Changelog for
glom-lang-1.16.2-1.2.noarch.rpm :
Mon Feb 14 13:00:00 2011
- Update to version 1.16.2:
+ CSV Import: Actually preview and import the field values
+ List view: Make the retry option actually work afer entering
invalid data (bgo#167818).
+ Build: Remove the gconfmm dependency, because we don\'t use it.
- Changes from version 1.16.1:
+ Build: Fix the python module\'s filename.
- Changes from version 1.16.0:
+ Build:
- Do not use deprecated gtkmm API (requires gtkmm 2.22).
- Various small improvements
- Changes from version 1.15.2:
+ Field Formatting: Related Choices: Add a Show All checkbox, so
that the list of choices can be restricted according to the
relationship, instead of just showing all values in the related
table. This allows the Choices to be used to narrow down a
choice based on a choice in another field. (bgo#625536).
+ Allow unique fields with same name in multiple tables
+ Developer menu: Added Export Backup and Restore Backup menu
items. These use PostgreSQL\'s pg_dump and pg_restore utilities,
wrapping the dump and .glom file up in a .tar.gz.
+ Build:
- Explicitly link with libdl for Python module loading test.
- Rename the library to libglom-1-16 to be parallel-installable
with libglom-1-14.
- Adapt to the latest libgdamm API.
- Changes from version 1.15.1:
+ Uses Gnome::Gda::SqlBuilder in most places to avoid manually
building SQL query strings. This should be more robust and
+ Correct the position of \"Records / Found\" labels.
+ Find:
- Make Find mode a toggle and move it to the Edit menu.
- Fix a crash when using find mode.
+ List view:
- Don\'t add a new row when cancelling editing of a placeholder
- Don\'t allow placeholder rows to be delteted.
+ Build libglom and pyglom API documentation.
- Changes from version 1.14.5:
+ Allow unique fields with same name in multiple tables
- Changes from version 1.14.4:
+ Developer menu: Added Export Backup and Restore Backup menu
items. These use PostgreSQL\'s pg_dump and pg_restore utilities,
wrapping the dump and .glom file up in a .tar.gz.
+ Build: Explicitly link with libdl for Python module loading
- Changes from version 1.14.3:
+ Fix position of \"Records / Found\" labels.
+ List: Don\'t allow deleting placeholder rows.
+ Build: Don\'t require avahi-ui.
- Remove gconfmm-devel BuildRequires.
- Add postgrsql Requires, for pg_dump and pg_restore.
- Rename libglom-1_14_0 to libglom-1_16_0, following library name
- Call relevant macros in %post/%postun:
+ %desktop_database_post/postun because the package ships at
least one desktop file.
+ %icon_theme_cache_post/postun because the package ships themed
+ %mime_database_post/postun because the package ships a mime
type definition.
- Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation
can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage.
- Change Requires of lang subpackage to Recommends, since the
english documentation is not there anymore.
Tue Jun 15 14:00:00 2010
- Drop glom-asneeded.patch: it should have been removed with the
last change.
Mon May 10 14:00:00 2010
- Update to version 1.14.2:
+ Fix document saving (horribly broken in 1.14.1).
+ Python field calculations and button scripts:
- Test buttons now show python errors.
- Really convert the value to the field\'s type.
+ Fix a crash when showing choices in some situations.
+ Added several \"make check\" tests.
- Changes from version 1.14.1:
+ Python field calculation: Fix a crash when using some date
+ Documentation:
Build and install libglom (C++) API reference documentation
(for use by applications) and pyglom (Python) API reference
documentation (for use by Glom calculated fields and button
+ Added unit tests.
- Changes from version 1.14.0:
+ Details:
- Align widgets in neighbouring groups, making things look
generally neater (and fix a bug that made the widgets far too
+ Details and List:
Allow custom formatting of static text and buttons instead of
just fields.
+ Field Formatting:
- Add the option to use a different text color for negative
- bgo#591125: Add a horizontal alignment option, though we
still right-align numbers by default.
- Allow choices to be shown as radio buttons instead of a
drop-down combo box.
+ Many small UI improvements.
+ Field calculations and button scripts:
- Fields values may now be changed like so:
record[\"fieldname\"] = 123
- Simple navigation is posible via, for instance:
ui.show_table_details(\"artists\", 10)
where 10 is the value of the primary key in the table.
- Added ui.print_layout(), ui.print_report(report_name),
and ui.start_new_record() methods.
- Added a startup script feature, in Database Preferences.
+ Plus several important bug fixes.
Thu Apr 8 14:00:00 2010
- Add glom-asneeded.patch to fix detection of boost_python when
using -Wl,-as-needed (patch from upstream git). As a consequence
we need to launch, which triggers buildRequire
- BuildRequire postgresql-devel.
- Library version changed to 1.14 (libglom-1_14-0).
- No longer BuildRequire gnome-libs.
Tue Mar 23 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 1.13.9:
+ Field Formatting: Allow choices to be shown as radio buttons
instead of a drop-down combo box.
