Changelog for synaptiks-0.8.1-10.1.noarch.rpm :

* Tue Apr 02 2013 Added remove-several-features-that-will-no-longer-be-exposed.patch, removes features that got removed in synaptics driver >= 1.7
* Tue Mar 05 2013 replace Requires: xorg-x11-driver-input metapackage with xf86-input-synaptics
* Wed Jan 30 2013 add patch fix_help.diff to change to path for the correct manual (bnc#800708)
* Sat Jan 19 2013 Update czech trans, as it contained complete garbage.
* Adds czech.patch
* Sat Mar 10 2012 Spec file updates:
* Replaced python-setuptools with python-distribute and pyudev with python-pyudev in BuildRequires: and Requires: (current package names).
* Removed libkde4-devel from BuildRequires: (not needed).
* Added dbus-1-python and upower in recommended packages based on package requirements.
* Sat Feb 18 2012 Update to 0.8.1
* Website now hosted on
* Mailing list now hosted at
* Added Czech translation
* Fixed syntax error in ``synaptiks_init_config.desktop``
* Sat Oct 08 2011 Update to 0.8.0
* Removed build-time dependency against kdesdk-scripts
* Fixed “Defaults” button in configuration dialog of tray application
* Fixed KeyError on unknown event types in keyboard monitor
* Fixed crash after resume from suspend
* Fixed support for non-usb devices
* Added Danish translation (thanks to Martin Schlander)
* Tue Sep 13 2011 Added py_requires macro (fix for RPMLINT warning)- Cleaned up spec file formatting
* Mon Sep 12 2011 Require python-distribute which is needed for the systray-applet (bnc#717168)
* Mon Sep 05 2011 Update to 0.7.0
* Require pyudev 0.8 or newer now
* Increased maximum for minimum and maximum speed to 10.0 From 0.6.2
* Fixed punctuation- Spec file updates
* Updates in BuildRequires: entries.
* Changed License: to BSD-2-Clause.
* Updated Url: entry.
* Changed Group: to Hardware/Other.
* Updates in Requires: entries.
* Updates in Summary: and %description entries.
* Build package as noarch.
* Changed synaptiks.desktop file Categories entry to Settings;HardwareSettings.
* Fixed some rpmlint warnings.
* Minor other updates.- Removed dont-warn-no-touchpad.diff, systemsettings_category_bnc637585.diff and two_finger_emulation_bnc658800.diff patches (they don\'t apply to the current version which is python based instead of c++).
* Wed May 25 2011 Update to 0.6.1
* Fixed installation of autostart files
* Use XRecord for keyboard management, if available
* Reinitialize mouse monitoring and mouse display if the system is resuming from suspend
* Fixed touchpad search on 64-bit systems
* Fixed segfault on failed connection to X11 display in synaptikscfg
* Show a clean error message instead of a traceback, when no touchpad is found by synaptiks cfg
* Fixed corner coasting configuration to actually reflect the corner coasting setting from the touchpad driver
* Fixed property data extraction on 64 bit architectures
* Fixed source distribution to include the handbook
* Mon Jan 10 2011 add support for two-finger emulation (bnc#658800)
* Sun Jan 02 2011 Put the KCM-Module under Input devices in System Settings (bnc#637585)
* Tue May 25 2010 do not warn about missing touchpad
* Sun Apr 11 2010 update to 0.4 Features added
* Added fast taps setting
* Added two-finger scrolling settings
* Added circular scrolling angle setting
* Added circular touchpad setting
* Added motion speed settings
* Added setting to always enable edge motion
* Added tap-and-drag settings
* Added scrolling distance settings
* Use default settings from the touchpad driver Bugs fixed
* Fixed crash caused by erroneous D-Bus replies Miscellaneous changes
* Use sliders in user interface
* Mon Mar 29 2010 backport rev 1097582 from kde repository to Version 0.3.2
* fix crashing when configuration is opened in system-settings b.k.o #226005 or
* Fri Feb 05 2010 update to version 0.3.2
* Fixed German translation
* Fixed “Ignore the following mouse devices” setting
* Tue Feb 02 2010 update to version 0.3.1
* updated Danish translation
* updated Turkish translation
* Sat Jan 30 2010 update to version 0.3.0
* “Capabilities” page renamed to “Touchpad information” page
* Touchpad state at startup can be configured
* Touchpad name is shown in touchpad information page
* Split synaptiks into a KDED daemon, a System Settings module, and a Plasma applet
* Tue Jan 05 2010 update to version 0.2.1
* Added Danish translation
* Fixed potential memory leak
* Wed Nov 25 2009 Update to version 0.2.0
* New: + The delay before re-enabling the touchpad after keyboard activity can be configured + Shortcuts can be configured from context menu + The treshold speed for conventional coasting can be configured + Added tapping settings + Added handbook + Added Russian and Turkish translation
* Bugs: + Show only one notification for each error + Notification configuration merged into a single dialog accessible from context menu + Disable synaptiks, if no touchpad is found + Fixed version check to maintain compatibility with Xinput 2.0 + The touchpad is no longer switched on by stopping typing, if it was disabled by a plugged mouse device + The touchpad is switched on again, if mouse device management is disabled + Handle changes to the list of ignored mouse devices correctly