Changelog for evince-devel-2.28.2-0.9.1.i586.rpm :
Wed Mar 16 13:00:00 2011
- Update evince-dvi-vulnerability-again.patch to also
fix bgo#643882

Thu Feb 17 13:00:00 2011
- Add evince-dvi-vulnerability-again.patch to fix another
vulnerability in the DVI backend. Fix bnc#671064.

Mon Jan 3 13:00:00 2011
- Add evince-dvi-vulnerabilities.patch to fix CVE-2010-2640,
CVE-2010-2641, CVE-2010-2642, CVE-2010-2643. (bnc#660555).

Mon Dec 14 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.28.2:
+ bgo#601433 - Make sure view is redrawn as soon as current page
is rendered
+ bgo#599470 - Set page orientation of each page when printing
+ bgo#599468 - Preserve aspect ratio when scaling page for
+ bgo#599726 - Make series ID unique
- Changes from version 2.28.1:
+ bgo#597691 - Make sure total_num_bytes > 0 before using it in
+ bgo#597691 - Escape document URI before showing it in progress
+ Remove progress message area when document download finishes
+ bgo#593316 - Fix a crash when there are form field widgets
active during
+ bgo#595887 - Do not try to recover invalid or unneeded files
+ Updated translations.

Tue Sep 22 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.28.0:
+ bgo#570054 - Populate destination page when reloading the
+ bgo#595079 - Save images as png or jpg when the filename has no

Tue Aug 11 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.27.90:
+ Let scroll wheel change page when in non-continuous best-fit
mode (bgo#562257)
+ Show print progress information when using GtkPrintOperation
+ Don\'t show crash recovery dialog when requested file is the
only one to be recovered (bgo#578894)
+ Disable crash recovery when D-BUS is disabled (bgo#578894)
+ Grab focus on view widget after setting metadata (bgo#589300)
+ Fixes segmentation violation when print file format is empty
+ Use AM_V_GEN to make custom commands silent (bgo#585355)
+ Don\'t install schema files when building without gconf
+ Updated translations.

Tue Jul 21 14:00:00 2009
- Enable gobject-introspection support: add
gobject-introspection-devel and gir-repository BuildRequires,
pass --enable-introspection to configure.

Sun Jul 19 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.27.4:
+ Compute selections on button press for word/line selections
+ Fix several even/odd multipage issues (bgo#583429)
+ Register thumbnailing for gzip/gzip dvi files (bgo#588013)
+ Get rid of shave with AM_SILENT_RULES automake option
+ Make evince output pdf on supported printers (bgo#585442)
+ Fix build on windows
+ Determine data directory on runtime on windows
+ Fix build without GConf
+ Fix several introspection build issues (bgo#585971)
+ Updated translations.

Tue Jun 16 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.27.3:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:
- Update the hildon port
- Complete the win32 port (bgo#339172)
- Allow activate the menubar in fullscreen mode (bgo#504243)
- Do not create popup window if the annot doesn\'t have a popup
- Add tests for printer settings (bgo#583976)
- Remember and reuse \"Save a Copy...\" path (bgo#485195)
- Support for cb7 using the p7zip commands in comics backend
- Parse xml metadata to detect PDF/A documents (bgo#582206)
+ Bug fixes:
- Several build fixes and improvements
- Fix page transitions in presentation mode (bgo#583652,
- Scale according to paper size before rendering for printing
- Fix multipage even/odd printing issues (bgo#583429, #583388)
- Gracefully work with FITB destinations and friends
- Fix double to int conversion in thumbnails_get_dimensions
- Ohter bugs fixed: bgo#584617, bgo#585497
+ Updated translations.
- Add suggest for p7zip and unzip for the comics backend.

