Changelog for libpcp0-3.2.1-2.2.i586.rpm :
Sat Dec 22 13:00:00 2012
- added the web frontend as a seperate subpackage pgpoolAdmin

Wed Dec 19 13:00:00 2012
- update to 3.2.1
see /usr/share/doc/packges/pgpool-II/NEWS for the details
- use postgresql 9.2 to build against

Thu Nov 3 13:00:00 2011
- reworked the pgpool-II_conf.patch:
1. reverted most values back to normal
2. patch also the other example config files
3. re-add the chunk to patch pool.h

Thu Nov 3 13:00:00 2011
- re-enable the building of the extensions

Thu Nov 3 13:00:00 2011
- put preamble order back to the old way
- drop the blocker for post-build-checks

Wed Sep 14 14:00:00 2011
- update to 3.1

* Incompatible changes
- Change the lock method of insert_lock. The previous insert_lock uses row
locking against the sequence relation, but the current one uses row locking
against pgpool_catalog.insert_lock table. The reason is that PostgreSQL
core developers decided to disallow row locking against the sequence
relation to avoid an internal error which it leads. So creating insert_lock
table in all databases which are accessed via pgpool-II beforehand is
required. If does not exist insert_lock table, pgpool-II locks the insert
target table. This behavior is same as pgpool-II 2.2 and 2.3 series. If you
want to use insert_lock which is compatible with older releases, you can
specify lock method by configure options: --enable-sequence-lock,
- -enable-table-lock(Kitagawa)
- Deprecate backend_socket_dir. Instead, if backend_hostname starts with \'/\'
it is regarded the as path to Unix domain. If backend_hostname is left
empty, then default Unix domain path(/tmp) is used. This follows the
convention of libpq interface. Patch contributed by Jehan-Guillaume
(ioguix) de Rorthais.
- Now \"pgpool_walrecrunning()\" was not used. pgpool-II used to consider the
node that is promoted a primary node using the function. Now, pgpool-II
waits for completing of the promotion to primary node because it did not
work as we intended. But we still have a problem that pgpool-II waits while
recovery_timeout, when there is no primary node(Kitagawa)
- Add node_id to each PostgreSQL DB node info in the output of show
pool_nodes(Jean-Paul Argudo)
- Change the handling of sequence functions(nextval, setval) so that they
completely obey setting of black/white_function_list. They were always
handled as write functions before(Kitagawa)

* New features
- Add syslog support. Patch contributed by Gilles Darold. Review and editing
by Guillaume Lelarge.
- Adapt application_name introduced in PostgreSQL 9.0. When reusing
connection, send application_name in the startup packet to backend and send
parameter status to frontend(Tatsuo)
- Add relcache_expire directive to control the expiration of the internal
system catalog cache. ALTER TABLE might make these cache values obsoleted
and the new directive will make the risk lower(Tatsuo).
- Add follow_master_command directive. This directive specifies a command to
run in master/slave streaming replication only after a master failover.
Patch contributed by Gilles Darold.
- Add pcp_promote_node command. This command promotes a new master node to
pgpool-II. This can use in master/slave streaming replication only. Patch
contributed by Gilles Darold.
- Add pcp_pool_status command which produces similar output of show
pool_status. Also C API for this command is added. Patch contributed by
Jehan-Guillaume (ioguix) de Rorthais.
- Add new per backend directive \"backend_flag\". This controls per backend
behavior. Currently \"ALLOW_TO_FAILOVER\" or \"DISALLOW_TO_FAILOVER\" are
- Add health_check_password directive(Nicolas Thauvin)
- Add sr_check_period, sr_check_user and sr_check_password directives. These
are used for streaming replication delay checking and determining primary
- Add --username(or -u) option to pg_md5 command. This allows to manage users
which do not have UNIX accounts. Japanese document change by Tatsuo
Ishii(Nicolas Thauvin)
- Add pgpool_adm functions to pgpool_adm/. These are user-defined functions
written in C language which work like pcp commands (Jehan-Guillaume
(ioguix) de Rorthais)
- Add Simplified Chinese version of documents(Huang Jian, Sun Peng)
- Add SQL files to uninstall functions to sql/(Nicolas Thauvin)
- In master/slave mode, SELECTs to unlogged table execute only on

