Changelog for
simias- :
Tue Mar 30 14:00:00 2010
- Update to ifolder/simias 3.8:
* New enhanced User Interface for clients.
* Multi-Language support
Thu Oct 22 14:00:00 2009
- Fix code to produce less compile warnings.
Thu Oct 22 14:00:00 2009
- Fix permissions of config files and mark them as such.
- SimiasDirectoryMapping is a config file, move it to default place
Wed Oct 21 14:00:00 2009
- Add simias-make.patch to build libsimias-manager as
shared library and to use RPM_OPT_FLAGS for all files.
- Add -devel package for distros after 11.2.
Fri Oct 16 14:00:00 2009
- Build with gcc43 for now (bnc#539236).
Tue Oct 13 14:00:00 2009
- Fix last change - add $BUILD_ROOT.
Tue Oct 13 14:00:00 2009
- Mark %{prefix}/%_lib/simias/web/bin/ifdata as executable
Mon Oct 12 14:00:00 2009
- Disable --as-needed (bnc#539236).
Mon Oct 12 14:00:00 2009
- Remove SimiasDirectoryMapping patch since it breaks
package (bnc#539236).
Tue Aug 18 14:00:00 2009
- Remove some comment lines, they are part of post scripts and break
- move ldconfig call from preun to postun.
- don\'t mark all files as executable.
- Add SimiasDirectoryMapping patch to make file a shell script.
- fix file permissions.
- do not remove buildroot.
Mon Aug 17 14:00:00 2009
- added ldconfig calls
Tue Jun 2 14:00:00 2009
- #507245 : Updated with GPL v2 license text file
- #506097 : Removed a \"./\" from file list in configure. This reduced
the warnings in build process.
- #492733 : Fixed the sync problem with Chinese characters.
- #507461 : Cleaned up Windows & Mac sources from tarball.
- Applied patch to build only linux sources.
Mon May 25 14:00:00 2009
- build helper binaries soapcpp2 and wsdl2h from source
to allow all platforms. Fixed the function return warnings.
(from may 2006)
- link libflaim dynaimcally (from feb 2006)
- fix lib64 hack in
Fri May 22 14:00:00 2009
- Removed empty changelog entry from last submission.
- Renamed Simias.cs.diff to Simias.cs.patch
Thu May 21 14:00:00 2009
- Included patch for fixing build failure in Factory.
- #505924 : Changes are done to avoid OBS build failure by adding IO
header file.
Wed May 20 14:00:00 2009
- #488621 : merging of encrypted ifolders enabled
- Member sync verification
- Updated Server spec file for build service . Server needs mono 1.2.6
- Added spec file for Build Service. To build on 11.0 and 11.1
- Removed Debug options from building in Simias
- Merge wsdl command code to work for SLED11 and OpenSUSE11.1
- Made changes to fix 64bit crash issue
- Changes are done to fix \"1 item not sync\" Issue. By handling exception
and removing unwanted nodes.
- Non-authorised conflict resolution
- Updated and spec files
- Updated spec and for SLE11 build
- Reverting the Mono Configure and SPEC file changes. This is done to make
sure that SVN iFolder trunk can be used to build iFolder in autobuild.
- Changes are done to make code compatible.
- Changes are done to remove old/unused RAcertificate from
- Patch to make client work in Debian -
- autoconf fails - ChangeLog missing
- Trunk code update from 3.6 to 3.7.2
Major features:
- Folder client for Macintosh and Vista
- SSL Communication
- iFolder Merge
- Enhanced Web administration
- #287799: Changes to strings for localization. Changes to provide
notification message after importing the keys.
- #288727: Accept RAName during reset passphrase Changes to some
strings. Missing strings added to en.po file.
- #288727, 284683: Fix for removing domain from the thick clients. Fix
for addressing the exception while connecting to a server,even though
the domain is created.
- #290718: Problem 1: Sync doesnot work after the import key operation.
It says the ket doesnot match Description: Encryption key hash is re
assigned with the hash of original key, which was not required causes
this issue. This is fixed Problem 2: RA agent reselection is enabled in
the reset passphrase.
