Changelog for bitlbee-debuginfo-3.2-1.1.i586.rpm :
Tue Jan 29 13:00:00 2013
- update to 3.2:

* By far the most important change, a thorough update to the Twitter

* Now using Twitter API 1.1,

* which means it\'s now using JSON instead of XML,

* which means access to the streaming API (Twitter only, other Twitter
API services don\'t seem to have it). No more 60-second polls, #twitter
looks even more like real IRC now!

* Also, the streaming API means nice things like receiving DMs.

* show_ids, already enabled by default for a while, now uses hexa-
decimal numbers, which means a 256-entry backlog instead of just 100.

* Added a mode=strict setting which requires everything to be a command.
The \"post\" command should then be used to post a Tweet.

* Jabber module bugfix that fixes connection issues with at least Google
Talk but reportedly some other servers (OpenFire?) as well.

* SSL modules improved a little bit. GnuTLS module now supports SNI and
session caching. Shouldn\'t change much, but hopefully reduces latency
and bandwidth usage a little bit.

* A bunch of other fixes/improvements here and there.

Wed Sep 5 14:00:00 2012
- Fix OTR in post-12.2 systems to build using libotr2 as
libotr interface has changed

Wed Sep 5 14:00:00 2012
- Fix build typo to enable OTR

Mon Feb 20 13:00:00 2012
- update to 3.0.5:

* SSL certificate verification (edit your bitlbee.conf to enable it)

* OAuth2 support in Jabber module (works with Google Talk, Facebook and MSN

* support for ad-hoc Jabber groupchats: just create a channel and start
inviting people, similar to how this works on other IM networks. Works fine
with GTalk, depends on a conference server being set up on other networks

* allow old-style Jabber login (non-SASL), this solves problems with some
old/buggy Jabber servers. (acc jabber set sasl off)

* use HTTPS for OAuth1 authentication traffic

* awareness of Twitter\'s URL lengt^Wshortening when checking message

* fixed OAuth support. OAuth will now always be used for both
Twitter and accounts

* fix nick_format=%full_name with libpurple

* instead of \"protocol(handle)\", use the account tags introduced in 3.0 when
root wants to refer to an account (in log messages, queries, etc.)

* many small bugfixes, improvements, etc

Sun Dec 18 13:00:00 2011
- update to 3.0.4
- Merged Skype support. This used to be a separate plugin, and it
still is, but by including it with BitlBee by default it will
be easier to keep it in sync with changes to BitlBee.
- Fixed a file descriptor leak bug that may have caused strange
behaviour in BitlBee sessions running for a long time.
- Now fetches Twitter mentions as well if the \"fetch_mentions\"
account setting is enabled.
- With now all over Twitter, show the original (but
truncated) URL between .
- Fixed MSN Messenger login issues (\"timeout\" while fetching
buddy list).
- Another (related) GnuTLS compatibility fix (now 2.13+?).

Sun Jun 12 14:00:00 2011
- update to 3.0.3:

* fixed Twitter compatibility

* Twitter: enable the show_ids setting to assign a two-digit short ID to
recent tweets to use for retweets and replies (so you can RT/reply to more
than just a person\'s last message)

* some other Twitter fixes/improvements

* \"otr reconnect\" command and some other fixes

* include \"FLOOD=0/9999\" in the 005/ISUPPORT line at login to hint the IRC
client that rate limiting is not required

Tue Mar 8 13:00:00 2011
- split out userguide into -doc subpackage
- update to 3.0.2:

* fixed MSN login issues with accounts

* /CTCP support: you can CTCP VERSION Jabber contacts, and CTCP NUDGE MSN

* by default, leave Twitter turned on for libpurple builds

* allow using /OPER to identify/register as well (Password security hack)

* fixed proxy support with libpurple

* some minor changes/fixes

Thu Nov 25 13:00:00 2010
- update to 3.0.1:

* compatibility fixes with some IM protocols:
+ fixed Jabber contacts never going offline
+ fixed MSN login issues
+ fixed big memory leak in the MSN SOAP code

* better handling of multiple control channels and set private=false

* using for ICQ logins again since AOL sold ICQ so it doesn\'t
live on the AIM servers anymore

* fixed ability to join password-protected Jabber rooms

* time out if logging into an account takes too long

* support for server-side Gadu-Gadu contact lists (via libpurple, there\'s
still no native gg support)

* allow omitting password when using \"account add\", the password can be
entered using /OPER to prevent echoing to screen and logs

Fri Oct 22 14:00:00 2010
- update to 3.0:

* major rewrite of the IRC core

* support was added for contact groups and multiple configurable channels

* major update of the MSN Messenger code

* some Twitter additions were made

* OTR encryption support was added

* many many more changes and fixes were done
- changes from 1.3dev:

* complete rewrite of the IRC core, allowing the user to create multiple
control channels, each with a different set of users

* the ability to use libpurple as the IM backend (which adds support for many
more IM protocols)

* support for file transfers

Sun Jul 4 14:00:00 2010
- update to 1.2.8:

* add ability to use non-Twitter Twitter API services

* add ability follow/unfollow people

* some bugfixes concerning other IM protocols

* general cleanup

Sat May 15 14:00:00 2010
- update to 1.2.7:

* MSN support was fixed

* the Twitter module was updated to use OAuth (which is required
after June)

* several other fixes and feature additions were done

Mon Apr 19 14:00:00 2010
- update to 1.2.6:

* adds native support for Twitter

* some other minor feature additions and bug fixes were done

Wed Mar 17 13:00:00 2010
- update to 1.2.5:

* support was improved for non-away status messages

* support was improved for Facebook chat XMPP servers

* fixes were made for many bugs

* other small feature enhancements were done

Mon Oct 19 14:00:00 2009
- update to 1.2.4:

* Yahoo! support was fixed

* various stability and usability improvements were made
- moved from Packman to openSUSE Build Service

Sun Sep 7 14:00:00 2008
- update to 1.2.3:

* fixes another account hijacking issue

Thu Aug 28 14:00:00 2008
- update to 1.2.2:

* SECURITY: fixes an account hijacking issue

* various other stability improvements

Wed Jun 25 14:00:00 2008
- new upstream version:

* many bugfixes

* stability was improved

* the single-process daemon mode is now officially declared stable

Tue Mar 25 13:00:00 2008
- fixed RPM Group

Tue Mar 18 13:00:00 2008
- new upstream version

Sat Dec 8 13:00:00 2007
- moved to Packman

Mon Aug 20 14:00:00 2007
- new upstream version