Tue May 19 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.27.1:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:
- Use GtkPrintOperation when printing for the backends that
support rendering into a cairo context (bgo#557112)
- Recover previous session when running evince after a crash
- Preliminary annotations support (bgo#315002)
- Rename Print Setup menu entry as Page Setup for consistency
with the GTK+ dialog title (bgo#581109)
- Added F3 as a find-next accelerator key (bgo#579072)
- Support the free Gna! unrar tool in comics backend
- Add evince-previewer as a separate applicaton that implements
the printing preview
+ Bug fixes:
- Fix handling of the tmp folder (bgo#582108)
- Abort dnd operations originated in the same Evince window
- Disable bouncing during scrolling (bgo#533534)
- Fix build without gconftool-2 (bgo#581441)
- Fix documentation build (bgo#579671)
- Fix error handling of broken documents (bgo#580886)
- Fix several memory leaks in comics backend (bgo#552074)
- Escape URIs for display (bgo#581064)
- Resync with libegg to remove deprecated GTK+ symbols
- Correct check for exit status of commands in comics backend
- Add -no-undefined flag for Cygwin build (bgo#580058)
- Use g_file_make_symbolic_link to create symlinks (bgo#339172)
- Delete the temp symlink created when opening a copy
- Don\'t redraw again when zoom is set more than once to the
same scale factor
- Fix print preview of empty selection (bgo#517735)
- Don\'t prevent unmounting in case the initial cwd is on an
external device (bgo#575436)
- Create and load the document based on the mime-type provided
by nautilus instead of using our own documents factory.
- Fix endianess issues in dvi and tiff backends (bgo#578433,
- Fix memory leak in tiff backend (bgo#578285)
- Fix path where accels file is saved (bgo#577500)
- Fix fading animations
- Translate the categories in the nautilus properties tab
- Other bugs fixed: bgo#539972, bgo#578436, bgo#582543
+ Updated translations.
- Suggests unrar for the comics backend.

Thu Apr 16 14:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.26.1:
+ Don\'t prevent unmounting in case the initial cwd is on an
external device (bgo#575436)
+ Create and load the document based on the mime-type provided by
nautilus instead of using our own documents factory.
+ Fix endianess issues in dvi and tiff backends (bgo#578433,
+ Fix memory leak in tiff backend (bgo#578285)
+ Fix path where accels file is saved (bgo#577500)
+ Fix fading animations
+ Translate the categories in the nautilus properties tab
+ Updated translations.

Thu Mar 26 13:00:00 2009
- use --disable-static instead of removing static libraries at %install

Mon Mar 16 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.26.0:
+ Fix compiler warning when building with -Wformat
+ Fix a crash with encrypted documents
+ Translation updates
- Remove libstdc++, scrollkeeper and texlive-bin-devel from
- Add gtk2-devel to Requires for -devel package
- Use find %{buildroot} -type f -name \"
*a\" -exec %{__rm} -fv {} +
to remove
*a files
- Don\'t package omf files twice (they are in the lang package too).

Fri Mar 6 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.25.92:
+ Show the \'jump to page\' window in the right GdkScreen
+ Make our own thumbnail when the provided one doesn\'t have the
needed size (bgo#323198, bgo#307357)
+ Reduce the restriction on the minimum size of thumbnails from
40 to 1 (bgo#323198)
+ Use GOption in thumbnailer
+ Fix saving a copy of encrypted PDF documents (bgo#566791)
+ Don\'t use g_quark_from_static_string in a loadable module
+ Use g_object_unref() instead of gdk_pixbuf_unref() in impress
backend (bgo#571707)
+ Updated translations.
- Remove -fno-strict-aliasing from CFLAGS.

Sun Feb 22 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.25.91:
+ Fix several memory leaks
+ Fix errors handling and propagation
+ Fix several translation strings in properties dialog
+ Do not resize the window on reloading (bgo#571051, bgo#304249)
+ Experimental introspection support (bgo#569083)
+ Use g_set_error_literal()
+ Other firxes for win32 (bgo#339172)
+ Make session manager code compile for win32 (bgo#339172)
+ Update totem-screensaver from totem svn to make it build for
win32 (bgo#339172)
+ Make use of GConf optional (bgo#339172)
+ Fix i18n in libdocument
+ Include gi18n-lib.h instead of gi18n.h in libs and backends
+ Updated translations.

