Changelog for
gtali-3.6.1-2.8.1.i586.rpm :
* Thu Jun 20 2013 glchess-always-undo-most-recent.patch: Always undo from the most recent move. (bnc#825469, bgo#701601)- glchess-fix-massive-cpu-usage.patch: Fix massive CPU usage after starting a new game. (bnc#825469, bgo#578130)- glchess-stop-the-clock.patch: Stop the chess clock when ChessGame is freed. (bnc#825469, bgo#701705)
* Tue Jun 18 2013 glines-segfault-part-2.patch: prepare the preview surfaces before the board is shown. Without this, the game crashes upon starting most notably on 32-bit machines. (bnc#825469)
* Thu Apr 18 2013 Backport several fixes from GNOME 3.8 (bnc#815331): + glchess-castle-through-pawn-check.patch - prevent castling through attack by a pawn + glchess-history.patch - fix the same game being autoloaded forever + glchess-phalanx-promotion.patch - fix AI hang when trying to promote a piece + glines-32bit-segfault.patch - fix a crash
* Tue Oct 16 2012 Update to version 3.6.1: + swell-foop: prevent keyboard focus from going to the toolbar. + Updated translations.
* Wed Sep 26 2012 Update to version + glchess: Fix crash on startup due to incorrect usage of GApplication.
* Tue Sep 25 2012 Update to version + Fix for a map loading in the Vala rewrite of Mahjongg.- Changes from version 3.6.0: + General: code modernization and libgames deprecation. + Gnomine: the timer is not stopped at the end + Updated translations.
* Fri Sep 14 2012 Remove gobject-introspection-devel BuildRequires: it\'s not needed anymore since 3.5.2.
* Mon Aug 20 2012 Update to version 3.5.90: + The major changes in this release are: - Gtali was ported to GtkApplication and got an app menu - Timers was split out of libgames-support + gtali: Add GtkApplication (and application menu) support + lightsoff: Fix transition of won board + Several bug fixes. + Updated documentation. + Updated translations.
* Mon Aug 06 2012 Update to version 3.5.5: + Major changes: - The high score dialogs got a date field - Simplify preferences of several games + Bug fixes, code cleanups. + Updated documentation. + Updated translations.
* Tue Jul 17 2012 Update to version 3.5.4: + Mahjongg was renamed to gnome-mahjongg + Swell-foop can now be played with keyboard, got a 256x256 icon, and now has mnemonics in the preferences dialog. + Gnomine got a \"Replay game\" option in the menu. It also has improved help and better wording in the gui. + Chess had some fixes to chess rules and no longer leaves behind engine processes. + Updated translations.- Rename mahjongg subpackage to gnome-mahjongg, following upstreams name change. The old package name is provided/obsoleted.
* Sun Jun 10 2012 Update to version 3.5.2: + Major changes: - Glines and mahjongg both use GtkApplication and app menu. - Sudoku now uses xdg data directory for saved games - Mallard docs for quadrapassel/lightsoff + glchess: fix phalanx/gnuchess output interpretation + glines: fix closing via window decoration + gnotravex: Only show congratulations message if score is in top 10 + mahjongg: ability to select new stone without unselecting existing one + swell-foop: fix saving score twice + Drop introspection for libgames-support. + Several other code changes. + Bugs fixed: #bgo#673347, bgo#675434 + Updated translations.- Drop glchess-engines.patch: fixed upstream
* Fri May 18 2012 Add glchess-engines.patch: More flexibly parse the output of gnuchess and phalanx engines.
* Tue May 15 2012 Update to version 3.4.2: + Documentation fixes. + Updated translations.
* Tue Apr 17 2012 Update to version 3.4.1: + Fix help links for modules that still use docbook + glines: Fix closing via window decoration + gnomine: Port to mallard help + mahjongg: Can\'t select new stone without unselecting existing one + swell-foop: Fix saving score twice + Build fixes. + Updated translations.
* Tue Mar 27 2012 Update to version 3.4.0: + Small fixes. + Updated translations.
* Mon Mar 26 2012 Remove hack to find localized help: this has been fixed in
* Tue Mar 20 2012 Update to version 3.3.92: + Ported swell-foop to vala. + Misc bug fixes. + Updated translations.- Remove seed Requires from swell-foop as it got ported to vala.- Change swell-foop packaging for high score handling: + Add /bin/chown, /bin/chmod, /usr/bin/touch, permissions PreReq, since that\'s needed for scriptlets. + Use the new generated swell-foop.scores_post file in %post. + Call %set_permissions %{_bindir}/swell-foop in %post. + Add a %verifyscript with %verify_permissions -e %{_bindir}/swell-foop. + Make %{_bindir}/swell-foop owned by games:games.
* Sun Mar 11 2012 Update to version + Fixed a build problem in the docs.
