Changelog for libgnutls-openssl27-3.0.20-1.4.1.i586.rpm :

* Thu May 02 2013 Fix bug[ bnc#802651] CVE-2013-1619( gnutls): Luck-13 issue Add patch file: CVE-2013-1619.patch
* Sun Jul 01 2012 merge am-1.12 patches into 1
* Sat Jun 30 2012 fix 12.2 builds.
* replace depreciated am_prog_mkdir_p with ac_prog_mkdir_p.
* Thu Jun 21 2012 Updated to version 3.0.20: libgnutls: Corrected bug which prevented the parsing of handshake packets spanning multiple records. libgnutls: Check key identifiers when checking for an issuer. libgnutls: Added gnutls_pubkey_verify_hash2() libgnutls: Added gnutls_certificate_set_x509_system_trust() that loads the trusted CA certificates from system locations (e.g. trusted storage in windows and CA bundle files in other systems). certtool: Added support for the URI subject alternative name type in certtool. certtool: Increase to 128 the maximum number of distinct options (e.g. dns_names) allowed. gnutls-cli: If --print-cert is given, print the certificate, even on verification failure.
* API and ABI modifications: gnutls_pk_to_sign: Added gnutls_pubkey_verify_hash2: Added gnutls_certificate_set_x509_system_trust: Added
* Tue May 29 2012 fix build with automake-1.12 - add: automake-1.12.patch
* Thu May 24 2012 backport gnutls_certificate_set_x509_system_trust() from git and add support for trust store directories (bnc#761634)
* Mon May 21 2012 add version and release to gnutls-devel provides
* Mon May 21 2012 let libgnutls-devel also provide gnutls-devel
* Sun May 13 2012 Update to version 3.0.19: + libgnutls: - When decoding a PKCS #11 URL the pin-source field is assumed to be a file that stores the pin. Based on patch by David Smith. - gnutls_record_check_pending() no longer returns unprocessed data, and thus ensure the non-blocking of the next call to gnutls_record_recv(). - Added strict tests in Diffie-Hellman and SRP key exchange public keys. - in ECDSA and DSA TLS 1.2 authentication be less strict in hash selection, and allow a stronger hash to be used than the appropriate, to improve interoperability with openssl. + tests: - Disabled floating point test, and corrections in pkcs12 decoding tests. + API and ABI modifications: - No changes since last version.- Changes from version 3.0.18: + certtool: - Avoid a Y2K38 bug when generating certificates. Patch by Robert Millan. + libgnutls: - Make sure that GNUTLS_E_PREMATURE_TERMINATION - is returned on premature termination (and added unit test). - Fixes for W64 API. Patch by B. Scott Michel. - Corrected VIA padlock detection for old VIA processors. Reported by Kris Karas. - Updated assembler files. - Time in generated certificates is stored as GeneralizedTime instead of UTCTime (which only stores 2 digits of a year). + minitasn1: - Upgraded to libtasn1 version 2.13 (pre-release). + API and ABI modifications: - gnutls_x509_crt_set_private_key_usage_period: Added - gnutls_x509_crt_get_private_key_usage_period: Added - gnutls_x509_crq_set_private_key_usage_period: Added - gnutls_x509_crq_get_private_key_usage_period: Added - gnutls_session_get_random: Added- Changes from version 3.0.17: + command line apps: - Always link with local libopts. + API and ABI modifications: - No changes since last version.- Changes from version 3.0.16: + minitasn1: - Upgraded to libtasn1 version 2.12 (pre-release). + libgnutls: - Corrected SRP-RSA ciphersuites when used under TLS 1.2. - included assembler files for MacOSX. + p11tool: - Small fixes in handling of the --private command line option. + certtool: - The template option allows for setting the domain component (DC) option of the distinguished name, and the ocsp_uri as well as the ca_issuers_uri options. + API and ABI modifications: - gnutls_x509_crt_set_authority_info_access: Added- Changes from version 3.0.15: + test suite: - Only run under valgrind in the development system (the full git repository) + command line apps: - Link with local libopts if the installed is an old one. + libgnutls: - Eliminate double free during SRP authentication. Reported by Peter Penzov. - Corrections in record packet parsing. Reported by Matthew Hall. - Cryptodev updates and fixes. - Corrected issue with select() that affected FreeBSD. This prevented establishing DTLS sessions. Reported by Andreas Metzler. - Corrected rehandshake and resumption operations in DTLS. Reported by Sean Buckheister. - PKCS #11 objects that do not have ID no longer crash listing. Reported by Sven Geggus. + API and ABI modifications: - No changes since last version.- Changes from version 3.0.14: + command line apps: - Included libopts doesn\'t get installed by default. + libgnutls: - Eliminate double free on wrongly formatted certificate list. Reported by Remi Gacogne. - cryptodev code corrected, updated to account for hashes and GCM mode. Eliminated memory leak in PCKS #11 initialization. Report and fix by Sam Varshavchik. + API and ABI modifications: - No changes since last version.