Changelog for octave-forge-signal-1.2.2-57.9.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Apr 8 14:00:00 2013
- update to version 20130408
- updated control to 2.4.2

* bugfixes
- updated database to 2.1.1

* Incompatible with database 1.x.x

* Dropped support for all databases except postgres

* Added postgresql client as a dependency
(not listed in upstream package dependencies)

* No longer noarch
- updated econometrics to 1.1.1

* bugfixes

* The following functions have been made private: average_moments,
gmm_obj, kernel_density_nodes, __kernel_epanechnikov,
__kernel_normal, kernel_regression_nodes, mle_variance,
nls_obj_nodes, sum_moments_nodes
- updated io to 1.2.1

* bugfixes
- updated odepkg to 0.8.4

* package no longer autoloaded
- updated optiminterp to 0.3.4

* package no longer autoloaded
- updated queueing to 1.2.1

* new and deprecated functions, see NEWS inside the package
for details
- updated signal to 1.2.2

* minor permissions fixes
- rebased patch octave-forge-gcc-errors
various version changes (the patch contains version numbers)
- add --no-window-system to avoid missing X11 warnings,
also run pre/post scripts under this, to avoid the same
during package install/update

Thu Feb 7 13:00:00 2013
- disable reading octave initialization files during build

Mon Jan 21 13:00:00 2013
- update to version 20130121
- updated io to 1.2.0

* Bug fixes:

* Support for POI 3.9 added
- updated statistics to 1.2.0

* New functions for GEV

* Interface changes for mvnrnd

* Bugfixes for kmeans, normplot

* Package is no longer autoloaded
- Rebased octave-forge-gcc-errors.patch
- See respective NEWS files for more details

Mon Dec 10 13:00:00 2012
- update to version 20121210
- updated splines to 1.1.2

* Bugfixes - see NEWS

Sat Nov 24 13:00:00 2012
- Add patch octave-forge-image_oldgcc_errors.patch
Fixes build for SLE11, which has an older gcc without support
for the c++11 auto type

Tue Nov 20 13:00:00 2012
- update to version 20121120
- added cgi-0.1.0
- updated control to 2.4.1
- updated fpl to 1.3.3
- updated image to 2.0.0
- updated optim to 1.2.2
- updated queueing to 1.2.0
- See NEWS file on each package for more details
- Rebased patch octave-forge-gcc-errors.patch

Thu Nov 1 13:00:00 2012
- update to version 20121101
- updated bim to 1.1.1
- updated msh to 1.0.6
- updated quaternion to 2.0.2

Mon Oct 22 14:00:00 2012
- update to version 20121022
- updated bim to 1.1.0
- updated msh to 1.0.5
- time package removed, most of its functions were moved
to financial a while ago
- physicalconstants package removed, its functions are now
part of the miscellaneous package
- combinatorics package removed, its integer partition functions
were moved to miscellaneous a while ago, and combs was moved
to specfun

Mon Oct 22 14:00:00 2012
- Add patch octave-forge-geometry-install-oct-file.patch
Fixes geometry\'s makefile to properly install _oc_polybool.oct
Sourced from Rafael Laboissiere through octave-forge mailing
- Remove inst/octclip/src directory from geometry package
since it contains sources that must not be installed

Mon Oct 22 14:00:00 2012
- Update SVN url for doc checkout in

Sun Oct 21 14:00:00 2012
- update to version 20121021
- updated combinatorics to 2.0.0
- updated generate_html to 0.1.5
- updated geometry to 1.6.0
- updated miscellaneous to 1.2.0
- updated physicalconstants to 1.0.0
- updated quaternion to 2.0.1

Wed Oct 3 14:00:00 2012
- update to version 20121003
- updated control to 2.4.0

* Rebased patch: octave-forge-gcc-errors.patch
- updated fuzzy-logic-toolkit to 0.4.2
- added instrument-control-0.1.0
- updated octclip to 1.0.3

Tue Sep 25 14:00:00 2012
- added odepkg package [bnc#773844]

* extended gcc-warnings.patch by Martin Helm

Tue Sep 25 14:00:00 2012
- update to version 20120925
- updated mechanics to 1.3.1
- added odepkg-0.8.2
- updated signal to 1.2.0

Thu Sep 20 14:00:00 2012
- update to version 20120920
- updated control to 2.3.54

* Multiplot feature for frequency-domain plotting

* All SLICOT function names have now leading and trailing
underscores to emphasize their private nature.