* Mon Mar 05 2012 Update to version 3.3.91: + Use GMenu: gnomine, iagno, lightsoff, quadrapassel + Use GtkApplication: quadrapassel + glchess: Better performance by caching surfaces for pieces + iagno: Use infobar to show warning & game over messages + quadrapassel: \"Show where the block will land\" always appeared unchecked + Updated translations.
* Tue Feb 07 2012 Update to version 3.3.5: + Help is built with yelp-tools instead of gnome-doc-utils + Performance improvements: iagno, gnomine, mahjongg + Removed statusbar: gnomine, iagno + iagno: - Add back \'Flip final results\' option + gnomine: - Add a new game screen - Increase minimum mine size + quadrapassel: - Port from C++ to Vala - Add show where block will land - Add fullscreen option- Remove xz BuildRequires now that it comes for free in the build system.- Remove now unneeded gcc-c++ BuildRequires.- Add vala BuildRequires for the vala games.- Add explicit pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) BuildRequires, so it can be versioned.- Change gnome-doc-utils-devel BuildRequires to yelp-tools, following upstream change.- Add the usual hack to correctly detect translated help installed in new directory until %find_lang does it.
* Wed Jan 25 2012 Add missing %glib2_gsettings_schema_post in %post of gnobots2.- Fix %postun of swell-foop to use %glib2_gsettings_schema_postun instead of %glib2_gsettings_schema_post.
* Thu Jan 19 2012 Update to version + Fixes setgid for high scores code + Cleanup of build system. + Updated translations.
* Wed Jan 18 2012 Add pkgconfig(gl) and pkgconfig(glu) BuildRequires: they are needed to build glchess.
* Tue Jan 17 2012 Update to version 3.3.4: + The port to GSettings was completed + Games ported to vala: iagno + Games ported to mallard: glines, gnomine, mahjongg, sudoku + Games using GtkApplication: glChess, gnomine, iagno, lightsoff, mahjongg + Gnotravex uses the new GMenuModel + Mahjongg dropped its statusbar + Dropped smclient support + Dropped embedded version of gnuchess + Iagno now uses scalable graphics + Deprecation fixes + Build system changes. + Updated translations.- Drop gnome-games-gnobots2-scores-build.patch: fixed upstream.- Drop gnome-common BuildRequires and (misplaced!) call to that were needed for above patch.- Replace gconf schema packaging machinery with gsettings machinery for gnect, gnibbles, gnobots2, gnome-sudoku, gnotski, gtali, quadrapassel and swell-foop.- Remove gconf2-devel BuildRequires since there is no use of gconf anymore.- Remove now non-existing --disable-schemas-install configure option.- Remove now non-existing --disable-gnuchess configure option (there\'s no embedded version of gnuchess anymore).- Remove checks for old versions of openSUSE (<= 11.1).
* Sat Dec 24 2011 Update to version 3.3.3: + Games ported to vala: gnomine, gnotravex, and lightsoff. + Many games reorganized the code into /src and /data + Dropped status bar (gnomine, gnotravex, lightsoff) + Mallard docs: (chess, glines, iagno, sudoku) + GtkApplication used in gnotravex + Confirm before starting new game (gnomine) + Gnibbles adjust number of bonuses based on number of players- Add xz BuildRequires because we can\'t build a package for a xz-compressed tarball without explicitly specifying that... See bnc#697467 for more details.- Add gnome-games-gnobots2-scores-build.patch: fix creation of .scores files for gnobots2 during \"make install\".- Add gnome-common BuildRequires and call to for above patch.- Replace gconf schema packaging machinery with gsettings machinery for lightsoff.- Remove seed Requires from lightsoff, since it\'s now written in vala.
* Wed Oct 26 2011 Update to version 3.3.1: + Glines: - Use .ui files - Set correct icon - Repaint board on bgcolor change + Gnect: minor typo fix + Mahjongg: - Port from C to Vala - Fix hints showing when doing new hints / cancelling them + Swell-foop: efault theme was renamed to Shapes and Colors + Updated translations.
* Tue Oct 18 2011 Update to version 3.2.1: + Updated translations.
* Mon Sep 26 2011 Update to version 3.2.0: + Accept either pygobject-2.0 or 3.0 pkgconfig files + Updated translations.- Change pkgconfig(pygobject-2.0) BuildRequires to pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0) to build with latest python-gobject.
* Tue Sep 20 2011 Update to version 3.1.92: + General: Stop using some deprecated GTK symbols + Chess: - Fix a crash - Minor UI improvements + Updated translations.
* Tue Sep 06 2011 Update to version 3.1.91: + Chess: Fix compile issues with Vala 0.13.3 + Glines: port to GSettings. + Gnect: Use the correct player names in Preferences + Updated translations.- Replace gconf schema packaging machinery with gsettings machinery for glines.
