Changelog for otrs-doc-3.2.9-76.1.noarch.rpm :
Sat Jul 27 14:00:00 2013
- fix for bnc#828850 (CVE-2013-4717, CVE-2013-4718)
- Update to 3.2.9
(fix for OSA-2013-05, CVE-2013-4717, CVE-2013-4718)

* Bug#9561 - ACL restriction with CustomerID for DynamicFields at
new Ticket screen not working.

* Bug#8728 - Problem loading

* Bug#9481 - Possible to select invalid services in SLA admin screen.

* Bug#9539 - Cannot send notification to a group of customers.

* Bug#8273 - Copying text in preview mode not possible.

* Bug#9557 - Cannot see quoted text in customer ticket zoom.

* Bug#9011 - GenericInterface: New value after value mapping can\'t be 0.

* Improved parameter quoting in various places.

* Bug#9104 - Group permission for customer subset overwrites
permissions for other customers.

* Bug#9434 - Activities are not translated.

* Bug#9261 - Ticket Inbound changes FROM in view.

* Bug#9540 - AgentTicketOwner doesn\'t activate PreviousOwner if new
owner is selected.

* Bug#9365 - AgentLinkObject screen does not provide a search
restriction for ticket type.

* Bug#9533 - Delete Inactive Process button not aligned.

* Bug#9504 - wrong status after answer via customer portal.

* Bug#9425 - Wrong created date for queue view.

* Follow-up fix for bug#[8880] - No inline image shown if HTML
email contains \'base\' tag.

* Bug#8112 - Display issue in FROM column of AgentTicketZoom with
some agent names.

* Bug#9524 - Uninitialized value after step2 in TicketAccountedTime

* Bug#9511 - ProcessManagement: No SLA verification after Service

* Bug#9513 - Frontend::ToolBarModule###11-CICSearchCustomerUser
does not use settings of Frontend::Agent::CustomerSearch.

* Bug#8719 - PasswordMin2Lower2UpperCharacters problem.
- update OTRS::ITSM to 3.2.7
(fix for OSA-2013-05, CVE-2013-4717, CVE-2013-4718)
- fix spec

Tue Jun 18 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 3.2.8: 2013-06-18
(fix for OSA-2013-04, CVE-2013-4088)

* bug#9464 - Unique email address only checked during CustomerUserAdd, not
during Update.

* bug#9497 - AgentTicketSearch logs a Uninitialized error message in Oracle.

* bug#9451 - Possible to select invalid autoresponses for queues.

* bug#9516 - Field names for account signups in some languages are broken.

* bug#9501 - Missing values in GenericAgent ticket list for tickets without

* bug#9447 - Empty line at PDF search result with process tickets (0 article).

* bug#9409 - If HTTP_USER_AGENT isn\'t set, error on

* bug#9454 - Use of uninitialized value error in, undef
Next ticket state.

* bug#9493 - Use of uninitialized value error in on Ticket
Split action.

* bug#9503 - no connection header in soap responses.

* Improved permission checks in AgentTicketWatcher.

* bug#7143 - \"SFTP.\" gets rewritten to \"Shttp://FTP.\"

* bug#9488 - Use of uninitialized value at OutofOffice setting in

* bug#9479 - ProcessManagement: Article and CustomerID should not be Hidden.

* bug#9491 - GenericAgent job update with dynamic fields sends Uninitialized
value error.

* bug#9456 - Empty \'Dropdown\' dynamic field value of GenericAgent job wont get
used and stored.

* Follow-up fix for bug#9245 - Added translatable titles for transition

* Updated Russian translation, thanks to Alexey Gluhov!

* bug#9245 - Improve user interaction on transitions.

* bug#9284 - Improve user experience of accordion widget.

* bug#9105 - Opening reply view crashes browsers on iPad 3.

* Fixed caching key and inquiry of dynamic field value in HistoryTicketGet
function (TE).

* Added a new parameter to disable default sorting of statistics.

* Added \'-a reinstall-all\' feature to bin/

* bug#9476 - AgentTicketZoom: translation of \"split\" into german language.

* bug#9459 - Creating a new transition action coming from the transition path
view produces errors.

* bug#9458 - Double click on Transition opens error message.

* bug#9241 - Article ignored in article search index if body is almost empty.
The StaticDB fulltext search backend is now fully configurable.

* bug#9462 - Package Management page timeout due to HTTPS disabled on Proxy

* bug#9408 - A value of Dest inputed in CustomerTicketMessage isn\'t validated.

* bug#9418 - Incorrect decoding email subject and From token.

* bug#9448 - AgentTicketPhoneInbound/Outbound inserts Agent\'s personal email
address into article \"from\".

* bug#9445 - ProcessManagement: Error Message: Need ServiceID or Name!.

* bug#9439 - ProcessManagement: Customer field value is not remembered after
server error is detected.
- Update to 3.2.7: 2013-05-21

* Updated Package Manager, that will ensure that packages to be installed
meet the quality standards of OTRS Group. This is to guarantee that your
package wasn’t modified, which may possibly harm your system or have an
influence on the stability and performance of it. All independent package
contributors will have to conduct a check of their Add-Ons by OTRS Group
in order to take full advantage of the OTRS package verification.

* bug#9387 - Error in a condition with dynamic fields in NotificationEvent.

* bug#9286 - Ticket::ChangeOwnerToEveryone isn\'t functional, After a AJAX
Load the setting is ignored.

* bug#7518 - Escalation Notify by not working properly (follow-up fix).

* bug#9410 - SessionID isn\'t added to URL when using ajax customer search
without cookies active.

* bug#9419 - Process Management: List of available dialog fields lists
Responsible even if feature is inactive.

* bug#9246 - ProcessManagement: TranstionAction error messages not sufficient

* bug#9345 - OTRS exceeds 998 character limit in References Line of E-Mail

* bug#7478 - Got an external answer to an internal mail.

* Improved permission checks in AgentTicketPhone.

* bug#9360 - DynamicField Names shown in CSV output.

* bug#8880 - No inline image shown if HTML email contains \'base\' tag.

* bug#9374 - Add more functions to rich text editor.

* Fixed postmaster filter edit screen layout.

* bug#9358 - Date/Time DynamicFields are broken in CustomerInterface.

* bug#9384 - Problem with Method ServiceParentsGet of ServiceObject.

* bug#9371 - UserSalutation field in fix.

* bug#8997 - Owner warnings translatable.

* bug#9375 - Extra colon at the end of recipient lists in forwarded message.

* Updated Polish translation file, thanks to!

* bug#9040 - CustomerTicketPrint crashes when no attributes are configured to
be printed.

* Added UnitTest for case sensivity parameter of customer databases

* bug#9362 - cannot redirect to external url containing & caracter.

* bug#7856 - Statistics only use non archived tickets.

* bug#9072 - Reply to email-internal includes customer users email in Cc.

* bug#9349 - SQL warnings on Oracle DB if more than 4k characters are sent
to the database.

* bug#9353 - Customer Ticket Zoom shows owner login name instead of full name.

* bug#8599 - Problem with \"[]\" characters in name of attachment file.
- Update ITSM to 3.2.6

* Bug#9351 - Wrong LastScreenOverview in AgentITSMConfigItemSearch

* Bug#9352 - Missing LastScreenOverview in AgentITSMConfigItem (OverviewSmall)

* Bug#8961 - Get impact list in AgentTicketPhone before obtain SplitTicketParam.

* remove packages30 support
- update ITSM to 3.2.5
(fix for OSA-2013-03, CVE-2013-3551)
- update ITSM to 3.2.4
(fix for OSA-2013-02, CVE-2013-2637)
- update ITSM to 3.2.3
(fix for OSA-2013-01, CVE-2013-2625)
- rebase perm.patch
- fix permission

* on DBUpdate otrs needs write acces to Kernel/Config/Files
attr(2775,wwwrun,www) dir {otrs_root}/{name}/Kernel/Config/Files

Thu May 9 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 3.2.6:
- Bug#9310 - AgentTicketProcess has the same shortkey \"o\" as
- Bug#9280 - Database upgrade procedure problems when upgrading
database to 3.2 that has been upgraded from 2.4 previously.
- Bug#9264 - Dynamic ticket text fields are displayed with value
\"1\" if enabled and displayed by default in ticket search screen.
- Bug#8960 - SearchProfile problem.
- Bug#9328 - Notification event does not work on process ticket.
- Fixed broken process import.
- Follow-up for bug#9215 - Process import always creates new
process. The overwrite optionwas removed again because of
logical problems.
- Added parameter \"-t dbonly\" to to only backup the
database (if files are backed up otherwise).
- Bug#9302 - Process Management: Misleading description for
activities without dialogs.
- Bug#9182 - Customer Search Function -> If you go into a ticket
and go back you got not the search results.
- Bug#9297 - Customer information widget losing data.
- Bug#9244 - Process Management: Transitions on Activities does
not scale well.
- Bug#9287 - Process Management: strange placement of target point
for new transitions.
- Bug#9294 - Process Management: Activity hover window not
displayed properly if activity is very close to bottom canvas
- Bug#9314 - Process Management: Unexpected redirection after
creating a new process.
- Bug#9312 - LinkObject permission check problem.

