Changelog for vnstat-cgi-1.10-4.1.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Feb 4 13:00:00 2013
- prevent cron from writing a syslog message about the vnstat call

Sat Aug 21 14:00:00 2010
- update to 1.10:

* Fix: Buffer overflow was possible in hourly image output when RateUnit=1
and HourlyRate=1

* Fix: Minor memory leak was possible in the handling of HUP signal in daemon

* Fix: Graphical elements weren\'t correctly aligned in summary image
when header wasn\'t visible (-nh)

* Fix: --delete didn\'t work

* Possibility to merge statistics from several databases and save
the end result to a new database (--mergesaved)

* Added validation of database cache in daemon in order to be more robust
in case of system memory corruption

* Support for --style to -l (live mode)

* Alternative print mode to -l (live mode) with optional parameter

* Present options and elements in man pages in alphabetical order

* Code cleanup
- changes in 1.9:

* Fix: TrafficlessDays configuration option was enabled when set to zero
when it should have been disabled

* Fix: MonthRotate setting was getting ignored for the first month if
the database is created when day of month < MonthRotate value

* Configurable summary layout in image output (1.7 <> 1.8 layouts)

* --oneline, a simple parseable one line output

* --transparent for setting image background transparency from the
command line

* --delete for deleting databases and stopping monitoring, doesn\'t require
restarting the daemon

* A database write can be configure to occur after interface status changes

* Different database write interval can be configure to be used when
all monitored interfaces are offline

* Better configurability for the content of outputs, including a narrow
output for space limited terminals (OutputStyle and --style)

* Code cleanup

* New configuration file settings:
OutputStyle, SummaryLayout, SummaryRate, SaveOnStatusChange,

Wed Aug 19 14:00:00 2009
- fix segfault caused by vnstat-limits+su.patch.
vnstat-limits+su+fix.patch added.

Sun Aug 2 14:00:00 2009
- update to 1.8:

* makes averaged traffic rates visible

* adds monthly traffic to the summary

* supports merging data from multiple interfaces to one output

* dates are now formatted according to the system locale setting by default

Tue May 26 14:00:00 2009
- change ownership also of existing backup files of the database
- ignore \'.\' and \'..\' when modifying files -- the previous method could change
the ownership of /var/lib...

Tue May 26 14:00:00 2009
- move creation of \"vnstat\" user from %post to %pre, so that it happens before
files are installed
- make vnstat a system user and create a separate group \"vnstat\" for it
- prerequire the tools needed for the pre/post scripts
- change ownership of existing databases from root to vnstat user, when updating

Mon May 25 14:00:00 2009
- don\'t filter out br interfaces, thanks to Dmitry Mittov for noticing

Fri May 15 14:00:00 2009
- add a little frontend script to create the vnstat databases as the vnstat user
- add patch to vnstat help output to tell to use the script to create a database

Fri May 15 14:00:00 2009
- install hook scripts into /etc/ppp/
- install CGI + patch heavily, using a subpackage vnstat-cgi
- add support for vnstatd (added in 1.7) with init script, vnstat user, and an improved cron job file
- add switch user support during daemonization to vnstatd
- fix all compile warnings
- update to 1.7:

* Fix: Timezone changes shouldn\'t cause a flood of errors anymore

* Fix: MonthRotate value in config wasn\'t used

* Fix: Unreadable configuration file doesn\'t cause a segmentation fault

* Fix: /proc/net/dev parser didn\'t see the difference between eth10 and eth1

* Fix: Updating a database from two of more processes at the same time was able to sometimes cause data loss

* Fix: Estimates are calculated based on last database update

* Fix: Each interface update had a possibility of losing 1023 bytes of traffic at most due to improper rounding

* Daemon support as alternative for cron based updates

* PNG image output (hourly rate based on patch by Sergio Ammirata)

* XML output

* Diskspace check can be disabled from configuration file

* IEC standard prefixes (KiB/MiB/GiB/TiB)

* List of available interfaces if wrong of unavailable interface is selected

Wed Feb 20 13:00:00 2008
- update to 1.6:
1.6 / 1-Jan-08
- Fix: Segmentation fault when environment variable \"HOME\" wasn\'t defined,
this broke most CGI and PHP scripts that used vnStat
- Support for /sys/class/net/
* if /proc/net/dev is unavailable
- Config file parser redesigned
- --config parameter for selecting config file
- Consistent exit status for all operations (0 for success, 1 for error)
- Improved file locking
- Man page restrictions paragraph updated
- Minor non-visible fixes and code cleanup
1.5 / 3-Dec-07
- Fix: compile time warnings solved
- Fix: kernel test is now more verbose
- Fix: more informative error messages
- Fix: possible division by zero for traffic estimates right after midnight
- Fix: interface names longer than 6 chars (patch by Jan Schmidle)
- Realtime transfer rate mode
- Automatic 32bit/64bit counter detection
- Config file support
- Internal database backups and locking
- More visuals in outputs
- Adaptive units (kB, MB, GB, TB)
- Possibility to sync counters without counting traffic
- Maximum bandwidth of interfaces can be set

Wed Feb 20 13:00:00 2008
- re-import the package sources from 10.1, they got lost