Changelog for nconf-1.3.0-7.1.noarch.rpm :
Wed Apr 25 14:00:00 2012
- fix apache configuration to work also if SSL is enabled
(fixes bnc #742754)
- specfile cleanup
- enable php5 in post during (1st) install if not already done

Wed Dec 14 13:00:00 2011
- update to 1.3.0-0:
+ New user interface based on jQuery
+ service to hostgroup assignment through advanced-services
+ host- & service-dependencies, auto-generated service dependencies
+ new configuration deployment (SCP, rsync, HTTPs, local deployment)
+ improved CSV import / export
+ extended perl-API
+ and more - read /usr/share/doc/packages/nconf/CHANGELOG
- include imagepak-base.tar in nconf/img/logos/

Sun Jul 17 14:00:00 2011
- update to 1.2.6-1:
+ removed \"n\" from the nagiosadmin contact notification options
+ some regexps
+ calling mysql_query 2 times (lac_query)
+ deprecated function ereg (> PHP 5.3)
+ sorting when IP-address field contains a hostname
+ Generate Nagios config hangs (100% CPU load)
+ automatic old nagios properties replacement: normal_check_interval
& retry_check_interval by check_interval & retry_interval
+ cleanup comments on configuration lines (;
+ definiton blocks is skipped if an uncommented
closing-bracket is found
+ added the get_items perl script utility
+ allowing host-preset without preset commands (set as default)
+ \"Failed to get host-alive check for host...\"
message: hostname in addition of item id

Wed Dec 1 13:00:00 2010
- split out an nconf-install package containing the INSTALL and
UPGRADE files, so people can just remove this package to
avoid warnings in the webui

Sun Jan 24 13:00:00 2010
- fix /bin/mail in create_database.sql : openSUSE uses %_bindir/mail

Sun Dec 13 13:00:00 2009
- remove INSTALL and INSTALL.php if we do an update. In this case
those files are not necessary.

Tue Dec 1 13:00:00 2009
- update to 1.2.6:
+ \'permission denied\' bug when a \'normal\' user tries to
clear a form
+ \'unknown\' user bug in history entry when generating updated
Nagios config
+ max_length limit of \'address\' field when cloning a host
+ a bug within the input form for service parameters
(proper handling of the \'!\' character)
+ a problem with \'multi_modify\' not enforcing
+ quotes bug \" (double) and \' (single) in the
Attributes -> Show / Add form for attributes of type \'select\'
and in all other text fields (attribute & friendly name,
description, possible values, pre-defined value)
+ CSV importer and example scripts to import any type of items
from a CSV file into NConf
+ an ID-wrapper script (id_wrapper.php) that allows users to embed
a link to the NConf \'details\' page, knowing only the name of an
item (item name and item class are passed as GET-parameters)
+ configuration option OVERVIEW_QUANTITY_STANDARD
+ configuration option SELECT_VALUE_SEPARATOR
+ \'host-template\' class and attributes, added several predefined
host-template items
+ \'service-template\' class and attributes, added several predefined
service-template items
+ \'use\' attribute to \'hosts\' & \'services\' classes
+ a new \'host_template\' and \'service_template\' attribute to
timeperiods, nagios-collectors and nagios-monitors. This allows
users to specify templates to be auto-assigned to each service
which is linked with these items.
+ \'default_service_name\' attribute to checkcommand class. This value
will be used when adding new services instead of the checkcommand name.
+ \'notes\' and \'notes_url\' attributes to hostgroup and servicegroup classes.
+ \'stale_service_command\' attribute to \'nagios-monitor\' class. If set,
this writes a \'dummy\' check_command to all services on a \'nagios-monitor.
+ The \'dummy\' check_command is therefore no longer triggered by the
\'active_checks_enabled\' flag.
+ new datatype \'assign_cust_order\' to ConfigAttrs table and GUIs.
This allows users to specify the order of how linked items should be
written to the config (necessary for \'use\' attributes to define order
of templates).
+ with NConf perl-API, moved certain functions
to perl modules
+ old NConf host-templates to \'host presets\'
+ \'normal_check_interval\' and \'retry_check_interval\' attributes
to \'check_interval\' and \'retry_interval\'
+ \'dependent_service_description\' attribute from \'service\' class
+ \'overview\': user can now choose the amount of entries he wants
to see, and also jump to first / last page
+ \'add service\': services can be re-used for same host without having
to rename existing ones first (service auto-renamed to \'_2\')
+ layout of \'assign_many\' select-boxes. New is also a live-search
functionality for faster filtering of many entries.
+ \'advanced\' tab to remain open while switching views (requires cookies
to be enabled in browser)
+ value separator for attributes of type \'select\' from \',\' to \'::\'
+ Nagios config importer: import files are now processed in
sequential order. Items are not read randomly anymore.
+ and extended several functions of the NConf perl-API (refer to API
documentation for details)
+ \'generate config\': added possibility to use %...% style NConf macros
in any text attribute (e.g. %NAGIOS_SERVER_NAME% etc.)
+ \'generate config\': added \'check_result_path\' = nconf/temp/ to
temp/test/nagios.cfg for syntax checking. This eliminates
the common error \'Unable to write to check_result_path\'.
+ ConfigAttrs.link_as_child attribute in the database to
ENUM(\'yes\',\'no\') NOT NULL default \'no\'
+ several host, service, timeperiod, nagios-collector and
nagios-monitor attributes from \'mandatory\' to \'not mandatory\'
+ the way several attributes are inherited from timeperiods based
on check_period & notification_period attributes (see release notes!)
+ searchfilters: \'%\' wildcards are now changed to \'
*\', and \'
*\' will
not change back to \'%\' anymore
+ searchfilter in \'Show Services\': it now filters for hostname
AND servicename combined

Fri Jul 10 14:00:00 2009
- initial package