Changelog for
howto-translations-5.0-5.noarch.rpm :
* Fri Oct 24 1997 Otto Hammersmith
- fixed missing HOWTOs because the download ran out of space- added an index html page for the howto-html package
* Thu Oct 23 1997 Otto Hammersmith - untarred the html tarballs to obsolete the ldp package
* Wed Oct 22 1997 Otto Hammersmith - updated version- fixed description for the right date
* Thu Jul 31 1997 Erik Troan - made a noarch package
* Sat Apr 19 1997 Otto Hammersmith Updated to more recent HOWTOs.In the next major version, /usr/doc really ought to be cleaned out.Right now, the ldp and howto packages overlap somewhat. (HTML docs,the former, however, only has tar.gz files)I didn\'t want to rearrange too much for 4.2, and there are otherdocumentation issues such as /usr/info.