* Bug fixes
- Fix bug which cannot use the cursors of JDBC driver on standby node. The
transaction commands come to be sent to all nodes by this fix in
master/slave mode(Kitagawa)
- Fix bug with the handling of empty queries. The empty queries come to be
handled the same as SELECT queries. This fix allows load-balance after the
empty query(Kitagawa)
- Fix insert_lock so that it works correctly even if the column definition
such as \"DEFAULT nextval((\'\"x_seq\"\'::text)::regclass)\" (Kitagawa)
- Fix pcp_attach_node command so that it emits error message while doing
- Fix log message which is emitted when pgpool-II cannot parse the query in
the extended query protocol so that it shows the query (Kitagawa)
- Fix description about backend_weight inpgpool-II manual. It can be changed
by reloading pgpool.conf(Tatsuo)
- Fix and enhance wording in English tutorial document. Fix suggested by
Huang Jian(Tatsuo)
- Fix bug which does not update the node status when reattaching the node in
raw mode(Guillaume Lelarge)
- Fix incorrect calculation of the replication delay in streaming replication
- Replace wrong function name \"notice_backend_error\" with correct one
\"degenerate_backend_set\" in the failover log message(Tatsuo)
- Remove unnecessary logging at the end of pgpool.conf parsing(Tatsuo)
- Fix possible crash of pgpool/worker child after attaching new backend. Fix
suggested by Gurjeet Singh(Tatsuo)
- Fix bug that SELECTs which have subquery with FOR SHARE/UPDATE clause are
sent to slave/standby(Tatsuo)
- Fix bug which rewriting timestamp of default value fails in PREPARE
statements. This used to work but was broken in 3.0(Kitagawa)
- Fix fail to compile pcp commands on the environment without
- Fix crash of pgpool child when frontend connects if in raw mode, enable_hba
is off and more than 2 backends(Kitagawa)
- Fix some memory leaks(Kitagawa)

* Enhancements
- Enhance online recovery in streaming replication mode. Now restarting
pgpool-II children is avoided when recovery finished. So existing sessions
can be continued while doing online recovery(Tatsuo)
- pcp_attach_node does not diconnect existing sessions in streaming
replication mode. In other mode, pcp_attache_node still disconnects
existing sessions(Tatsuo).
- Import PostgreSQL 9.0 parser. This allows to use CREATE INDEX with implicit
index name, which is new in 9.0. Patch contributed by Akio Ishida.
- Allow to use regular expressions in black and white function list. Patch
contributed by Gilles Darold. Patch reviewed by Guillaume Lelarge.
- Reorganize pgpool.conf sample files so that they are easier to read
(Guillaume Lelarge)
- Add tags into all parameters in the pgpool-II user
manual(Haruka Takatsuka)
- Enhance online recovery documents in streaming replication(Tatsuo)
- Change the function to check the replication delay in streaming replication
mode. Currently, pgpool uses pg_last_xlog_replay_location() instead of
pg_last_xlog_receive_location(). Fix suggested by Anton Yuzhaninov (Tatsuo)
- Allow time stamp rewriting to work with arbitrary expression in default
value of a column. Before we detected anything including now() then simply
replaced it to now(). This will lead to wrong rewriting of default value.
for example, timezone(\'utc\'::text, now()). Note that, however, this only
adopts to simple queries. Extended protocols(for example Java, PHP PDO)
or SQL \"PREPARE\" still remain same(Tatsuo)
- Enhance the error message which is emitted when failed to check replication
delay(Nicolas Thauvin)
- Change error message \"do_md5: read_password_packet failed\" into debug
- Allow to compile pgpool-regclass() against PostgreSQL 9.1(Tatsuo)
- Update and sync pgpool-II manuals of English version and Japanese
- rewritten patches for 3.1:
old name: pgpool2-debian-config.patch
new name: pgpool-II_conf.patch

Fri Mar 18 13:00:00 2011
- simplify building of the pgsql extensions.