Wed Apr 10 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 3.2.5:
(fix for OSA-2013-03, CVE-2013-3551)

* Bug#9313 - No such file or directory in

* Bug#9306 - Auto Response fails when ticket is created from
Customer Interface and last name contains a comma.

* Bug#9308 - Impossible to create a new stats report with absolute

* Bug#9307 - Packages not compatible with 3.2.4 listed as available
in Package Manager.

* Bug#9298 - not found on perl 5.8.x.

* Bug#9295 - Article dynamic field is not searchable.

* Bug#9288 - DynamicField Content overwrites TicketTitle for Links
from Dynamic Fields.

Thu Apr 4 14:00:00 2013
- Update to 3.2.4:
(fix for OSA-2013-01, CVE-2013-2625)
- Security release, everyone is advised to update.

* Bug#9279 - Inaccurate German translation of ,,Priority Update\'\'.

* Bug#9257 - No notifications to agents with out-of-office set
but period not reached.

* Bug#1689 - Allow bin/ to follow symlink for

* Bug#8981 - Tickets reopened via customer interface are locked
to invalid agents.

* Bug#9242 - ProcessManagement: TransitionAction TicketStateSet
does not allow to set a pending time.

* Bug#9247 - ProcessManagement: Transitions Actions always use
actual user permissions.

* Bug#9254 - No Sorting in Accordion for Activties, Activity Dialog,
Transitions and Transition Actions.

* Improved permission checks in LinkObject.

* Bug#9252 - Type of linking displayed wrong and also updated
wrong in transitions.

* Bug#9255 - Email is sent to customer, when agents email address
is similar but not identical.

* Bug#9215 - Process import always creates new process. Now there
is a new option \"overwrite existing entities\" for the process import.

* Bug#4716 - Logout page should use ProductName instead of \'OTRS\'.

* Bug#9249 - Warning not to use internal articles in customer
frontend shown on agent interface also.

* Bug#9191 - When ticket types are restricted, first available
type is selected in AgentTicketActionCommon-based screens.

Wed Mar 20 13:00:00 2013
- Fix ITSM files permissions.

Fri Mar 15 13:00:00 2013
- Update to 3.2.3:

* Bug#9221 - Got error log message when customer user take
activity dialog operation in customer interface.

* Bug#8727 - Webservices can be created with an invalid/incomplete

* Bug#9214 - IE10: impossible to open links from rich text articles.

* Bug#9218 - Cannot use special characters in TicketHook.

* Bug#9056 - Unused SysConfig option Ticket::Frontend::CustomerInfoQueueMaxSize.

* Bug#8764 - Added AATTARGV encoding to command line scripts.

* Bug#9189 - Executing as root user leaves file
permissions on in incorrect state.

* Bug#9196 - ProcessManagement: Internal Server Error for \"Ended\"
process zoom in Customer Interface.

* Bug#9202 - ProcessManagement: ActivityDialog Admin GUI should
not let internal article types for Customer Interface.

* Bug#9193 - Process Management: (First) article filled in in
customer frontend causes \"Need ArticleTypeID!\" error.

* Follow-up fix for bug#8533 apache will not start on Fedora.

* Bug#9172 - Generic Interface does not work on IIS 7.0.

* Bug#8865 - Additional empty data column in statistics CSV-Output.

* Bug#4056 - Delete S/MIME Certificate via AdminSMIME does not
update CustomerUserPreferences.

* Bug#9128 - OTRS uses internal sub of Locale::Codes::Country
which causes trouble for Debian.

* Bug#9173 - ProcessManagement: Very right aligned activities
can\'t display assigned dialogs.

* Bug#9174 - Process Management: Save / Save and finish / Cancel
inside process diagram canvas.

* Bug#9155 - SMIME: DefaultSignKey not selected in AJAX refreshes.

* Bug#9164 - ProcessManagement: Default values of assigned
hidden activity dialogs not considered.

* Bug#7312 - does not take scripts in
$OTRSHOME/Custom into account.

* Bug#7237 - Better Shortening Logic in Ascii2Html.

* Bug#9139 - Context sensitive search in CIC doesn\'t open
CIC search.

* Bug#9087 - ProcessManagement: AgentTicketProcess doesn\'t show
multi level queue structure.

* Follow-up fix for bug#9158 - ProcessManagement: Priority
field error message: Need Priority or PriorityID!.
- Refresh otrs-perm.patch and otrs-httpd_conf.patch patches.
- Remove obsolete
*.pm from %files section.

Thu Mar 7 13:00:00 2013
- update to 3.2.2

* fixed bug#9171 - ProcessManagement: AgentTicketProcess lists all state types.

* Follow-up fix for bug#4513 - Password and Username are added
automatically by the browser in AdminUser dialog.

* Updated Spanish translation, thanks to Enrique Matías Sánchez!

* Fixed bug#9157 - ProcessManagement: Activity labels not aligned well.

* Fixed bug#9156 - ProcessManagement: Transition Condition Fields cannot be removed correctly.

* Fixed bug#9160 - ProcessManagement: Path dialog looses data after editing transition actions.

* Fixed bug#9159 - ProcessManagement: Date fields are activated by default.

* Added display restriction for field \"CustomerID\" in Process Management Activity
Dialogs to only be shown as mandatory or not shown.

* Fixed bug#9150 - Process Management: CustomerUser field not indicated as required field.

* Fixed bug#9158 - ProcessManagement: Priority field error message: Need Priority or PriorityID!

* Fixed bug#9162 - Setting the start day of the week for the datepicker to Sunday does not work.

* Fixed bug#9127 - Problem with CustomerPanelOwnSelection.

* Added new Canadian French translation, thanks to Evans Bernier / CDE Solutions Informatique!

* Fixed bug#5492 - Need Template or TemplateFile Param error message after activating AgentInfo.

* Fixed bug#9138 - Unused X-OTRS-Info header in SysConfig.

* Fixed bug#9117 - CustomerUpdate history entry added even if customer user has not
been updated.

* Fixed bug#9006 - Labels and values are misaligned.

* Fixed bug#9132 - Button to create new ticket appears in Customer Interface although
ticket creation is disabled.

* Added Patch/Workaround for CPAN MIME::Parser v5.503 that prevent the trimming of empty
lines that lead to inconsistencies between signed and actual email contents

* Fixed bug#9146 - Signed SMIME mails with altered content shows a not clear message.

* Fixed bug#9145 - SMIME sign verification errors are not displayed in TicketZoom.

* Fixed bug#9140 - Postmaster Filter for empty subjects does not work.

* Fixed bug#8024 - WYSIWYG editor does not get correct language information.

* Fixed bug#9135 - Can\'t upgrade databases that have been changed from MyISAM > InnoDB.

* Fixed bug#9125 - AgentTicketSearch dialog does not expand when choosing more search criteria.

* Fixed bug#9118 - TicketDynamicFieldUpdate history entry added even if value has not
been updated.

* Fixed bug#9134 - Sidebar columns on some screens don\'t support more than one widget.

* Fixed bug#4662 - Unable to save article with \'0\' as only content.

* Fixed bug#9068 - ProcessManagement: Entity Names not shown in Deletion Dialogs.

* Fixed bug#9121 - Filenames with Unicode NFD are incorrectly reported as NFC by Main::DirectoryRead().

* Fixed bug#9126 - ProcessManagement: both article fields must be filled.

* Added bug#1197 - Feature enhancement: Link tickets at \"Follow up\".

