar
* 0006538: [Felamimail] charset problems with some headers
* 0006546: [Admin] saving user with duplicate imap/smtp user entry fails
* 0006554: [CalDAV] Lightning saves event series with start behind end
* 0006508: [Unittests] do not expect the generic exception class
* 0006552: [Setup] installation via setup.php is broken
* 0006528: [Addressbook] Contact Edit Dialog does not open when user doesn\'t have editRights
* 0006534: [Addressbook] import of contacts with umlaut as first char fails
* 0006548: [Calendar] it\'s possible to create event duplicates with concurrent updates on recurring events
* 0006678: [Addressbook] contacts in adressbook no longer selectable (after update)
Sun Jun 3 14:00:00 2012
- Added cronjob and script to execute all cronjobs for installations
- Added patch to detect languages from
*.po files
Fri Jun 1 14:00:00 2012
- Added %lang tags to .mo files
- removed
*.po and
*.pot files
- Improved manager script: install/update/remove process for packages
- Improved spec install/update/remove handling
- Added fixes for:
* 0006552: installation via setup.php is broken
* 0006534: import of contacts with umlaut as first char fails
* 0006538: charset problems with some headers
- remove temporary ActiveSync download when checksum is wrong
Fri May 25 14:00:00 2012
- Reduced number of update executions
Fri May 25 14:00:00 2012
- Integrated application-update-script in script
Thu May 24 14:00:00 2012
- Removed old, backported patches
- Upgraded to version 2012.03.3
* 0006484: [ActiveSync] Calendar/Contact synchronization fails if existing mail account doesn\'t work
* 0004878: [Tinebase] improve asyncJob fencing
* 0006490: [Felamimail] can not delete single filter rule
* 0006480: [Tinebase JavaScript] relation panel problems in Timesheet and Tasks edit dialog
* 0006486: [Unittests] fix testDetachTagsFromMultipleRecords
* 0006284: [Filemanager] context menu labels for file actions are wrong
* 0006456: [Felamimail] catch folder missing exceptions on message moving/flagging
* 0006336: [Felamimail] delete messages with filter select: unread count is only decreased by <= 50
* 0006446: [Tinebase] Remove jsb2tk/JSBuilder2 and jsb2tk/tests from packaged releases
* 0006458: [Felamimail] add DELETED flag does not work sometimes
* 0005712: [Addressbook] import dialog: add google, vcard, mac example files
* 0006470: [Timetracker] When Application Tasks is not installed, the logfile fills up with notices
* 0005488: [Timetracker] corrupted ods export files
* 0005990: [CRM] cardinality violation when searching for leads
* 0006272: [Timetracker] improve mass update performance
* 0006426: [Translations] application crashes on incomplete plural translations
* 0006278: [Sales] concurrency conflict when saving product
* 0006450: [Addressbook] container is not shown correctly in contact merge dialog
* 0006436: [Courses] Courses preferences do not work
* 0005540: [Felamimail] High CPU usage with mysql
* 0006148: [Felamimail] lost a recipient
* 0005654: [Tinebase JavaScript] support clearing of pickers
* 0006402: [Tinebase] email user backend misconfig should not throw exception on user pwd change
* 0006410: [Voipmanager] suppress error reporting dialog for publishConfiguration
* 0006182: [Addressbook] create generic AddToRecord Panel & Hook
* 0006006: [ActiveSync] ActiveSync should not depend on Tasks or Calendar apps
* 0006392: [Phone] call forward update gets timeout -> line link is lost
* 0006374: [Admin] if app has no own rights, tinebase rights are shown
* 0006330: [Tinebase JavaScript] filesize renderer shows wrong filesize
* 0006308: [Tinebase JavaScript] allow plain object as title property of record definitions
* 0006224: [Tinebase JavaScript] Multiple Edit without custom fields
* 0006362: [Courses] school type filter does not work correctly
* 0005832: [Tinebase] initial getAllRegistryData is very slow
* 0006344: [Tinebase] improve config performance
* 0006352: [Tinebase] improve smd / reflection performance
* 0006346: [Tinebase] put login credential cache into session
* 0006366: [Courses] saving of a course does not work
* 0006256: [Tinebase] Log-Messages: Tinebase_Record_RecordSet - filtering field without indices
* 0006300: [Felamimail] add unique message-id header to new messages
* 0006132: [Filemanager] folder doubleclick in grid does not set the filter correctly
* 0006294: [CRM] saving record that is no longer in filter fails
