Changelog for
ifolder3-enterprise- :
Fri May 2 14:00:00 2008
- #385099,385035,351303(Partial): Default value for use-ssl option is
changed to support both SSL & NONSSL setups. Bug 351303 (Partial, so
only it is still not marked as fixed)
Mon Apr 28 14:00:00 2008
- #235354: Changes are done to allow user to login without password.
Effected DLL is Simias.LdapProvider.dll
Wed Apr 23 14:00:00 2008
- #379982: Cleaned up source code . Simias , Novell iFolder , plugins
, nautilus and tsa
Wed Apr 16 14:00:00 2008
-354792,350569: If SSL is enabled the client is slow. This has been
improved with a different authentication model. Now the initial auth
is always SSL even if server is not SSL enabled. Only Linux client is
enabled to display the Expired certificate validation. Only during
account creation Expiry is checked. This has to be made into Login as
well. This has to be ported to Win and Mac Client.
-#379982:Fixed build issues in plugins > cleaned up Novell iFolder ,
depenndencies/external directory - removed Report , Sync and aclocal >
Simias , cleaned up dependencies folder , removed NU - not used
directories . >updated iFolderWebSErvicve. wsdl > cleaned up nautilus
folder Check in - 5390 - 5394
-#379982:Removed redundant version of gsoap from svn
-#378628:Sample code from eDir c# library used UT: tested in cypress
patch branch tested dirotories - AD, eDir(NW and Linux) and OpenLDAP
Wed Apr 9 14:00:00 2008
- #224494:Updated the Web Access help files, Added information about the
disabled iFolder to the following html files:
- # 289244, #353139: Gsoap is reverted back to 2.7.0 2.7.9. All gsoap
dependent library sizes, and include file will be changed.
- #279113: After Enforcement of encryption from web-admin , regular
ifolders should not be created from web-admin, also implemented the
testing of policy during transfer of ownership either from web-admin
or web-access .
- #346176: Duplicate iFolder listing in case of ifolder shared with
user and usres group is fixed. Module changed is Simias.Server.dll
- #224494: one image Added : simias/src/webaccess/images/
code change in web-access so that if an ifolder is disabled on web-admin
, then on web-access it will be shown as disabled.
- #344433: to display a popup when admin wants to save passphrase
based encryption policy on system level.
- # 255131: Allinging the sub-elements under element as well as Fields
name are added with colon.
- #344937: If iFolder Ldap auxiliary class exist in eDirectory schema then
also it try to update the schema with existing values.
SimiasServerSetup.exe is changed executable.
- #354696, 328103: fix so that orphaned ifolders are created and can be
adopted in multiserver environment.
- #233499 , 233501: if ifolder name length is too long then names are
shortened and displayed and full name will be shown as tooltip. affected
dll : Novell.iFolderAdmin.ddl , Novell.iFolderWeb.dll, ifolder.WebService.dll
Mon Mar 3 13:00:00 2008
- #341552: Fix for auto-connecting to the 3.6 server in case of client
upgrade from 3.2 to 3.6.
- #349495,349516: Added Encryption related dialogs. Added a method in
Simias for getting pulic key.
- #347679: Added timer method to close the splash screen after a
specified time interval. Files Changed: iFolderApplication.cs - Linux
FormsTrayApp.cs - Windows Dlls/EXE affected: FormsTrayApp - Windows
- #355475: Form is alinged to i18N . Dynamically the size of the label
is adjusted. Dlls changes , FormstrayAPp.exe
- #338040,341552: Clears the simias connections during logout. Updates
the serverAlive status in every sync reschedule. Thus sync need not
wait till the next sync cycle. Changes made to: SimiasLib.dll
- #354797: Popup actual error instead of refering user to the sync log.
FIles changed - Synclog.cs and formstrayapp.cs A pop similar to sync
log is thrown for sync errors
- #354358: The DLL which will have the changes (for simias):
SimiasLib.dll For Windows client : Novell.iFolder.dll For Linux
Client: Novell.iFolder.UI.gtk.dll The change is done so that on linux
and windows clients, user can remove and add account for ssl enabled
- #354779: Novell.iFolder.dll : for windows client the color is changed
to dark gray for ifolder description text
- #355024: Set the following language specific condition for Chinese
Traditional and Simplified languages: Chinese Simplified: 2052 Chinese
Traditional: 1028
- #276191: This happened because a substring of 0 to 30 was taken
for the current file path.In cases where the file path was less than
30 an exception was thrown which was silently caught. The subsequent
blocks of code were not reached at all, thus filling them with default
value(\"label2\"). Fixed with a if condition to check the length of the
path and then do substring
- #159611: Added default File name and file extensions for the save file
- #355024: Corrupted resx files were replaced with new files. Changed
solution file to include these files , renamed pt resource files to
pt-BR .