* Fixed bug#9108 - Check for opened/closed tickets not working with Ticket::SubjectFormat = Right.

* Made Web Installer reload after writing under PerlEx.

* Added restriction to TransitionAction TicketArticleCrete to do not allow the creation
email article types.

* Fixed bug#9112 - ProcessManagment: TransitionAction TicketActicleCreate should not
accept email type articles.

* Fixed bug#8839 - DateChecksum followup doesn\'t get correctly SystemID.

* Fixed bug#9111 - ProcessManagement: Empty Service or SLA causes an error.

* Fixed bug#9077 - Process Management: TicketType not available as field for activity.

* Updated Finnish translation, thanks to Niklas Lampén!

* Updated Italian translation, thanks to Massimo Bianchi!

* Updated Portugese (Brazilian) translation, thanks to Alexandre!

* Updated Russian translation, thanks to Vadim Goncharov!

* Added script to switch all database tables from MyISAM
to InnoDB on the fly.

* Added bin/ to directly execute Database DDL XML files on
the OTRS database.

* Fixed bug#9097 - ProcessManagement: Uninitialized value after Ticket is created if
notification event is triggered.

* Fixed bug#9101 - Not possible to create dropdown with autocomplete attribute.

* Fixed bug#9095 - ProcessManagement: Service field does not show default services.

* Fixed bug#9096 - All services list is shown instead of only default services.

* Fixed bug#9088 - ProcessManagement: Service field is not displayed in

* Updated CPAN module MIME::Tools to version 5.503, keeping an OTRS patch in MIME::Words.

* Fixed bug#9092 - Problem running DBUpdate-to-3.2.mysql.sql on InnoDB.

* Fixed bug#9078 - Fields of type \"email\" loosing style format.

* Fixed bug#9090 - ProcessManagement popup dialogs cannot be saved by pressing Enter.

* Fixed bug#8470 - reports: Can\'t open

* Fixed bug#7678 - SecureMode does not do what it should.

* Fixed bug#5158 - Unsafe UTF8 handling in Encode module.

* Fixed bug#8959 - AgentTicketResponsible Responsible Changed not checked/forced.

* Fixed bug#9089 - Activities and transitions with HTML special characters are
not displayed correctly.

* Added new translation for Spanish (Colombia), thanks to John Edisson Ortiz Roman!

* Updated Finnish translation, thanks to Niklas Lampén!
- for mor info see
- Update ITSM to 3.2.2

* Bug#8634 - Statistics for ChangeStates not working.

* Bug#7782 - Selected class-filter in AgentITSMConfigItem isn\'t stored
in session.

* Bug#7430 - Link option in AgentTicketPhone is only displayed if the
user has rights on AdminCustomerUser.

* Bug#7778 - ImportExport doesn\'t check for existence of mapping definition.
- update to 3.2.1

* Updated Dutch translation.

* Added test to check if there are problems with the MySQL storage engine used
in OTRS tables to bin/

* Fixed bug#9082 - Process Management: Wrong popup redirect handling to Process Path
from TransitionAction.

* Fixed bug#9065 - Process Management: Service and SLA fields are always shown in

* Fixed bug#9054 - Link Object deletes all links under certain conditions.

* Fixed bug#9059 - Process Management: transition actions module field too short.

* Fixed bug#9066 - ProcessManagement: edit links not displayed in popups.

* Fixed an issue where default values would be used erroneously for ActivityDialog
fields where a value was already present.

* Fixed bug#9052 - Accordion is reset after submitting a popup.

* Fixed bug#9067 - New process ticket: state selection empty after AJAX reload.
- for mor info see
- Update ITSM to 3.2.1

* Bug#7989 - Unnecessary hugh size of config item definition text area.
- Fix License

* AGPL-3.0+ -> AGPL-3.0
- rebase patches

* perm

* httpd_conf (+ remove version string from name)

Tue Feb 19 13:00:00 2013
- update to 3.1.13

* Fixed bug#9162 - Setting the start day of the week for the datepicker to
Sunday does not work.

* Fixed bug#9141 - Confused Columns in CustomerTicketSearch (ResultShort).

* Fixed bug#9146 - Signed SMIME mails with altered content shows a not clear

* Fixed bug#9145 - SMIME sign verification errors are not displayed in TicketZoom.

* Fixed bug#9140 - Postmaster Filter for empty subjects does not work.

* Fixed bug#9121 - Filenames with Unicode NFD are incorrectly reported as NFC
by Main::DirectoryRead().

* Fixed bug#9108 - Check for opened/closed tickets not working with
Ticket::SubjectFormat = Right.

* Fixed bug#8839 - DateChecksum followup doesn\'t get correctly SystemID.

* Updated Russian translation, thanks to Vadim Goncharov!

* Fixed bug#9101 - Not possible to create dropdown with autocomplete attribute.

* Fixed bug#9096 - All services list is shown instead of only default services.

* Fixed bug#8470 - reports: Can\'t open

* Added new translation for Spanish (Colombia), thanks to John Edisson Ortiz Roman!

* Fixed bug#9054 - Link Object deletes all links under certain conditions.

* Fixed bug#8944 - do not backup the cache.

* Fixed bug#9057 - Generating a PDF with bin/ produces lots
of warnings.

* Fixed bug#8929 - Fix problems with empty ticket search results while
Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch###ExtendedSearchCondition is inactive.

* Fixed bug#9042 - Add X-Spam-Score to Ticket.xml.

* Fixed bug#9047 - HistoryTicketGet caches info on disk directly.

* Fixed bug#8923 - Alert message shown, if parent window is reloaded while
bulk action popup is open.

* Fixed bug#9030 - Wrong handling of Invalid YAML in Scheduler Tasks.

* Updated CKEditor to version 3.6.6.

* Updated Polish translation, thanks to Pawel AATT!

* Follow-up fix for bug#8805 - Cron missing as RPM dependency on RHEL.
Changed dependency on \'anacron\' to \'vixie-cron\' on RHEL5.

* Fixed bug#9020 - Generic Ticket Connector does not support attachments with
ContentType without charset.

* Fixed bug#8545 - Attachment download not possible if pop up of another action is open.

* Fixed bug#9009 - Empty Multiselect Dynamic Fields provokes an error.

* Fixed bug#8589 - Bulk-Action not possible for single ticket.

* Fixed bug#7198 - Broken repository selection width in Package Manager.

* Fixed bug#8457 - Error if accessing AgentTicketSearch from AgentTicketPhone in IE8.

* Fixed bug#8695 - Table head of Customer Ticket History does not resize on window resize.

* Fixed bug#8533 - Apache will not start if you use mod_perl on Fedora 16 or 17.

* Fixed bug#8974 - Event Based Notification does not populate REALNAME with
Customer User data.

Wed Dec 12 13:00:00 2012
- update to 3.1.12

* Fixed bug#8933 - ArticleStorageInit permission check problem.

* Fixed bug#8763 - Please add charset conversion for customer companies.

* Fixed bug#1970 - Email attachments of type .msg (Outlook-Message) are converted.

* Fixed bug#8955 - Init script might fail on SUSE.

* Fixed bug#8936 - Ticket close date is empty when ticket is created in closed state.

* Fixed bug#8937 - \"$\" should be escaped in interpolated strings when javascript is meant.

* Fixed bug#8919 - Customer interface search results: ticket can only be accessed
via ticket number and subject.

* Fixed bug#8850 - CustomerTicketOverview - MouseOver Age isn\'t always correct.

* Fixed bug#8868 - Event Based Notification problem saving \'text\' Dynamic Fields.

* Fixed bug#8914 - Syntax error in hash loop in TicketGet operation.

* Fixed bug#8749 - CustomerFrontend: missing dynamicfield in search results.

* Fixed bug#8873 - Bad example of customization of \"static\" dynamic fields in

* Fixed bug#8791 - IMAPTLS fails with some Microsoft Exchange servers.

* Fixed bug#8841 - Search for Dynamic Fields shows all tickets (on \"enter\" key pressed).

* Fixed bug#8861 - Ticket History overlaid calender choice function.

* Fixed bug#8862 - GI debugger GUI does not show SOAP XML tags correctly.

* Fixed bug#8566 - Cannot download attachment if filename has character #.

* Fixed bug#8833 - Article table in TicketZoom does not scroll correctly.

* Fixed bug#8673 - Richtext-Editor popups broken on Customer-Interface.

