Changelog for pacemaker-mgmt-devel-2.1.2-0.36.1.i586.rpm :
Wed Aug 21 14:00:00 2013
- mgmtd: Use services_ocf_exitcode_str() if available instead of lrmd_event_rc2str()

Thu Aug 1 14:00:00 2013
- Build: Use the SUPPORT_COROSYNC defined from pacemaker

Mon Jul 1 14:00:00 2013
- crm_gui: Prompt user to disable \"record-pending\" only if it has been enabled in the same GUI session (bnc#825051)

Mon Jun 3 14:00:00 2013
- spec: Remove the dependency \"pyxml\"

Thu Mar 28 13:00:00 2013
- Bump the version to 2.1.2
- Upstream version cs: 3c95739d6cd3795f8e4e3dc8781b55cb96fe1463

Wed Mar 6 13:00:00 2013
- Build: mgmtd: Support the new API of query_node_uuid()

Fri Nov 30 13:00:00 2012
- High: crm_gui: Support for fencing-topology
- Upstream version cs: 34de5e99e4146863f8a4432233cfd0281bc6d1d0

Thu Nov 29 13:00:00 2012
- High: mgmtd: Add ability to work with the new lrmd from pacemaker-1.1.8
- High: Core: Definitions of required APIs which are not declared in pacemaker-1.1.8 (bnc#790880)
- High: Core: Use the new APIs from pacemaker-1.1.8 if available (bnc#790880)
- Upstream version cs: 0b1b7cf7b5fd2886044fc7d52bfeddfb59341185

Thu Nov 29 13:00:00 2012
- High: haclient: Save the size of main window into user\'s profile for future restoring (cl#5084)
- Low: Core: Replace crm_free() wrapper with standard calls to free()
- Medium: Build: Use git for the build hash
- Low: Update the author\'s information
- High: haclient: Restorable position of divider in management pane (bnc#753373, bnc#753376, cl#5084)
- High: mgmt: Tweaks to \"Transition Information\"
- High: mgmtd: Replace use of ptest with crm_simulate
- Upstream version cs: 221ba76a3c23ca80ee5f073e4a707412b9cb10a8

Fri Jun 1 14:00:00 2012
- Update to version 2.1.1
- High: Core: Fix compilation against gnutls-3.0.19
- Medium: Core: Support of setting key exchange methods with
gnutls_priority_set_direct() which is recommended by newer
versions of GNUTLS
- Low: Build: Properly determine variables of gnutls
- Low: Build: Properly handle \"PKG_FEATURES\"
- Low: Build: Determine \"CRM_DAEMON_DIR\" via pkg-config first
- Low: Build: Remove useless \"HA_LIBDIR\" variable
- Low: Build: Remove useless \"/var/lib/heartbeat/mgmt\" directory
- Medium: Build: Requires python-devel and swig on building only if
- Medium: Build: Add configure option \"--disable-mgmt-client\"
- Medium: mgmtd: Resolve an implicit declaration (cl#5022)
- Upstream version cs: 2d6a31215fd6a7790fdd80b78e2930480d596f51

Mon May 21 14:00:00 2012
- Use BuildRequires: libgnutls-devel instead of gnutls-devel for
Factory in keeping with gnutls package naming changes.

Sun Nov 27 13:00:00 2011
- add libtool as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency

Tue Nov 1 13:00:00 2011
- High: haclient: Support resource template
- Medium: haclient: Fill existing resource templates\' IDs into the drop-down lists where they can be referenced
- High: haclient: Correctly get and process metadata for the resources referencing templates
- High: haclient: Change the condition for verifying a primitive\'s attributes
- Medium: haclient: Tuning for support of rsc_ticket
- Upstream version cs: 57bab9d281ef8714bb6ec20ab0a4846aa188ec6f

Mon Oct 17 14:00:00 2011
- New version: 2.1.0
- Medium: haclient: Show gray icons for resources with \"failure ignored\" (bnc#711002)
- Medium: snmp_subagent: Additional check for pending messages from heartbeat (lf#2604)
- Update source tarball to revision: 4186ac0c02b5 tip

