Changelog for
perl-Dist-Zilla-4.300009-2.1.2.noarch.rpm :
* Thu Feb 23 2012 updated to 4.300009 PruneCruft also excludes the _Inline/ directory and MYMETA.json MakeMaker has been refactored to make it easier to subclass (Thanks, Christopher J. Madsen!)
* Fri Feb 17 2012 updated to 4.300008 work around qr//m bug in 5.8.8 and earlier (thanks, Randy Stauner!) Fix to MakeMaker plugin: use separate scope for code that changes namespace, when inserting ShareDir code. (RT#74788) (Karen Etheridge)
* Thu Feb 16 2012 updated to 4.300007 Remove configs beginning with \':\' from argument list before constructing that config; fixes issue where :version was being passed to a plugin that had a strict constructor. (Karen Etheridge)
* Mon Jan 09 2012 update to 4.300006, see Changes (a lot of those)
* Wed Jun 08 2011 updated to 4.200007 always numify the version use in \"use VERSION\" in Makefile.PL
* Fri Apr 29 2011 updated to 4.200006 MakeMaker-generated Makefile.PL now only has configure_requires of 6.30 so dists can be installed on RHEL5 improve consistency and options of
*_TESTING env vars (Apocalypse) improve FileFinder-related documentation (thanks, Apocalypse) add a default file finder called :IncModules (thanks, Apocalypse) add a default file finder called :MainModule (thanks, Mateu X. Hunter) phase for named Prereqs defaults to Runtime if omitted (Jonathan Yu) extract the
*Runner role implementations from ModuleBuild to Role::BuildPL (Leon Timmermans)
* Tue Apr 26 2011 updated to 4.200005 provide actual name of releaser(s) in ConfirmRelease error message if \"dzil run\" is run without a command to run some minor refactoring in listdeps (Jon Rockway) listdeps can now skip already-met prereqs (Jesse Luehrs) authordeps now skips plugins under inc:: (Jesse Luehrs) authordeps now scans for \"; authordep\" comments
* Fri Apr 15 2011 updated to 4.200004 Add Tests for Config::MVP 2.200 changes. ( Kent Fredric ) MetaNoIndex, originally by J.T. Smith and Mark Gardner, is now included avoid test failures on systems where time zone can\'t be determined Test::DZil is now installed and available to other dist add --author to listdeps (Jesse Luehrs) better logging and error messages (Dave Rolsky, Jesse Luehrs) get abstract from main module more reliably (David Golden)
* Fri Jan 14 2011 initial package 4.200000
* created by cpanspec 1.78.03