- When multiple accounts are configured , iFolders on iFolder is shown
redudantly. User gets confused which account is on which domain
- Updated the resx files got from Localization team .
iFolderResources.dll will be updated
- Changed the ip address to local host address and checking in necessary
Sun Mar 2 13:00:00 2008
- # 303239: As part of OES2 SP1 yast changes, a new option
--connect -port is introduced in web admin and web access setup.
ModuleS Changed are iFolderWebSetup.exe and iFolderAdminSetup.exe.
Thu Feb 7 13:00:00 2008
- #359791: YaST configuration hangs due to interactive prompt waiting
for input. Mark to add the optional options too in the command line.
Made a fix in iFolder as well for local option prompts.
- #354279: Included missing icons
- #354363: revoke facility implemented for multiserver and also any
policy change can be done from any server in multiserver domain
- #349118: Server operations(Identity Sync and log level) of different
server are not working issue.
- #256595: Remove membership:It does not work in windows.(MULTISERVER
enviornment) issue.
- #352271: Fix for connecting to ssl enabled server from win client. Fix
for giving upgrade prompt when remember password option is set on win
- #352894: Certificate chain was broken in server due to a client change
in Sync code. Now we check for server sync and client sync and act
accordingly. Client needs the cookies to be cleared for slave, while
server does not as it only communicates with master
- #351590: Yast plugin for iFolder does not reflect port change in
Simias.config file.
- #352271: Client getting redirected to Slave did not get the correct
slave certificate. Now if there is a redirection, then the Slave
certificate is also displayed for acceptance.
- #298692: An Alert message is been displayed while adding a volume .It
asks admin to change the owner and group to apacheuser:apachegrp
- #349085: Sharing policy was not checked for user provisioned on slave
logged on to
- #352191: Logout link not redirecting to configured \"Redirect URL\",
simultaneous logout of proxy not working. Issue is fixed.
- #351622: Web Admin was not able to validate the slave certificate, if
WebAdmin is configured to Master. This is the case with WebAccess and
Simias as well. Now the CA validation is done during redirection in
the certificate chain.
- #345568: all the code paths checked so that if single sign on is there
then language selected will not remain empty. If there was no language
cookie available, then by default english will be selected.
- #351594: ifolder-web-setup and ifolder-admin-setup does not update
--simias-url option in Web.config files.
- #351145: Non-admin users were not allowed to login if they were not
provisioned. This happens only in Web Access, since the global
certificate policy was not applicable to the DomainService web call
being made for provisioning users.
- #349198: Slave setup with SSL was not configuring due to certificate
policy getting reset.
Wed Feb 6 13:00:00 2008
- #357156: System page is not coming up in oes2sp1 latest build. With
this fix stage testing will go through.
Wed Jan 2 13:00:00 2008
- FATE #303238: new features for LDAP User groups, Vista support,
Silent install, Server side migration, Conflict Resolution etc.
- #350687,349198: Slave setup for SSL fixed by explicitly getting the
certificate from Master instead of auto-redirect. Now a new
certificate policy is setup for the Global Simias and the Sync handler
to handle certificate exchange.
- #349081,347919: Member nodes were made not to collide and also made to
always sync from master, so any change in slave will not sync if there
is a collision. This is fixed by excluding the search context of master
in slave.
- #349198: Slave setup did not have the cert to perform proper
communication if the Master is SSL. This is fixed using auto-redirect.
Web Admin and Web Access will now ask for certificate confirmation in
- #348752: Web Admin throws exceptions when any of the slave is down in
a multi-server setup.
- #304331: Commented the line that was displaying the LDAP user password
in text from simias-server-setup
- ssl check box added on systems page of web-admin a web release
- #349173: small one line modification for usability
- #347535, 344940, 236716: Simias server exception bugs are resolved.