* Bugfixes (see NEWS)
- updated optim to 1.2.1

* Bugfix in leasqr.m: errors when a function \'options\' is in
- rebased patch octave-forge-gcc-errors.patch

Fri Sep 14 14:00:00 2012
- update to version 20120914
- updated fpl to 1.3.2
- better handles the case where
there are no changes

Tue Sep 11 14:00:00 2012
- Removed the need for buildrequiring libgomp

Sat Sep 8 14:00:00 2012
- Added patch octave-forge-tsa_32bit.patch
tsa 4.2.4 requires commenting of an option in the makefile
for 32-bit builds
- Added patch octave-forge-tsa_sumskipnan.patch
to fix build by making returnless __sumskipnan family of
functions void

Sat Sep 8 14:00:00 2012
- BuildRequire
Only portable way to require libgomp

Sat Sep 8 14:00:00 2012
- Updated octave-forge-openmpi_missingreturn.patch
from an upstream version of the patch.

Sat Sep 8 14:00:00 2012
- update to version 20120908
- updated financial to 0.4.0
- updated fits to 1.0.2
- updated ga to 0.10.0
- updated general to 1.3.2
- updated generate_html to 0.1.4
- updated io to 1.0.20
- updated java to 1.2.9
- updated linear-algebra to 2.2.0
- added lssa-0.1.2
- updated mechanics to 1.3.0
- updated nan to 2.5.5
- added ncarray-1.0.0
- updated nurbs to 1.3.6
- updated quaternion to 2.0.0
- updated queueing to 1.1.1
- updated secs1d to 0.0.9
- updated splines to 1.1.0
- updated statistics to 1.1.3
- updated strings to 1.1.0
- updated time to 2.0.0
- updated tsa to 4.2.4
- Rebased octave-forge-gcc-errors.patch
- Rebased octave-forge-fits.patch

Fri Sep 7 14:00:00 2012
- Updated to fpl-1.3.1

* Old OpenDX based functions have been deprecated

* See NEWS for more
- Updated control to 2.3.53

* Fixed an argument check which caused false positive error messages.

* See NEWS for more

Fri Sep 7 14:00:00 2012
- Add octave-forge-symbolic_findsym.patch:
backport revision 10688 from upstream svn.
- Drop octave-forge-symbolic.patch:
Upstream fix provided in previous update

Thu Sep 6 14:00:00 2012
- Updated to openmpi_ext 1.1.0

* Mostly minor bugfixes

* Rebased openmpi 1.5 compat patch

* Removed allnodes script
- Add octave-forge-openmpi_ext_missingreturn.patch:
Add missing return statement

Thu Sep 6 14:00:00 2012
- Updated to mechanics 1.3.1

* Mostly bugfixes

Thu Sep 6 14:00:00 2012
- Updated to fuzzy-logic-toolkit 0.4.1

* The package is no longer automatically loaded.