* Thu Sep 01 2011 Update to version 3.1.90: + Code cleanups. + Updated translations.
* Mon Aug 15 2011 Update to version 3.1.5: + Port more games to GSettings: gnomine, iagno, mahjongg. + Minor bug fixes: - Really remove ggz support from iagno. - Remove unused variable. + Updated translations.- Replace gconf schema packaging machinery with gsettings machinery for gnomine, iagno, mahjongg.
* Wed Jul 27 2011 Update to version 3.1.4: + Remove useless Game->Network in the menus. + Chess: Work with vala 0.14. + Updated translations.
* Wed Jul 13 2011 Remove gnome-python-desktop and python-gnome Requires from gnome-sudoku: the game got ported to gobject introspection, so doesn\'t use those bindings anymore.- Add python-bugbuddy Suggests to gnome-sudoku, as it still optionally uses some bug-buddy integration.
* Wed Jul 06 2011 Update to version 3.1.3: + Major changes: - The seed games moved back to staging + General: - Build fixes - Replace some deprecated gtk symbols + Chess: Escape \\ and \" in .pgn files + Glines: Only show the cursor when using keyboard + Gnect: Port to GtkGrid + Gtali: - Could not load the kismet dice svg + Gnotravex: - Port to gsettings - Help video got TTML captions - Port to GtkGrid + Sudoku: Cleanups + Swell-foop: Only get the 1000 point bonus if all tiles are removed + Updated translations.- Pass --enable-staging to configure to keep building seed games.- Replace gconf schema packaging machinery with gsettings machinery for gnotravex.
* Tue May 17 2011 Update to version 3.1.1: + Major changes: - Aisleriot was split out of gnome-games into its own module. - Sudoku was ported to pygobject/GTK3. - New default theme for swell-foop. + libgames-support: - As this is a private library, move .gir and .typelib to private location. - Use real icon names. + Chess: - bgo#647090: Correctly set up i18n - Fix bug in Vala GTK bindings setting file filter labels - bgo#649625: Correctly apply fifty move rule after 50 full moves, not half moved - Fix fullscreen mode not working - Remember window size - Update UI file to recent glade - Use standard license in about dialog - Use OptionContext for command line arguments + Gnobots: Add the primary-toolbar style class + Iagno: Default AI difficulty should be easiest + Lightsoff: - Fix to work with latest seed - Fix settings dialog - Set WM_CLASS for Shell Application tracking + Mahjongg: Add the primary-toolbar style class + Sudoku: - Port to GNOME 3 - Add the primary-toolbar style class + Swell-Foop: - Fix to work with latest seed - Add shape to default theme so it is visble by color-blind people - Make test theme use the same colors as the defaut, and rename to \'Colors\'. Rename tango theme to \'Shapes and Colors\' - Fix settings dialog - Set WM_CLASS for Shell Application tracking - Fix About dialog description of the game- Add pkgconfig(pygobject-2.0) BuildRequires.- Drop gnome-games-swell_and_lightsoff.patch: fixed upstream. This means we can remove the gnome-common BuildRequires as well as the call to Drop aisleriot subpackage. Update the various NOTEs about where to find more info in the .spec file to mention glchess instead of aisleriot.
* Thu May 05 2011 Fix permissions handling for glines, gnibbles, gnobots2, gnomine, gnotravex, gnotski, gtali, mahjongg and quadrapassel: + Add permissions PreReq. + Use %set_permissions on the binary instead of the deprecated %run_permissions. + Move %desktop_database_post and %icon_theme_cache_post to be in %post and not %verifyscript.- Fix PreReq that are used because of score files: + Only /bin/chown /bin/chmod /usr/bin/touch are needed. + Remove unneeded PreReq for /bin/rm from glines, gnibbles, gnobots2, gnomine, gnotravex, gnotski, gtali, mahjongg. + Add previously missing PreReq for /bin/chown /bin/chmod /usr/bin/touch to quadrapassel. + Remove all PreReq from swell-foop as there is no score file there.- Remove unneeded /bin/chown /bin/chmod /usr/bin/touch PreReq in support subpackage as only rm is used in %post.
* Mon Apr 25 2011 Drop python-gtk-devel BuildRequires: this shouldn\'t be needed anymore.- Manually remove icons that have a weird size.
* Wed Apr 13 2011 Add gnome-games-swell_and_lightsoff.patch: this re-enables lightsoff and swell-foop, patches collected from git.- Use gnome-sudoku Obsoletes if we can not build it. This ensures that an update to gnome-games 3.0.0 is not blocked.- Add gnome-common BuildRequires and add call to
* Tue Apr 05 2011 Update to version 3.0.0: + Use /org/gnome as starting path for schemas + Aisleriot: - add a primary-toolbar style class to the toolbar - Use GNOME Design Team\'s new icon with 256x256 size + Updated translations.- Own some icons directories (new sizes).