- #304894: History Page for oes1 upgraded iFolders : Message is
displayed that history not available
- SSL option is enabled in the setup code. simias-server-setup now
prompts for SSL option. Entering Yes will configure the server for
SSL. CLI option is --use-ssl
- #346410: This was due to the group nodes getting a collision while
syncing to Slave, possibly due to LDAP sync happening before the
domain sync. Or LDAP sync syncing the same object as of Domain if the
master and slave have the same search context. Now the collision is
avoid for member sync from Master to Slave.
- #346482: Fix for bugs 346482.
- #344309: ldap context editing info was not propagated well into config
file. That is fixed now
- #345788,345789,345791: Fixes the Access grant issue for existing proxy
user and completes the schema extension even with anonymous bind off
- #305854,344700: Fix for bugs 305854,344700.
- #344743,343233: Disable sharing bugs.
- #343556,343328,337838: Web Admin is multi-server enabled. Admin can
now create iFolders and perform all operations from a single console
on different servers. The information retrieved is based on the actual
server the user/ifolder is residing in, including Policy information.
- #343294,343579: LDAP sync info details issue.
- Simias server setup code changes for --configure-plugins options.
- Sharing Policy added to policies. Changes made on Server side
- LDAP group Plicy changes
- Schema order change and member object null check is added in
Authenticate method.
- #339030: passphrase will not be passed through browser link for
encrypted iFolders.
- #337772: small modification to make disable sharing policy work
through web-access
- #299772: Added DisableSync.cs in Policy . The Policy state is written
in DB now.
- #342636: Server Details page on web-admin is not working issue is
- #342649: IdentitySyncNow function is not working. issue is fixed.
- #339770, 339755: Fixed issue of iFolder clients not being able to
connect to iFolder Server.
- #332130: Disable \"create\" button apart from showing error message
while creating iFolder whose name is too long to be created
- #298693: Uploading a file on to an iFOlder in an unmounted volume
throws exception. Issue is Fixed.
- #298690: ENABLE and DISABLE button are simultaneouslty Enabled for a
particular link.This Issue is solved , and Default Path check box is
- #283200: Changes made to Web Access UI. Actions Tab is removed from
Left Panel
- #307629: fix to display multibyte iFolderName in addmembers page. this
will work for all ifolders which are already created. Not for ifolders
while getting created
- #304509: Ldap settings change ported from Cypress
- #290977: Zerobyte file can be uploaded.
- #307791: For iManager single sign on , language is not supplied so
take it from cookies
- #305161: Debug statements are changed
- #300341: iFolder Administration Login Page - missing background color
- issue is fixed.
- #232526: \"Remove a slave server from the domain\" issue is fixed.
- #297310: \"Unhandeled exception: If login from the user which does not
exists gives exception\" issue is fixed.
- #277714: Changes to install script for installing the rpms properly.
Thu Sep 20 14:00:00 2007
- Included latest localized help files for webaccess and webadmin
Tue Sep 18 14:00:00 2007
- #277714: Changes to install script for installing the rpms properly.
- #269207: Fix for bug \"Bug 269207 - OES2_LOC: SLES10SP1: HU, RU, PL,
FR, ES SK: 3.2 20070419: iFolder - cannot open\"
Fri Sep 14 14:00:00 2007
- #307723: Key Recovery utility in Linux to use p12 file instead of pvk
file for key decryption. Also provided a script file to invoke the
KeyRecovery utility name KeyRecovery, this avoids usage of mono
command line.
Wed Sep 12 14:00:00 2007
- #277326: History tab is given more space.
- #307629: fix to display multibyte iFolderName in addmembers page. this
will work for all ifolders which are already created. Not for ifolders
while getting created
- #283208, 305161: Zero byte files can be uploaded now .
- #307791: if language was not selected , then select it fromn cookies
and if cookie was null then default language is used.
- #304509: Simias-server-setup CLI to support LDAP settings change
including Proxy password change and other LDAP details.
- Redundant link in admin/Error.aspx is removed
Tue Aug 28 14:00:00 2007
- #302603: For single sign on to iFolder webaccess and webadmin, Access
Gateway and iChain can populate the Authorization header with a simple
name and password (user1:test) or with a full LDAP name and password
(cn=user1,ou=users,o=novell,c=us:test). FDN did not work, due to a fix
for LoginDisabled check. This is now fixed.