Mon Feb 16 13:00:00 2009
- Added support for translation-update-upstream (FATE#301344).

Thu Feb 5 13:00:00 2009
- Remove BuildRequires: docbook_4.
- Merge doc package in devel package: it\'s gtk-doc, not user

Thu Feb 5 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.25.90:
+ Split API documentation into libdocument, libview and shell
+ Fix symbols conflict in impress backend (bgo#569998)
+ Add mnemonics to buttons in search bar (bgo#569212)
+ Fix a crash when printing (bgo#569328)
+ Fix --version command line option (bgo#562869)
+ Use versioned directory for backends (bgo#569082)
+ Sync EggToolbarEditor with libegg
+ Respect directory umask and setgid when saving files
+ Add libtool versioning, pkg-config files and single headers for
libdocument and libview (bgo#568224, bgo#568220, bgo#568229,
+ Remove G_OBJECT casts from g_signal_connect calls (bgo#568386)
+ Install several missing header files of libdocument and libview
(bgo#567787, bgo#567790)
+ Other bugs fixed: bgo#569120, bgo#569231, bgo#569327,
+ Translation updates

Sat Jan 31 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.25.5:
+ Move EvView specific code to a libevview library so that it can
be embbeded in other applications (bgo#567751)
+ Other improvements for embbeders (bgo#567785, bgo#567788,
+ Fix a minor typo
+ Fix the API docs build (bgo#568171)
+ Simplify drag data handling (bgo#558084)
+ Several portability issues (bgo#339172)
+ Fix mnemonic conflict (bgo#567937)
+ Other bugs fixed: bgo#567910
+ Translation updates

Fri Jan 23 13:00:00 2009
- Drop evince-2.19.92-correct-help-uri.patch: with GTK+ 2.14 or
later, upstream now uses gtk_show_uri(), which renders the makes

Fri Jan 23 13:00:00 2009
- Remove useless BuildRequires.
- Drop evince-thumbnailer-g_type_init.patch, fixed upstream.

Tue Jan 6 13:00:00 2009
- Update to version 2.25.4:
+ Show progress information when loading/saving remote files
+ Remember page setup options (bgo#525185, bgo#349102)
+ Show a confirmation dialog when there are pending print jobs
while closing the main window (bgo#480964)
+ Show progress information when printing (bgo#482770)
+ Add document URI to properties page (bgo#555376)
+ Bump glib requirement to fix build with older versions
+ Fix mime type handling
+ Fix saving images to remote locations
+ Do not try to jump to the location of the find result for every
match, but only for the first one. It makes searching really
faster. (bgo#564774)
+ Fix zip mime-type in comics backend
+ Fix several memory leaks
+ Translation updates

Sat Dec 20 13:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.25.2:

* PDF Optional content (layers) support

* The password dialog has been reworked in order to make it more
hig compliant and consistent (bgo#562496)

* Improved keyring support. Password dialog is not shown anymore
when the password is already in the keyring

* Support for monitor and reload of remote documents

* Fix opening comic documents with a wrong but valid extension

* Fix a crash when searching (bgo#558377)

* Fix several crashes when selecting text (bgo#561393)

* Use the message area instead of popup dialogs for any error and
warning messages

* Adapt to the new single-include policy (bgo#558064)

* Fix page transition in presentation mode (bgo#516749)

* Other bugs fixed: (bgo#558066)

Wed Oct 22 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.24.1:
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#556162, bgo#556264, bgo#534684, bgo#555801, bgo#554500,
bgo#552382, bgo#553369, bgo#555134
+ Fix several memory leaks
+ Translation updates

Tue Sep 23 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.24.0:
+ Use GdkAppLaunchContext when available to launch external uris
+ Use the message area to show errors when lauching external uris
instead of a popup window
+ Assume invalid uris are http uris (bgo#552071)
+ Updated translations.