* Mon Mar 28 2011 Update to version 2.91.93: + 256x256 icons added for aisleriot and gnomine + Aisleriot switched the default theme back to bonded and temporarily removed the experimental clutter mode. + Gnomine: new icons + Quadrapassel: - Don\'t show a preview when \"Choose difficult blocks\" is switched on - Only show the preview block in the correct circumstances + Updated translations
* Thu Mar 24 2011 Update to version 2.91.91: + Various bugfixes + Updated translations.- Changes from version 2.91.90: + Chess was rewritten in vala. + Iagno and gnomine had graphical glitches fixed. + All games except swell-foop, lightsoff, and sudoku are now working with GTK3.- Changes from version 2.91.5: + Mostly fixes for gtk3 and clutter-gtk 1.0. + Quadrapassel also gained a new theme \"Clean\".- Changes from version 2.91.3: + Chess got a new option for showing the captured pieces. + Quadrapassel and gnotravex got ported to gtk3.- Changes from version 2.91.2: + gnect, gnibbles, gnotski, gtali, and iagno were ported to gtk3. + Fix lightsoff and swell-foop to work correctly again.- Changes from version 2.91.1: + aisleriot and glines were ported to gtk3. + Aisleriot: - Port window state persistence to gsettings - Make kde card theme support work + GLines: use a more sensible scoring system- swell-foop, lightsoff and gnome-sudoku are not built for now.- Drop gnome-games-CVE-2010-4003.patch: fixed upstream.- Drop gnome-games-seed-fixes.patch: fixed upstream.- Drop gnome-games-seed-gtk-gir-conflict.patch: no longer needed.- Add pkgconfig(sqlite3) BuildRequires, needed for glchess.- Remove gnome-python-desktop, python-gnome Requires, %py_requires and python-gtkglext, python-opengl Recomends from glchess package as it has been ported to vala.- Replace GConf2 schemas handling with GSettings schemas handling, with %glib2_gsettings_schema_
* macros, for some games.
* Sun Feb 13 2011 Call relevant macros in %post/%postun: + %desktop_database_post/postun because the package ships at least one desktop file. + %icon_theme_cache_post/postun because the package ships themed icons.- Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage.- Change Requires of lang subpackage to Recommends, since the english documentation is not there anymore.
* Mon Jan 17 2011 Add gnome-games-seed-fixes.patch with fixes from git to make the seed-based games work, instead of crash. Fix bnc#664917.- Add gnome-games-seed-gtk-gir-conflict.patch to avoid a conflict when both gtk2 and gtk3 are installed. This is a workaround that\'s only needed while gnome-games is built against gtk2.
* Wed Jan 05 2011 Add gnome-games-CVE-2010-4003.patch to safely set LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Fix bnc#642829 and CVE-2010-4003.
* Tue Dec 14 2010 Own /usr/share/gnome and /usr/share/gnome/help to fix build.
* Tue Nov 16 2010 Update to version 2.32.1: + Updated translations.
* Mon Sep 27 2010 Update to version 2.32.0: + Fix broken configure test that forced checking the path for card themes. + Updated translations.- As a reminder, those are the changes since 2.30.x: + Major features since 2.30.x: - Overall the games now have more consistent menus, better HIG compliance, and now build with GSEAL. - The work on sudoku includes a new sharper look, less cluttered menus, removal of the status bar, and a ton of bug fixes. - Chess now supports SVGs for pieces and includes a new theme. + Minor features since 2.30.x: - Chess also moved to use GtkInfoBar. - In Tetravex animation support was added together with support for swapping pieces. - In Quadrapassel the difficulty in the later levels was tweaked to be easier. - The scoring algorithm for glines was adjusted to avoid huge scores. - The port to Cairo has been completed for a few of the games. - Sudoku got a new hint system - In Aisleriot the cards are now slightly bigger- Drop gnome-games-fix-configure.patch: fixed upstream. Drop gnome-common BuildRequires and call to that were needed only for this patch.
* Fri Sep 17 2010 Update to version + General: - Fix --with-card-theme-formats=default - Make PySol and KDE card theme paths configurable - Fix build with gobject-introspection >= 0.9.5 + Aisleriot: Add openSUSE packages to theme-install.ini- Drop gnome-games-packagekit-opensuse.patch: fixed upstream.- Drop gnome-games-pysol-themes.patch: fixed upstream another way.- Remove --with-card-theme-formats=all option from configure: it\'s not recommended upstream right now, and the default we\'ll get should be enough.- Add gnome-games-fix-configure.patch to fix a broken test in configure script. Add gnome-common BuildRequires and call to for this patch.