- #304331: Clear text password visible in YaST log
- #300341: \"P1 : 300341 :Folder Administration Login Page - missing
background color\" issue is fixed.
- Removed unnecessary files and folders
- #232526: \"Remove a slave server from the domain\" issue is fixed.
- #297310: \"Unhandeled exception: If login from the user which does
not exists gives exception\" issue is fixed.
- #290706: ReferringPage url is trimmed
Tue Aug 14 14:00:00 2007
- #277714, 271771: Added install scripts that upgrades the client rpms.
Fix to deny the service for the 3.2 and 3.4 clients if choosen not to
- #298692: Changed the owner to wwwrun
- copyright information updated for web-access and admin files
- #298687: Checks for validity of the path entered
- #241476: Delete ifolder from Server does not work - from thick client\"
bug fixed.
- #296632: link is enabled to browse back to all upper foldres from
nested ones
- #298762: If multiple masters are installed in the same context then
YaST generated password will not match for the same Proxy user. New
Proxy user is created.
- #298098: Command line execution of upgrade fails if LDAP admin is
different. This is needed for Migration support.
- #298158: The ld config was not updated during rpm upgrade causing
FlaimWrapper DLL load to fail. Now the ldconfig conf file is installed
for iFolder, which will be referred always.
Thu Aug 9 14:00:00 2007
- #298762: If multiple masters are installed in the same context then
YaST generated password will not match for the same Proxy user. New
Proxy user is created.
- #298098: Command line execution of upgrade fails if LDAP admin is
different. This is needed for Migration support.
- #298158: The ld config was not updated during rpm upgrade causing
FlaimWrapper DLL load to fail. Now the ldconfig conf file is installed
for iFolder, which will be referred always.
Wed Aug 8 14:00:00 2007
- #296307: \"Delete a user of the slave server displays exception\" issue
is fixed.
- #296648: Now the Redirect URL option is made optional and without any
changes to yast ifolderadmin and iFolder webaccess installations will
go through.
- #227888: Changes made to FileSizeFilter.ascx.cs Some defects of
multivolume are fixed and checked in along with it
Fri Aug 3 14:00:00 2007
- #296648: Now the Redirect URL option is made optional and without any
changes to yast ifolderadmin and iFolder webaccess installations will
go through.
Wed Aug 1 14:00:00 2007
- #283727: master to slave domain sync overridden.
- #296014: If encryption is checked once by admin, then disable
encryption check box so that again he cannot uncheck that box . Also
if user has created encrypted iFolder once , then admin will not be
able to change the encryption check box on userdetails page. otherwise
he can change.
- #284677: old iFolder icon replaced with newer icon on web-admin page .
- #294386: \"Overflow Exception and not accepting the values under
boundary in System Page automatic sync interval field\" issus is fixed.
- #226693: OverflowException exxception handled for \"Disk Quota\", \"File
Size\" and \"Synchronization interval\" for webadmin interface.
- #247712: Default Identity sync value is set to 24 hours i.e. 1440
- #250186: This patch implements the iChain / Access Gateway
Simultaneous logout feature.
Mon Jul 16 14:00:00 2007
- #262445: Collection Locking is incorrect, causing Restore to fail.
- #289602: bug fix for \"simias-server-setup grant rights to ifolder
proxy user on base dn of LDAP ADMIN user as hardcoaded\" issue.
Wed Jul 11 14:00:00 2007
- #287422: fix so that if ifolder name is not given then the control
wont go to next page while creating iFolder from webadmin
- #289930: If Samba volume is configured for store, then YaST throws an
exception while setting permission. Samba volume will already be
mounted with UID as apacheUser and GID as apacheGroup. So the apache
user does not have permission to set the owner.
- #264286, 289539: Included support for ifolder administrators with
Distinguished Name based on attributes like cn, UID, sn or givenName.
This is done for both Openldap and eDirectory.
- #290470: Now the description text box is made to accept single line
description as it is done in case of webaccess ifolder creation.
Wed Jun 27 14:00:00 2007
- Added option to force creation of symlink that already existed.
also removed line in %preun that was deleting the directory
structure where those symlinks were created which would
break upgrades and patches.
Wed Jun 27 14:00:00 2007
- #283697: WebAccess has a larger gray band displayed on every page for
IE6/7. Also there are no column names in page display.
- #279155: iFolder Web Admin shows a dark band in IE6/7 browser.