Wed Sep 10 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.23.92:
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#529833, bgo#550136, and bgo#547164
+ Updated translations.

Tue Sep 2 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.23.91:
+ Use EggSMClient from libegg instead of gnome-client and remove
libgnome and libgnomeui dependencies
+ Implement document_get_page_label in tiff backend
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#549163, bgo#548653, bgo#548444, bgo#547440,
+ Start up in the right workspace when resuming a previous session
+ Fix metacity warnings shown in ~/.xsession-errors
+ Updated translations.

Fri Aug 29 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.23.6:
+ .desktop file fix (bgo#544237)
+ Updated translations.

Fri Aug 8 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.23.5:
+ A warning message is shown in the message area when the
document has no pages (bgo#171588)
+ Automaticly reload the document when the file has changed on
disk (bgo#304249)
+ Added Ctrl-Insert keybinding for copying text and Ctrl+N for
opening a copy (bgo#526523 and bgo#532239)
+ Save as action has been added as a toolbar button too
+ Primary selection is also updated when copying a link address
+ Added GtkMountOperation, copied from gtk+
+ GS code has been removed; libspectre is now required to build
the PostScript backend
+ Intercept window manager\'s fullscreen request in order to
run/stop fullscreen mode (bgo#493541)
+ 7-zip compressed commics support (bgo#532312)
+ Add Alt+Left and Alt+Right shortcuts to rotate (bgo#539972)
+ Media player keys support (bgo#539971)
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#537574, bgo#530852, bgo#530202, bgo#520290,
bgo#536883m bgo#533323, bgo#533897, bgo#533896, bgo#534493,
bgo#537535, bgo#531956, bgo#542548, bgo#542924, bgo#540950,
and bgo#542001
+ Updated translations
- Respin evince-2.19.92-correct-help-uri.patch.

Fri Jun 20 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.22.2:
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#533323, bgo#530852, and bgo#520290
+ Updated translations
- Drop an obsolete patch:

Thu May 1 14:00:00 2008
- Added evince-bnc379750-impress-parser-crashes.patch, which
fixes bnc#379750.

Thu Apr 10 14:00:00 2008
- Update to version
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#526799, bgo#526517, bgo#307087, bgo#524288,
bgo#525015, bgo#525009, bgo#521797, bgo#523069, bgo#508845,
bgo#365332, bgo#521224, and bgo#524112
+ Updated translations.

Mon Mar 17 13:00:00 2008
- Tag patches

Fri Mar 14 13:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.22.0:
+ Do not print when Escape is pressed to close printing dialog
+ Fix a crash in nautilus properties page (bgo#519679)
+ Fix a crash with transition effects (bgo#519106)
+ Fix document mime type detection (bgo#518874)
+ Fix a crash in forms (bgo#518831)
+ Fix images extraction (bgo#516237)
+ Updated translations.

Tue Feb 19 13:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.21.91:
+ Bugs fixed: bgo#512370, bgo#513934, bgo#482720, bgo#512719,
bgo#512720, bgo#512718, bgo#512771, and bgo#513203
+ Updated translations.

Tue Feb 5 13:00:00 2008
- Add evince-thumbnailer-g_type_init.patch (bnc #358405)