- Changes from version 3.0.13: + gnutls-cli: - added the --ocsp option which will verify the peer\'s certificate with OCSP. - added the --tofu and if specified, gnutls-cli will use an ssh-style authentication method. - if no --x509cafile is provided a default is assumed (/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt), if it exists. + ocsptool: - Added --ask parameter, to verify a certificate\'s status from an ocsp server. + command line apps: - Use gnu autogen (libopts) to parse command line arguments and template files. + tests: - Added stress test for DTLS packet losses and out-of-order receival. Contributed by Sean Buckheister. + libgnutls: - Several updates and corrections in the DTLS DTLS lost packet handling and retransmission timeouts. Report and patches by Sean Buckheister. - Added new functions to easily allow the usage of a trust on first use (SSH-style) authentication. - SUITEB128 and SUITEB192 priority strings account for the RFC6460 requirements. - Added new security parameter GNUTLS_SEC_PARAM_LEGACY to account for security level of 96-bits. - In client side if server does not advertise any known CAs and only a single certificate is set in the credentials, sent that one. - Added functions to parse authority key identifiers when stored as a \'general name\' and serial combo. - Added function to force explicit reinitialization of PKCS #11 modules. This is required on the child process after a fork (if PKCS #11 functionality is desirable). - Depend on p11-kit 0.11. + API and ABI modifications: - gnutls_dtls_get_timeout: Added - gnutls_verify_stored_pubkey: Added - gnutls_store_pubkey: Added - gnutls_store_commitment: Added - gnutls_x509_crt_get_authority_key_gn_serial: Added - gnutls_x509_crl_get_authority_key_gn_serial: Added - gnutls_pkcs11_reinit: Added - gnutls_ecc_curve_list: Added - gnutls_priority_certificate_type_list: Added - gnutls_priority_sign_list: Added - gnutls_priority_protocol_list: Added - gnutls_priority_compression_list: Added - gnutls_priority_ecc_curve_list: Added - gnutls_tdb_init: Added - gnutls_tdb_set_store_func: Added - gnutls_tdb_set_store_commitment_func: Added - gnutls_tdb_set_verify_func: Added - gnutls_tdb_deinit: Added- Changes from version 3.0.12: + libgnutls: - Added OCSP support. There is a new header file gnutls/ocsp.h and a set of new functions under the gnutls_ocsp namespace. Currently the functionality provided is to parse and extract information from OCSP requests/responses, to generate OCSP requests and to verify OCSP responses. See the manual for more information. Run ./configure with --disable-ocsp to build GnuTLS without OCSP support. This work was sponsored by Smoothwall . + ocsptool: - Added new command line tool. The tool can parse OCSP request/responses, generate OCSP requests and verify OCSP responses. See the manual for more information. + certtool: - --outder option now works for private and public keys as well. + libgnutls: - Added error code GNUTLS_E_NO_PRIORITIES_WERE_SET to warn when no or insufficient priorities were set. - Corrected an alignment issue in ECDH key generation which prevented some keys from being correctly aligned in rare circumstances. - Corrected memory leaks in DH parameter generation and ecc_projective_check_point(). - Added gnutls_x509_dn_oid_name() to return a descriptive name of a DN OID. + API and ABI modifications: - gnutls_pubkey_encrypt_data: Added - gnutls_x509_dn_oid_name: Added - gnutls_session_resumption_requested: Added - gnutls/ocsp.h: Added new header file. - gnutls_ocsp_print_formats_t: Added new type. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_status_t: Added new type. - gnutls_ocsp_cert_status_t: Added new type. - gnutls_x509_crl_reason_t: Added new type. - gnutls_ocsp_req_add_cert: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_req_add_cert_id: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_req_deinit: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_req_export: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_req_get_cert_id: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_req_get_extension: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_req_get_nonce: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_req_get_version: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_req_import: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_req_init: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_req_print: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_req_randomize_nonce: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_req_set_extension: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_req_set_nonce: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_deinit: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_export: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_certs: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_extension: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_nonce: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_produced: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_responder: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_response: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_signature: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_signature_algorithm: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_single: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_status: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_get_version: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_import: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_init: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_print: Added. - gnutls_ocsp_resp_verify: Added.