* Tue Sep 14 2010 Add gnome-games-packagekit-opensuse.patch: this makes the PackageKit support to install themes useful in openSUSE.- Add gnome-games-pysol-themes.patch: look at the right directory for pysol themes.- Pass --with-card-theme-formats=all to configure to support more card themes.- Remove --enable-card-themes-installer from configure: this option is gone now (it\'s always enabled).
* Tue Sep 14 2010 Update to version 2.31.92: + Aisleriot: - fix warnings and build issues with gtk3 - show install confirmation before install card theme packages + Glines: - adjust scoring algorithm to avoid huge scores (bgo#503953) + Updated translations.
* Wed Sep 01 2010 Update to version + This is a re-release of 2.31.91 because 2.31.91 was taken from the wrong branch. The changes since 2.31.90 are below. + Aisleriot: - Set dash pattern when drawing focus rectangle - Store \'score\' as int - docs: Fix rank definition in the glossary + sudoku: Fix broken cell clear button + Updated translations.
* Mon Aug 30 2010 Update to version 2.31.91: + Aisleriot: - Set dash pattern when drawing focus rectangle - Store \'score\' as int - docs: Fix rank definition in the glossary + sudoku: Fix broken cell clear button + gnotski: Port to cairo + gnotravex: Port to cairo + Updated translations.
* Tue Aug 17 2010 Update to version 2.31.90: + General: - libgames-support: Add games_preimage_render_cairo - Plug memory leaks. - Use right clutter-gtk API version for gtk3 + Aisleriot: Port to cairo, bug fixes + Glines: Port to cairo + Gnibbles: Store tail direction before reversing the worm + Gnobots: Port to cairo + Quadrapassel: bug fixes + Updated translations.
* Mon Aug 09 2010 Remove unneeded gnome-python-desktop BuildRequires.
* Sat Aug 07 2010 Update to version 2.31.6: + Sudoku: update tooltips for the buttons used in the tracker + Quadrapassel: update manual + Build fixes. + Updated translations.- Changes from version 2.31.5: + Aisleriot: make cards slightly bigger + Quadrapassel: rename \'bastard mode\' to \'choose difficult blocks\' + Sudoku: improve hint system to suggest a square + Build fixes. + Updated translations.- Changes from version 2.31.4: + Chess: fix insufficient material algorithm + GTali: use better randomization algorithm + Various small bug fixes. + Build fixes (including dual GTK+ build). + Updated translations.- Changes from version 2.31.3: + Aisleriot: use a uniform baize colour + Build fixes. + Updated translations.- Changes from version 2.31.2: + General: - slowly move to GNOME 3 technologies (gdbus, for example) - various small bug fixes + Chess: - add Fairy-Max support - add Stockfish support + Lights Off: - improved level generation algorithm - fix misinterpreted clicks when mouse moves - fix extra black padding on right/bottom of puzzle board + Sudoku: - overhauled tracker system + Build fixes. + Updated translations.- Changes from version 2.31.1: + General: - more consistent menus in games - UI improvements and better HIG compliance - various small bug fixes + Aisleriot: - wrong no-more-moves-dialog if king on last slot in Helsinki game - make the render-cards utility GPL3+ + Chess: - support svg for 2d pieces - new theme + Quadrapassel: - make difficulty in the later levels a bit easier + Sudoku: - sharper look - support single-click game selection - improve generation of puzzles (done in the background, only for chosen difficulty) - rework conflict resolution code + Tetravex: - add animation - always use colors for tiles - support swapping pieces + Build fixes. + Updated translations.- Add GPLv3+ to the list of licenses used in this package.
* Sat Jun 05 2010 do not rebuild on changes of openSUSE-release
* Thu Apr 29 2010 Update to version 2.30.1: + bgo#613634: gnome-games doesn\'t support relocatable .gnome2 directory + Various Sudoku fixes + Updated translations.
* Wed Apr 07 2010 Update list of recommended games: we probably don\'t want gnibbles in there since it\'s big and could look better.
* Wed Apr 07 2010 Work around a bug in rpm (bnc#594310) that loses permissions when multiple %defattr are used: we just change the order of lines.
* Mon Mar 29 2010 Update to version 2.30.0: + GSeal fix (bgo#586731) + Mark .js files for translation (bgo#613092) + Fix build with clutter-gtk 0.10 + Updated translations.
* Tue Mar 09 2010 Update to version 2.29.92: + Aisleriot: - Fix the build with clutter 1.2 - Fix error-bell signal slot - Fix focus signal - Add cogl option group + Build: Fix clutter-gtk check for clutter 1.2 + Updated translations.
