Changelog for
ibus-mozc-debuginfo-1.6.1187.102-2.4.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Thu Mar 28 2013 fix bnc#813016: Mozc icons in Fcitx are too ugly!
* Sat Jan 12 2013 update fcitx-mozc patch to 1.6.1187.102.3
* The license of the patch is changed to BSD-3-Clause (bnc#797954)
* Note: the license of Fcitx have exception that add-ons of Fcitx need not obey GPL
* update translation
* update key translate
* Thu Jan 10 2013 Wrap description at 70 cols- Remove unnecessary ldconfig call for fcitx-mozc (it is a plugin without any SONAME links)
* Wed Jan 09 2013 add provides locale to make ibus-mozc and fcitx-mozc default packages for Japanese
* Wed Dec 19 2012 clean up the spec file- add Recommends ibus-mozc-candidate-window
* Sat Sep 01 2012 update to version 1.6.1187.102
* scim_mozc is removed
* \'Preference\' button is added on the setup dialog of IBus
* minor updates and refactoring
* Mon Jun 04 2012 activate mozc_renderer and add new package ibus-mozc-candidate-window- remove unneeded BuildRequires
* Sun Jun 03 2012 update to version 1.5.1090.102
* Add a workaround against QTBUG-25536 ( Issue 158 )
* \'mozc_renderer\' on Linux (a.k.a. \'gtk_renderer\') ( Issue 145 ):
* Experimental option (--enable_gtk_renderer) has been deprecated and \'mozc_renderer\' is now enabled by default on Linux. You can still remove the dependencies to mozc_renderer as follows. GYP_DEFINES=enable_gtk_renderer=0 python gyp
* Mon May 07 2012 update to version 1.5.1053.102
* \'libcurl4-openssl-dev\' is replaced with \'libssl-dev\' in the build dependencies on Linux.
* \'emacs-mozc\' now works correctly even when the Homonym dictionary is enabled. ( Issue 146 )
* \'mozc_renderer\' on Linux (a.k.a. \'gtk_renderer\') (Issue 145): - \'libgtk2.0-dev\' is now required to build \'mozc_renderer\' on Linux. - \'ibus-mozc\' now checks if \'mozc_renderer\' exists along with \'mozc_server\' or not. If \'mozc_renderer\' does not exist, \'ibus-mozc\' behaves as if - -enable_gtk_renderer was not specified. - Now \'mozc_renderer\' can be built with GLib >=2.31.0. - Now \'mozc_renderer\' automatically adjusts its window location on the edge of the display. - Now \'mozc_renderer\' uses custom font settings of IBus-panel if available. - The position of candidate window no longer be disturbed by some background applications such as GNU Emacs23, which periodically issue set_cursor_position message even when they are background. - Now \'ibus-mozc\' uses IBus candidate window if the application does not have the capability to show preedit string such as Emacs23 or xterm.
* Tue Apr 24 2012 clean up the spec file- remove an unnecessary patch
* Tue Apr 17 2012 Upstream update (1.4.1033.102)
* supports Hiragana and Katakana key
* mozc.el supports PageUp and PageDown key- add fcitx im framework support.
* %if %{with_fcitx} makes it conditional.
* Sun Mar 11 2012 Upstream update (1.4.1003.102)
* support IBus 1.4.1
* fix some minor bugs
* Thu Feb 23 2012 Upstream update (1.3.975.102)
* fix bug IME_ON/OFF are not displayed on a key map window
* fix crash bugs triggered by commit
* Wed Dec 21 2011 Upstream update (1.3.930.102)
* fix memory leak in scim-mozc
* fix bugs of reconversion
* Thu Dec 01 2011 Upstream update (1.3.911.102)
* New: undo, reconversion for IBus
* improve the menus on IBus language bar
* change ibus-mozc rank to 80; mozc can be preloaded by default
* fix Eisu toggle key issue for emacs
* fix crash problem on scim
* Tue Aug 23 2011 Upstream update
* New: romaji spelling correction
* New: search feature in the dictionary tool
* fixed some minor bugs- Removed build dependency on \"gtest\".
* Thu Jul 28 2011 Packaged an emacs macro and separated gui tools into a subpackage
* Thu Jul 21 2011 Upstream update (1.1.773.102)
* Thu Jul 07 2011 Initial import
* Upstream version: 1.1.758
* I refered to kazukado\'s and xkitty68\'s packages.