* Fixed bug#8859 - Package upgrade does not work if an installed testpackage
should be upgraded with a newer regular package.

* Fixed bug#8678 - \'WidgetAction Toggle\' is always shown as \'Expanded\' when nesting elements

* Fixed bug#8378 - Validation fails if the ID of the element contains a dot (.) or a
colon (:)

* Fixed bug#8847 - Inline PGP message description routine does not add any info, thanks
to IB Development Team.

* Fixed bug#8848 - AgentTicketEmail does not preserve PGP Signatures set if attachment
is added.

* Fixed bug#8149 - Wrong handling of subject when SubjectFormat=right.

* Updated Polish translation, thanks to Pawel!

* Fixed bug#8820 - Service rcotrs restart fails because a race condition happens.

* Fixed bug#8819 - Syntax error (stop crontab command) in SuSE rc script.

* Removed auto cleanup of expired sessions in CreateSessionID() to improve the scalability
of the hole system.

* Fixed bug#8667 - TicketSplit does not use QueueID of old Ticket for ACL Checking.

* Fixed bug#8780 - 508 Compliance: Text descriptions of \"Responsible Tickets\"
and \"Locked Tickets\" links are insufficient for screen reader users.

* Fixed bug#8812 - Encrypted email doesn\'t see properly in Outlook.

* Fixed bug#8214 - OTRS Init script on Red Hat fails to check scheduler.

* Fixed bug#8850 - Cron missing as RPM dependency on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

* Fixed bug#7274 - Ticket QueueView sorts by priority on first page but subsequent
pages sort incorrectly by Age.

* Fixed bug#8792 - TriggerEscalationStopEvents logs as loglevel \'error\'.

* Fixed bug#8743 - creates To, CC, BCC filelds without
spaces after comma.

* Fixed bug#8606 - Escalation notifications should not be sent to agents who
are set out-of-office.

* Fixed bug#8740 - insufficient handling of system() return values.

* Fixed bug#8622 - Storing a new GI Invoker or Operation with an existing name doesn\'t
complain anything.

* Fixed bug#8770 - AJAX Removes Default Options (follow-up fix).

* Improved caching for Services and Service Lists.
- Update ITSM to 3.1.7
- News

* In AgentTicketZoom the service and the sla are now shown as links
to the service zoom / sla zoom screens.

* Updated Polish translation, thanks to Pawel!

* Added feature in bin/ script to delete
config items by class together with the deployment state.

* Added CustomerCompany field type that allows to link CI\'s with
Customer Companies registered in OTRS.

* Enhanced Import/Export screen to show a summary after importing.

* Added new optional sysconfig option to check if config item names
are unique.

* Added attachment support for ITSM config items. This will replace
the OTRS FeatureAddOn OTRSCIAttachment. Please uninstall this
FeatureAddon BEFORE you upgrade to OTRS::ITSM 3.1.7
(no attachment data will be lost)!
- Bug Fixes

* Bug# 5928 - Print PDF: Newline not interpreted.

* Bug# 8723 - Setting the planned start and planned end time to the same value causes an error.

* Bug# 8785 - Poor performance of ServiceGet with many child services.

* Bug# 8626 - AgentTicketAddtlITSMField, Ticket states set to first state after reload.

* Bug# 8852 - No Impact and Criticality in CustomerTicketZoom.

* Bug# 7786 - Search by \"type\" not displaying correct results from page 2 on.

* Bug# 8804 - Reorder of workorders based on actual startime.

* Bug# 8686 - CI-Search can not handle > 1000 CIs per class

* Bug# 8863 - Problem with ChangeManagement DropDowns in Conditions Mask.

* Bug# 8834 - Broken changes created from template when no time offset.

* Bug# 8830 - CI version header should be clickable in all columns.

* Bug# 8613 - Wrong date if a workorder has been created from a template.

* Bug# 8881 - Searching for a config item number = 0 or a config item
name = 0 (without wildcards) finds results where it should not.

* Bug# 8882 - Error message from ToolBarMyCAB.

* Bug# 8614 - Update agent notification doesn\'t contain agent name.

* Bug# 8615 - Notification not sent for ChangeStateUpdate to pending PIR.

* Bug# 7508 - Autocomplete uses milliseconds rather than seconds.
- rebase perm patch
- fix changes file

Thu Nov 22 13:00:00 2012
- fix for bnc#790729 (typo in

Thu Oct 25 14:00:00 2012
- fix for bnc#791014 (CVE-2012-4751)
- Update to 3.1.11:
( fix for OSA-2012-03,
- Fixed bug#8770 - AJAX Removes Default Options.
- Fixed bug#7135 - Queueview, Ticketwindow closing on Refresh.
- Fixed bug#7294 - Ticket search window closes on background
refresh of ticket queue.
- Fixed bug#8765 - Package Manager OS detection does not work.
- Improved HTML security filter to better find javascript source
- Fixed bug#8575 - SSL protocol negotiation fails using SMTPTLS
with recent IO::Socket::SSL versions by upgrading TLS module to
- Fixed bug#4475 - Extra double quote added to HTML links when
using http-link field.
- Improved caching of search results when the result set is empty.
- Rebase otrs-perm.patch.

Mon Sep 10 14:00:00 2012
- fix for bnc#778655 (CVE-2012-4600)
- update to 3.1.10
(fix for OSA-2012-02,

* Improved HTML security filter to detect tag nesting.

* Bug#8611 - Ticket count is wrong in QueueView.

* Bug#8698 - only looks at first entry from
HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE to determine language.

* Bug#8731 - LDAP group check returns wrong error.
- fix License: AGPL-3.0 -> AGPL-3.0+

Wed Aug 22 14:00:00 2012
- fix for bnc#776966 (CVE-2012-2582)
- update to 3.1.9
(fix for OSA-2012-01,

* HTML mails will now be displayed in an HTML5 sandbox iframe. This
means that modern browsers will not execute plugins or JavaScript
on the content any more. Currently, this is supported by Chrome
and Safari, but IE10 and FF16 are also

* HTML mails will now be displayed in the restricted zone in IE.
This means that more restrictive security settings will apply,
such as blocking of JavaScript content by default.

* Bug#8360 Cannot search for tickets by dynamic fields via SOAP.

* Bug#8697 Time related restrictions in TicketSearch operator
(GenericInterface) not working.

* Bug#8685 - Cannot use address book / customer / spell check in
phone / email if cookies are disabled. (partly fixed)

* Bug#8682 - linking search conditions with && in Customersearch
is not working since Update from 3.1.1 to 3.1.7.

* Bug#8683 - Cannot create dynamic field if cookies are disabled.

* Bug#8672 - Search Profile can\'t have an ampersand in the name via
Toolbar module.

* Bug#8619 - The UPGRADING file has incorrect patchlevel upgrade

* Bug#6882 - Dummy field set first child to the very right in edit

* Bug#8680 - Bulk action fails if cookies are disabled.
- Update ITSM to 3.1.6

* HTML mails will now be displayed in an HTML5 sandbox iframe. This
means that modern browsers will not execute plugins or JavaScript
on the content any more. Currently, this is supported by Chrome
and Safari, but IE10 and FF16 are also

* HTML mails will now be displayed in the restricted zone in IE.
This means that more restrictive security settings will apply,
such as blocking of JavaScript content by default.

* Bug# 6329 - Type => \'Dummy\' not shown in AgentITSMConfigItemZoom.
- rebase perm patch

Tue Aug 7 14:00:00 2012
- update to 3.1.8

* Updated Greek translation file, thanks to Maistros Stelios!

* Improved robustness of HTML security filter: Detect masked
UTF-7 < and > signs.

* Added config option for ticket permission in the escalation view.

* Fixed bug#8675 - Kernel::GenericInterface::Mapping doesn\'t provide
a ConfigObject.

* Fixed bug#8660 - Duplicate DF X-Headers in PostMaster module.

* Fixed bug#8647 - \"-S\" option does not

* Fixed bug#8616 - Spell Checker does not work using IE9.

* Fixed bug#8568 - IMAPTLS - More than one email at one cron run will
not work.

* Added bug#8627 - bin/ Script to add
standard responses to queues.
Thanks to Oliver Skippe AATT CIPHRON GmbH.

* Fixed bug#8607 - otrs service fails in 3.1.7 on SUSE linux.