* Tue Feb 23 2010 Update to version 2.29.91: + Aisleriot: - Update prop-editor.c from gtk+ master - Move card theme support from libgames-support to aisleriot - Fix the build + Updated translations and doumentation.- Update files section, move gnome-games-render-cards to aisleriot package, as ar-cards-renderer.
* Wed Jan 27 2010 Update to version 2.29.6: + General: - Update smclient from libegg master - Add back-index property to Pysol card theme - Support PySolFC 2.0 cardsets - Remove suprious math.h includes - Add back-index to KDE card theme class - Link against math lib + Aisleriot: - Implement slot types for Klondike based games - Don\'t include non-disted games in the manual - Don\'t include non-disted games in DOC_ENTITIES - Add some reserve strings - Correctly round the win percentage - Add configure switch to enable debugging UI - Make the prop-editor a stackable window on maemo5 - Don\'t use GdkPixbuf to load the baize - Remove unused #include - Don\'t use the hardware keys on maemo5 - Remove stock icon from Statistics menu item + Chess: - Fix crash using UCI engines + Lightsoff: - Raise keyboard-cursor, in case something was added on top of it - Write the beginnings of a manual + Updated translations.
* Wed Jan 13 2010 Update to version 2.29.5: + General: - Fix definition of gtk_widget_set_can_focus - Add API to get the localised card name - Add another glib compat define - Add style debug option - Add games-glib-compat.h + Aisleriot: - Work on the clutter version - Add card-overhang style property - Set card-overhang to 0. by default - Add property editor debug UI to tweak style properties - Make style properties writable - Make card step a style property - Add widget style property for card-step - Make non-clutter AisleriotBoard use ArStyle and ArCursor too - Make pixbuf-drawing a property on ArStyle too - Use games-glib-compat.h - Use new glib compat define - Take double click time from style - Make bug-buddy own the tempfile with the crash details - Fix build on maemo5 - Add tooltips and status message to AisleriotBoard - Return NULL for slots of type \'UNKNOWN\' - Set card-overhang to 0.5 on maemo + Lightsoff: - Fix logic mistake causing theme-change fade between each board - Print error if Clutter fails to initialize + Swell Foop: - Print error if Clutter fails to initialize + Translation updates
* Wed Dec 23 2009 Update to version 2.29.4: + Maemo 5 porting work and a handful of bugs fixed. + General: - libgames-support: Drop SDL-mixer sound support - Rename icons gnometris->quadrapassel samegnome->swell-foop (bgo#603577) - Change .desktop category to fdo-standard LogicGame, not PuzzleGame - Build and code fixes. + Aisleriot: - Set freecell-mode on window construction - Move game selection to ArGameChooser - maemo5: Make the game chooser a stackable window - Only set content area border on non-maemo5 - Refactor AisleriotBoard - Mask uncommon modifiers on button press modifiers check + Iagno: - Get tile size from theme (bgo#543387) + Sudoku: - gconf_client.get will sometimes return None (bgo#590974) - If no new puzzle number out of gconf, assume all is ok (bgo#590974) + Tali: - Reduce size of window + Updated translations.- Drop gir-repository BuildRequires: it\'s not needed with recent gtk2 that have introspection data.- Drop gnome-games-fix-installer-build.patch: fixed upstream.- Remove gnome-common BuildRequires.
* Sat Dec 05 2009 Update to version 2.29.3: + Maemo5 support for aisleriot, bugfixes, and translations. + General: - translation fixes. - various small bug fixes. + libgames-support: - Add games_conf_save() - Allow clearing the cache explicitly + Aisleriot: - Add slot type argument to the add-slot function - Add slot types to Klondike - Add slot types to Spider - Add slot types to Freecell - Consume button press events - Add floating exit-fullscreen button - Improved support for maemo/maemo5. + Updated translations.- Changes fro version 2.29.2: + Mostly small bugfixes and translation updates. + General: - build fixes. - various small bug fixes. - drop the single unit test left in tests. + Aisleriot: - Don\'t document --freecell - Update man page.- Changes from version 2.29.1: + A new game, Lightsoff, has been added. + Same GNOME has been ported to Seed/Clutter and at the same time changed its name to Swell Foop. + Gnometris also changed its name to Quadrapassel. + This release is delivered without network support except for GLChess. The dependency on GGZ has been dropped in favour of a coming move to Telepathy for networked gaming. + The Blackjack game has been dropped. + General: - build system fixes/improvements. - documentation fixes. - build fixes for GSeal. - various small bug fixes. + Aisleriot: - partial fix for z-order of empty slots; handles drag case (bgo#575740) - remove usless region invalidation with Clutter; OpenGL doesn\'t care - resolve z-order for empty slots; handles selection case (bgo#575740) + Gnibbles: - integration of the work done during a Summer of Code project - rewritten with Clutter support. + Lightsoff: - Fix offset so board is vertically centered - Make sure cached textures are hidden - Implement \"Use colors from GNOME theme\" checkbox - Watch for Gtk theme changes, and update theme coloring + Quadrapassel: - renamed from Gnometris + Swell Foop: - renamed from Same Gnome- Remove check-devel, ggz-client-libs-devel, libggz2-devel, libxml2-devel BuildRequires.- Add lsb-release and openSUSE-release BuildRequires.- Drop gnome-games-same-gnome-clutter-libdir.patch: fixed upstream.- Drop gnome-games-lightsoff-libdir.patch: fixed upstream.- Remove --enable-staging configure option.- Add --enable-card-themes-installer configure option.- Add gnome-games-fix-installer-build.patch to fix build, and add gnome-common BuildRequires.- Split the games in subpackages, so we can only install a subset if needed. + this implies reworking quite a bit the packaging, including changing gnome-games-create-post to create one file per subpackage. + the main package depends on all subpackages, to keep the old behavior. + a new gnome-games-recommended package is available to install a subset of games by default.