- Changes from version 3.0.11: + libgnutls: - Corrected functionality of gnutls_record_get_direction(). Reported by Philip Allison. - Provide less timing information when decoding TLS/DTLS record packets. Patch by Nadhem Alfardan. + API and ABI modifications: - No changes since last version.- Changes from version 3.0.10: + gnutls-cli/serv: - Set don\'t fragment bit in DTLS sessions in Linux as well as in BSD. + gnutls-cli: - Fixed reading from windows terminals. + libgnutls: - When GNUTLS_OPENPGP_FMT_BASE64 is specified the stream is assumed to be base64 encoded (previously the encoding was auto-detected). This avoids a decoding issue in windows systems. - Corrected ciphersuite GNUTLS_ECDHE_PSK_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 - Added ciphersuites: GNUTLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 and GNUTLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384. - Added function gnutls_random_art() to convert fingerprints to images (currently ascii-art). - Corrected bug in DSA private key parsing, which prevented the verification of the key. + API and ABI modifications: - gnutls_random_art: Added- Changes from version 3.0.09: + certtool: - Added new parameter --dh-info. - -l option was overloaded so if combined with --priority it will only list the ciphersuites that are enabled by the given priority string. + libgnutls: - Added new priority string %SERVER_PRECEDENCE, which changes the ciphersuite selection procedure. If specified the server priorities will be used for selection instead of the client\'s. - Optimizations in Diffie-Hellman parameters generation and key exchange. - When session tickets are negotiated and used in a session, a server will not store that session data into its cache. - Added the SECP192R1 curve. - Added gnutls_priority_get_cipher_suite_index() to allow listing the ciphersuites enabled in a priority structure. It outputs an index to be used in gnutls_get_cipher_suite_info(). - Optimizations in the elliptic curve code --timing attacks resistant code is only used in ECDSA private key operations. + doc: - man pages for API functions generation was fixed and are now added again in the distribution. + API and ABI modifications: - GNUTLS_ECC_CURVE_SECP192R1: New curve definition - gnutls_priority_get_cipher_suite_index: Added- Changes from version 3.0.08: + certtool: - Certtool -e returns error code on verification failure. - Verifies parameters of generated keys. + libgnutls: - Corrected ECC key generation (introduced in 3.0.6) - Provide less timing information when decoding TLS/DTLS record packets. + doc: - man pages for API functions were removed. The reason was that the code that auto-generated the man pages missed many APIs and we couldn\'t fix it (volunteers welcome). See the info manual or the GTK-DOC manual instead. + API and ABI modifications: - gnutls_x509_privkey_verify_params: Added- Changes from version 3.0.07: + libgnutls: - Corrected fix in gnutls_session_get_data() to report the actual session size when the provided buffer is not enough. - Fixed ciphersuite GNUTLS_ECDHE_RSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA256, which was using a wrong MAC algorithm. Reported by Fabrice Gautier. + API and ABI modifications: - No changes since last version.- Changes from version 3.0.06: + gnutls-guile: - Compilation fixes. + libgnutls: - Fixed possible buffer overflow in gnutls_session_get_data(). Reported and fix by Alban Crequy. - Bug fixes in the ciphersuites with NULL cipher. Reported by Fabrice Gautier. - Bug fixes in ECC code for 64-bit MIPS systems. Thanks to Joseph Graham for providing access to such a system. - Correctly report ECC private key parsing errors. Reported by Fabrice Gautier. - In ECDHE verify that the received point lies on the selected curve. The ECDHE ciphersuites now take precendence to plain DHE. + API and ABI modifications: - No changes since last version.- Changes from version 3.0.05: + libgnutls-extra: - is no more + libgnutls: - Corrections in order to compile with mingw32. - Corrections in VIA padlock code for VIA C5 processor and new detection of PHE with support for partial hashing. - Corrected bug in gnutls_x509_data2hex. Report and fix by Vincent Untz. + minitasn1: - Upgraded to libtasn1 version 2.10. + API and ABI modifications: - No changes since last version.