* Increased cache TTL of some core modules to improve performance.

* Fixed bug#8620 - Using a default queue in the customer interface
causes database error on PostgresSQL if ACLs are used.

* Fixed bug#8618 - Inform and Involved Agents select boxes can not
be resizable.

* Fixed bug#8558 - GenericInterface: response isn\'t valid UTF-8

* Added bug#7039 - bin/ script to add services
from the command line.

* Made display of pending time consistent with escalation time

* Fixed bug#8230 - Invalid Challenge Token when creating ticket out
of hyperlinks.
- The detailed ChangeLog can be found at:
- Update ITSM to 3.1.5:

* Bug# 8581 - No CI Table visible in AgentITSMConfigItem when too
many CI Classes are available.

* Bug# 8550 - Date and DateTime attributes only have hard-coded
values for 10 years past and future.

* Bug# 8602 - Criticality and Impact fields are empty in ticket
overview and ticket print

* Bug# 8176 - Due Date translation issue in

* Bug# 8617 - ITSMConfigItemDelete fails with very large number of

* Bug# 8628 - Manually disabled ticket types from
ITSMIncidentProblemManagement package get enabled again on package

Tue Jun 26 14:00:00 2012
- update to 3.1.7
Bug#8593 - Wrong description for \'Agent Notifications\' on Admin
Bug#8587 - Typo in French translation.
Bug#7879 - Broken Content-Type in forwarded attachments.
Bug#8583 - Unneeded complexity and performance degradation
creating Service Lists (Replacement for bug fix 7947).
Bug#8580 - SQL warnings for CustomerCompanyGet on some database
Bug#8251 - Defect handling of invalid Queues in AJAX refresh.
Bug#8574 - Perl special variable $/ is changed and never restored.
Bug#8337 - Parentheses in user last_name / first_name are not
sanitized (follow-up fix).
Bug#8575 - Assignment of users does not work for responsible or
owner permission in AgentTicketPhone.
Bug#7872 - \"Created\" date in Large view is actually Last Updated
Bug#8457 - Paste on a newly created ckeditor instance does not
work on webkit based browsers.
Bug#8565 - Exportfile action from is broken.
Bug#8458 - $OTRS_SCHEDULER -a start missing from /etc/init.d/otrs
after update.
Bug#8139 - SUSE RPM has no dependency on Date::Format perl module.
Bug#8544 - Hovering ticket title is still shortened.
Bug#8553 - Agent notifications can\'t be loaded from the database
in some scenarios.
Bug#8383 - Email address in \'To\' field is lost after second
reload if address is not in customer database.
Bug#8549 - \"Need User\" warning in error log when creating a ticket
for a customer not in DB.
Bug#8546 - LinkObject Type is not translated in ticket zoom.
Bug#7533 - SQL error if body contains only a picture.
Bug#2626 - Default Service does not work for \"unknown\" customers.
You can use the new setting
\"Ticket::Service::Default::UnknownCustomer\" to specify if unknown
customers should also receive the default services.
Bug#8481 - Dynamic Fields lost after ticket move to another queue
(using quick move Dropdown).
- The detailed ChangeLog can be found at:
- added missing optional deps (bin/

* Recommends:

* Suggests:

Tue Jun 19 14:00:00 2012
- fix permission (750,wwwrun,www) for module

* SystemMonitoring (bin/

* Survey (bin/

Mon Jun 11 14:00:00 2012
- cleanup source, spec

* - remove \'permissions\' stuff
- fix changes file

Tue Jun 5 14:00:00 2012
- update to 3.1.6

* Bug#8495 - Generic Agent TicketAction single value attributes
should not let multiple selection.

* Bug#8378 - Validation fails if the ID of the element contains a
dot (.) or a colon (:).

* Bug#7532 - \'Field is required\' message should be removed in RTE if
content is added.

* Bug#8514 - Long words in description break rendering of SysConfig

* Bug#8537 - DynamicField caching issue.

* Bug#8482 - Responsible of a ticket without responsible permission.

* Bug#8485 - CustomerUser validation fails in GI Ticket Operations
if there is no ValidID in the mapping.

* Bug#8529 - Fixed print to STDERR in

* Bug#8427 - Dynamic Field Type Multiselect not shown in Notification

* Bug#8189 - AgentTicketCompose: Pressing \"Enter\" will delete

* Bug#7844 - Escalation Event does not respect service calendar of

* Bug#8228 - Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote###StateDefault
doesn\'t work.

* Bug#8519 - Kernel::System::TicketSearch->TicketSearch() doesn\'t
properly handle array references in SortBy parameter

* Bug#7519 - AJAX-reload of SMIME-fields did not work properly.

* Bug#8518 - Crypt on multiple recipients error replaces Crypt

* Bug#8164 - Internal articles are visible within customer ticket

* Bug#8506 - Customer email link won\'t open in popup as expected.

* Bug#7844 - Escalation Event does not respect service calendar of

* Bug#8498 - OpenSSL 1.0.0 does not get the stored SMIME
certificates when -CApath is used in the command.

* Bug#8337 - Parentheses in user last_name / first_name are not

* Bug#8467 - Reply to an e-mail address with \' not possible.

* Bug#8352 - Wrong substitution regex in>ToAscii.

* Bug#8401 - DynamicField Update doesn\'t update the
X-OTRS-DynamicField-XXX Fields in Postmaster Filters.

* Bug#5746 - Using PerlEx you have to restart IIS each time a setting
is changed in SysConfig.

* Bug#8452 - Dynamic Field Date/Time not working when server runs on
- The detailed ChangeLog can be found at:
- Update ITSM to 3.1.4:

* Bug#8479 - Change and workorder notification records are not
deleted during module uninstallation.

* Bug#8484 - Can\'t create cache for Change Management Toolbar
Modules on win32 platform.

* Bug#8453 - Saved time in ITSMChangeManagement screens adds UTC

* Bug#8487 - Usage of event.stopPropagation() causes javascript
error in IE8.

* Bug#8488 - Change search should require at least one search

* Bug#8507nbsp;- Font size is ignored for text if input is made in
certain order.

* Bug#8515 - Search icon shows the ticket search instead of the
change search when the current screen is the workorder zoom.

* Bug#8521 - Back-Link in Workorder-Zoom returns to the previous
page, but does not reload the page
(the page comes from the browser cache).

* Bug#8538 - AgentTicketZoom does not show \"Review Required\" Field.

Wed May 16 14:00:00 2012
- fix itsm sources

* dos2unix INSTALL-3.1.ITSM

* readd packages30

* readd packages31/
- fix itsm deps
- remove/disable permissions file stuff
- exclude bin/
- fix perl deps

* use module names, not pkg names

Wed May 16 14:00:00 2012
- Update to 3.1.5:
- Updated Hungarian translation, thanks to Csaba Nemeth!
- Added possibility to specify a cache type for selective cache
cleaning in bin/otrs.DeleteCache.
- Added possibility to define ACL rules by user role.
- Bug#8466 - On Win32 GenericInterface does not return results
- Bug#8465 - Can\'t create cache for web service debug log on Win32
- Bug#7919 - Translation of ticket states in CSV Export of
- Bug#8461 - CustomerTicketSearch doesn\'t use ticket ACL rules.
- Bug#7877 - SMIME emails don\'t get parsed properly (follow-up
- Bug#8446 - Dynamic Field type TextArea missing > 3800 characters
- Bug#8447 - Checkbox Dynamic Field is incorrectly calculated in
- Bug#8328 - Statistics ignores any restrictions on dynamic fields.
- Bug#8439 - AgentTicketForward: ticket not unlocked after selecting
a close state.
- Bug#7168 - Ticket Overview Control Row can only be one line high.
- Bug#8437 - Dynamic Field order duplicated when change the order
of a field.
- Bug#8409 - Deselecting \'select all\' in queue view does not work.
- Bug#8424 - Ticket articles of large tickets cannot be opened.
- Bug#8415 - Setting Ticket::Responsible ignored by AgentTicketActionCommon.
- Bug#8288 - Autocomplete search results show up in Times font when
using Internet Explorer.
- Bug#8414 - ACL for AgentTicketCustomer in AgentTicketZoom doesn\'t
affect CustomerID link in ticket information.
- Updated CKEditor to version 3.6.3, fixing several bugs.
- Bug#8369 - Incorrect handling of Ticket ACL in AJAX Updates.
- Update ITSM to 3.1.3:
- Added Portuguese translations for Portugal, thanks to Rui
- Small performance improvement when creating a change from a
- Bug# 8261 - Bad performance when moving timeslot in
- Bug# 8265 - Error in ITSM Incident Problem Management statistics.
- Bug# 8302 - CI class names are not translated in
- Bug# 8303 - Wrong charset for
- Bug# 8293 - Cannot delete change search profile.
- Bug# 8362 - Change-Delete menu link is visible for other
group members than itsm-change-manager.
- Bug# 8366 - Number of SQL statements could be decreased when
deleting a change.
- Bug# 8386 - Change Mangement Toolbar Modules could use caching
to reduce the number of SQL statements.
- Bug# 8396 - Dynamic Field creation problem on migrated framework.
- Bug# 8305 - Possible SQL injection problem in change search.