* Mon Oct 05 2009 Add gnome-games-same-gnome-clutter-libdir.patch - Detect the libraries in AATTlibdirAATT/gnome/games instead if AATTprefixAATT/lib/gnome-games. Fixes partially bnc#540240.- Same fix for lightsoff using gnome-games-lightsoff-libdir.patch.
* Tue Sep 22 2009 Update to version 2.28.0: + glChess: - bgo#446950 - Make default game use the AI chosen from the previous game - Remove unused signal from save_game.ui - bgo#577240 - Detect exceptions when in OpenGL code and disable 3d mode for next restart + Tali: - Make Tali 24x24 icon match changes to 22x22 icon + Updated translations and documentations.- Add man pages to package.
* Thu Sep 10 2009 Update to version 2.27.92: + General: - Add icon for GAMES_STOCK_START_NEW_GAME stock - Build fixes. - Work for GSeal-compliance. + Aisleriot: - Fix AisleriotBoard definition + Blackjack: - Fix warning on exit with gtk 2.17 + GLChess: - Fix duplicate GtkBuilder object IDs - Detect resign and draw requests from CECP AIs - Make AI players claim draws where possible (bgo#592980) - Stop using deprecated BaseException.message (bgo#586581) + Gnibbles: - Hide notebook border too + Gnobots: - Move gnobots2 themes into separate directory (bgo#488974) + Gnometris: - First pass as implementing a GObject-based texture cache; has issues - solve most of the memory management issues - clean up some of the code carnage from my debugging - restore the functionality of the other themes - restore pixel-level precision to the block renderer - restore ligature-style animations for performance reasons - make the preview cell size depend on preview size; completes 1.0 port - Speed up keypress handler even more for smoother move animations - center the preview widget correctly in main and settings UI + Gnomine: - Fix resizing button theme artifact, bgo#574118 - Fix too many menuitems visible initially, bgo#592774 - Fix a cosmetic issue with the menu XML in the code, bgo#592775 - Fix keyboard mnemonics don\'t work, bgo#592776 - Fix sensitivity handling glitch, bgo#592777 + Sudoku: - Use smaller fonts and borders when printing to save ink + Build fixes. + Updated translations.
* Fri Sep 04 2009 Add missing gnome-python-desktop and python-gnome Requires.
* Thu Aug 13 2009 Update to version 2.27.90: + General: - Use clutter 1.0. + same-gnome-clutter: - Rough beginnings of high-scores display - Finish display of high scores. - Distribute files, remove C version of same-gnome-clutter - Use libgames-support conf code instead of gconf + lightsoff: - Code cleanup; put some functions on prototype for performance - Further code cleanup, commenting - Ensure level is never < 1 (causes infinite loop) - Distribute files + Updated translations.- Drop gnome-games-clutter-1.0.patch.- Remove gnome-common BuildRequires and call.- Uncomment seed Requires and --enable-staging configure option.- Package files for new staging games.- Use python_sitelib instead of py_sitedir.
* Tue Aug 04 2009 Add gnome-games-clutter-1.0.patch to fix build with clutter 1.0.- Do not package omf files twice.- Prepare for seed games (doesn\'t work right with this tarball, but will be fixed later with the next upstream version): add (commented out) seed Requires and (commented out) - -enable-staging configure option.
