Changelog for
monit-5.5-32.1.i586.rpm :
Sun Nov 4 13:00:00 2012
- update to 5.5:
* check program:
- Multiple exit values can be tested within single program check
- Exit value test supports multiple cycles option (\"for X cycles\")
- If exit value test matches and the stderr has no data, try stdout
* Renamed mail header (message-id and mime-version) to prevent
triggering spam check of capitalization.
* The \'check system
\' statement sets the system hostname in mail
alerts and initial hostname in M/Monit.
* Increase the default mailserver timeout to 30 seconds.
* Fix the rare hung on linux which may occur during program execution.
* In the case that the process start/restart execution failed, monit kept
\"Execution failed\" flag even if the process was recovered later (for
example it was starting slowly or manually recovered).
* Fix the mail alert (strict SMTP implementation) to pass MTA-side sanity
checks like postscreen.
* The -t option tests the configuration file syntax even if the
file permissions are wrong.
* Do not display the default non-existence test for the check
program (not applicable in the check program context).
Fri May 18 14:00:00 2012
- update to 5.4:
* New process uptime test added.
* The monit hostname will fallback to plain machine\'s hostname if the lookup
for FQDN hostname didn\'t found matching entry.
* The CPU usage for multi-threaded processes on multi-core machine was
reported incorrectly in the case that the process used more CPU resources
then equivalent to one core.
* The content match test now sends one event per cycle and pattern.
* The /proc/ files content match test was skipped, as the file size on the
procfs is 0, so monit supposed that there is no content to read.
* Allow reading status and perform Monit actions when using client SSL
* When the process is starting/stopping, do the process state check more
effectively to not stress the low power devices with aggresive polling.
* Make the process start/stop wait resistant to large time changes.
* Compilation: If PAM is enabled but the PAM headers or library are not
found by the configure script, it will report error.
- BuildRequire pam-devel.
Tue Mar 6 13:00:00 2012
- license update: AGPL-3.0
My mistake - there is no entry for AGPL-3.0+ on The
only available one is AGPL-3.0 (without the plus)
Wed Feb 29 13:00:00 2012
- license update: AGPL-3.0+
monit is AGPL-3.0 _not_ GPL-3.0
Wed Jan 25 13:00:00 2012
- fix bnc#743289 by adding monit-dirs.patch to set the PIDDIR accordingly to
what is preset in the monitrc configuration (and in the spec file), as well
as to fix the default event directory
Wed Dec 21 13:00:00 2011
- update to 5.3.2:
* fix bug #34801: the file content match test did reset of the read position
in the case that the unmonitor or stop action was done. When the file
monitoring was enabled again, the content match test was applied to the
content which was tested already.
* log error details in the case that the name resolving failed
* fix the system cpu usage statistics when pattern based process check is
used and the service is restarted
* Debian Bug#652715: \"include files not found\" warning: do not display the
warning if the include directory is empty
- create /var/run/monit in the init script on start (if needed), as /var/run is
on a volatile filesystem (tmpfs) since 12.1
Tue Dec 13 13:00:00 2011
- fix license to be in format
Wed Nov 30 13:00:00 2011
- fixes to init script and configuration file for state file
- fix installation routine on >= 12.1: directories under /var/run are now
created at installation time, as /var/run is on tmpfs on >= 12.1
- minor packaging improvements, including the use of the pristine upstream
tarball instead of a recompressed one (better traceability)
Fri Nov 4 13:00:00 2011
- add some better defaults:
* set mailserver to localhost
* set alert recipient to rootAATTlocalhost
* enable event queue in /var/run/monit/events
* move id and state files to /var/run/monit/
Tue Oct 25 14:00:00 2011
- update to 5.3.1:
* log the particular connection attempt failure in debug mode when the retry
is enabled
* Monit can deliver events and status to independent M/Monit instances if
multiple mmonit URLs are set
* fixed: the ICMP echo (ping) test may report false positive error if the
machine where Monit is running has heavy ICMP traffic generated by other
* fixed: the file content match test will be performed even on the existing
content when Monit starts; the last position is saved to the statefile, so
monit won\'t generate alert after restart; note that when you start the
monit 5.3.1 the first time, it can do actions for content match which was
handled by previous monit version already as the previous monit versions
didn\'t saved the position
* make the monitoring state persistent for manual mode services
* display the memory usage total % in the status overview; the memory usage
in kB displayed the total already, so the percentage didn\'t match
* fix the HTML overview page alignment in the Internet Explorer
* fix sporadic SSL routines:func(169):reason(161) errors
* if MySQL protocol test failed, report the correct MySQL error code
- changes from 5.3.0:
* new \'check program\' statement added: allows to check the exit status of an
external program or script from Monit
* added crontab style support for individual services; you can now specify
when an individual service should run its checks (or not run)
* connection retry option added: allows to retry a network connection in the
same testing cycle before reporting an error
* detailed protocol connection errors are now included in alerts
* the HTML overview page displays the CPU and memory total now (including
children), so real service related usage is displayed also for services
which spawn worker processes, such as Apache or Spamassassin
* HTML view improvements
* fix MySQL protocol test: MySQL 5.5.12 returns new error code in the case of
authentication failure
* the stacktrace logging on error is disabled in -v (verbose) mode as it was
too verbose for common service debugging tasks, it can be enabled using -vv
* improve how fast Monit check if a program was started or stopped
* fix the monitoring state presentation during service restart which
temporarily displayed \"Not monitored\", whereas the monitoring was enabled
* the \"data collected\" is updated only if the check was not skipped
Tue Mar 29 14:00:00 2011
- update to 5.2.5:
* fix process match check - when the monitored process failed and was
restarted by Monit, Monit didn\'t recognized it is running after the restart
and reported start failure (similar on stop)
* fix Debian #617259: symbolic links in the filesystem check doesn\'t work
* fix Debian bug #614984: smtp protocol test issues both EHLO and HELO
* fix bug #32583: multiple SIP OPTIONS messages use the same header data
* try harder to get FQDN hostname for the host where monit is running; the
hostname in the $HOST variable which is used in the mail sender may thus
* support symbolic link to monit configuration file
* fix crash when monit daemon start delay option was used and monit was
signalized to stop before the start delay passed
Mon Mar 21 13:00:00 2011
- licenses package is about to die
Tue Feb 22 13:00:00 2011
- update to 5.2.4:
* added the \"procmatch\" CLI command which allows for easy testing of pattern
for process match check
* set the default log file mask to 0640 (originally it was 0664)
* reduced monit memory footprint by ca. 10%.