Fri Jul 1 14:00:00 2011
- Medium: mgmt: Indicate resource failures even if on-fail=\"ignore\"
- Medium: Build: Use pkg-config to determine the location of pacemaker daemons
- Low: Build: Resolve an implicit declaration
- Low: Update translations
- Update source tarball to revision: 1a1d9055abec tip

Fri Feb 11 13:00:00 2011
- Low: haclient: Require pyxml only if CIB is validated with DTD
- Update source tarball to revision: 8489f547ab4e tip

Fri Jan 28 13:00:00 2011
- Medium: mgmtd: Use correct home directory for saving CIB shadow files
- Update source tarball to revision: 1400f7668abd tip

Wed Jan 26 13:00:00 2011
- Dev: mgmtd: Users access their own CIB shadow directories
- Low: po: Update translations
- Low: mgmt: Tune some logs/debug
- Medium: haclient: Fix a function reference issue
- Low: haclient: Fix the compatibility with python < 2.5
- Low: mgmtd: Fix the compatibility with the heartbeat based stack
- Update source tarball to revision: 45aced6962a9 tip

Wed Sep 29 14:00:00 2010
- Dev: haclient: Support ACLs configuration
- Dev: mgmt: Support to login and access CIB as ordinary users, Support multi-user concurrent online
- Low: haclient: (bnc#636190) Increase the default verbosity of \"Transition Detail\"
- Low: haclient: (bnc#637525) Prefill values of boolean type parameters according to the \"default\" values in RAs\' meta-data
- Medium: haclient: (bnc#637531) Change the way to process target-role of resources, add \"Clear All\" option
- Update source tarball to revision: 067a5359bf65 tip

Wed Apr 14 14:00:00 2010
- Change the inconsistent package naming in the descriptions

Mon Apr 12 14:00:00 2010
- Recommend the pacemaker-mgmt-client from the server package. This
allows the client to be uninstalled while also automatically
installing it on upgrades (bnc#591230).

Fri Apr 2 14:00:00 2010
- Change the version number to 2.0.0 (Since an earlier changeset we have included was tagged and released as 2.0.0 from upstream)

Fri Mar 26 13:00:00 2010
- Low: mgmt: (bnc#590031) Always set a crm attribute to the first matched attribute or into the first attribute set
- Low: mgmtd: (bnc#590668) Do exit on cib connection loss, regardless of whether any haclient ever logged in
- Update source tarball to revision: 0f1490eaa8d8 tip

Mon Mar 22 13:00:00 2010
- Low: haclient: (bnc#575787) Move the desktop entry to the new YaST group - High Availability
- Low: po: Update Japanese translations
- Update source tarball to revision: ee4803c241fe tip

Thu Mar 11 13:00:00 2010
- Low: haclient: (bnc#586961) Add \"allow-migrate\" into the drop down list
- Low: haclient: (bnc#586965) Do not fall into an error on exit if cannot retrieve the CIB
- Low: po: Update translations
- Update source tarball to revision: 14fd66fafbfa tip

Wed Mar 10 13:00:00 2010
- Low: haclient: Make the generated ID consistent with crm_attribute
- Low: haclient: Tune the display of too many tabs
- Low: haclient: Use new gtk.Tooltip API for pygtk >= 2.12 (bnc#586967)
- Low: mgmtd: Do not display orphaned clone if it\'s just partially active
- Low: mgmtd: Prototypes of
*_attr() fuctions have changed
- Update source tarball to revision: a05fd62b2e13 tip

Fri Feb 5 13:00:00 2010
- Update source tarball to revision: 252f0d838a67 tip
+ Low: haclient: Do not show adding dialog for \"node\"
+ Low: haclient: Fill two options into the drop-down list for \"utilization\"
+ Low: mgmtd: Don\'t display orphaned resources (Thank Hideo Yamauchi)
+ Medium: haclient: Tune for \"utilization\"

Wed Jan 27 13:00:00 2010
- Conflict with old package names to prevent them from being