* See NEWS for more

Sun Sep 2 14:00:00 2012
- Run tests after install

Sun Aug 26 14:00:00 2012
- bnc#776117: Pack binary oct files, making them not noarch

Tue Aug 21 14:00:00 2012
- Change packages directories owner

Sun Jul 15 14:00:00 2012
- Updated fuzzy-logic-toolkit to 0.4.0

* The following functions are new:
fcm, gustafson_kessel, partition_coeff, partition_entropy

* The following demo scripts are new:
fcm_demo_1, fcm_demo_2, gustafson_kessel_demo_1

Fri Jul 6 14:00:00 2012
- Use java-1_7_0-openjdk for Factory

Fri Jul 6 14:00:00 2012
- Updated octcdf to 1.1.5

* The following functions are new:
ncread, ncwrite, ncinfo

Wed Jun 27 14:00:00 2012
- Updated sockets to 1.0.8

* updated function documentation with more details

Wed Jun 27 14:00:00 2012
- Updated vrml to 1.0.13

* The following functions are new:
data2vrml checker_color vrml_Box vrml_Sphere
vrml_parallelepiped vrml_Viewpoint

* The following functions have been removed:
select_3D_points vrml_select_points

* Use of deprecated/removed functions have been fixed to work with later
Octave releases.

* The function `vmesh\' is now able to handle vectors

* Some bug fixes on the function `vrml_cyl\' and `vrml_material\' to handles
colors correctly

* Package is no longer automatically loaded.

* The `linear-algebra\' package is now a dependecy (altough not listed,
previous releases of `vrml\' were also dependent on it so this is a

Wed Jun 27 14:00:00 2012
- Updated geometry to 1.5.0

* Bug fixes
- AATTsvg/path2polygon.m
- Fix addpath/rmpath installation warnings
- Fix octclip/src/Makefile
- Fix shapecentriod.m for piece-wise polynomial shapes
- Removed installation warnings

* Renamed functions
- Contents.m renamed to geom2d_Contents to avoid clashes

* Deprecated functions
- svgload, svgnormalize, svgpath2polygon: Use the methods in class svg

* Added functions:
- cov2ellipse.m & ellipse2cov: transform between ellipses and covariances matrices
- beltproblem.m : Finds the four lines tangent to two circles with given centers and
radii. This is the solution to the belt problem in 2D
- curveval.m: Evaluates a polynomial curve defined as a 2-by-N matrix
- curve2polyline.m: Converts a polynomial curve into a polyline by the adaptive
sampling method
- simplifypolyline.m: Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm to simplify polylines
- parametrize.m: Estimate a parametrization of a polygon/line based on the distance
between the points
- curvature.m: Estimation of the curvature of a polygon/line based on polynomial
- reversePolygon.m and reversePolyline.m: reverse the orders of the points in
of polygon/line
- supportFunction.m: Compute support function of a polygon
- distancePointPolygon.m, distancePointPolyline.m, distancePolygons.m ,
expandPolygon.m, medialAxisConvex.m, polygonLoops.m, polygonSelfIntersections.m
polylineSelfIntersections.m, splitPolygons.m
- close_path.m : given a set of points in the plane calculate a piecewise linear
simple path that passes through all points

* Changed functions:
- distancePointEdge.m: Now the function computes the distance between all points
and all edges. A third optional argument provides
backward compatibility

Wed Jun 27 14:00:00 2012
- Updated general to 1.3.1

* The `addSwitch\' method from inputParser class has been fixed

* For Matlab compatibility, optional arguments of the inputParser class
will be skipped and followed by ParamValue and Switch arguments if they
are a string that does not validate. Note that unlike Matlab, if no
validator is given, anything is valid, so giving no validator to an
Optional argument will not turn any string on the list of arguments
to be considered a ParamValue key.

* The following functions are new: majle

* The class `inputParser\' class has been implemented with many methods. It
attempts to be as compatible with Matlab as possible.

* The function `unvech\' accepts a new argument scale to calculate
the upper triangular part of the matrix thus returning non-symmetric

* The function `parcellfun\' had the random number generator modifed,
a new option to set the verbosity level, and other bugs corrected.

* Package is no longer automatically loaded.

