Changelog for httrack-debugsource-3.46.1-9.41.i586.rpm :
Mon Sep 10 14:00:00 2012
- break the shared libraries out into their own sub-package
- run spec-cleaner

Mon Aug 27 14:00:00 2012
- minor specfile cleanups
- update to v3.46-1
+ New: source license is now GPLv3
+ New: Unicode filenames handling
+ New: added a \"K5\" feature to handle transparent proxies (Brent Palmer)
+ New: option -y to control ^Z behavior (Julian H. Stacey)
+ New: added --do-not-generate-errors option
+ New: increased maximum cookie name
+ Fixed: fixed bug in handling of update/continue with erased files or renamed files, leading to \"Unexpected 412/416 error (Requested Range Not Satisfiable)\" and/or \"Previous cache file not found\" (-1)\" errors
+ Fixed: escape characters >= 128 when sending GET/HEAD requests to avoid server errors
+ Fixed: do not use \"delayed\" extensions when the mirror is aborting
+ Fixed: generate error pages when needed (Brent Palmer)
+ Fixed: parsing issue with js files due to \"script\" tags (Vasiliy)
+ Fixed: anonymous FTP without password (Luiz)
+ Fixed: Makefile issues regarding parrallel build and examples (Sebastian Pipping)
+ Fixed: removed deprecated and annoying \"Accept-Charset\" header in requests (Piotr Engelking) (closes:#674053)
+ Fixed: replace // by / when saving rather than _/ (Brent Palmer)
+ Fixed: do not interpret ^C before mirror is finished, or after
+ Fixed: webhttrack: do not use md5sum to produce a temporary filename, but mktemp (Ryan Schmidt)
+ Fixed: document %k for custom structure (full query string)
+ Fixed: spurious \"Previous file not found (erased by user ?)\" messages leading to retransfer existing files in cache (Alain Desilets)
+ Fixed: --max-time now stops the mirror smoothly (Alain Desilets)
+ Fixed: number of simultaneous connections was often only one (Illyria, William Roeder)
+ Fixed: \"Unexpected 412/416 error\" leading to have broken files on disk
+ Fixed: interrupting an update/continue mirror session should not delete anymore previously downloaded content (William Roeder, Alain Desilets and many others)
+ Fixed: --continue/--update bug leading to download again already cached data in some cases (especially redirect/error pages)
+ Fixed: crash when using -d with non-fully-qualified hostname (Alain Desilets)
+ Fixed: typo in logs (Pascal Boulerie)
+ Fixed: random crash when interrupting the mirror (spotted by -fstack-protector) in htscoremain.c (closes:#657878)
+ Fixed: malformed format htslib.c (Moritz Muehlenhoff)
+ Fixed: default footer print format

Sun Jul 17 14:00:00 2011
- Initial build