Thu Mar 17 13:00:00 2011
- added pgpool2-debian-config.patch: (taken from ubuntu)
patch is slightly modified to use /var/run/pgpool
- move binaries to _sbindir
- added init script and sysconfig file
- create empty pool_password file

Thu Mar 17 13:00:00 2011
- create an user + group and tighten up the permissions on the
config to root:pgpool
- build extensions with debug symbols
- dont move the sample config files. just copy them.

Thu Mar 17 13:00:00 2011
- build and package the pgsql extensions shipped in pgpool
- split out the shared library
- install config in /etc/pgpool-II

Thu Mar 17 13:00:00 2011
- update to version 3.0.3
- Now installing C function \"pgpool-walrecrunning()\" is
recommended if you plan to use streaming replication mode.
This is necessary for better use of online recovery in the
mode. Also new variable \"%P\" can be used in the online
recovery script. If you do not install the function, these
functionalities cannot be used(Tatsuo).
- In raw mode if there\'s only one DB node and if a problem arises
with the DB node, it will be brought to down status. However if
the DB node goes into good condition again, you can use the DB
node without restarting pgpool. This change has been included
in 3.0, but did not work(Tatsuo, Kitagawa)
- Fix non portable code in password authentication. Bug report
from a FreeBSD user(Tatsuo)
- Fix bug that insert_lock locks all rows in user table (Tatsuo,
- Fix bug with password authentication. If user name is 32 bytes
long, pgpool child segfaults.(Tatsuo)
- Fix bug with md5 authentication. If raw mode or number of
backend is 1, pgpool child segfaults. Patch contributed by Rob
- Fix long standing bug with timestamp rewriting against array
and complex types. Patch contributed by Akio Ishida(Tatsuo)
- Fix bug that debug_level directive doesn\'t work. Patch
contributed by Gilles Darold(Tatsuo)
- Fix possible crash of pgpool child while doing
- Fix white/black_function_list so that it works correctly when
user calls function with schema name(Tatsuo)
- Fix bug that DROP DATABASE fails by connection cache(Kitagawa)
- Fix bug that failover fails in raw mode(Kitagawa)
- Fix possible termination of pgpool child when both simple query
protocol and extended query protocol are used in one session
- Fix possible hang up when an error occurs while using extended
query protocol(Kitagawa)
- Fix pgpool-regclass() so that it doesn\'t use PG_TRY/CATCH. It
appeared that using PG_TRY/CATCH is not safe, sometimes backend
dies with PANIC: ERRORDATA_STACK_SIZE exceeded.(Tatsuo)
- Fix bug that select query isn\'t sent to master node when it
meets the following conditions(Kitagawa)
- in MASTER/SLAVE mode
- use extended query protocol
- started transaction explicitly
- after write queries
- Fix bug with load_balance that JDBC driver sends BEGIN to
master node many times(Kitagawa)
- Fix pool_status so that failback_command and
fail_over_on_backend_error show correct values(Kitagawa)
- Remove parameters from pool_status: recovery_password,
- Fix online recovery problem in the streaming replication
mode(Tatsuo). Consider following scenario. Suppose node 0 is
the initial primary server and 1 is the initial standby server.
1) Node 0 going down and node 1 promotes to new primary.
2) Recover node 0 as new standby.
3) pgpool-II assumes that node 0 is the new primary.
This problem happens because pgpool-II regarded unconditionally
the youngest node to be the primary. pgpool-II 3.0.3 now checks
each node by using pgpool-walrecrunning() to see if it is a
actually primary or not and is able to avoid the problem and
regards node as standby correctly. Also you can use new variable
\"%P\" to be used in the recovery script. If you do not install
the function, the above problem is not resolved.
- Fix backend complaining \"unexpected EOF on client connection\"
while doing failover in streaming replication mode(Tatsuo)
- Rewrite and review english document(Marc Cousin, Gleu)
- Emit log if particular backend is down status while reading the
status file(Tatsuo)

Thu Nov 18 13:00:00 2010
- Initial package.