* fix memory usage monitoring in OpenVZ VPS 2.6.32 virtual hosts
* if the protocol test failed, show the request in the event
* randomize the mail message id to prevent duplicates in the case, that the
same hostname is used on multiple hosts running monit and messages are
generated in the same second in parallel
Thu Sep 23 14:00:00 2010
- fixed typo in init script, \"description\" -> \"Description\"
- added missing dependency on $remote_fs in init script
- dropped monit-no_strip.patch, as upstream doesn\'t forcibly strip symbols any more
- /var/run/monit is now created at runtime, in order to work properly if /var/run is on tmpfs
- documentation split out into -doc subpackage
- update to 5.2:
+ new features:
* added support for monitoring processes without pidfile using pattern matching
* added support for swap monitoring
* allow to override the default action when service doesn\'t exist
* Monit automatically registers credentials with M/Monit now, so it\'s not necessary to set it manually in M/Monit anymore
* added memcache protocol test
* added openssl FIPS to Monit httpd
* the \'check system\' can now use start/stop program statements too
* added the option to set the \"Reply-To\" mail header in mail-format
* display backtrace on error if debug mode is enabled (requires backtrace support in libc)
+ bugfixes:
* show real process uptime - formerly the presented uptime was based on create and modify timestamp of process\' pidfile which provides invalid uptime if the pidfile is replaced and process keeps running with original PID
* when user triggered action for some service (such as stop) and before that action completed user triggered another action for the same service (such as start), the second action has been ignored. Monit will not accept new action and return temporary error until the previous action completed
* if process resource usage gathering failed, retry next cycle as the error can be temporary
* fixed sporadic failures when SSL was used
* ICMP echo test (ping):
- fixed sporadic false positive/negative
- removed limit of 20 pings per cycle
* DNS test:
- accept NS root request refusal as correct response because server reacts on request
- accept authority answer as alternative to record
* RADIUS test fix
* M/Monit heartbeat is fully independent of testing cycle now to prevent false positive when service test blocks
* fixed SMTP STARTTLS protocol, required for servers that adhere strictly to RFC 3207 4.2
* service name:
- allow the service name to start with \"/\"
- fixed handling of the service names which contain \"/\" in the name in Monit web interface
* when \'check system\' is not defined, monit adds it automatically using hostname for service name
* remove extra NL characters from message when resource succeeded event is sent
* fixed display of cpu user/system/wait usage which temporarily displayed -1.0% between two monitoring cycles while cpu monitoring was initializing
* fixed display of port response time as -1 if \'monit status\' was called in the middle of service test
* fixed display of service initializing state after monit start or reload
* fixed MONIT_DESCRIPTION environment variable
Tue Aug 10 14:00:00 2010
- Remove merged superfluous hz patch.
Tue Aug 10 14:00:00 2010
- Add Should-Start $syslog $time $named to the init script; (bnc#553082).
Tue Feb 23 13:00:00 2010
- update to 5.1.1:
* several more protocol tests and bugfixes were added
Tue Nov 3 13:00:00 2009
- updated patches to apply with fuzz=0
Wed Sep 30 14:00:00 2009
- update to 5.0.3
Thu Apr 16 14:00:00 2009
- update to 5.0
Fri Nov 9 13:00:00 2007
- update to version 4.10.1 (massive feature,bugfix release see CHANGES.txt for more details)
- add missing PreReq tags to fix build in BETA
- add missing remote_fs dependency in the init script
Tue Nov 6 13:00:00 2007
- update to 4.10
Thu Sep 20 14:00:00 2007
- moved to openSUSE Build Service
Thu Mar 29 14:00:00 2007
- add bison and flex BuildRequires
Sat Mar 24 13:00:00 2007
- new package, based on SUSE/Factory\'s monit source RPM (2007-03-24)
Mon Aug 7 14:00:00 2006
- define HZ sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) if not defined