Thu Jan 31 13:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.21.90:
+ This release overrides document permissions by default. See for more
information about this.
+ Ghostscript interface for PostScript documents is now
deprecated and libspectre is suggested instead
+ Port to gio and drop gnome-vfs dependency
+ Scroll pages in page entry with mouse wheel (bgo#324122)
+ Automatic scrolling in context menu (bgo#323670)
+ Kinetic scrolling (bgo#4612713)
+ New plugin system for backends (bgo#351348)
+ Allow saving images in formats other than PNG (bgo#500209)
+ Add support for page transitions (bgo#458460)
+ Override document restrictions by default (bgo#382700)
+ Use up/down arrows instead of left/right (bgo#170081)
+ Reset cursor correctly (bgo#501603, bgo#509958)
+ Use GSlice to allocate memory (bgo#475972)
+ Do not limit minimum zoom factor in best fit/fit width mode
+ Use libspectre, if available, for the ps backend (bgo#317106,
bgo#499787, bgo#501235, bgo#421879, bgo#445797, bgo#443859,
bgo#486547, bgo#386005, bgo#507705)
+ Put RTL marker in recent file list (bgo#509076)
+ Put Nautilus extension in right place (bgo#505359)
+ Avoid filename quoting issues (bgo#502500)
+ Repair horizontal scrolling with shift (bgo#483412)
+ Gnome Keyring is now an optional dependency (bgo#509676)
+ Reduce memory consumption by rendering images on demand
+ Fix printing in dvi backend when filename contains white spaces
+ Other bugs fixed: bgo#502843, bgo#460658, bgo#504721, and
+ Updated translations
- Split out a -devel subpackage.

Fri Jan 25 13:00:00 2008
- Update to version 2.21.1:
+ New Features and UI Improvements:

* Use message area for notification about errors

* Some print settings for documents are stored in metadata

* Added command line option for search

* Expander with a recent documents is added to toolbar

* Egg-recent code dropped

* Djvu, dvi and comics are enabled by default

* Support for links with URI\'s like mailto (Pascal Terjan)

* Removed the shadow of the fullscreen toolbar
+ Bug fixes:

* Tiff documents were rendered with wrong colors

* Fix endless loop when zero pages per sheet is selected

* Do not jump to the first page when reloading from command

* Memory leak fix

* Fix printing with poppler splash backend

* Fix a crash when printing with the gnome-print dialog

* Warning fix

* Printing multiple pages per sheet fixes

* Respect ranges order during print

* Silently ignore unknown form fields

* Do not show the toolbar in fullscreen mode if the main
toolbar is not visible

* Give priority to form fields over images
+ Updated translations
- Remove abuild.patch
- Respin evince-2.19.92-correct-help-uri.patch and rename it to

Tue Oct 16 14:00:00 2007
- Package provides replacement for ggv and gpdf.

Thu Oct 11 14:00:00 2007
- poppler devel package names prepended by \"lib\".

Wed Oct 10 14:00:00 2007
- Remove evince-poppler-0.5.4.patch,
evince-poppler-0.5.4-ifdef-cleanup.patch, and
evince-poppler-0.5.4-ifdef-zoom-cleanup.patch, which were only
necessary to make evince build against an old version of poppler.

Mon Oct 8 14:00:00 2007
- Use binding specific poppler devel package.

Mon Oct 1 14:00:00 2007
- Don\'t use cairo rendering patch for zoom (#329047)

Tue Sep 18 14:00:00 2007
- Update to version 2.20.0:
+ Forms support broken by forgotten ifdef fix fixed
+ Fixed an issue with making a copy and xfer to different file
+ Desktop file fixes
+ Updated translations
- Respin evince-poppler-0.5.4-ifdef-cleanup.patch.

Sun Sep 16 14:00:00 2007
- Add evince-poppler-0.5.4-ifdef-cleanup.patch which augments
evince-poppler-0.5.4.patch. The original patch caused print
rendering code to be #ifdef\'ed out and overloaded the meaning of an
[#]ifdef variable (#310058))

Sat Sep 15 14:00:00 2007
- Add evince-2.19.92-correct-help-uri.patch, which lets us find our
documentation in help-bundle/.

Mon Sep 10 14:00:00 2007
- Update to version 2.19.92:
+ The poppler requirement upstream has been bumped to 0.6 (but
we continue to build against 0.5.4, so respin
+ Restart searches when reloading a document with the find bar
+ Don\'t jump to the first page when reloading a document from the
last page
+ Don\'t update visibility when changing a chrome flag
+ Make sure current-page <= end-page in continuous mode
+ Ignore outline items without a title
+ Use only drag mouse cursor during a drag op
+ Actually fix printing regressions
+ Add support for double and triple click selections
+ Updated translations.