- #265196: If shared ifolders are synced from multiple clients, then the
journal entries are not in sync, causing Simias to crash
- #285024: Changed the delimiter for the header values for access log
- #227079: usability issue solved for encryption checkboxes on
UserDetails page of web-admin . Also the SecureDataTransfer checkbox
is removed from userDetails page.
- #277714: Created links to facilitate automatic client upgrades
Wed Jun 20 14:00:00 2007
- #281262: Save ldap details
- #256061: iChain sends the username in FDN form for both Web Access and
Web Admin. Web Access does not use the username for getting the home
server, instead uses the FDN, which is not handled.
Thu Jun 14 14:00:00 2007
- #226046: XSP startup script for server is disabled if apache is
enabled - helps clean uninstall of the RPM.
- #284175: Orphaned iFolder utility added for webadmin to control
orphaned iFolders.
- #280000: Have included ifolder3-tsa in the Requires section of
Thu Jun 7 14:00:00 2007
- #279107: Enable the creation of encrypted iFolders when RA was
selected from web-acces
- #277917: Checking whether collection exists while returning the
default iFolder.
Thu May 31 14:00:00 2007
- #274398: Included a missed event handler for save button in
- #276860: Help button on login page of web-access is added
- #274398: Adding LDAP details to webadmin
Thu May 24 14:00:00 2007
- #254478: iFolder TSA fails to load since the initial API needs
- #277451: Upgrade support in the Simias Server script.
- #268251, 273662: Detect and update catalog when owner of a collection
is changed
- #251874: modifications in login file to get the credentials passed
from imanager
Tue May 22 14:00:00 2007
- #259792: Recovery page moved to next page even if onetime passphrase
is not provided.
- #273372: Save description during ifolder creation
- #275968: check for 64bit arch
- #275480: Published literal was unused so removed
- #235384: remove the size column from userdetails page
- #275087: Search textbox is put on the search page for web-access. It
should not be there on any other page, so disabled from other pages.
Thu May 10 14:00:00 2007
- #270625: Trent Badger changes incorporated for the Web Access UI for
new look and feel. Has most of the aspx files updated and couple of
- #256277: Domain agent should provision only from master.
- #252282: Dont ask for password while downloading logs/reports as we
have the credentials already .
- #251773: One more field Username is added to distinguish between users
with same name , while displaying ifolder details, on both web-admin
and web-access
- #253466: web-admin help button is integrated with new UI . It includes
putting new license information and replacing old in the every cs page
that i have committed.
- #270849: Adding string changes for this defect.
Thu May 3 14:00:00 2007
- #270625: Trent changes for iFolder Web Admin - most of the aspx files
changes due to UI change and graphics change as part of phase one.
Thu Apr 26 14:00:00 2007
- #268329: The Dlls are named strongly now.
- #250186: ichain Logout fix
- #267021: Get collection infos in one call
- #240563: Resolve the location of iFolder before any webcalls
- #265762: To check the returned value against null before using it
Mon Apr 16 14:00:00 2007
- check for invalid characters in server name
- #226058: actually while fixing this bug-id , i had committed in svn
version 6797 with some 5 lines removed from a file , mistakenly, now i
have readded those lines and committing again so that , that will not
produce another bug.
- #262707: Normalization done in lower case for certificate names
- #226058: Removal of a exclude file policy on user level will work now
and the user can download the allowed file-type.
- Allow the table to consume 100% of available space
- #257462: Passphrase is used as a seed for a random, then the random is
used for encryption and decryption.
- #252283: Read logfile from datadir and not from the default one.
- dont ask for ldapadmin pwd during slave setup
- #257951: Phasphrase is not accepted if more than 16 char is specified.
Modified in simias server.
- #243524, 254876, 247824: Catalog Thread tries to access the Catalog
before it is created
- #257482: Encrypted ifolders cannot be shared, so members tab is made
invisible for encrypted ifolders plus some small UI modifications.
Tue Mar 27 14:00:00 2007
- #256025: encryption platform interopearbilty fix
Thu Mar 15 13:00:00 2007
- #251037: display version changes from 3.5 to 3.6
- #252884: If weak pass-phrase exception is thrown, then we should not
store the passphrase into session variable, so the code for storing
the sessionpassphrase moved after successful creation of encrypted
Thu Mar 8 13:00:00 2007
- #251583: Utility to decrypt the encrypted keys for key recovery. Make
file changes for inclusion in RPM
- UI for ID Sync Interval
Mon Mar 5 13:00:00 2007
- #242623: Dont stdout the env variables during setup.
