Changelog for interchange-foundation-demo-4.7.7-1.i386.rpm :
Sun Jul 15 00:00:00 2001 Jon Jensen
- Add some files to list for replacing RPM_CHANGE_HOST to real hostname.

Thu Jun 21 00:00:00 2001 Jon Jensen
- Make /usr/lib/interchange/etc owned by interch.interch for makecat.cfg
and reconfig and whatever else needs it.

Fri Jun 15 00:00:00 2001 Jon Jensen
- Bring back prebuilt demo, but as a separate package called
interchange-foundation-demo. It\'s helpful to have prebuilt CGI binaries
for emaciated OS installations without a C compiler.
- Handle admin images moved to /var/www/html/interchange.

Sat May 26 00:00:00 2001 Jon Jensen
- Use new split confdir/rundir option to keep important things in
/var/run/interchange from getting erased at OS boot time.
- Add usertrack and catalog error.log to log rotation.

Wed May 16 00:00:00 2001 Jon Jensen
- Quiet restart notice when removing foundation RPM.
- Correct bad --add option when adding foundation to running Interchange.
- Move session and temporary files to /var/cache/interchange per LSB.
- Allow makecat to handle logdir location rather than manually symlinking.
- Remove admin images when foundation is uninstalled (need to find a better
way to deal with this in the future).

Sun May 13 00:00:00 2001 Jon Jensen
- Deal with \'useradd\' not being in path.
- Remove some superfluous chowning and chmodding.
- Show messages from /usr/sbin/interchange; quiet only from rc.d script.
- Make all Interchange global files owned by root for security -- that way
even catalog admin users can\'t change files if checks are bypassed.
Since one must be root to install the RPM at all and to add files to
/var/www, this doesn\'t seem unreasonable. You can still start and stop
the server as the interch user. It does mean that you have to be root to
run makecat. To allow makecat as interch user, chown interch.interch on
these files and directories:
/var/www/cgi-bin (or copy the link manually)
/var/www/html (or add HTML & images manually)
And I think that would do it.
- Make demo package quiet during install.
- Cleaner delete during uninstall of main package.
- Safer delete during uninstall of foundation package -- during install
stamp the catalog directory with a file and later skip the delete step
if that file is not found.
- Fix a few typos, add some comments.

Wed Mar 28 00:00:00 2001 Jon Jensen
- Fix error.log symlink.
- Specify that socket.ipc goes in /var/run/interchange
- Work with Red Hat Linux 6 or 7 from same RPM file.
- Move to noarch RPM builds. The downside is that we\'re compiling vlink for
* install ... This should be ok if we can fall back to
the Perl vlink if compile fails.

Fri Feb 23 23:00:00 2001 Jon Jensen
- Check for existing foundation catalog before install (can\'t count on RPM
checks since Interchange is building the catalog after skeleton install)
- Completely uninstall new locally-built foundation instance

Tue Feb 20 23:00:00 2001 Jon Jensen
- build separate packages for Interchange server and foundation demo
- run makecat on foundation at install time, rather than build time
- this shaves around 500 kB from the RPM package size
- don\'t need to know web directory at build time now, which brings us
very close to a single RPM for both RH 6 and 7 platforms; docs are
now the only difference left
- clean up RPM build root after build
- update text throughout to reflect Red Hat acquisition of Akopia

Sat Jan 6 23:00:00 2001 Jon Jensen
- purge global error.log and most of construct demo when uninstalling
to satisfy Red Hat\'s RPM certification requirements

Fri Dec 1 23:00:00 2000 Jon Jensen
- combined Red Hat 6 and Red Hat 7 specfiles -- target platform is now
determined by build machine
- fixed bug for HTML::Entities and IniConf installation caused by
/usr/lib/interchange/build directory not being created
- imported makedirs.redhat and makecat.redhat scripts into specfile
- allow creation of interch user even if interch group already exists
(relevant only to Red Hat 7 AFAIK)
- numerous other minor modifications