Wed Jun 27 14:00:00 2012
- Updated signal to 1.1.3

* signal is no longer dependent on the audio package

* signal is now dependent on the image package

* The function `marcumq\' was imported from the communications package and has
been completely rewritten to improve performance and fix computational errors

* Package is no longer automatically loaded

* The functions `__ellip_ws\' and `__ellip_ws_min\' have been removed
(they are now subfunctions of `ncauer\')

* The function `blackmanharris\' was fixed to have even symmetry

Wed Jun 27 14:00:00 2012
- Updated data-smoothing to 1.3.0

* Package is no longer automatically loaded

* Code has been cleaned to remove warnings about `possible Matlab-style
short-circuit operator\'

* Minimal input check for all functions has been implemented

Wed Jun 27 14:00:00 2012
- Updated optim to 1.2.0

* Together with the new backend \"lm_feasible\" there is now a
complete suite of backends for optimization with linear and
general equality and inequality constraints, for scalar valued
objective functions and for array valued model function, which
features, a.o., honouring of constraints throughout optimization
and handling of structure-based parameters. The respective user
functions (frontends) are nonlin_min nonlin_residmin nonlin_curvefit
together with a user function for statistics residmin_stat

* The requirement of nonlin_min, nonlin_residmin, and
nonlin_curvefit for the general constraint functions being able to
honour an index of constraints has been removed, the respective
feature is still available by setting some options.

* The following functions are new: powell cauchy nonlin_min
jacobs: complex step derivative approximation
nonlin_residmin, nonlin_curvefit: Frontends with a general
interface for constrained residual-based optimization.

* The following functions have been deprecated since they have been
implemented in Octave core: fminunc_compat optimset_compat

* The function `fmin\' has been deprecated in favour of using `fminbnd\'

* Bugfixes on the functions: deriv linprog

* The function `line_min\' has a configurable setpesize and max evals

* Added possibility to restrict a parameter to samin

* Package is no longer automatically loaded

* More in docs
- Rebased gcc compatibility patch

Wed Jun 27 14:00:00 2012
- Updated io to 1.0.19

* Bug fixes

* Compatible with jOpenDocument version 1.3b1
getUsedRange() method added (MUCH faster than the old hack)

* Compatible with odfdom-java-0.8.8-incubator.jar (ODF Toolkit 0.5-incubating)

* Compatible with Apache POI 3.8 final
- Updated miscellaneous to 1.1.0


* the function `waitbar\' has been renamed `text_waitbar\'. Octave core has
implemented a Matlab compatible `waitbar\' which is imcompatible with the
old miscellaneous `waitbar\'. If you use the `waitbar\' function from the
miscellaneous package you have 3 options:
1. replace all `waitbar\' calls by `text_waitbar\';
2. fix your `waitbar\' calls for the new API as per octave core. Note
that `waitbar\' is graphical tool only;
3. use an old version of the miscellaneous package or modify the source
to keep shadowing the octave core `waitbar\'.

* The following functions are new:
clip normr text_waitbar
normc sample

* The following functions have been moved to the IO package:
cell2csv csvconcat xmlread
csv2cell csvexplode xmlwrite

* The function `clip\' was imported from the audio package.

* The functions `apply\' and `map\' have been deprecated. `cellfun\' and
`arrayfun\' from octave core should be used instead.

* The function `partarray\' has been deprecated. `mat2cell\' from octave core
should be used instead.

* The function `temp_name\' has been deprecated. `tmpnam\' from octave core
should be used instead.

* Multiple bug fixes and increased input check on many functions.

* Package is no longer automatically loaded.

* More in docs

Tue Jun 26 14:00:00 2012
- Updated struct to 1.0.10

* The function `arefields\' has been removed in favour of the octave
core function `isfield\'.

* Package is no longer automatically loaded.

Tue Jun 26 14:00:00 2012
- Updated control to 2.3.52

* dlqe, lqe Added new functions for linear quadratic estimators.

* filt, filtdata, tf, added DSP functions

* Minor improvements in various help texts.

* ctranspose Conjugate transpose or pertransposition of LTI objects.

* The conversion to state-space of multi-input transfer functions with common
row denominators is now handled more efficiently.