- #251126: Utility to perform the decryption of ifolder keys that
was encrypted using the Recovery agents Public key
- Review Comments on web-access encryption
- #250515: Apache User/Group prompt Slave setup sysadmin as LDAP Creds
- #237276: Earlier Authentication was failing for local domain. Now it
Authenticates the local domain so that back-up process can go ahead.
- #236120: Invalid iFolder ID issue is fixed, there are UI changes for
the Linux UI to fetch the appropriate iFolder based in the Discovery
list of iFolders.
- #248180: While creating/Uploading/Downloading encrypted iFolders
through web-access, the text-boxes related to these operations are
enabled or made visible accordingly (Based on the admin policy). Also,
it takes into consideration, if admin has configured recovery-agent or
not .
- #251583: Utility to decrypt the encrypted keys for key recovery. Make
file changes for inclusion in RPM
Mon Feb 26 13:00:00 2007
- #236120: Invalid iFolder ID issue is fixed, there are UI changes for
the Linux UI to fetch the appropriate iFolder based in the Discovery
list of iFolders.
- #248180: Encryption part modified for web- access
- #248180: Changes for handling passphrase during encryption
- If Pass-phrase is already validated for an user, then while creating
an encrypted ifolder, no need to ask pass-phrase again.
- Encryption enabled for creating an ifolder and uploading/downloading
of the files for web-access
Mon Feb 19 13:00:00 2007
- #246630: LDAP sync thread was stopped for Slave, but a String failure
on null stops the thread in master as well. This check-in fixes it.
- A new certificate page display added for web-access.
- #241027, 245807, 232528: LDAP related install issues are fixed in this
commit, including the open source issue about the parent directory of
storepath getting the permission changed to apache user
- #241496: Fixes Slave catalog deleting its nodes and converting it into
Tombstones. Now there is proper synchronization between the Catalog
thread and the Domain Sync thread.
- #246630: LDAP Identity Sync thread will not run in Slave
configurations, should improve the server response time when there are
more than 100 users.
Tue Feb 6 13:00:00 2007
- 242103 : string name changed back to share and also policies based
decision/activation enabled for encryption and sharable checkboxes.
Thu Feb 1 13:00:00 2007
- Web-access Passphrase UI
- Changes to string, and UI for Resetting passphrase and key recovery
- Web methods for storing the passphrase locally and remembering the
Tue Jan 30 13:00:00 2007
- #236121: Updated the buffer size for large file upload. Updated setup
for iFolder TSA
- #226693: Have changed the synchronization value to start from 5 in
place of one
- #233087: Add servername to report ifolder.
Tue Jan 23 13:00:00 2007
- 236121: Updated the buffer size for large file upload.
- Updated setup for iFolder TSA.
- 237276: TSA doesn\'t load with the 3.6 iFolder server
- New web service is added to get the servers data path and hence the
config information instead of assuming Apache path.
- log4net code added in the source tree
Tue Jan 16 13:00:00 2007
- 234461 - mod_mono has changed its location to /etc/apache2, updated
the setup files
Fri Jan 12 13:00:00 2007
- 233075 - added mod_mono to Requires: and BuildRequires:
Fri Jan 12 13:00:00 2007
- Included additional setup for webadmin and webaccess.
Mon Jan 8 13:00:00 2007
- Added back in to BuildRequires: novell-ldapext-devel
Mon Jan 8 13:00:00 2007
- Included install time dependency.
Thu Jan 4 13:00:00 2007
- Added dependency on novell-ldapext-devel to get ldap headers for build.
Thu Jan 4 13:00:00 2007
- Provides migration from iFolder2.x to iFolder3.x on the client side.
- iFolder web access indirection for volume scalability was broken due
to Encryption changes. It is fixed now
- Encryption gui review comments
- Encryption UI Unit test case fixes
- Encryption UI UT fixes for web-access
Wed Dec 20 13:00:00 2006
- Fixed a build issue due to incorrect tarball.
Tue Dec 19 13:00:00 2006
- Initial checkin of iifolder3-enterprise-1.5.6352 for OES2