+ Python scripts: Added a startup script feature, in Database
+ Initial Dialog: Do not crash sometimes if cancelling the file
chooser. bgo#612303
+ Build:
- Don\'t use deprecated gtkmm API. This requires the latest
- Require the correct gtkmm and libsigc++ versions.
+ Fix the Glade file so it can be opened with the latest glade-3
(when the gtksourceview glade catalog is installed).
- Changes from version 1.13.8:
+ Details:
- Align widgets in neighbouring groups, making things look
generally neater.
- Do not make field widgets too wide, so this fits on a laptop
+ Python scripts: Added ui.print_layout(),
ui.print_report(report_name), and ui.start_new_record()
+ Fix the build with exceptions disabled.
- Changes from version 1.13.7:
+ Avoid a crash when a script navigates from a list view to
another table. Maybe avoid similar warnings/crashes when doing
normal navigation.
- Changes from version 1.13.6:
+ Python scripts:
- Fields value may now be changed like so:
record[\"fieldname\"] = 123
- Simple navigation is posible via, for instance:
ui.show_table_details(\"artists\", 10)
where 10 is the value of the primary key in the table.
+ Avoid showing %20 in the window title.
Tue Feb 23 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 1.13.5:
+ Python functions: Fix some regressions since the switch to
+ Disable broken unit tests to fix make distcheck.
+ libglom: Fix build issue for Maemo.
Thu Feb 18 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 1.13.4:
+ Glom now depends on boost::python.
+ Fix Maemo build errors
- Update to version 1.13.3:
- Relationships Overview: Avoid a crash and a warning when
closing. bgo#607938
- Import: Avoid a hang, hopefully.
- Import: Fixed out-ouf-bounds crash. bgo#607938
- New file: Allow the title to contain quotes, avoiding weird
errors. bgo#607957
- libglom:
. Improved include paths used in headers.
. Avoid crashes with invalid parameter values.
- Use Gtk::ToolPalette, requiring gtkmm 2.19.4, instead of code
copied from libegg.
- Command-line arguments: Do some checks.
- Add boost-devel BuildRequires.
Fri Jan 29 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 1.13.2:
+ Details layout: Really use the new formatting options
(horizontal alignment, foreground color and background color)
for static text items and buttons.
- Changes from version 1.13.1:
+ Details and List layouts:
- Allow custom formatting of static text and buttons instead of
just fields.
+ Field Formatting:
- Add the option to use a different text color for negative
- Add a horizontal alignment option, though we still
right-align numbers by default. bgo#591125
Thu Jan 21 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 1.12.5:
+ List View: Don\'t chop off the bottom of text when using large
fonts. bgo#607023
+ Avoid problems when entering numbers with currency suffixes
when using the C locale.
+ Windows: Install glom_1_12.pyd instead of glom.pyd. bgo#605593
+ libglom: Added NumericFormat::get_default_precision().
Sat Jan 2 13:00:00 2010
- Update to version 1.12.4:
+ Drag and drop layout:
- Fix some crashes. This feature still has some problems, so
the layout dialog is still available. bgo#599232
+ Field Definitions:
- Show the default value entry even for date fields.
+ Python calculations/scripts:
- Fix a crash when calling python functions that return dates.
+ Details layout:
- Related records layout definition: When defining drop-down
choices in the custom formatting, show the correct
- Fix a crash when specifying a static image on the layout.
+ Saving: Always add the xmlns ID to the document, to make
MIME-type detection easier.
+ Do not mark an empty string for translation. bgo#599868
+ Avoid some runtime warnings.
+ Examples: Film Manager: Add silly example data. bgo#600859
+ Windows build: Add missing libpangoft2-1.0-0.dll to the
installer. bgo#599966
+ Maemo build: Don\'t depend on libgettextpo.
+ Developer documentation:
- Correct the DTD and add a unit test to make sure it and the
examples are correct.
Fri Nov 13 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 1.12.3:
+ List: Fix zero-width columns.
+ Developer Mode: Tables, Relationships: Allow a singular title
to be specified, though it is currently only used on Maemo.
+ Windows Build:
- Builds for Windows again.
+ Build: Support Automake silent rules.
+ Maemo Build:
- Adapted for latest hildonmm API.
- AppMenu: Add \"Add\" and \"Add Related\" buttons, instead of
having + buttons in the window. This does not work perfectly
and needs some work.
- Make TextViews small initially.
- Details:
. Show the table name in the window title.
. Use PickerButtons instead of ComboBoxes.
- Widget spacing improvements to match the Maemo UI spec.
- Create a libosso D-Bus service and register it, so Glom can
run in the background like a normal Maemo application.
- Show the application and its icon in the applications menu.
Tue Oct 6 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 1.12.2:
+ Details: Choices: Actually show choices drop-down lists again,
fixing a regression in Glom 1.12.
+ Export, Import: Better handling of binary image data.