Thu Aug 30 14:00:00 2007
- Remove perl-dont-interpolate-at-sign.patch, which was working
around a temporarily broken intltool.

Wed Aug 29 14:00:00 2007
- Update to version 2.19.4
+ The big bump in version number is due to evince now following
version numbers used by much of the rest of the GNOME project
+ Find works when findbar is hidden (Justin Blanchard)
+ Use directly cairo_surface_get_content (Jeff Muizelaar)
+ Great speedup by using CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24 instead of
CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 (Jeff Muizelaar)
+ Fix for embedded thumbnails dimension and rotation (Carlos
Garcia Campos)
+ Avoid ifdefs inside macros (Jens Granseuer)
+ Memory leak fixes (Justin Blanchard, Hiroyuki Ikezoe)
+ New icon sizes (Andreas Nilsson)
+ Invalid read fix (Justin Blanchard)
+ Fix multihead problems in toolbar editor (Carlos Garcia Campos)
+ Use the same cairo context for every page in the same expose
event (Carlos Garcia Campos)
- Add perl-dont-interpolate-at-sign.patch.

Tue Aug 14 14:00:00 2007
- Build evince with PDF support and poppler 0.5.4 (#293561)
- Build evince with dejavu support (#288641)

Tue Aug 7 14:00:00 2007
- Use %fdupes
- Split off a -lang subpackage.

Thu Aug 2 14:00:00 2007
- Remove the ExcludeArch per Ro request.

Wed Aug 1 14:00:00 2007
- Update to version 0.9.3
- Added an ExcludedArch for ia64 and s390
- Fix a header problem with ev-link, use new gtk tooltips when available
instead of ev-tooltip.
- Fix compile warnings, fix memory leak,
- Bugfix for bug #396535, #449462, #460862, #437681, #460909, #458111,
[#455667], #452872, #449734, #452850, #349433, #450148, #415032.

Fri Jul 6 14:00:00 2007
- Update to version 0.9.1
- New features:

* Printing support in djvu documents (Alaska Subedi)

* Optional drop of libgnome dependency (Ross Burton)

* Print button for preview mode (Carlos Garcia Campos)

* Remember print settings (Carlos Garcia Campos)

* Use gtk+ builtin paper list to identify the document\'s paper size (Carlos Garcia Campos)

* Start rendering pages before any other jobs (Carlos Garcia Campos)

* Developer documentation updated. (Iñigo Martínez)

* History button improvements (Nickolay Shmyrev)

* Cairo-based renderer for pages and selections of PDF, DVJU and DVI documents (Carlos Garcia Campos)

* PDF exporter for printing DVI documents (Alaska Subedi)

* Zoom icon artwork (Michael Monreal)

* Patch to avoid frequent process wakeup for metadata handling (Bastien Nocera, Arjan van de Ven)

* Bumped poppler requirements to 0.5.9 (Carlos Garcia Campos)

* Changed sidebar ordering (Wouter Bolsterlee)

* Removed extra locking of a main loop to speed up rendering (Carlos Garcia Campos)
- Bug fixes and updated translations
- Add abuild.patch.

Thu Jun 7 14:00:00 2007
- Removed invalid desktop Category \"Application\" (#254654).

Mon May 14 14:00:00 2007
- removed gnome-icon-theme and hicolor-icon-theme from both
Requires and BuildRequires [#247450]

Fri Apr 20 14:00:00 2007
- Use texlive for building.

Wed Apr 11 14:00:00 2007
- Update to version 0.8.1
- Bugfixes:

* Default resolutions used when it\'s not provided by TIFF
document (Carlos Garcia Campos)

* Added support for ps, eps and compressed documents
thumbnails (Carlos Garcia Campos)

* Implemented font color specials in the DVI backend (Ricardo Markiewicz)

* DOCUMENTS folder from xdg-data-dirs is used as default folder when
opening a file chooser (Matthias Clasen)

* unlink-tempfile is used instead of unlink-temp-file (Carlos Garcia Campos)
- Updated translations for the ca, gl, eu, es, cs, and dz locales.