Tue Apr 24 14:00:00 2012
- update to 3.1.4

* Bug#8284 - The text \"Cc: ( added database email!\" is confusing.

* Bug#8392 - DynamicFieldAdd returns wrong value.

* Bug#8387 - UseSyncBackend configuration does not conform to OTRS style.

* Bug#8367 - Customer entry not marked as mandatory.

* Bug#8348 - Wrong pop-up close behavior when no URL is given and SessionUseCookie is set to No.

* Bug#8346 - Incoming phone calls trigger NewTicket notification, even for existing tickets.

* Bug#8353 - Small typo in print CSS.

* Bug#8370 - AgentTicketForward does not set pending date for pending states.

* Bug#8368 - Personal queues update is not reflected in UI.

* Bug#8363 - SOAP Transport can\'t send a value \'0\'.

* Bug#8356 - ACLs for DynamicFields does not work on AgentTicketSearch.

* Bug#8336 - broken.

* Bug#8349 - Caching breaks Admin frontend.

* Bug#7877 - SMIME emails don\'t get parsed properly.

* Disabled error message in RemoveSessionID().

* Repaired broken cache handling in DynamicFieldList().
- The detailed ChangeLog can be found at:

* for more info please see release-notes\\
- rework permissions

* otrs_root/otrs/var/log (660,otrs,www,2775)

* otrs_root/otrs/bin (750,root,www,755)
- rework README files

* add some usefull mysql info
- fix init

* on \'start\', start scheduler if not already running
- add missing bin_files

- fix sysconfig file

* do not use (hostname -f)

Wed Apr 4 14:00:00 2012
- update to 3.1.3

* Bug#8343 - Configuration of additional modules can be lost during

* Renamed form id in AgentLinkObject.dtl to make sure it doesn\'t
interfere with wrong CSS.

* Bug#8333 - Type option \'-\' should not be available in
ActionTicketCommon screens.

* Bug#8331 - Unable to delete ticket with > 1000 articles on Oracle

* Bug#8335 - Cache keys are not always properly constructed.

* Dynamic fields and associated values can now be deleted in the
admin area.

* Do not show the empty item in dynamic field search fields.

* Fixed an issue where would die because of
certain free text or free time configuration settings.

* Bug#8334 migration fails if FreeTime fields are not in use.

* Bug#8320 - IMAP FLAGS (\\Seen \\Recent) are appended to article body
by upgrading bundled Net::IMAP::Simple to version 1.2030.

* Bug#8286 - Adressbook forgets selected entries.

* Bug#8297 - Selectbox for new owner causes ajax update on every
change made via keyboard.

* Bug#7545 - AgentTicketBounce lacks permission checks.
- The detailed ChangeLog can be found at:

* for more info please see release-notes\\
- rebase perm patch
- add permissions file

Mon Mar 12 13:00:00 2012
- update to 3.1.2

* Bug#8282 - Dropdown and Multiselect Dynamic Fields without Possible values
causes errors with LayoutObject BuildSelection function.

* Bug#8277 - DynamicField values not deleted when ticket is deleted.

* Bug#8274 - Dynamic Fields ACLs does not work correctly at Ticket Split.

* Improved#7526 - Fixed handling of special characters (, ), &, - within statistics.

* Bug#8255 - TicketSearch in DynamicFields doesn\'t support ExtendedSearchCondition.

* Bug#8258 - DynamicField date value is reset to NULL.

* Bug#8214 - OTRS Init script on Red Hat / SUSE fails to check scheduler.

* Bug#8227 - LDAP user syncronisation doesn\'t work.

* Bug#8235 - Searching on DynamicFields, results are lost on next page.

* Bug#8252 - Small typo in German translation of AgentTicketZoom.

* Bug#8226 - Problem with Customized DynamicFields in TicketOverviewSmall.

* Bug#8233 - DB error migrating stats on Oracle.

* Bug#8224 - Admin Responses screen does not allow to filter responses.

* Bug#7652 - OpenSearch providers are served with wrong mime type. Follow-up fix.

* Bug#8140 - Shortcut for creating new e-mail ticket doesn\'t work. The hotkey
for \"new email ticket\" was changed from e to m to avoid a collision.

* Bug#8144 - Typo and improved logging in

* Bug#8183 - Canceling AgentTicketCompose on an unlocked ticket generates
ChallengeToken error.

* Bug#8219 - TicketCreate and TicketUpdate ticket operations in the
GenericInterface require a valid CustomerUser.

* Bug#8201 - Popup in browser always open on leftmost display when using
dual monitor setup.

* Bug#8202 - Kernel::System::JSON->Decode() dies when providing malformed JSON.

* Bug#8211 - Typos in Labels: DYNAMICFILED can cause internal server errors.

* Bug#7109 - Statistics error when PDF support is not active.
- The detailed ChangeLog can be found at:

* for more info please see release-notes\\
- fix post

* add if suse_version around a2enmod

Tue Feb 28 13:00:00 2012
- update OTRS::ITSM to 3.1.2

* for more info please see\\
- fix usermod (-d)
- fix post (FIRST_ARG)

Thu Feb 23 13:00:00 2012
- rework docs

* updated otrs.README files

* updated itsm.README files

* add UPGRADING.SuSE to doc

* fix docs destinations
- otrs/-itsm now has COPYING and needed README

* remove obsolete docs from doc
- rpmlintrc

* addFilter(\'files-duplicate /srv/otrs/Kernel/\')

* addFilter(\'files-duplicate /srv/otrs/Kernel/Config/\')
- fix itsm deps

Mon Feb 20 13:00:00 2012
- add init scripts

* otrs, otrs-scheduler

* remove init patch
- rework sysconfig file

Tue Feb 14 13:00:00 2012
- update to 3.1.1

* Fixed bug#8199 - Linked tickets open only in tabs.

* Fixed bug#8148 - Wrong presentation of queue structure in

* Fixed bug#8137 - Issues with Owner list refresh when selecting
a new Owner.

* Fixed bug#8180 - bin/ exit code is wrong.

* for more info please see CHANGES file\\
- update OTRS::ITSM to 3.1.1

* for more info please see\\
- rebase patches

* perm, httpd_conf patch
- rework init patch
- update to reflect new versions (ITSM)
- update sysconfig file
- remove INSTALL from doc

Fri Dec 2 13:00:00 2011
- Fix wrong tests in init script;
- Fix permissions in bin to properly functioning of cron tasks;
- Fix sysconfig variable for OTRS_CLEANUP;
- Refresh all patches with -p0.

