Changelog for perl-PPIx-Regexp-0.026-2.1.2.noarch.rpm :

* Sun Feb 26 2012 updated to 0.026 Add support for \\F (fold case), added in 5.15.8.
* Thu Feb 16 2012 updated to 0.025 Tolerate leading and trailing white space around the regular expression. These are still round-trip safe, since the white space is tokenized. Make Changes file conform to CPAN::Changes, and add xt/author/changes.t to ensure continued compliance.
* Mon Dec 19 2011 updated to 0.024 Reinstate author test xt/author/manifest.t, which was clobbered shortly before the release of 0.021_10. Correct address of FSF in the version of the GPL distributed in LICENSES/Copying. Thanks to Petr Pisar for picking this up. Correct various documentation errors. The default-modifier functionality is no longer considered experimental. Don\'t initialize effective modifiers with \'^\', since that wrongly asserts that /d has been seen somewhere along the line. Implement negation of match-semantic modifiers (e.g. \'no re /u;\') by setting the relevant datum to undef. THE DEFAULT-MODIFIER FUNCTIONALITY IS EXPERIMENTAL, AND MAY BE CHANGED WITHOUT NOTICE until the next production release. Support for default modifiers. This includes:
* default_modifiers argument to new() in PPIx::Regexp, PPIx::Regexp::Tokenizer, and PPIx::Regexp::Dumper
* Public method modifier_asserted() on PPIx::Regexp, to return whether a given modifier is actually in effect. The results of the modifier() method are unchanged. THIS FUNCTIONALITY IS EXPERIMENTAL, AND MAY BE CHANGED OR REVOKED WITHOUT WARNING. Require Test::More 0.88 for installation. Eliminate all the \'eval { require ... }\' logic in favor of \'use Test::More 0.88\'. Have Makefile.PL make use of {BUILD_REQUIRES} if it is available. Fix PPIx::Regexp::Token::Whitespace->can_be_quantified() to return false. Modified tokenizer to correctly handle a back slash used as a delimiter. I believe. PPIx::Regexp::Dumper now dumps the results of ppi() if that method is present and -verbose is asserted. Corrected perl_version_introduced(): \\R is now 5.009005 (was 5.000).
* Fri May 27 2011 fix invalid requires
* Thu Mar 31 2011 update to 0.019: Various corrections to perl_version_introduced(): \\X is now 5.006 (was 5.000); \\N{name} is now 5.006001 (was 5.006); \\N{U+xxxx} is now 5.008 (was 5.006). The \\C is now parsed as a PPIx::Regexp::Token::CharClass::Simple. It was previously considered a PPIx::Regexp::Token::Literal. Ensure that \\N{$foo} parses as a Unicode literal, not a quantified \\N. The ordinal() method returns undef for this. Understand the /aa modifier, introduced with 5.13.10. Report perl_version_introduced() of 5.013010 for the new semantic modifiers when modifying the entire expression. Correct handling of interpolations like ${^foo} and $#{foo}. Override ppi() in PPIx::Regexp::Token::Interpolation to provide the proper PPI when variable names are bracketed. Properly parse bracketed variable names (I hope!), which may not be subscripted. Take account of possible \'$\' or \'AATT\' casts before a symbol in an interpolation (e.g. $$foo{bar}, which is equivalent to $foo->{bar}). Add the /a modifier to PPI::Regexp::Token::Modifiers, legal only in the (?:...) construction. This was introduced in Perl 5.13.9. When parsing an interpolation from a replacement string (rather than a regular expression), take subscripts at face value rather than trying to disambiguate them from quantifiers and character classes, which they can\'t be in this context. The PPIx::Regexp::Token::Code perl_version_introduced() method now returns the minimum Perl version (currently set to 5.000) if it is used to represent the subst-
* Mon Dec 27 2010 update to 0.015:
* added support for Perl 5.13.6 (?^...) construction
* added support for Perl 5.13.6 d, l, and u modifiers
* fixed inconsistency in perl_version_introduced() results between PPIx::Regexp::Token::Modifier and PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType::Modifier- changes from 0.014:
* recognize \\o{...} as a PPIx::Regexp::Token::Literal, with perl_version_introduced() of 5.0013003
* terminate \\0.. through \\7.. after three characters, as Perl does
* correct the PPIx::Regexp::Token::Literal ordinal() method for \'\\b\' -- as a literal, this is a back space- changes from 0.013:
* declare a parse failure if characters are found between the \'}\' and the \')\' of (?{...}) and (??{...}), and rebless the tokens to ::Unknown: Perl does not accept anything here, so I think I should not either
* whitespace tweak in the PPIx::Regexp::Dumper test output for the failures test
* replace the PPI logic in PPIx::Regexp::Token::Code with a call to $tokenizer->find_matching_delimiter(): this is actually the way Perl works, as a look at toke.c and regcomp.c makes clear
* push the perl_version_introduced() back to 5.0- changes from 0.012:
* track all the features reported as introduced (or removed) in Perl 5.010 back to Perl 5.009005, and report them as such
* report modifier /r as having been introduced in Perl 5.013002, rather than the default of 5.006- changes from 0.010_01:
* remove dependencies on Params::Util and Readonly
* parse POSIX character classes [=a=] and [.a.] as PPIx::Regexp::Token::CharClass::POSIX::Unknown, which counts as a parse failure since these are not supported by Perl- changes from 0.010: fix fatal error in PPIx::Regexp::Token::Code->ppi()- changes from 0.009: recognize s/.../.../ee as being different from s/.../.../e. In particular, the replacement portion of the former is _not_ a Perl expression: it\'s an interpolatble string, which later gets eval{}\'ed
* Wed Dec 01 2010 switch to perl_requires macro
* Wed Jul 14 2010 initial package 0.008
* created by cpanspec 1.78