Changelog for
python-ipy-0.70-3.1.2.noarch.rpm :
* Fri Nov 25 2011 license update: BSD-3-Clause SDPX format (
* Wed Mar 31 2010 Update to 0.70:
* New \"major\" version because it may break compatibility
* Fix __cmp__(): IP(\'\') and IP(\'\') are not equal
* Fix of the network \"::/0\": \"::\" instead of \"\". IPy 0.63 should fix this bug, but it wasn\'t. Aditional changes from 0.64:
* Create to fix bdist_rpm, fix by Robert Nickel- Spec file cleaned with spec-cleaner;- Building as noarch for openSUSE >= 11.2.
* Wed Aug 19 2009 Update to 0.63
* Fix formatting of \"IPv4 in IPv6\" network: IP(\'::ffff:\')- Version 0.62 (2008-07-15)
* Fix reverse DNS of IPv6 address: use \"\" suffix instead of deprecated \"\" suffix- Version 0.61 (2008-06-12)
* Patch from Aras Vaichas allowing the [-1] operator to work with an IP object of size 1.- Version 0.60 (2008-05-16)
* strCompressed() formats \'::ffff:a.b.c.d\' correctly
* Use strCompressed() instead of strFullsize() to format IP addresses, ouput is smarter with IPv6 address
* Remove check_addr_prefixlen because it generates invalid IP address
* Fri Mar 28 2008 Initial release