Tue Jan 12 13:00:00 2010
- Update source tarball to revision: 8b56e4d03dc8 tip
+ Low: snmp_subagent: Change the directory to install SNMPAgentSanityCheck

Thu Nov 5 13:00:00 2009
- Update source tarball to revision: 1a20774cb1e6 tip
+ Low: mgmt: (LF#2202) Set node attributes via crm_attribute

Wed Oct 21 14:00:00 2009
- Update source tarball to revision: a4d84893fb6e tip
+ Low: Build: Compile against corosync
+ Medium: haclient: (bnc#540704) Allow to add a \"date_expression\" when an \"expression\" exists in a \"rule\"
+ Medium: mgmt: (bnc#541702) Cleaning up fail-count should be correctly done through attrd now

Tue Aug 25 14:00:00 2009
- Update source tarball to revision: 4fd4b0353d04+ tip
+ Dev: haclient: Automatically try to reconnect to cluster nodes if disconnected
+ Dev: haclient: Check whether the value of an \"ID\" or \"IDREF\" type of attribute is valid before doing validating
+ Dev: po: Update Japanese po
+ Low: Build: Avoid a macro redefinition
+ Low: Build: Compile against cluster-glue
+ Low: Build: Fix for compiling against cluster-glue
+ Low: haclient: Adopt extract_int() in TransitionInfoDlg()
+ Low: haclient: Avoid the error if \"rsc_type\" command returns \"None\"
+ Low: haclient: Determine if the current view exists before updating it
+ Low: snmp_subagent: (LF#2184) Add the description of LHAIFStatus
+ Low: snmp_subagent: Add the description about how to work with openAIS
+ Medium: haclient: Show the correct \"[+|-]INFINITY\" value of an integer cluster property
+ Medium: snmp_subagent: Improved for openais support

Mon Jun 29 14:00:00 2009
- Update source tarball to revision: pacemaker-mgmt-1.99.2 (1f7d1be39d34 tip)
+ Dev: haclient: Add \"About\"
+ Dev: haclient: Add accelerators
+ Dev: haclient: Add Japanese translation
+ Dev: haclient: Improve thread synchronization
+ Dev: haclient: Provide the progress pulse when generating the transition information
+ Dev: haclient: Set default response for dialogs
+ Dev: haclient: Show progress pulse when generating shadow diff
+ Dev: haclient: Support viewing/editing/importing/exporting the whole cib xml or the configuration section
+ Dev: mgmt: Improve the performance and the user interface of \"Transition Information\"
+ Dev: mgmt: Provide more details of nodes
+ Dev: po: Add the translation of the license
+ Dev: po: Update pot and po
+ High: lib: Fix huge memory leak due to the behavior of swig
+ Low: Build: Add libgv-python dependency for Debian
+ Low: Build: Update the release number and the changelog
+ Low: haclient: Avoid an error if there\'s no pengine input exists
+ Low: haclient: Avoid the possible key error of Manager.get_node_config()
+ Low: haclient: Concatenate error messages with the proper type
+ Low: haclient: Consider the possibility of IOError when creating temporary files
+ Low: haclient: Determine labels\'s width and align the following widgets properly
+ Low: haclient: Do not continue updating if the client is disconnected
+ Low: haclient: Fill the limited number of transitions into the drop-down list
+ Low: haclient: Make python-lxml optional
+ Low: haclient: Make sure the variable is assigned before referenced
+ Low: haclient: Make the marks of meta_attributes\'s default values consistent
+ Low: haclient: Set the default focus on \"password\" entry in the login dialog
+ Low: haclient: Set widgets\'s initial sizes to appropriate values for low resolutions
+ Low: mgmt: Log version details
+ Low: mgmt: Show its unclean resources if a node is uncleanly offline
+ Low: mgmtd: (LF#2142) Avoid redefinitions
+ Low: mgmtd: Add and adopt a new macro gen_msg_from_fstream()
+ Low: mgmtd: Adopt append_str() macro in on_get_pe_inputs()
+ Low: mgmtd: Can be compiled and work against pacemaker < 1.0.3
+ Low: mgmtd: Optimize for tranferring schemas
+ Low: mgmtd: Optimize message generating for transferring cluster reports
+ Low: mgmtd: Optimize message generating for transferring crm DTD
+ Low: mgmtd: Optimize message generating for transferring transition information
+ Low: mgmtd: Use the variable instead of the macro directly
+ Low: snmp_subagent: Allow specifying the cache timeout through the argument if not SUPPORT_HEARTBEAT
+ Medium: haclient: Avoid hanging when getting or parsing CIB/schemas fail
+ Medium: haclient: Do manager.update() via gobject timeout
+ Medium: haclient: Increase the interval of gobject timeout to avoid consuming excessive CPU when update fails
+ Medium: haclient: Remove the graph when it\'s no longer needed
+ Medium: haclient: Set gobject timeout for manager.update() in the consistent way
+ Medium: haclient: Update crm metadata via gobject timeout (Optimize connecting time)
+ Medium: mgmt: Display the proper status of resources on the node which is uncleanly offline
+ Medium: mgmtd: Destroy the crmd channel in the end of on_cleanup_rsc()
+ Medium: mgmtd: Fix memory leaks