- Changes from version 3.0.04: + gnutls-cli-debug: - Added more tests including AES-GCM, SHA256 and elliptic curves. + gnutls-cli: - Added --benchmark-soft-ciphers to benchmark the software version of the ciphers instead of hw accelerated (where available) + libgnutls: - Public key ID calculation is consistent among all structures. It uses a SHA-1 hash of the subjectPublicKeyInfo. - gnutls_privkey_t allows setting external callback to perform signing or decryption. Can be set using gnutls_privkey_import_ext() - A certificate credentials structure can be used with a gnutls_privkey_t and a gnutls_pcert_st structure using gnutls_certificate_set_key(). - Fixes to enable external signing callback to operate with TLS 1.2. - Fixed crash when printing ECDSA certificate key ID. Reported by Erik Jensen. - Corrected VIA padlock code for C3. In C3 benchmarks show a 2x increase in AES speed and a 14x increase in VIA nano. Added support for hashes and HMACs. - Compilation fixed when p11-kit is not detected. - Fixed the deflate compression code. - Added gnutls_x509_crt_get_authority_info_access. Used to get the PKIX Authority Information Access (AIA) field. - gnutls_x509_crt_print supports printing AIA fields. - Added ability to gnutls_privkey_t to operate with signing callback function. + API and ABI modifications: - gnutls_x509_crt_get_authority_info_access (x509.h): Added function. - gnutls_privkey_import_ext: Added function. - gnutls_certificate_set_key: Added function. - gnutls_info_access_what_t (x509.h): Added enum. - GNUTLS_OID_AIA (x509.h): Added symbol. - GNUTLS_OID_AD_OCSP (x509.h): Added symbol. - GNUTLS_OID_AD_CAISSUERS (x509.h): Added symbol.- Drop CVE-2011-4128.patch, CVE-2012-0390.patch, CVE-2012-1569.patch, CVE-2012-1573.patch, gnutls-fix-compression.patch, gnutls-fix-crash-on-strcat.patch: all fixed upstream.
* Thu Apr 12 2012 fix bug[bnc#753301] - VUL-0: gnutls/libtasn1 \"asn1_get_length_der()\" DER decoding issue CVE-2012-1569 and bug[bnc#754223] - GenericBlockCipher heap corruption DoS CVE-2012-1573
* Mon Feb 13 2012 fix Bug[bnc#739898] - VUL-1: CVE-2012-0390: GnuTLS DTLS plaintext recovery attack.
* Wed Nov 30 2011 Fix licenses (bnc#733661): the applications as well as gnutls-extra and gnutls-openssl libraries are under GPL-3.0+ while the library is LGPL-3.0+.
* Wed Nov 30 2011 add automake as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency
* Mon Nov 14 2011 fix #Bug 729486 - gnutls: buffer overflow CVE-2011-4128
* Mon Oct 17 2011 Add gnutls-fix-crash-on-strcat.patch: make sure a string is nul-terminated before using strcat on it. Fix bnc#724421.
* Fri Sep 30 2011 cross-build fix: configure with sysroot
* Sat Sep 24 2011 Add gnutls-fix-compression.patch: fix some decompression/compression issues that caused connection failures to some XMPP servers. Patch taken from git.
* Fri Sep 23 2011 added libgnutls-devel to baselibs.conf for 32bit Wine on 64bit build
* Tue Sep 20 2011 Update to version 3.0.3: + libgnutls: - Added gnutls_record_get_discarded() to return the number of discarded records in a DTLS session. - All functions related to RSA-EXPORT were deprecated. - Memory leak fixes in credentials private key deinitialization. - Memory leak fixes in ECC ciphersuites. - Do not send an empty extension structure in server hello. This affected old implementations that do not support extensions. - Allow CA importing of 0 certificates to succeed. - Added support for VIA padlock AES optimizations. (disabled by default) - Added support for elliptic curves in PKCS #11. - Added gnutls_pkcs11_privkey_generate() to allow generating a key in a token. - gnutls_transport_set_lowat dummy macro was removed. + p11tool: Added generate-rsa, generate-dsa and generate-ecc options to allow generating private keys in the token.- Changes from version 3.0.2: + libgnutls: - OpenPGP certificate type is not enabled by default. - Added %NO_EXTENSIONS priority string. - Corrected issue in gnutls_record_recv() triggered on encryption or compression error. - Compatibility fixes in CPU ID detection for i386 and old GCC. - Corrected parsing of XMPP subject alternative names. - Allow for out-of-order ChangeCipherSpec message in DTLS. - gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key() and gnutls_certificate_set_openpgp_key() operate as in 2.10.x and allow the release of the private key during the lifetime of the certificate structure. + gnutls-cli: Benchmark applications were incorporated with it.- Changes from version 3.0.1: + libgnutls: - gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key_file() and friends support server name indication. If multiple certificates are set using these functions the proper one will be selected during a handshake. - Added AES-256-GCM which was left out from the previous release. - When asking for a PKCS# 11 PIN multiple times, the flags in the callback were not being updated to reflect for PIN low count or final try. - Do not allow second instances of PKCS #11 modules. - Fixed alignment issue in AES-NI code. - The config file at gnutls_pkcs11_init() is being read if provided. - Ensure that a certificate list specified using gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key() and friends, is sorted according to TLS specification (from subject to issuer). - Added GNUTLS_X509_CRT_LIST_FAIL_IF_UNSORTED flag for gnutls_x509_crt_list_import. It checks whether the list to be imported is properly sorted. + crywrap: Added to the distribution. It is an application that proxies TLS session to a port using a plaintext service. + Many GTK-DOC improvements. + Updated translations.- Drop 0001-Included-appro-s-updates-to-AES-NI.patch, 0002-Added-note.GNU-stack-to-prevent-marking-the-library-.patch, 0003-Force-alignment-for-AES-NI-to-the-runtime-rather-tha.patch, 0006-Added-AES-256-GCM.-Reported-by-Benjamin-Hof.patch: all fixed upstream.- Drop call to autoreconf: it was only needed for the patches.- Add libidn-devel BuildRequires for the new crywrap tool.
