Changelog for emacs-auctex-11.86-12.1.2.noarch.rpm :

* Sun Sep 18 2011 Remove redundant/obsolete tags/sections from specfile (cf. packaging guidelines)- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build
* Wed Oct 13 2010 Allow also to read PDF file its self to be able to generate the descriptions of those file (based on patch of Dieter Jurzitza)
* Wed Aug 11 2010 Make fix for bnc#623719 more flexible
* Sun Jul 25 2010 Package all info files.
* Wed Jul 21 2010 Update to auctex 11.86
* Parsing of LaTeX output was improved. It is now less likely that AUCTeX opens a non-existent file upon calling `TeX-next-error\'; a problem for example encountered when using MiKTeX 2.8. In addition quoted file names as emitted by MiKTeX are now supported.
* A new framework for the definition and selection of viewers was implemented. If you have customizations regarding viewers you will have to redo them in this new framework or reenable the old one. See the section on viewers in the manual for details.
* Comprehensive editing support for PSTricks was added.
* Support for various LaTeX packages was added, e.g. `tabularx\', `CJK\', and `hyperref\'.
* An easy way to switch between TeX engines (PDFTeX, LuaTeX, XeTeX, Omega) was added.
* Support for SyncTeX was added. This involves the command line options for LaTeX and the viewer.
* Folding can now be customized to use macro arguments as replacement text.
* `preview.sty\' now works with XeTeX.
* A lot of smaller and larger bugs have been squashed.
* Wed Jul 21 2010 Fix the usage of ghostscript for preview mode also switch over to faster dvipng mode which is much faster than ghostscript (bnc#623719)
* Mon Mar 17 2008 Use texlive-tools instead of lacheck
* Tue Mar 11 2008 Avoid overlong file lists use find and xargs instead
* Mon Mar 10 2008 Make it work with texlive and texlive-latex- Update to auctec 11.85 + News in 11.85
* Font locking has been improved significantly.
* The license was updated to GPLv3.
* Support for the nomencl, flashcards and comment LaTeX packages as well as the Icelandic language option of babel were added.
* Support for folding of math macros was added.
* Lots of minor bugs in features and documentation fixed. + News in 11.84
* AUCTeX has been changed in order to accommodate file names containing spaces.
* Support for folding of comments was added.
* The TeX tool bar is now available and enabled by default in plain TeX mode.
* Bug fix in the display of math subscripts and superscripts.
* Bug fix `TeX-doc\' for Emacs 21.
* There has been quite a number of other bug fixes to various features and documentation across the board.
* Sun Apr 29 2007 Fix Requires for texlive.