Mon Apr 27 14:00:00 2009
- Update source tarball to revision: pacemaker-mgmt-1.99.1 (8b0a4cc4ac22 tip)
+ Dev: haclient: Automatically generate meaningful unique IDs instead of UUIDs
+ Dev: haclient: Automatically generate unique IDs for \"op\"s in \"Simple Mode\"
+ Dev: haclient: Improved for i18n
+ Dev: haclient: Make sure a generated ID is valid against schema
+ Dev: haclient: Propose ID for objects for which users may not want to set ID themselves
+ Dev: po: Maintain po in a separate directory.
+ Low: Build: Improve i18n support for compatibility
+ Low: haclient: Make sure a created intermediate object\'s ID is unique
+ Low: haclient: Rename some terms
+ Low: haclient: Support objects with unicode IDs
+ Low: mgmtd: Try to stat the cluster report file directly
+ Medium: haclient: Generate an UUID first (since there are objects for which we could not generate a meaningful ID)
+ Medium: haclient: Set the focus back after dynamically tuning the layout
+ Medium: mgmtd: Avoid segmentation faults caused by missing the required user or group

Fri Mar 27 13:00:00 2009
- Update source tarball to revision: 5ea4e654a8fa tip
+ Build: (bnc#487697) Add copies of licenses
+ High: mgmtd: Replace the adoptions of dirent->d_type which is not supported by some filesystems such as reiserfs
+ High: mgmt: The path that keeps PEngine outputs has been changed!
+ Low: haclient: (bnc#484169) Add desktop file
+ Medium: haclient: (bnc#486866) Check whether a specified time is valid
+ Medium: haclient: (bnc#488594) Additional prechecks for \"primitive\"
+ Medium: mgmt: Optimize viewing transition information

Fri Mar 20 13:00:00 2009
- Update source tarball to revision: 65fb5e7dca2b
+ Dev: mgmt: Implement shadow configuration support
+ Low: haclient: Change the layout of buttons for TransitionInfoDlg()
+ Low: haclient: Do not set \"target-role\" in add wizard if working on a shadow CIB
+ Low: haclient: Fix file filters for saving transition graph
+ Medium: haclient: Get and cache CRM metadata in advance

Sat Mar 14 13:00:00 2009
- Update source tarball to revision: 106c5122a39d
+ Dev: haclient: Hide less used attributes of \"op\" in simple mode
+ Low: Build: Improve debian/control file
+ Low: haclient: Add \"interleave\" setting in wizard
+ Low: haclient: Hide optional attributes for \"rsc_order\" in simple mode
+ Medium: Build: Fix compilation

Mon Mar 9 13:00:00 2009
- Fix compilation after recent changes to the Pacemaker API and build environment

Mon Mar 2 13:00:00 2009
- Update to pacemaker-mgmt-1.99.0