- #282720: 1. For Only Revertion: In place of poping error message,
returning null value to calling function. 2. For Revertion and
Deletion: In case of Deletion exception message(Invalid CollectionID)
is generating. So whenever an error message of -\"Invalid
CollectionID\", returning null value to calling function.
- #287473: Linux thick client related changes for displaying proper info
in export key dialog boxes .
- #260442: now no need to do a refresh on linux thick client to show all
the iFolders.
- #81615: Versioning mess for dll was sorted & updated. Related files
are updated. It is done for both iFolder and simias modules.
- #235305: AccountWizardCompletionPage.cs and FormsTrayApp.resx - Add
user information for finish page
- #283661: Picker.resx - Added \"<<\" for remove button CreateiFolder.resx
- Corrected spelling \"Location\" (not filed in bugzilla)
- #284654: Removing the Console.WriteLine statements on Linux. Change in
top-level to show the new help files.
- #285501,285499: New help files has been added to svn
- #283124: client version rolled back to previous version for data
change conflicts.
- #277699: Added new apis for Upgrade and version handshake between
client and server. Changes to collectionInfo objest to hold User id
- #277699, 278152: Changes to use version handshake apis for client
updates. Changes to default ifolder related issues. Fix for migration
UI issue.
- #287175: Enabled File Monitoring in Linux, so that the file system
will not be dredged always during synchronization. This is for
performance enhancement.
- #272132: Bug related to AssemblyInfo.cs. Now no need to do a make
clean before doing make for iFolder client.
- #273097, 274479, 277698: Fix for accepting certificate and setting
passphrase when no recovery agent is selected.( linux & windows)
creation of Default iFolder. (Linux & windows) Error message when
iFolder is not completely synced.(linux & windows).
- #256381: MoreOptions expanded by default
- Recovery utility changes in simias will give later
- #272132: Build problem in ifolder - AssemblyInfo.cs
- #272273: Added startup screen and new encryption icon for Linux
client. Restored the export and import key bindings
- #267289: Logout still shows iFolders on the domain.
- #270300, 272615: Conflict fixes and slave provisiong exception fix
- #259792,272615: Export import key bindings. Refresh on timeout, domain
logged in logout. Encryption icon change. Splash screen.
- #261222: Changes for displaying a pop-up message to disconnect from
2.x server after migration
- #265132: First 16K is not synced to the server. Other sizes are synced
happily, this happens if the simias server runs behind apache. If the
simias server runs behind the problem doesnot appear. As a work around
16K is broken into two eight 8k and sent to the server. sine the work
around is available moving the priority to low
- #256364: Filter out host nodes out of user list in the client
- #267021: Discovery code is optimized for fetching the catalog
- #266095:
* Added CertificateDialog.cs to show certificate while
setting passphrase
* Changes for migration wizard and account wizard
for accepting certificate
* Prompt for migration at the time of
initial login
- #257380: Changed the help link in migration wizard
- #255243: Linux UI - During download Action, UI will update
- #255243: Fixes for iFolder Webservice.
- Updated help files for ifolder UI.
- Provides migration from iFolder2.x to iFolder3.x on the
client side.
due to Encryption changes. It is fixed now
- Encryption gui review comments
- Encryption UI Unit test case fixes
- Encryption UI UT fixes for web-access
- Removed the post-install and post-uninstall scriptlet (this is
just a clean-up. We probably be including the new scriptlets soon)
- Corrected simiasdatadir env path in simias.conf
- Fixed the issue of webbindir path not getting correctly set in the
simias-server script
- Included xsp in BuildRequires and Requires tags.
- Changes to web-access and web-services to enable encryption
- fix for non-interactive mode configuration for LDAP in
- DomainService used an incorrect UnmanagedPath variable causing the
build to break due to that variables protection level.
- Added files for setting up security policy
- Fixed the non interactive mode of command line utility simias-server-setup.
- Check for host_cpu for 32/64 bit arch
- Avoid expansion and hardcoding of $HOME when
substituting simiaslogdir.
- Inserted a missing \'/\' for mappingpath for linux.
- Added DiscoveryWS/Makefile and DiscoveryWS/Assemblyinfo.cs
- Inserted a missing \'/\' for mappingpath.
Thu May 14 14:00:00 2009
- Initial submission to SLE11 and openSuSE11.1.