- Changes from version 1.12.1:
+ Related Records:
- Fix doubly-related records portals, such as a list of an
Artist\'s publishers (via their albums).
- Portals: Prevent use of inappropriate relationships.
+ Maemo: More work on the port to the Maemo 5 UI, using simple
separate windows.
+ Build: Fix the build with gtkmm < 2.18.
+ Refactored CSV imorter and added unit tests.
- Changes from version 1.12.0:
+ Network sharing of self-hosted databases is now off by default,
and can be enabled by the new File/Share On Network menu item.
So you will not be asked for an initial password when creating
a new file.
+ Allow field table and field anmes to use uppercase characters.
+ Import and Export: Corrected the .csv file format.
+ Related Records: Added a None navigation option.
+ Opening: When the file format is too new, actually say so.
+ libglom: Make this parallel-installable.
+ Bug-fixes from Glom 1.10.
+ Build: Removed the Bakery and libglade dependencies.
- Changes from version 1.11.2:
+ Fixed deprecated-disabled build with latest gtkmm.
+ Client-only build fixes.
+ Maemo build fixes.
+ Refactoring of .csv importing code. bgo#588233.
Wed Sep 9 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 1.11.1:
+ Really save field definition changes again. lp#394507
+ Allow table and field names to use uppercase characters.
+ Do not fail too soon when self-starting a PostgreSQL instance,
though the time to wait until PostgreSQL should be ready is
still a hard-coded number.
+ Export:
- Correct the export to use the CSV specification. lp#394894
- Don\'t open the format dialog behind the FileChooser dialog.
- Offer File overwrite confirmation. lp#393229
- Allow many fields to be added to the format at once.
+ Import:
- Handle commas inside quotes, and escaped quotes, as per the
CSV specification. lp#394894
+ Complain about unknown command-line options instead of
+ Document\'s MIME-type registration: Us an xmlns ID.
+ Related Records: Navigation option: Hide the navigation button
when the new \"None\" option is used. bgo#574360
+ Various corrections to the automatic use of ports when
+ When the file format is too new, show an error message that
actually says so.
+ Initial ldtp test scripts, to test the UI.
+ libglom:
- Add an ABI version (1.2) to the shared library and the
headers location, so we may break ABI painlessly when we need
- Remove any client-only or PostgreSQL/SQLite ifdefs, so that
libglom always offers all functionality, to avoid the need to
have multiple versions of libglom installed if you have
multiple Glom builds installed. Only the no-exceptions build
option remains, because they will never be on the same
- Remove any Maemo-specific ifdefs because libglom is non-UI.
- Fix the pkg-config .pc file.
- Avoid calling g_thread_init() twice, fixing a crash.
- Correct the headers\' installation location.
+ Build:
- Use non-recursive build and run tests during make check.
- Fix crashes in the client-only build.
- Fix the build on Maemo 5 (Fremantle).
Wed Jun 10 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 1.11.0:
+ Network sharing of self-hosted databases is now off by default,
and can be enabled by the new File/Share On Network menu item.
+ Performance improvement when first connecting to the database.
+ Fix crash if the \"Connect to Server\" dialog is cancelled and
then a document is opened.
+ Related Records:
- Allow navigation to be disabled.
- Navigation now works to alternate specified relationships.
+ Details:
- Image fields: Performance improvements and user feedback.
- Disable the Open button next to ID fields if the field is
empty. bgo#565023.
+ Requires gtkmm 2.14 rather than gtkmm 2.10.
+ Removed Bakery dependency (by including a fork of that code).
+ Removed libglade dependency (using Gtk::Builder instead).
+ Require a newer goocanvasmm.
+ Add runtime checks for the Python module.
+ libglom: Removed dependencies on UI libraries such as GTK+.
- Changes from version 1.10.1:
+ Fix crash in initial dialog, experienced on some systems.
+ Self-Hosting: Allow multiple glom instances to self-host on the
same PC, by correcting the discovery of available network ports.
+ Allow Glom to use existing database tables again (though there
is still no UI for this).
+ Restore the check for the necessary libgda provider plugin.
- Remove libbakery-devel BuildRequires (and Requires for devel
- Add gconfmm-devel and libxml++-devel BuildRequires.
Mon May 25 14:00:00 2009
- Change goocanvasmm-devel BuildRequires to libgoocanvasmm-devel.
Fri May 22 14:00:00 2009
- renamed glom-devel to libglom-devel
- changed bakery-devel to libbakery-devel in BuildRequires
Tue May 19 14:00:00 2009
- Do not use tabs, remove trailing white spaces.
- Improve summaries and descriptions.
- Add Requires to devel package: bakery-devel, glibmm2-devel,
- Add py_requires for python package.
- Split lang package.
- Do not add categories to desktop files that are already there.
Thu May 14 14:00:00 2009
- Requires: postgresql-server: glom won\'t start without it.
Wed May 13 14:00:00 2009
- Initial package, created on Community Week 1