* Tue Jul 28 2009 Update to version 2.27.5: + Tim\'s branch supporting introspection was merged. A staging version of same-gnome with seed/clutter support has been added + General: - images folders of glchess and gnome-sudoku moved out of datadir/gnome-games again - Initial support to the commondatadir - GGZ-1.0.gir needs to be installed - GamesClock now works with multiple start() + Aisleriot: - Change license to GPL v3 or later + Lights Off: - Now uses Clutter 0.9 - Improve translatability of ui file - don\'t remove js files during make clean - About dialog - Ingame help - Lots of cleanups - New GConf schemas for score and theme + Same Gnome (Clutter version): - Imported from the seed repository - Many fixes, mostly animation and stickyness problems - About dialog - Import the Theme Loader from Lights Off - Reset score on new game + Updated translations.- Change files section for glchess to include subdirs.- Delete all
*.la files from the buildroot- Pass --disable-static to configure- Add gobject-introspection-devel and gir-repository to BuildRequires.- Include new files in files section.
* Mon Jul 20 2009 Update to version 2.27.4: + General: + Many bugfixes and cleanups. + Binreloc support. + Better maemo/win32 support. + Fix toolbar style to be user configurable (bgo#584615) + Fix games_sound_play_for_widget() for canberra + Set help error dialogue title to empty + Better error message when showing help fails + icons: Add prerendered icons for the \"cards-deal\" name + Aisleriot: - fix hinting in a rare situation in Spider - Hide toolbar at startup if requested - Add style property for the card/slot ratio + Mahjongg: - Update documentation.- Changes from version 2.27.3: + General: - Many bug fixes. - Build fixes. - Update to current clutter API. - Changes for better maemo5 support. - Use g_mkdir_with_parents and mode 0700 to create the config dir - Doc fixes. + Gnometris: - Add annoying \"bastard\" mode + Aisleriot: - only allow moving builds of cards in Klondike-based games - add a hint for when there are too few cards in Spider games - change status message when dealing is impossible in Spider games - implement dealable feature in Carpet - implement dealable feature in Cruel- Add check-devel BuildRequires.
* Thu Jun 11 2009 Update to version 2.27.2: + General: - Lots of code cleanup. + Gnometris: - Finish port to clutter 0.9. + Chess: - Update tooltip style for info messages. + Aisleriot: - Add new game \"Bear River\"- Change from version 2.27.1: + General: - Depend on clutter 0.9.3 - Handle gst_element_factory_make() returning NULL - Port to GtkCellRendererAccel - Remove extraneous widget packing - Add --enable-aisleriot-clutter configure option - Don\'t append ? on ghelp URI with NULL section - Add Pulse Support to Docs - Fixed DocBook validity in help translations - Use g_timeout_add_seconds when available - Support shave autofoo and libtool output - Fix GAMES_DEBUG=sound - Use libcanberra as default sound option - Hide the Sound menu item if the global setting is disabled + Aisleriot: - Implement dealable feature in Bristol, Camelot, Canfield - Upgrade to clutter 0.9 - Add a guide to making a new game for aisleriot - Use the default about dialogue hooks + Chess: - Update our copy of GNUChess for POSIX 2008 compatibility - Add a new display mode - face-to-face - Only allow selecting with the primary mouse button - Port to GtkBuilder + Gnometris: - Remove our private copy of clutter-embed.h - Remove noclutter version - Switch to new-style clutter includes and initialization + Gnomine: - Fix pause/resume with the pause key - Code cleanup + Lights Off: - Use new import mechanism to work with seed >=0.5 + Same-gnome: - Update DOC_FIGURES + Sudoku: - Massive code cleanup - Port to GtkBuilder - Distribute 150 very hard puzzles instead of 20 + Updated translations.- Add clutter-devel, clutter-gtk-devel, libcanberra-devel BuildRequires.- Remove SDL-devel, gstreamer010-devel, libglade2-devel, libgnomeui-devel, scrollkeeper BuildRequires.
* Tue Apr 14 2009 Update to version 2.26.1: + Make desktop files valid. + Update smclient code from libegg. + Fix build with --enable-games=glchess + Don\'t kill worm by pressing backwards (bgo#516992) + Fix crash when undoing a pawn promotion (bgo#577395) + Only allow one number picker at a time (bgo#530778) + Ignore malformed savegames (bgo#516491) + Updated translations.
* Tue Mar 17 2009 Update to version 2.26.0: + Aisleriot: - When using Clutter, draw Aisleriot card movement animations to empty stacks correctly + Sudoku: - Fix crasher bug where the a dict was being changed in one thread while another was iterating over the dict. (bgo#529792) - Fixes a crasher bug when numpy is not installed. (bgo#416249) + Updated translations.
* Mon Mar 09 2009 Add scrollkeeper BuildRequires to fix build.
* Fri Mar 06 2009 Update to version 2.25.92: + Aisleriot: - Add creator of \"Tango\" card set to Artists tab in the Credits dialogue + Chess: - Stop king castling when blocked by pawn - Use gtk.show_uri to show help + Gnometris: - Bump the required version of clutter to 0.8.8 + Sudoku: - Use gtk.show_uri to show help + Updated translations.- Remove -fno-strict-aliasing from CFLAGS.