Fri Nov 18 13:00:00 2011
- update to 3.0.11
o several OTRS bug fixes (
for more info please see CHANGES file

Fri Sep 2 14:00:00 2011
- update to 3.0.10
o several OTRS bug fixes (
for more info please see CHANGES file
- update OTRS::ITSM to 3.0.5
o for more info please see
- rpmlint:

* incorrect-fsf-address,

Sat Jul 16 14:00:00 2011
- fix fdupes
o not on Kernel dir, cause of config files

Sat Jul 9 14:00:00 2011
- update to 3.0.9
o several OTRS bug fixes (
for more info please see CHANGES file
- update OTRS::ITSM to 3.0.4
o for more info please see
- rebase httpd_conf patch
- fix rpmlint (Files listed twice)
- update description (License: AGPL)

Sun Jun 19 14:00:00 2011
- update to 3.0.8
o several OTRS bug fixes (
for more info please see CHANGES file

Sun May 22 14:00:00 2011
- update to 3.0.7
o several OTRS bug fixes (
for more info please see CHANGES file
- update OTRS::ITSM to 3.0.3
o for more info please see
- reworked init patch
o removed 2.4.7-init
o added 3.0.7-init
- move /opt to /srv
o add 3.0.7-httpd_conf patch
o updated
- sysconfig.otrs
- itsm.README.{de,en}
- spec mods
o add macro {otrs_root}
o macro usage
o wrong-file-end-of-line-encoding
- do not overwrite Kernel/
* on update
- rework dir/file permissions
o remove sbits from var/{article,log}
o add 3.0.7-perm patch (no check_permission on /bin/)

Sat May 7 14:00:00 2011
- update to 2.4.10
(fix for OSA-2011-01,
- 2011-03-23 Updated Brazilian Portugese translation, thanks to
Murilo Moreira de Oliveira!
- 2011-03-18 Added required settings for oracle databases in
- 2011-03-07 Fixed bug#6014 - Printed pdf tickets are not searchable.
- 2011-02-17 Fixed bug#6906 - Vendor URL points to Basename+URL
instead of URL.
- 2011-01-25 Event Based notification - respect \"Include Attachments
to Notification\".
- 2010-12-17 Fixed bug#6510 - Signature ID missing.
- 2010-12-14 Fixed bug#6532 - With multiple inline images, only
first one is preserved when replying.
- 2010-12-13 Fixed bug#6520 - doesn\'t backup with strong
- 2010-12-09 Fixed bug#6488 - creating
wrong files.
- 2010-12-09 Fixed bug#3984 - HTML Notifications - Links to
ticketsystem are not clickable.
- 2010-12-02 Fixed bug#6366 - gnupg signatures not working correct
for partly signed messages.
- 2010-11-29 Fixed bug#5981 - Warnings from TransfromDateSelection()
in AgentTicketMove.
- 2010-11-23 Fixed bug#6131 - Lack of warning for revoked and expired
PGP keys in email compose screens.
- 2010-11-04 Fixed bug#6211 - Wrong TicketFreeText-value in ticket
creation by using event notifications.
- 2010-11-02 Email.ticket: wrong signature is shown.
- 2010-10-26 Improved German translation, thanks to Stelios Gikas!
- 2010-10-13 Fixed some Perl \"uninitialized value\" warnings.
- 2010-10-12 Fixed bug#6087 - Search template name is broken if
& or ; is used.
- update OTRS::ITSM to 2.1.3

* Added persian translation for Change Management, thanks to Masoud

* Bug# 6908 - Uninstalling the Change Management module and
installing it again does not delete the cache.

* Bug# 6918 - Search for changes between 12.2. and 13.2. does not
find changes terminated for the 12.2. at 00:00.

* Bug# 6989 - Missing condition check while Workorder deletion if
condition is not valid.

* Bug# 7067 - Condition Edit screen does not store the number zero
0 for value fields.

* Bug# 7069 - Condition Operator \"Less Than\" recognizes equal
values as less than.

* Bug# 7068 - Can not use number zero 0 or numbers with a decimal
point in condition expressions with compare operator \"less than\"
or \"greater than\".

* Bug# 7070 - Can not use negative numbers in condition expressions
with compare operator \"less than\" or \"greater than\".

* Bug# 7131 - Limiting CI classes is not fully respected when
linking CIs.

* Bug# 7065 - !ConfigItemDelete function doesn\'t delete link
relations before deleting CIs.

* Bug# 7196 - Not possible to set the workorder agent to \"empty\"
in an action.

Thu Mar 3 13:00:00 2011
- update OTRS::ITSM to Version 2.1.2

* Added persian translation for Change Management, thanks to
Masoud Ramezani

* Bug# 6164 - Change and Workorder actual start time is not reset
when a template has been used.

* Bug# 6148 - Link of FreeText fields in Change Management not working.

* Bug# 6074 - Change print does not translate states in HTML output.

* Bug# 6534 - Calculated current incident state of a service is
not reset if a link to a CI is removed.

* Bug# 6571 - Conditions are executed before history entry is written.

* Bug# 6632 - Unittest shows error log message: Argument
\"\\x{35}\\x{2c}...\" isn\'t numeric in numeric eq (==).

* Bug# 6161 - Can\'t locate object method \"EventHandlerInit\" issues
on mod_perl environments.
- cleanup spec
o removed (obsolete) version from header
o updated (c) 2011
o removed norootforbuild

Tue Dec 14 13:00:00 2010
- update to 2.4.9
- 2010-09-30 Fixed bug#6016 - AgentTicketZoom is vunerable to XSS
attacks from HTML e-mails. (OSA-2010-03)
- 2010-09-22 Fixed bug#5903 - E-mail notification links don\'t
contain - 2010-09-29 Fixed bug#6030 - Event notifications get\'s fired
several times on event \"TicketFreeTextUpdate\".
- 2010-09-22 Fixed bug#5941 - Error in Apache log when no tickets
and/or customers in dashboard.
- 2010-09-14 Fixed bug#5541 - Dashboard Chart generates error in
webserver log.
- 2010-09-09 Fixed bug#5462 -
Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketEscalationIndexBuild() does not
invalidate the cache.
- (2010/08/27) Fixed bug#5667 - Rich Text is not working in ipad.
It\'s not possible to add a note or close a ticket.
- (2010/08/25) Fixed bug#5266 - Ticket Zoom shows wrong html
content if there is no text but two html attachments in there.
- update OTRS::ITSM to Version 2.1.1
o updated, README.{de,en}
- License is AGPLv3

Mon Dec 13 13:00:00 2010
- fix for bnc#640830
o OSA-2010-02
- submit to openSUSE:11.3:Update:Test

Fri Oct 22 14:00:00 2010
- Remove comparison of %suse_version against suse releases that are
no longer in maintenance.