* Added new functions for frequency-weighted model and controller order
bstmodred btaconred
btamodred cfconred
hnamodred fwcfconred
spamodred spaconred

* Anderson, Madievski: Added two examples for controller reduction.
The m-files are named after the authors of the corresponding papers.

* fitfrd: Added function to fit frequency response data with a state-space model.

* set: The set command doesn\'t need a return argument anymore in order to save
the modified values. set (sys, \"key\", value) is now equivalent to
sys = set (sys, \"key\", value).

* Require Octave version 3.6.0 or better. (The frequency response plotting
commands have been simplified. They now use the fixed \"axis tight\" command.

* Revised package installation and cleanup efforts under the hood.
The new solution compiles the SLICOT library in a less barbaric way and
creates only a single oct-file containing all the SLICOT routines.

* doc/control.pdf
- - Extended PDF manual.

Wed May 23 14:00:00 2012
- Fix octave-forge-mechanics dependency on octave-forge-linear-algebra

Fri May 18 14:00:00 2012
- Fix main package requirement of subpackages to use the correct
main version, and not the subpackage version

Mon May 14 14:00:00 2012
- Rebase control gcc-errors patch (fixes SLE_11)

Mon May 14 14:00:00 2012
- Rebase NaN gcc-errors patch

Fri May 11 14:00:00 2012
- remove conditional BuildRequires for lapack since
recent lapack now build correctly for all suse version

Wed May 2 14:00:00 2012
- Fix build for SLE re. undefined access to pcdata

Wed May 2 14:00:00 2012
- Bump version

Tue May 1 14:00:00 2012
- Update to statistics 1.1.2

* The following functions are new in 1.1.2: mnpdf mnrnd

* The package is now dependent on the io package (version 1.0.18 or
later) since the functions that it depended of from miscellaneous
package have been moved to io.

* The function `kmeans\' now accepts the \'emptyaction\' property with
the \'singleton\' value. This allows for the kmeans algorithm to handle
empty cluster better. It also throws an error if the user does not
request an empty cluster handling, and there is an empty cluster.
Plus, the returned items are now a closer match to Matlab.
- Update to io 1.0.18

* The following functions have been imported from the miscellaneous
cell2csv csvconcat xmlread
csv2cell csvexplode xmlwrite
Their error messages and help messages have been cleaned up a bit.

* Bug fixes:
- odsfinfo: fixed \"wrong type argument `cell\'\" bug when run
- xlsopen, odsopen: fixed messed up screen output due to UNO usage
- csv2cell: checks if file is empty and if so, return an empty cell.
- xlsopen: better Java detection logic, more informative error

* Adapted to internal LibreOffice-3.5-final changes.
Some bugs (flashing LO screens) still have to be fixed upstream
see here:

* Tried OpenXLS-6.0.7.jar. Reads OK, still unusable for writing
.xls files.

Sun Apr 29 14:00:00 2012
- OpenMPI 1.5 compatibility fixes

Sun Apr 29 14:00:00 2012
- GCC 4.7 compatibility fixes

Tue Apr 24 14:00:00 2012
- Fix factory build re. libnetcdf-devel rename

Tue Apr 24 14:00:00 2012
- Fix uninstall scripts

Sat Apr 14 14:00:00 2012
- Update BuildRequires in keeping with lapack package naming
- Spec file cleanups (including using like licenses
wherever possible).

Thu Mar 1 13:00:00 2012
- update to version 20120301

Thu Feb 2 13:00:00 2012
- fix build of control and ode packages

Mon Oct 10 14:00:00 2011
- fix build of symbolic package

* symbolic.patch

Thu Oct 6 14:00:00 2011
- update to version 20111010

Sun May 29 14:00:00 2011
- fixed hdf5-devel package name

Thu Mar 10 13:00:00 2011
- update to version 20110310

Tue Aug 24 14:00:00 2010
- update to version 20100824

Thu Aug 19 14:00:00 2010
- update to version 20100819

Tue Feb 2 13:00:00 2010
- initial version of package 20100617