Changelog for pdns-snapshot-debuginfo-2.9.x.r1107-3.8.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Nov 21 13:00:00 2007
- added pdns-2.9.x_tdb_missing_includes.patch:
reorder includes

Sat Nov 17 13:00:00 2007
- update to r1107

Mon Nov 5 13:00:00 2007
- update to r1097
- remove pdns-2.9.x_unversioned_modules.patch:
upstream included the patch

Sun Oct 28 13:00:00 2007
- added pdns-2.9.x_unversioned_modules.patch:
library versioning is not needed for modules

Sun Oct 28 13:00:00 2007
- update to r1094

Sat Apr 21 14:00:00 2007
- update to 2.9.21:
- Bugs:
- Multi-part TXT records weren\'t supported. This has been
fixed, and regression tests have been added. Code in commits
1016, 996, 994.
- Email addresses with embedded dots in SOA records were not
parsed correctly, nor were other embedded dots. Noted by
\'Bastiaan\', fixed in commit 1026.
- BIND backend treated the \'m\' TTL modifier as \'months\' and not
\'minutes\'. Closes Debian bug 406462. Addressed in commit
- Our snapshots were built against a static version of
PosgreSQL that was incompatible with many Linux
distributions, leading to instant crashes on startup. Fixed
in 1022 and 1023.
- CNAME referrals to child zones gave improper responses. Noted
by Augie Schwer in ticket 123, fixed in commit 992.
- When passing a port number with the recursor setting, this
would sometimes generate errors during additional processing.
Switched off overly helpful additional processing for
recursive queries to remove this problem. Implemented in
commit 1031, spotted by Ralf van der Enden.
- NS to a nameserver with the name of the zone itself generated
problems. Spotted by Augie Schwer, fixed in commit 947.
- Multi-line records in the BIND backend were not always parsed
correctly. Fixed in commit 1014.
- The LOC-record had problems operating outside of the eastern
hemisphere of the northern part of the world! Fixed in commit
- Backends were compiled without multithreading preprocessor
flags. As far as we can determine, this would only cause
problems for the BIND backend, but we cannot rule out this
caused instability in other backends. Fixed in commit 1001.
- The BIND backend was highly unstable under reloads, and
leaked memory and file descriptors. Thanks to Mark Bergsma
and Massimo Bandinelli for respectively pointing this out to
us and testing large amounts of patches to fix the problem.
The fixes have resulted in better performance, less code, and
a remarkable simplification of this backend. Commits 1039,
1034, 1035, 1006, 999, 905 and previous.
- BIND backend gave convincing NXDOMAINS on unloaded zones in
some cases. Spotted and fixed by Daniel Bilik in commit 984.
- SOA records in zone transfers sometimes contained the wrong
SOA TTL. Spotted by Christian Kuehn, fixed in commit 902.
- PowerDNS could get confused by very high SOA serial numbers.
Spotted and fixed by Dan Billik, fixed in commit 626.
- Some versions of FreeBSD perform very strict checks on socket
address sizes passed to \'connect\', which could lead to
problems retrieving zones over AXFR. Fixed in commit 891.
- Some versions of FreeBSD perform very strict checks on IPv6
socket addresses, leading to problems. Discovered by Sten
Spans, fixed in commit 885 and commit 886.
- IXFR requests were not logged properly. Noted by Ralf van der
Enden, fixed in commit 990.
- Some NAPTR records needed an additional space character to
encode correctly. Spotted by Heinrich Ruthensteiner, fixed in
commit 1029.
- Many bugs in the TCP nameserver, leading to a PowerDNS
process that did not respond to TCP queries over time. Many
fixes provided by Dan Bilik, other problems were fixed by
rewriting our TCP handling code. Commits 982 and 980, 950,
924, 889, 874, 869, 685, 684.
- Fix crashes on the ARM processor due to alignment errors.
Thanks to Sjoerd Simons. Closes Debian bug 397031.
- Missing data in generic SQL backends would sometimes lead to
faked SOA serial data. Spotted by Leander Lakkas from True.
Fix in commit 866.
- When receiving two quick notifications in succession, the
packet cache would sometimes \"process\" the second one,
leading PowerDNS to ignore it. Spotted by Dan Bilik, fixed in
commit 686.
- Geobackend (by Mark Bergsma) did not properly override the
getSOA method, breaking non-overlay operation of this fine
backend. The geobackend now also skips \'.hidden\'
configuration files, and now properly disregards empty
configuration files. Additionally, the overlapping abilities
were improved. Details available in commit 876, by Mark.
- Features:
- Thanks to EasyDNS, PowerDNS now supports multiple masters per
domain. For configuration details, see Section 13.2.
Implemented in commit 1018, commit 1017.
- Thanks to EasyDNS, PowerDNS now supports the KEY record type,
as well the SPF record. In commit 976.
- Added support for CERT, SSHFP, DNSKEY, DS, NSEC, RRSIG record
types, as part of the move to the new DNS parsing/generating
- Support for the AFSDB record type, as requested by \'Bastian\'.
Implemented in commit 978, closing ticket 129.
- Support for the MR record type. Implemented in commit 941 and
commit 1019.
- Gsqlite3 backend was added by Antony Lesuisse in commit 942;
- Added the ability to send out light-weight root-referrals
that save bandwidth yet still placate mediocre resolver
implementations. Implemented in commit 912, enable with
- Improvements:
- Miscellaneous OpenDBX and LDAP backend improvements by
Norbert Sendetzky. Applied in commit 977 and commit 1040.
- SGML source of the documentation was cleaned up by Ruben
Kerkhof in commit 936.
- Speedups in core DNS label processing code. Implemented in
commit 928, commit 654, commit 1020.
- When communicating with master servers and encountering
errors, more useful details are logged. Reported by Stefan
Arentz in ticket 137, closed by commit 1015.
- Database errors are now logged with more details. Addressed
in commit 1004.
- pdns_control problems are now logged more verbosely. Change
in commit 910.
- Erroneous address configuration was logged unclearly. Spotted
by River Tarnell, fixed in commit 888.
- Example configuration shipped with PowerDNS was very old.
Noted by Leen Besselink, fixed in commit 946.
- PowerDNS neglected to chdir to the root when chrooted. This
closes ticket 110, fixed in commit 944.
- Microsoft resolver had problems with responses we generated
for CNAMEs pointing out of our bailiwick. Fixed in commit 983
and expedited by
- Built-in webserver logs errors more verbosely. Closes ticket
82, gixed in commit 991.
- Queries containing \'AATT\' no longer flood the logs. Addressed in
commit 1014.
- The build process now looks for PostgreSQL in more places.
Implemented in commit 998, closes ticket 90.
- Speedups in the BIND backend now mean large installations
enjoy startup times up to 30 times faster than with the
original BIND nameserver. Many thanks to Massimo Bandinelli.
- BIND backend now offers full support for query logging,
implemented in commit 1026, commit 1029.
- BIND backend named.conf parsing is now fully case-insensitive
for domain names. This closes Debian bug 406461, fixed in
commit 1027.
- IPv6 and IPv4 address parsing routines have been replaced,
which should result in prettier output in some cases. commit
962, commit 1012 and others.
- 5 new regression tests have been added to insure old bugs do
not return.
- Fix small issues with very modern compilers and BOOST
snapshots. Noted by Marcus Rueckert, addressed in commit 954,
commit 964 commit 965, commit 1003.
- removed all patches as they are included upstream:
- added sqlite3 backend
- the spec file should now build on sles9 aswell.