* Mon Aug 29 2011 update baselibs.conf
* Wed Aug 17 2011 Update to version 3.0.0. many fixes see NEWS for details This changelog only describes important package changes or features.
* Main reason for update is to support Intel AES-NI CPU extensions.
* Bump sonames in the library package accordingly
* C++ apps must now buildrequire libgnutls++-devel
* Software using the openssl emulation must buildrequire libgnutls-openssl-devel or better use openssl directly.
* Upstream no longer uses libgcrypt but libnettle.
* Upstream now requires the use of p11-kit
* Add post-release upstream patches critical for improving AES-NI support.
* Thu Jun 23 2011 update to stable version 2.10.5
* libgnutls: Corrected verification of finished messages.
* libgnutls: Corrected signature generation and verification in the Certificate Verify message when in TLS 1.2. Reported by Todd A. Ouska.
* pkg-config gnutls.pc improvements. The file uses \'Requires.private\' for libtasn1 and libz when needed, instead of Libs.private. From Andreas Metzler.
* gnutls-serv: Corrected a buffer overflow. Reported and patch by Tomas Mraz.
* libgnutls: Use ASN1_NULL when writing parameters for RSA signatures. This makes us comply with RFC3279. Reported by Michael Rommel.
* libgnutls: Reverted default behavior for verification and introduced GNUTLS_VERIFY_DO_NOT_ALLOW_X509_V1_CA_CRT. Thus by default V1 trusted CAs are allowed, unless the new flag is specified.
* minitasn1: Updated to Libtasn1 2.9.
* bgnutls: Correctly add leading zero to PKCS #8 encoded DSA key. Reported by Jeffrey Walton.
* libgnutls: Corrected memory leak in extension data calculation. Reported by Mike Blumenkrantz.
* libgnutls: Remove trailing comma in enums in gnutls.h and x509.h.
* API and ABI modifications: No changes since last version.
* Mon Oct 11 2010 update to latest stable version 2.10.2
* tons of changes, see NEWS
* Sat Apr 24 2010 buildrequire pkg-config to fix provides
* Thu Apr 15 2010 updated to stable 2.8.6
* libgnutls: For CSRs, don\'t null pad integers for RSA/DSA value. VeriSign rejected CSRs with this padding. Note: As a side effect of this change, the \"public key identifier\" value computed for a certificate using this version of GnuTLS will be different from values computed using earlier versions of GnuTLS.
* libgnutls: For CSRs on DSA keys, don\'t add DSA parameters to the optional SignatureAlgorithm parameter field. VeriSign rejected these CSRs. They are stricly speaking not needed since you need the signer\'s certificate to verify the certificate signature anyway.
* libgnutls: When checking openpgp self signature also check the signatures of all subkeys. Ilari Liusvaara noticed and reported the issue and provided test vectors as well.
* libgnutls: Cleanups and several bug fixes. Found by Steve Grubb and Tomas Mraz.
* Link libgcrypt explicitly to certtool, gnutls-cli, gnutls-serv.
* Fix --disable-valgrind-tests.
* examples: Use the new APIs for printing X.509 certificate information.
* i18n: Updated Czech, Dutch, French, Polish, Swedish and Vietnamese translations. Added Simplified Chinese translation.
* Tue Apr 06 2010 use system libtasn1 instead of the bundled copy
* Thu Feb 04 2010 some build fixes.
* Thu Feb 04 2010 updated to stable 2.8.5
* Fri Dec 25 2009 add baselibs.conf as a source- enable parallel building
* Wed Sep 02 2009 update to lastest stable version 2.8.3 [bnc#532750]
* Fri Mar 13 2009 fix security bug [bnc#457938] new CVE-2008-4989
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