* 0006220: [Tinebase] .tx directory in tine20 directory broke build process
* 0006292: [Phone] phone settings edit dialog does not open
* 0006274: [Calendar] Can no longer change calendar\'s color
* 0006244: [Timetracker] user filter does not work
* 0006252: [Tinebase] allow to undo history items
* 0003440: [Tinebase] LDAP \"mail\" attribute: multiple values not supported by Tine
* 0006240: [Translations] delete action label is not translated
* 0006384: [Tinebase] Can\'t update - Fix error in setup
Thu May 10 14:00:00 2012
- Fixed an issue tat caused the timezonzes to be handled wrong while
Thu May 10 14:00:00 2012
- Fix ical import
Fri May 4 14:00:00 2012
- remove .orig file which resulted out of a patch
Fri May 4 14:00:00 2012
- added index for \'is_deleted\' before filtering
Mon Apr 23 14:00:00 2012
- Fixed two issues:
* #6256: add indices to record sets to avoid slow filtering
* #6274: allow calendar color change
Wed Apr 18 14:00:00 2012
- Do not uninstall ActiveSync when upgrading the package
Tue Apr 17 14:00:00 2012
- Fixed wrong dependency
Tue Apr 17 14:00:00 2012
- Added ActiveSync and DAV configuration lines to be generated via the
manage-script and to the apache pre-configuration
- The main-package can now be used to install a typical installation
- Common files have been moved to the tine20-base package
- mysql and ldap packages are now suggested for opensuse platforms
- cleaned up the license files
- changed permissions for tine20.php and languageHelper.php files
Mon Apr 16 14:00:00 2012
- Manager: auto-generated configuration file has been renamed
- Link LICENSE and PRIVACY file from doc-folder
- Merged fetchActiveSync into manager script
- Added post and postun sections to all sub-packages
- Added ActiveSyncInstall and ActiveSyncRemove commands to the
manager script
Sun Apr 15 14:00:00 2012
- Fix dependencies for CRM module
- Remove unneccessary build dependency
Sat Apr 14 14:00:00 2012
- Removing special ptoperties while unpacking ActiveSync tar archive
- Add symlinks to htmlpurifier
Thu Apr 12 14:00:00 2012
- Upgraded to version 2012.03.2
- Splitted packages in sub-packages
- Added active-sync downloader script
Wed Mar 7 13:00:00 2012
- Upgraded to version 2012.03.1
- Added a makealias script
- Added documentation
Thu Dec 9 13:00:00 2010
- 2010.3.9
- Suggest php5-APC and php5-pecl-memcache only for SuSE rpms, as fedora does not habdle this
- Also SLES_9 can not handle suggests
Tue Dec 7 13:00:00 2010
- 2010.3.9
- 0003444: [Timetracker] Can not modify date of a timetrack entry (pschuele) - resolved.
- 0003442: [Calendar] Can not add or modify calendar entries (pschuele) - resolved.
Mon Dec 6 13:00:00 2010
- 2010.3.8
- 0003282: [ActiveSync] Events lasting several days shortened to 1 day (cweiss) - resolved.
- 0003362: [Addressbook] add modlog fields to ods/xls export (pschuele) - resolved.
- 0003356: [Addressbook] Special characters in telephone numbers makes addressbook stop responding (pschuele) - resolved.
- 0003348: [Felamimail] Email address stripped from SMTP error message (pschuele) - resolved.
- 0003322: [Tinebase] Removing Calendar definition on preferences causes error on login (pschuele) - resolved.
- 0002976: [Addressbook] Default adressbook not set correctly when adding new entry (pschuele) - resolved.
- 0002030: [Admin] fix checkbox trees (missing icon) (pschuele) - resolved.
- 0003276: [Calendar] work around for PHP bug #35793 (cweiss) - resolved.
- 0003216: [Addressbook] Falscher Bezeichner in Export-Konfiguration ODS und XLS (pschuele) - resolved.
- 0003194: [CRM] adding new leadstate (type/source?) auto-creates a really big id value (pschuele) - resolved.
- 0003190: [Tinebase JavaScript] main menu not working in IE7 (cweiss) - resolved.
- 0003184: [Tinebase] allow to set container grants by CLI call (pschuele) - resolved.
- 0003134: [Felamimail] No body element found (pschuele) - resolved.
- 0003118: [Tinebase JavaScript] email note icon missing (pschuele) - resolved.
- 0003116: [Felamimail] new folders are not shown (pschuele) - resolved.
- 0003122: [Timetracker] add filter/column for created_by and modified by (pschuele) - resolved.
- 0003114: [Addressbook] add filter/column for created_by and modified by (pschuele) - resolved.
- 0003198: [Addressbook] Exporting customfields is not possible (pschuele) - closed.
Tue Nov 23 13:00:00 2010
- 2010.3.7
- initial release