Tue Apr 17 14:00:00 2007
- update to 2.9.21-svn.20070416.1035 snapshot

Mon Apr 16 14:00:00 2007
- update to 2.9.21-svn.20070415.1029 snapshot

Sat Apr 14 14:00:00 2007
- update to 2.9.21-svn.20070413.1027 snapshot

Wed Apr 4 14:00:00 2007
- added gdbm-devel and pwdutils to the buildrequires

Wed Apr 4 14:00:00 2007
- updated to 2.9.21-svn.20070402.1034 snapshot

Mon Apr 2 14:00:00 2007
- updated to 2.9.21-svn.20070331.1010 snapshot

Fri Mar 30 14:00:00 2007
- updated to 2.9.21-svn.20070330.1006 snapshot

Thu Mar 29 14:00:00 2007
- updated to 2.9.21-svn.20070326.1001 snapshot

Tue Mar 20 13:00:00 2007
- branched snapshot package for 2.9.21

Mon Nov 13 13:00:00 2006
- added pdns-2.9.20_2006-02.patch:
fix an endless recursion in CNAME handling [#219355]

Sat Nov 11 13:00:00 2006
- added pdns-2.9.17_cve-2006-4251.patch:
fix a stack corruption with malformed packages [#219355]

Thu Oct 19 14:00:00 2006
- this is a sync to the buildservice package in server:dns:
- remove .la files

Fri Oct 13 14:00:00 2006
- added opendbxbackend_2.9.20-3.diff:
updates the opendbx backend to the latest version

Fri May 19 14:00:00 2006
- disable the recursor as we use the newer external package.

Thu May 4 14:00:00 2006
- fixed crash on malformed packets CVE-2006-2069 [#170542]

Sun Mar 26 14:00:00 2006
- fixed Requires for the subpackages

Sat Mar 25 13:00:00 2006
- update to 2.9.20:
Besides adding OpenDBX, this release is mostly about fixing
problems and speeding up the recursor.
- disabled static support
- removed rm for the .a files
- splitted of the backends that pull in new dependencies
- removed patch. applied upstream.

Wed Jan 25 13:00:00 2006
- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires

Tue Nov 1 13:00:00 2005
- updated to 2.9.19

Tue Jun 7 14:00:00 2005
- fixed init scripts
- used patches from

Wed Apr 20 14:00:00 2005
- fixed to compile on x86_64 with gcc4

Fri Mar 11 13:00:00 2005
- installed html documentation [#71738]

Wed Feb 16 13:00:00 2005
- new package