Wed Sep 29 14:00:00 2010
- update to version 2.4.8
- (2010/08/20) Fixed bug#5742 - Outgoing email link detection does not work properly.
- (2010/08/18) Fixed bug#5444 - TicketZoom mask vulnerable to XSS.
- (2010/08/09) Fixed bug#5698 - Ticket Assignment includes \'(\' character.
- (2010/07/20) Fixed bug#4483 - AgentTicketActions, set radio button when select
old/ new owner are selected, fix wrong javascript behavior.
- (2010/07/15) Fixed bug#5416 - AgentTicketMove does not support Pending Date.
- (2010/07/15) Fixed bug#5556 - Broken unicode chars in CustomerUser selections.
- (2010/07/14) Fixed bug#5132 - New owner validation always ask to set a owner.
- (2010/07/13) Fixed bug#5210 - LinkQuote consumes all CPU memory when processing a
large amount of data.
- (2010/07/13) Fixed bug#5550 - Broken linebreaks in textareas of Google Chrome.
- (2010/07/07) Fixed bug#5541 - Dashboard Chart generates error in webserver log.
- (2010/07/01) Fixed bug#5512 - Bulk Action No Access is displayed incorrectly.
- (2010/06/25) Updated Danish translation, thanks to Jesper Rønnov,
Faaborg-Midtfyn Kommune!
- (2010/06/24) Fixed bug#5445 - Reflected XSS vulnerability.
- (2010/06/16) Fixed bug#5488 - AutoPriorityIncrease runs into failures.
- (2010/06/16) Fixed bug#5478 - Web Installer has \'editable\' license text.
- (2010/05/31) Fixed bug#5385 - Queue name is not used in signature on ticket
- (2010/05/28) Fixed bug#5235 - Link in response not shown as link.
- (2010/05/28) Added PNG version of data model in doc directory.
- (2010/05/28) Fixed bug#5395 - Function $LanguageObject->Time() can\'t process
- (2010/05/25) Fixed bug#5397 - Response not converted to Ascii when Rich Text
Editor is disabled.
- (2010/05/24) Fixed bug#5383 - Fckeditor localization not working for some
languages such as Brazilian Portuguese.
- (2010/05/07) Fixed bug#5336 - Also set execute bit on scripts/tools.
- (2010/04/30) Make it possible to use a version argument with bin/
- (2010/04/21) Fixed bug#5266 - Ticket Zoom shows wrong html content if there
is no text but two html attachments in there.
- (2010/04/15) Fixed bug#5242 - Newlines are not displayed in html notification
mails on Lotus Notes
- (2010/04/14) Fixed bug#4999 - Cache for customer user is not refreshed when
a preference is updated.
- (2010/04/13) Fixed bug#5152 - responsible_user_id in ticket table is wrong in
- (2010/04/12) Fixed bug#5108 - The RSS date was not displayed correctly.
- (2010/04/12) Fixed bug#5112 - Redirecting to a valid screen after unsubscribing
from a ticket where the agent does not have permissions on the queue.
- (2010/04/06) Fixed bug#4986 - There is no activate/deactivate check for
Graphsize menu when the page loads in Stats Definition
- (2010/04/01) Fixed bug#4786 - AgentTicketCompose ONLY: Defining a next state,
then adding and attachment, resets the next state upon screen refresh.
- (2010/03/29) Improved handling of the StateType attribute of
StateGetStatesByType() in Kernel/System/
- (2010/03/24) Fixed bug#5164 - Pending time not working if agent as an other
- (2010/03/19) Fixed bug#5094 - Bulk pending date/time do not get applied to
- (2010/03/18) Updated Ukrainian language translation, thanks to Belskii Artem!
- (2010/03/10) Fixed bug#4416 - Merge: whitespace before ticketnumber is not
- (2010/03/09) Fixed bug#5085 - Wrong colours codes in Stats::Graph::dclrs
- (2010/03/08) Fixed bug#5102 - Notification sent to OTRS instead of Customer
- (2010/03/04) Fixed bug#5044 - Missing translation in ticket history after
responsible update.
- (2010/03/02) Updated Czech translation, thanks to, s r.o. Jakub Hanus!
- (2010/02/26) Fixed bug#4137 - Follow ups to internal forwarded message marked
as customer reply.
- (2010/02/23) Updated pt_BR translation file, thanks to Fabricio Luiz Machado!
- (2010/02/22) Fixed bug#5020 - Framework version for stats export is outdated.
- (2010/02/18) Fixed bug#4969 - Event Based Notification: Body Match field
displays Subject Match value.
- (2010/02/16) Fixed bug#4967 - Can\'t locate object method \"new\" via package
error when using Perl 5.10.1.
- (2010/02/15) Fixed bug#4977 - mod_perl is not used in fedora with RPM.
- (2010/02/12) Fixed bug#4936 - Kernel::System::Main::FileWrite has race condition.
- (2010/02/11) Fixed bug#4442 - Customer search fails when there is a space
in the name.
- (2010/02/11) Fixed bug#4822 - No fulltext search with more then one word
for FAQ.
- (2010/02/10) Fixed bug#4889 - Inline images from Lotus Notes are not
displayed in ticket zoom.
- (2010/02/09) Fixed bug#4658 - Cannot delete attachment from AdminAttachment
- Recommend a few optional dependencies

Thu Jun 10 14:00:00 2010
- update to Version 2.4.7
- (2010/02/04) Fixed SQL quoting issue (see also
- (2010/02/03) Fixed bug#4937 - Accounted time per article is not
displayed in PDF print.
- (2010/02/03) Fixed bug#4848 - Issue with TicketOverView object
(does not show all tickets when moving through list)
- (2010/02/02) Fixed issue with migrating Customer Queue
notifications to Event Based when upgrading OTRS 2.3 > 2.4.
- (2010/02/01) Fixed bug#4393 - AgentTicketQueue - Small view takes
long to load. -> New solution with own config option for each
view mode (S/M/L)
Admin -> SysConfig -> Ticket -> Frontend::Agent::TicketOverview.
- (2010/01/25) Fixed bug#4818 - Removed inline image of forwarded
message gets still included.
- (2010/01/20) Fixed bug#4780 - Adding groups to a CustomerUser
fails, adding CustomerUsers to a group works.
- (2010/01/20) Fixed bug#4486 - Some preferences displayed in
AdminUser are not correct.
- (2010/01/18) Fixed bug#4770 - Attachments are stripped/not
shown from outgoing emails in some scenarios with ms exchange.
- (2010/01/15) Fixed bug#4735 - TicketFreeTime search in Customer
frontend does not work as expected
- (2010/01/15) Fixed bug#4758 - Dashboard RSS feeds doesn\'t display
XML encoded entities correctly.
- (2010/01/13) Fixed bug#4754 - Multiple tickets with a huge
POP3 Mailbox - more then 2000 email in the box
(\"Deep recursion on subroutine\").
- (2010/01/13) Fixed bug#4713 - In ticket overview, after adding
view=30 - no tickets are visible.
- (2010/01/12) Upgrade of cpan Net::IMAP::Simple from 1.17 to 1.1910
- removed obsolete nochown patch
- fixed deps
o mysql > Recommends
- rpmlint
o reworked init patch
- mysql > Should-Start
- added missing Short-Description
o spec
- wrong-file-end-of-line-encoding
- added BuildReq dos2unix
o rpmlintrc
- non-executable-script
- hidden-file-or-dir
- update OTRS::ITSM to Version 2.0.2
- updated SOURCES
- fix update of
o remove noreplace

Thu Jun 10 14:00:00 2010
- bnc#613158 - nothing provides perl-Msql-Mysql-modules
o fixed deps perl-Msql-Mysql-modules > perl-DBD-mysql

Mon Feb 1 13:00:00 2010
- update to Version 2.4.6
o Bug# 4433 - When composing an email answer, StateDefault is
ignored but first available state is used.
o Bug# 4584 - Auto response did not use defined \'From\' address,
but instead the queue address.
o Bug# 4551 - GenericAgent appends leading zeros to months for
dates in search criteria when TimeInputFormat is set to
\"Input\" when editing GenericAgent jobs.
o Bug# 4435 - In-line images in quoted replies break in some
scenarios like AgentTicketCompose and AgentTicketForward.
o Bug# 4486 - Language and Out-of-Office information displayed
in the admin interface for user management were not correct
(but in the user preferences this worked fine).
o Bug# 4482 - Owner update is possible without selecting a new owner.
o Bug# 4246 - Response Templates fail to populate when original
emails had tags spanning more than one line, for
instance from Windows Mail clients.
o Bug# 4613 - Umlauts in notification messages and e-mail
answers were replaced with \"?\" when using ArticleStorageFS
config option as attachment storage backend.
o Bug# 4498 - Rich Text Editor places whitespace in front
of lines in plain text email body.
o Bug# 4128 - Signature line breaks are stripped in E-mail
ticket if the Rich Text Editor is disabled.
o Bug# 4319 - After upgrade to 2.4, when composing an answer
to old tickets the text \'No quotable message\' appeared
instead of the old message text.
o Bug# 4464 - Spell checker (WYSIWYG + ispell) can\'t check
text if it contains http:// links.
o Bug# 4454 - scripts/ threw EncodeObject error
and failed to work.
o Bug# 4232 - Spell checker in Customer Interface gives
\"AgentSpelling not registered\" error message.
o Bug# 4704 - Package Manager: upload install fails with
\"Message: Need ContentType!\" when using Google Chrome browser.
o Bug# 4597 - Unnecessary slash in download links throws web
server errors when accessing some links in AgentTicketZoom
on Microsoft IIS webservers.
o Bug# 4361 - Umlauts in Dashboard do not display correctly
after refresh on a non-Unicode database.
o Bug# 4781 - LDAP auth with \"umlaut\" not possible with OTRS
in iso-8859-1 and utf-8 ldap directory, causing \"No UserID
found\"-messages when logging in.
- update OTRS::ITSM to Version 1.3.2
- updated SOURCES
o itsm.README.{en,de}
- some spec fixes

Thu Sep 3 14:00:00 2009
- cleanup spec
o removed #---------
o removed rel, pid
o fixed patch naming
o fixed user/group check -> getent
o fixed clean section
o fixed PreReq
- rpmlint stuff
o added rpmlintrc

* non-etc-or-var-file-marked-as-conffile
o split up pkg

* added doc
- reworked init patch
o no-reload-entry

Sun Mar 15 13:00:00 2009
- Update to new Version 2.3.4
o a lot of fixes, please see CHANGES file
o itsm.README.en
- added OTRS::ITSM 1.2.3 modules
o added to be able to install ITSM modules via local repo
see itsm.README for more info
o added apache2 restart
- new nochown patch
- renamed otrs-init.diff to otrs-init.patch
- apache2-httpd-new.include.conf is now installed as
- some rpmlint stuff

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