Fri Mar 23 13:00:00 2007
- Update to version 0.8.0
- b.g.o fixes: 416447, 334542, 409828, 392186, 318568, and 164755.

Thu Mar 8 13:00:00 2007
- Removed obsolete hicolor icon symlink (#248676).

Wed Mar 7 13:00:00 2007
- Enabled all optional features and plugins.

Tue Feb 27 13:00:00 2007
- BuildRequire and Require hicolor-icon-theme (#247450)
- Create a -doc subpackage (#248813).

Mon Feb 19 13:00:00 2007
- Update to version 0.7.2
- Remove evince-CVE-2006-5864.patch which is now upstream
- Package gtk-doc generated docs

Wed Jan 10 13:00:00 2007
- More spec file cleanups.

Thu Dec 14 13:00:00 2006
- Move to /usr
- Cleanup specfile a bit.

Thu Dec 7 13:00:00 2006
- Fixed buffer overflow in DSC parsing (#225201, CVE-2006-5864).

Mon Nov 13 13:00:00 2006
- re-enabling evince-desktop.patch to resolve bug #220232

Tue Oct 17 14:00:00 2006
- update to version 0.6.1
- Bug Fixes:

* Current page follows find page

* Reopen reloads document

* Document size is guessed correctly

* Icons are installed in correct folders

* Memory leak fixed, etc
- translation updates

Fri Oct 13 14:00:00 2006
- Update for gnome-doc-utils-devel

Wed Sep 13 14:00:00 2006
- update to version 0.6.0
- Links aren\'t lost while resizing
- Tiff backend crash is fixed
- Recent code and icons code are screen safe
- Crash while handling password-protected documents is fixed
- translation updates

Fri Aug 18 14:00:00 2006
- update to version 0.5.5
- Evince have preview mode for using with gtk+
- New print dialog is used with gtk 2.10
- Sidebar is unified with Epiphany
- Escape unfocus page entry
- Memory leak fixes
- updated translations

Wed Aug 2 14:00:00 2006
- Update to version 0.5.4
New Features:

* Evince supports impress slides with --enable-impress

* URI\'s with anchors can be opened

* Evince supports attachments in PDF files

* Links system is reworked allowing named links

* Evince can search text in DJVU files

* Various types of PDF links are now supported

* New backend for comic books (CBR/CBZ archives)

* Storage of passwords for protected documents in gnome-keyring

* Layout settings for new documents are taken from the last used document
Interface imporovements:

* Esc closes properties dialog

* Cursor is hidden in presentation mode

* Find previous item is added to the menu

* Odd pages are placed to the right in dual page mode

* Statusbar was removed to save space

* Notification about page processing is shown on the page

* Improved intelligent window title that shouldn\'t confuse users

* Show index by default if available

* Tooltips for links

* Now we have right click context menu
Bug Fixes:

* Fixed multiple crashes

* Page-label command line option works again

* GOption port and po/LINGUAS work

* Fixed mime type detection by file contents

* Several memory leaks were found

* Current page is selected more intelligently

* View don\'t jump on scrolling

* In presentation mode we scroll by one page

* Produce thumbnails for comic books

* Ghostscript interpreter is checked in runtime

* PS mime types are listed in desktop file

* It\'s possible to add sidebar checkbutton on toolbar

* It\'s possible to print in inverse order

* Filechooser now will ask for overwrite confirmation

* Search now takes account for scrolling

* It\'s allowed to scroll view from find entry

* Evince don\'t jump to find result if window was scrolled during search

* It\'s now clear what page the toolbar page number applies to

* Printing of multiple copies start to work

* Improved session handling

* Vertical and horizontal scrolling on selection
Updated Translations